La otra India: Una visión de primera mano de un país extraordinario (EPUBS) (Spanish Edition)
This was a direct result of the volume of assistance flowing to them. The Sultan Armed Forces, on the other hand, faced shortage in arms and equipment. In AD when His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said ascended the throne, a new development took place when the Front split and a serious division occurred in the rebels rank and a bloody fighting broke among them. These operations intensified and achieved their objectives with the dawn of the Blessed Renaissance under the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos. His Majesty demonstrated his leadership skills.
This could be clearly discerned in the far-sightedness, sound judgment and realistic modernism that characterized his administration of the affairs of the state. They could also been seen in the way in which he led his valiant Armed Forces to victory in AD and settled the military situation in Dhofar once and for all. He is the eighth Sultan of Al-Busaidi line.
He grew up in the place of his birth —Salalah- and was brought up under the care of his father- His Majesty Sultan Said bin Taimour. He was instructed in the Arabic language and religion from an early age. He studied primary classes in the Saidiya School in Salalah. His father then sent him to complete his studies in the United Kingdom, where he was educated in a private school in Suffolk. After this he joined one of the British Regiment stationed in West Germany for a period of six months, where he gained practical experience of the principles of leadership and general staff duties, Next, His Majesty returned to the United Kingdom.
There he received a special training in administration techniques in local government for a period of two years. This was followed by a three-month fact finding tour that took him to a number of friendly states. In AD, on completing this trip, His Majesty returned to his home country. His Majesty is very interested in religion, language, literature, history and areas of knowledge. This medal comes in five classes appropriate to the level of the service rendered. Although His Majesty is busy with his official duties in running the affair of the state , he nevertheless devote a large part of his time and concerns to his people, with his annual tours to the different parts of the Sultanate, in which he meets his people.
In addition to all this, His Majesty has his own personal interests and hobbies.
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These interests include boating, horsemanship, shooting, making trips to the countryside, astronomy and environmental matters. Consequently, they began to return under the general amnesty announced by His Majesty. These returning men provided the first nucleus for the formation of the National Firq in Mirbat in AD. At noon on in the twenty- third of July AD, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, delivered a speech informing the nation that he had taken over the reins of power in the country and succeeded his father Sultan Taimour bin Said, promising to carry out radical reforms and open up a new horizon towards the future to which all aspired.
His Majesty also granted a general amnesty to all citizens who had been duped or mislead. He granted them the right to return to their country and their families, join the common efforts to progress and prosperity. The whole population responded to the herald of good news and took up their leaders call. Signs of development and growth spread to different parts of the country. Over a short period the armed forces were supplied with modern weapons and equipment, as well as with more trained manpower. The aim here was to achieve a decisive outcome to the situation in the South in the shortest possible time.
Then the country would be free to devote itself to comprehensive development. All citizens were generally convinced that peace and security must prevail. However, some outside forces, and deviant groups whose interest lay in slacking their lust and desires, persisted in their wrong and evil course and continued to fight. On 1st December AD, The armed forces won a decisive victory against the rebels, laying the ground for comprehensive development. An 18 years difference in the architectural development is quite evident.
The split in the rebels ranks In September AD, a split occurred in the rebels ranks. In addition a firing base was set up in Akut in the western sector. The situation had a risen from the blatant interference into the course of affairs by some communist states, who were providing the rebels with a broad range of material and moral support.
However, a new dawn was breaking over Oman, bringing promises of a new era and a future brimming with blessings and benefits fro all. Next the Sultan Armed Forces set up a fortified position in the town and the surrounding area, a factor that paved the way for the wide scale clean-up operation launched by the Sultan Armed Forces in the area. At that time the military unit based in Sarfait was finding difficulty in holding on to the town. It was a long way from the main administrative and supply center.
They also had a major role in setting up the outcome of the Dhalkut operations in AD. The Sultan Armed Forces responded with a bombardment of Hawf. The rebels fled in disorder leaving tens of dead, in addition to their wounded, some of whom were captured. Sultan Armed Forces launched a successful attack to widen the area under their protection and crushed the rebels in the process. In 18 July AD, the rebels launched a large scale revenge attack on the town. The Mirbat Firqa was able to contain the attack although it was faced by greater number of men and weapons.
Aircraft from the Royal Air Force attacked the rebels concentrations. The rebels fled in disorder leaving tens of dead. The battle of Mirbat is considered to be one of the decisive battles in the Southern Region. In November AD, the Sultan Armed Forces took control of the Thumrait Road, re-opened it after it had been cut by the rebels and fixed up military positions in the Yasamin area along Thumrait.
This bold operation was the last of the Sultan Armed Forces operations against the rebels, since they were then finally and totally eradicated from the Southern Region. Translation - Spanish 1. Cuartel de la Brigada de Campo con: Algunos de las cuales fueron confiscados o reemplazados. Algunos de los cuales fueron confiscados o reemplazados.
Protectores conmemorativos de SAF. Se hierven en agua todos los ingredientes; luego se muelen en un recipiente de malta de madera. Una maja y un mortero de madera, usados para moler plomo. Viejos escudos hechos de piel de animales 4. Llevando una armadura con cadena. Son de hierro y, por lo general, tienen grabados delicados. Ruinas de la presa de M'arib en Yemen. La batalla de Sallout: La batalla decisiva de Sallout entre los persas y el Azd, bajo el mando de Malik bim faham en Sallout, cerca de al jebal al-Akhdar.
El ala derecha, ala izquierda y el comando central. En el pasado, los musulmanes han utilizado banderas y estandartes. Antes del Islam era acostumbrado llevar estos estandartes. La segunda bandera fue llevada por un ' hombre de los musulmanes. Mapa que muestra la ruta seguida por la flota del Imam Selt para socorrer a la gente de Socotra. La plaza fuerte de la fortaleza de NabhanisBahla: Sohar durante el reinado de Nabhanis y de Ya'aribah: Estos libros e invenciones constituyeron grandes ventajas para el renacimiento de Europa: Polea de madera que tiraba de las cuerdas y tensaba las velas.
Una rueda para dirigir viejos buques a vela. Abozale, el rifle Matchlock Abu Fatila: En y , las fortalezas de Jalali y Mirani fueron reconstruidas por los portugueses, junto con la fortaleza en Muttrah, para consolidar sus capacidades defensivas. Progresos en la arquitectura militar Omani: Conflicto en el mar de Arabia. Fue acabada en el El Imam era hombre con coraje, poderoso y bienintencionado, con una fuerte personalidad. Su Marina de guerra constaba de 24 naves.
Los logros del Imam Ahmed bin Said: Era un patriota leal. Imam Ahmed es considerado el padre fundador de la Familia Gobernante. Algunas armas del siglo XIX. Comerciando en el puerto de Muscat. Rifle Martini Henery 45 ml. La fuerza naval era masiva, con naves y 6. La nave 'Sultana' fue construida en Bombay en el En , hizo su primer viaje hasta los E.
Residencia de Sayyid Said en M'toni, Zanzibar. El nombre fue cambiado a'Imam ' 7. La medalla de Al Nu'man fue creada en DC. El resultado de esto fue un devastador estancamiento comercial para Muscat. El reinado de Saiyyed Turki bin Said: Su reinado estuvo plagado de dificultades, causadas por luchas con algunas tribus.
El curso de los acontecimientos al final del siglo XIX. Se llevaron a cabo mejoras esenciales en las fortificaciones. Se agregaron dos torres defensivas. Armas usadas a principios del siglo XX 4. El ataque contra la fortaleza de Bait al-Falaj en Mapa que muestra las posiciones de las fuerzas armadas y la de las tribus rebeldes, durante el ataque contra la fortaleza de Bait al-Falaj. El ataque contra fortaleza del Bait Al-Falaj en Primer uniforme usado por las fuerzas armadas.
Una de las aldeas de Jabal Akhdar. En , se intensificaron las operaciones de los militares contra los rebeldes que operaban en Dhofar. Empezaron a llegar armas para los rebeldes de algunos estados comunistas. Los rebeldes disfrutaban de superioridad en armas, equipamento y combatientes. Resultado directo del volumen de ayuda recibida. Su Majestad en su juventud. Emblema real especial Una daga con vaina coronando dos espadas envainadas cruzadas.
Certificados que pertenecen al ' Emblema Real Especial '. Todos los ciudadanos estaban convencidos de que la paz y la seguridad deben prevalecer. El 1 de diciembre de , las fuerzas armadas ganaron una victoria decisiva contra los rebeldes, estableciendo las bases para un completo desarrollo. Foto que muestra Bait-Al-Falaj y sus alrededores en En septiembre de , se produjo una fractura en las filas de los rebeldes.
Madinat Al-Haqq en enero de Estaba lejos del principal centro administrativo y de suministros. En junio de , los rebeldes lanzaron un ataque contra la ciudad de Mirbat. El 18 de julio de , los rebeldes lanzaron un ataque de venganza a gran escala contra la ciudad. Los rebeldes huyeron en desorden dejando decenas de muertos. Armas capturadas al enemigo durante las operaciones en Dhofar. En base a esta series de fases se ampliaron las unidades militares presentes.
Luego se formaron nuevas unidades y unidades de ayuda. Es una ' ciudad militar completamente integrada ' provista de todas las instalaciones y servicios esenciales. El Hospital de las fuerzas armadas previamente hospital militar del al-Khodh-Khodh fue abierto en An expensive fluffy fan trembles in her tightly closed fingers, a pince-nez keeps dropping off her pretty little nose, the brooch heaves and falls on her bosom, like a boat on the ocean.
She is greatly agitated. On the seat opposite sits the Provincial Secretary of Special Commissions, a budding young author, who from time to time publishes long stories of high life, or "Novelli" as he calls them, in the leading paper of the province. He is gazing into her face, gazing intently, with the eyes of a connoisseur.
He is watching, studying, catching every shade of this exceptional, enigmatic nature. He understands it, he fathoms it. Her soul, her whole psychology lies open before him. But do not lose heart, you will be triumphant! Above all, I am unhappy. I am a suffering soul in some page of Dostoevsky. Reveal my soul to the world, Voldemar. Reveal that hapless soul. You are a psychologist. We have not been in the train an hour together, and you have already fathomed my heart.
I beseech you, tell me! My father was a poor clerk in the Service. He had a good heart and was not without intelligence; but the spirit of the age -- of his environment -- vous comprenez? He drank, gambled, took bribes. My mother -- but why say more? Poverty, the struggle for daily bread, the consciousness of insignificance -- ah, do not force me to recall it!
I had to make my own way. You know the monstrous education at a boarding-school, foolish novel-reading, the errors of early youth, the first timid flutter of love. And the agonies of losing faith in life, in oneself! Ah, you are an author. You know us women. Unhappily I have an intense nature. I looked for happiness -- and what happiness!
I longed to set my soul free. In that I saw my happiness! Do you remember Raskolnikov and his kiss? I yearned for something extraordinary, above the common lot of woman! And then -- and then -- there crossed my path -- an old general -- very well off. It was self-sacrifice, renunciation! You must see that! I could do nothing else. I restored the family fortunes, was able to travel, to do good. Yet how I suffered, how revolting, how loathsome to me were his embraces -- though I will be fair to him -- he had fought nobly in his day.
There were moments -- terrible moments -- but I was kept up by the thought that from day to day the old man might die, that then I would begin to live as I liked, to give myself to the man I adore -- be happy. There is such a man, Voldemar, indeed there is! Her face takes a lachrymose expression.
He left me something. I was free as a bird of the air. Now is the moment for me to be happy, isn't it, Voldemar? Happiness comes tapping at my window, I had only to let it in -- but -- Voldemar, listen, I implore you! Now is the time for me to give myself to the man I love, to become the partner of his life, to help, to uphold his ideals, to be happy -- to find rest -- but -- how ignoble, repulsive, and senseless all our life is! How mean it all is, Voldemar. I am wretched, wretched, wretched! Again there is an obstacle in my path!
Again I feel that my happiness is far, far away! I implore you tell me! The author props on his fist his thought -- heavy brow and ponders with the air of a master in psychology. The engine is whistling and hissing while the window curtains flush red with the glow of the setting sun. Dostoyevsky's major themes was the beneficial effects of suffering vous comprenez?: Do you remember Raskolnikov and his kiss?: In Crime and Punishment Raskolnikov is told to "go to the cross roads, bow down to the people, kiss the earth, for you have sinned against it too, and say aloud to the whole world, 'I am a murderer.
La comprende, la sondea. Ante todo, soy infeliz. Desvele mi alma al mundo, Voldemar. Desvele a esta desventurada alma. Ah, usted es un autor. Sabe como somos las mujeres. Desafortunadamente, mi naturaleza es intensa. Anhelaba liberar mi alma. Que miserable es todo, Voldemar.
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La locomotora chifla sibilante mientras las cortinas de la ventana se ruborizan con el rojo resplandor del sol poniente. Recuerda a Raskolnikoff y su beso?: If not, contact us at writetous niitstudent. The main advantage of using a spreadsheet is that it enables you to perform simple row-and-column arithmetic. This opens the Microsoft Excel Window, as shown in the following figure: Rows are referenced by the numbers.
Columns are referenced by the alphabets. A cell is an intersection of a row and a column. Cells can contain various types of data. A cell is referenced by the name of the column and row. For example, the first cell A1 is in column A and row 1. A worksheet contains rows and columns and their intersection forms the cells.
A worksheet consists of A workbook consists of worksheets. It is also referred to as an Excel file. A workbook can be defined as a set of worksheets. A title bar displays the name of the current workbook. A menu bar consists of various menus, such as File, Edit, and View. A toolbar contains buttons that provide easy access to the commands and functions of Excel. A formula bar contains tools for creating and editing formulas. A name box displays the name of a selected cell and a range of cells. A task pane serves as an additional navigation tool substituting the frequently used dialog boxes.
The task pane appears each time you start Excel. A horizontal scroll bar serves as a tool to view the left or right part of the worksheet that is not displayed on the screen. A vertical scroll bar serves as a tool to view the top or bottom part of the worksheet that is not displayed on the screen. A sheet tab helps to navigate between worksheets in a workbook. Opening a Workbook When you start Excel, it opens a blank workbook.
To open an existing workbook, perform the following steps: Open Dialog Box 2. From the Look in drop-down list, select the folder that contains the file you want to open. An alternative way to browse to the required location of the file is to click the Up one level icon. Select the required file s from the list of files displayed in the dialog box.
To open multiple adjacent files, select the first file in the block from the Open dialog box, press the Shift key, and select the last file. To open multiple random files, press the Ctrl key while selecting the files. Click the Open button to open the selected file s.
Creating a Workbook To create a workbook, perform the following steps: The New Workbook task pane is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, as shown in the following figure: Enables you to open an existing workbook. Enables you to create a workbook. Creates a new workbook with the same contents as the existing workbook, but with a different name. Enables you to create a new workbook from an existing template. Select the Blank Workbook option from the New section. This opens a new workbook, as shown in the following figure: New Workbook Alternatively, you can hold down the Ctrl key and press the N key to create a workbook.
By default, the first cell A1 in a new worksheet is active when you create a new workbook. Creating a Workbook Using Templates Excel provides many pre-defined template files to store data such as Invoice information, Expense statements, Purchase orders etc. Template files have the extension.
To create Microsoft Excel files using a template, perform the following steps: Select the General Templates option from the New from template section of the New Workbook task pane, as shown in the following figure: Templates Dialog Box The Templates dialog box displays the following tabs: Displays the general template and is selected by default. Select the required template and click the OK button.
Saving a Workbook After adding data to a workbook, you need to save it for future use. To save a workbook, perform the following steps: When you save the file subsequently, Excel saves the file without displaying the Save As dialog box. From the Save in list, select the folder in which you want to save the workbook.
Enter a file name in the File name text box of the Save As dialog box. Select the type of file that has to be saved from the Save as type drop-down list. The Save as type drop-down list displays the following options: Saves the current workbook in any one of the different versions of Microsoft Excel, such as Microsoft Excel 4.
Saves the current workbook as an Excel spreadsheet with an. Saves the current workbook as a Web page with a. Saves the current workbook as a template with a. Click the Save button to save the workbook. Alternatively, you can hold down the Ctrl key and press the S key to save a workbook. To save a copy of the required file in a different location perform the following steps: Select the required path from the Save in drop-down list 3.
Click the Save button. Closing a Workbook You need to close a workbook after you finish working on it. To close a workbook, perform the following steps: If the workbook has any unsaved changes, the Microsoft Excel message box appears as shown in the following figure: Microsoft Excel Message Box 2. Click the Yes button to save the changes before closing the workbook.
Click the No button to close the workbook without saving the changes. Click the Cancel button to return to the active worksheet without saving the workbook. Entering Text and Numbers To enter text or numbers in a single cell, perform the following steps: Select cell in which you want to enter the text or number. Type data in the cell. As you type in the cell, the contents of the cell also appear in the Formula bar. Press the Enter key.
If you want to edit the data of the cell, double-click on the cell or press the F2 key. Entering Date and Time To enter date and time in a cell, perform the following steps: Select the cell where the date and time is to be entered and type the required date and time. To enter the current date, select the required cell and hold down the Ctrl key and press the ; key. To enter the current time, select the required cell and hold down the combination of Ctrl and Shift keys and then press the: Moving and Copying Data You can modify the content of an existing worksheet by moving or copying data to a single cell or a range of cells.
You can move and copy data between worksheets, within the same workbook, or from one workbook to another. Moving Data in a Worksheet You can move data from one location to another. When you move data to another location, the data is removed from its original location and is placed at the location you specified.
You can move data by using the Edit menu or by using the shortcut key. To move the contents of selected cells, perform the following steps: Select the range of cells having data to be moved. In case the cell needs to be moved to a location across worksheet or across workbook, select the destination worksheet.
Select the cell in the destination worksheet. Alternatively, select the required cells, and drag the border of the selected cells to the desired location in the current worksheet. Copying Data in a Worksheet When you want the same data to be present at several locations, it is best to copy this data rather than type it at each location. You can copy data within a worksheet, across worksheets, across workbooks, or even to and from other applications. To copy the content you can use menu command or by using the shortcut key. The steps to copy data to another location in the same worksheet are: Select the range of cells to be copied.
In case the cell needs to be pasted to a location across worksheet or across workbook, select the destination worksheet. A Paste Options button will appear next to the pasted data. When you click this button, a list of options appears as shown in the following figure. These options enable you to determine how the cell content is pasted into the destination cell. This button is called a smart tag. Paste Options Alternatively, select the required cells, hold down the Ctrl key, and drag the border of the selected cells to the desired location in the current worksheet.
This Clipboard is integrated across all Office applications and stores multiple items instead of a single item. You can paste these items one at a time or all together. You can copy a maximum of 24 items to the Office Clipboard. The last item copied to the Office Clipboard is also copied to the Windows Clipboard. Even when you close the Clipboard task pane, its contents are not cleared. However, the Office Clipboard becomes inactive and the Windows Clipboard is used to copy and paste items.
The following table shows the buttons in the Office XP Clipboard task pane: Button To… Paste multiple items simultaneously. Paste a single item. Delete an item from the Clipboard. To understand the use of Office XP clipboard, consider a scenario, where you want to copy any names of five managers from Employee Info worksheet of the Employee workbook and paste in another worksheet.
To accomplish this task, perform the following steps: Select the cell having the first manager name that needs to be copied. Repeat the above two steps for copying the other four manager names. The office clipboard task pane will display the copied five manager names as shown in the following figure: Clipboard Task Pane 4. Position the cursor at the location where the copied item is to be pasted. Select the required item from the Office Clipboard task pane and select the Paste option from the drop-down list.
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To paste all the items from the Clipboard: Position the cursor at the location where the items are to be pasted. Select the Paste All button on the Office Clipboard task pane to paste all the items, as shown in the following figure: Copied Contents from Clipboard Task Pane Deleting Data You can either delete the contents of a cell or remove the contents along with its cell. Deleting the Contents of Cells To delete the contents of cells, perform the following steps: Select the cells that contain the data to be deleted. Press the Delete key to clear the contents.
Deleting the Contents Along with Cells You can delete the contents of cells along with the cells. The steps to do so are: Select the cell or range of cells having contents to be deleted. Delete Dialog Box The Delete dialog box displays the following options: Deletes the selected cell and shifts the adjacent cells to the left. Deletes the selected cell and shifts the adjacent cells, up by one cell.
Deletes the entire row. Deletes the entire column. As you can see the Delete dialog box provides you the options to delete row and column also. Select the required option to delete the cell. Click the OK button. Alternatively, you can also right-click and select the Delete option from the popup menu. If you want to delete random cells, select the first cell and hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the other cells.
Excel enables you to insert various worksheet components, such as rows, columns, and cells in a worksheet. Inserting Rows To insert a single row in a worksheet, perform the following steps: Select the cell where the row is to be inserted. Alternatively, select the corresponding row number where the row is to be inserted. Right-click on the selected row and select Insert option from the pop-up menu. Inserting Columns To insert a column in a worksheet, perform the following steps: Select the cell where the column is to be inserted 2.
Alternatively, select the corresponding column name where the column is to be inserted. Right-click on the selected column and select Insert option from the pop-up menu. Inserting Cells The steps to insert cells in a worksheet are: Select the cell or range of cells where the new cells are to be inserted. Insert Dialog Box The Insert dialog box displays the following options: Inserts a cell and shifts the contents of the selected cells to the right.
Inserts a cell and shifts the contents of the selected cells down. Select the appropriate option to insert the cells. The operations that you can perform to customize the appearance of a worksheet are: Resizing Row Height The steps to modify the height of a row are: Select the required row whose height is to be modified. Position the cursor below the row number till the cursor changes to a thick crosshair as shown in the following figure: Changing Row Width 3. Drag the mouse cursor to increase or decrease row height. Alternatively, you can specify the height of a row manually by performing the following steps: Specify the height in the Row Height text box from Click the OK button to close the Row Height dialog box.
Resizing Column Width The steps to modify the width of a column are: Select the required column whose width is to be modified. Position the cursor on the right-hand border of the column name till the cursor changes to a thick crosshair as shown in the following figure: Resizing Column Width 3. Drag the mouse cursor to increase or decrease the column width. Alternatively, you can specify the width of a column manually by performing the following steps: Specify the width in the Column Width text box. Click the OK button to close the Column Width dialog box.
Hiding Rows and Columns You might have some data in your worksheet that you do not want to use or view all the time. For example, you might want to view total yearly sales without seeing monthly sales. In such cases, you can hide the rows and columns of data that you do not need. The following figure displays a worksheet in which the columns containing quarterly sales details are hidden.
It shows only the Total columns for the five years The Total column for column F appears immediately after the Product column column A. The columns in between B through E are hidden. You cannot see them, but they have not been deleted from the worksheet. A sales worksheet with quarterly sales columns hidden To hide columns B through E, perform the following steps: Freezing and Unfreezing Panes Navigating through a large worksheet requires you to scroll across the worksheet.
In such a situation, you need to continuously scroll up and down or left and right to view the information in the worksheet. To overcome the tedious task of scrolling through the information in a large worksheet, you can freeze the left-most columns and top-most rows. In this way, you can view the frozen columns and rows while navigating through the worksheet. To freeze the top-most rows of a worksheet, perform the following steps: Select the row, which is below the set of rows that you want to freeze.
For example, to freeze rows 1,2,3, select the row 4. Notice that a dark line appears above the row you selected, marking the frozen area of the worksheet. Now, as you scroll vertically inside the worksheet, the area above the dark line will stay on your screen while the rest of the sheet can scroll. To freeze the column of a worksheet, perform the following steps: Select the column to the right of the columns that you want to freeze. For example, to freeze columns A,B,C, select the column D.
As you scroll horizontally inside the worksheet, the area to the left of the dark line will stay on your screen while the rest of the sheet can scroll. To freeze both, top-most rows and left-most column, click the cell, which is below the top-most rows and to the right of the top-most columns. Renaming a Worksheet You can rename a worksheet in Excel. The steps to rename a worksheet are: Right-click the required sheet tab and select the Rename option from the pop-up menu, as shown in the following figure: Type a new name for the worksheet and press the Enter key.
There are different methods of accessing help, such as: To get help, type a question in the box and press enter. It displays the related help topics. The steps to access online Help using this option are as follows: Click on the Ask a Question box on the main menu. Type a question in the box. For example, how do I copy a file? A Window similar to the one given below will be displayed: Topics Related to the Question Asked 4. Select the topic for which you need help. For example, Copy a file. The Microsoft Excel Help Window appears. The Window displays the information on the selected help topic in this case, Copy a file.
Office Assistant The Office Assistant is an animated help system that lets you type a question and then displays the appropriate help topics. If you do not find information related to the topic, the Assistant provides suggestions on how to phrase the question. To access help, you need to perform the following steps: Click the Office Assistant animated icon.
In the What would you like to do? Click on the Search button. From the list of options displayed, select the option for which you need help. The Window displays the information on the selected help topic. To hide Office Assistant, right-click Office Assistant and select the Hide command from the pop-up menu. Context-Sensitive Help The Context-sensitive Help feature of Excel enables you to get instant information on an interface element. For example, to get immediate information about the Format Painter feature of Excel, you need to perform the following steps: The shape of the mouse cursor changes to an arrow with a question mark.
Click the Format Painter button on the standard toolbar. A pop-up Window appears as shown in the following figure, which displays the relevant information about Format Painter. Pop-up Window of Context Sensitive Help. Se hace referencia a las columnas por letras. Las celdas pueden contener diferentes tipos de datos. Se hace referencia a una celda por el nombre de columna y fila. El cuadro de nombres muestra el nombre de la celda y la serie de celdas seleccionadas.
El panel de tareas aparece cada vez que inicie Excel. Para abrir un libro existente, realice los pasos siguientes: De la lista desplegable Buscar en, seleccione la carpeta que contenga el archivo que desee abrir. Crear un libro Para crear un libro, realice los pasos siguientes: Le permite abrir un libro ya existente. Le permite crear un libro.
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Crea un libro nuevo con los mismos contenidos que el libro ya existente, pero con nombre diferente. Le permite crear un libro nuevo de una plantilla ya existente. Libro Nuevo Alternativamente, para crear un libro puede mantener presionada la tecla Ctrl y presionar la tecla N.
Para crear archivos de Microsoft Excel utilizando una plantilla, realice los pasos siguientes: Muestra la plantilla general y se selecciona de manera predeterminada. Para guardar un libro, realice los pasos siguientes: De la lista Guardar en, seleccione la carpeta en la que quiera guardar el libro. Seleccione el tipo de archivo que debe guardarse de la lista desplegable Guardar Como tipo.
La lista desplegable guardar como tipo contiene las opciones siguientes: Guarda el libro en uso en cualquiera de las diferentes versiones de Microsoft Excel, tales como Microsoft Excel 4. Alternativamente, para guardar un libro, puede mantener presionada la tecla Ctrl y presionar la tecla S. Seleccione la ruta de acceso requerida de la lista desplegable Guardar en. Para cerrar el libro, realice los pasos siguientes: Cuadro de Mensaje de Microsoft Excel 2.
Escriba los datos en la celda: Presione la tecla Entrar. Si desea editar los datos de la celda, haga doble clic en la celda o presione la tecla F2. Introducir la Fecha y la Hora Para introducir la fecha y la hora en una celda, realice los pasos siguientes: Seleccione la celda donde debe introducirse la fecha y la hora y escriba la requerida fecha y hora.
Para introducir la fecha actual, seleccione la celda requerida y mantenga presionada la tecla Ctrl y presione la tecla ;. Para mover el contenido de las celdas seleccionadas, realice los pasos siguientes: Seleccione la serie de celdas que tenga datos a ser movidos. Puede copiar una parte o todo el contenido de la celda. Seleccione la serie de celdas a ser copiada.
Estas opciones le permiten determinar como se pega el contenido a la celda de destino. Puede pegar estos elementos uno por uno o todos a la vez. Incluso cuando cierre el panel de tareas del Portapapeles, no queda borrado su contenido. Sin embargo, el Portapapeles de Office queda desactivado y se usa el Portapapeles de Windows para copiar y pegar elementos. La siguiente tabla muestra los botones del panel de tareas del Portapapeles de Office XP: Pegar un solo elemento.
Eliminar un elemento del Portapapeles. Para cumplir esta tarea, realice los pasos siguientes: Seleccione la celda que tenga el primer nombre que debe ser copiado. Repita los dos pasos de arriba para copiar los otros cuatro nombres de directores. Panel de Tareas del Portapapeles 4. Para pegar todos los elementos del Portapapeles: Contenido copiado del Panel de Tareas del Portapapeles Eliminar Datos Usted puede eliminar el contenido de una celda o eliminar el contenido y la celda al mismo tiempo.
Eliminar el Contenido de Celdas Para eliminar el contenido de las celdas, realice los pasos siguientes: Seleccione las celdas que contengan los datos a ser eliminados. Presione la tecla Eliminar para borrar el contenido. Eliminar Contenido y Celdas Puede eliminar el contenido junto con la celda. Los pasos para hacerlo son: Seleccione la celda o la serie de celdas que tengan contenido a ser eliminado. Elimina la celda seleccionada y desplaza las celdas adyacentes a la izquierda. Elimina la celda seleccionada y desplaza las celdas adyacentes, de a una hacia arriba.
Elimina toda la fila. Elimina toda la columna. Si quiere eliminar celdas aleatoriamente, seleccione la primera celda y mantenga presionada la tecla Ctrl mientras selecciona las otras celdas. Seleccione la celda en la que debe insertarse la fila. Seleccione la celda en la que debe insertarse la columna 2. Alternativamente, seleccione el nombre de columna correspondiente en el que debe insertarse la columna. Seleccione la celda o la serie de celdas donde deben insertarse las nuevas celdas. Inserta una celda y desplaza hacia la derecha el contenido de las celdas seleccionadas.
Inserta una celda y desplaza hacia abajo el contenido de las celdas seleccionadas.
101 cuentos clásicos de la India: La tradición de un legado espiritual
Modificar el Alto de la Fila Los pasos para modificar el alto de una fila son: Seleccione la fila cuya altura debe ser modificada. Cambiar el Ancho de la Fila 3. Arrastre el cursor del mouse para incrementar o disminuir el alto de la fila. Alternativamente, puede especificar manualmente el alto de la fila realizando los pasos siguientes: Especificar la altura en el cuadro de texto Alto de Fila de 0 a Modificar el Ancho de la Columna Los pasos para modificar el ancho de una columna son: Seleccione la columna cuyo ancho debe modificarse.
Modificar el Ancho de la Columna 3. Arrastre el cursor del mouse para aumentar o disminuir el ancho de la columna. Alternativamente, puede especificar manualmente el ancho de la columna realizando los pasos siguientes: Especifique el ancho en el cuadro de texto Ancho de la Columna. Por ejemplo, puede que quiera ver el total de las ventas anuales sin tener que ver las ventas mensuales. Va conmigo a clase. Sube conmigo a los taxis y come conmigo en los restaurantes.
Cuando me despierto, se me acerca. Martes es un perro alegre. Cuando eso pasa, Martes se anima. Es demasiado disciplinado como para pedir favores o para que lo distraigan sus admiradores.
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Ahora casi siempre se la doy. Porque ama su vida. No tienes ni idea. No, no fue un martes. La verdad es que el nombre de Martes es un misterio. Martes era un perro de familia; le encantaba el contacto constante con sus hermanos. Incluso entonces, me imagino, las miradas seductoras de sus ojitos pardos eran irresistibles.
Me imagino su cara: Martes, al igual que sus hermanos y hermana, lloriqueaba por su leche. Tan pronto se calmaba, ella lo dejaba acercarse a su madre. La comida era un instrumento de entrenamiento. Por lo menos al principio. A los perros les encanta hacer felices a la gente. Ambos estaban aprendiendo a concentrarse en una tarea, a tener paciencia y confianza. Los perros de Lu eran diferentes debido a que, luego de cruzar generaciones de perros adaptables, hasta sus alfas eran demasiado sumisos.
En la camada de Martes, el alfa era Blue. Pero siempre imagino que Martes era el segundo. Y no porque fuera asertivo, aunque de verdad que es un perro curioso y obstinado. Una vez me dijeron que hay dos tipos de perro: Los que no se apoyan, se quedan a unos pies de distancia, se echan cerca, pero nunca sobre ti. Martes es un perro que se apoya. Lo necesita como el agua o el aire.
Era todo parte del entrenamiento. Pero no lo mimaban. Era parte de un sistema, y todo dentro de ese sistema, hasta el tiempo de descanso, era cuidadosamente calibrado para crear al perro de servicio ideal. Trabajas, y recibes amor. Se dedica a ese negocio por los clientes, y por su amor a los perros, y por el recuerdo de su padre. Le hablaba al perro. No tienen idea de la cantidad de vidas que desde entonces han transformado. Es la respuesta a sus ruegos: No se trata sencillamente de inculcar en un perro que complazca a la gente y que tenga el deseo de complacer.
Lu no da importancia a mis preocupaciones. Miren, se vuelve completamente loco cada vez que regresa de visita. A menudo, tengo que detenerme dos o tres veces en la plataforma y decirle que no lo siga haciendo; entonces obedece por un momento antes de volver a impulsarse para adelantarse. Pero a veces, en Dobbs Ferry, se le olvida. Este es el mundo que conoces.
Lu conoce la personalidad y las costumbres, tanto las buenas como las malas, de cada perro que ha entrenado. Yo soy la pareja de Martes. Ella le dio el primer impulso hacia adelante. Martes no fue el primer perro de servicio que entrenaron los Puppies Behind Bars Cachorros tras las rejas. Esas eran, sin duda, metas loables. Una noche de conducir borracho. Estar parado junto a la persona equivocada en el momento equivocado.
Una bronca en un bar que degenera en la muerte de alguien, y ya eso es todo. Bueno, durante mi vida yo he matado gente. Y los accidentes suceden. Se toman decisiones terribles. Pero no se malgastan vidas. Todo el mundo se merece una segunda oportunidad. Estos hombres estaban aprovechando la oportunidad.
De un hermano a otro, estoy orgulloso del servicio que prestan. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Read more Read less. Here's how restrictions apply. He visto hombres y mujeres partidos por la mitad. Yo he partido gente por la mitad. Yo estoy partido por la mitad. Huecos profundos y solitarios, partidos por la mitad. Celebra July 30, Language: Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers.
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