But I enjoyed it. Especially Nick Nolte's performance. A story about one of my least favorite groups of people -- self-important, self-anointed "gifted" folk. And yet, I found the movie very funny and endearing. Probably my favorite film this summer. An absolutely terrific cast. I'm curious about how so much acting talent got attached to such a sketchy film. At least for me. Imagine a time when two very smart, articulate, intellectual men debated the merits of the political right and left -- on national TV! That was Gore Vidal vs.
Marvel is probably doing too many movies these days. Batman was a little under par. Fantastic Four was a mess except for the opening scenes with the kids. And the trailer for a feature with Ryan Reynolds doesn't look too promising. Very twisty, very well-done -- the ending went a little flat. More gross than funny.
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The End of the Tour. Since I've been on a lot of author tours, this was particularly interesting to me. And, since I know a little about David Foster Wallace, it was definitely a loaded story for me. So why am I a little ambivalent? I'm not quite sure. Maybe you can help me out? Impossible - Rogue Nation. Throughout all of his antics, I've always felt Tom Cruise is a movie star. If the job here was to burnish his image, then mission accomplished. Not Woody Allen's best, not his worst. For me, it went completely off the rails in the second half.
Nicely filmed, nicely acted. I wanted to like this -- but I just didn't care about Margo. Some pretty good dialogue.
- See a Problem??
- The Midnight Club by James Patterson.
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I thought I was going to like it more. To me, it was a bit of a clever, often funny, science lesson. I wanted to get more involved with the characters, but couldn't. Nice cast -- a little bit too all over the lot for me. Dwayne Johnson is an extremely likeable film star. The special effects are pretty stunning. The script gave me an ice cream headache. A terrific cast, a lot of very good scenes, but somehow -- at least for me -- The whole isn't equal to the sum of its parts. Artful, well-played movie telling Beach Boys' Dennis Wilson's depressing story. I left the theater feeling moderately schizophrenic myself.
Corporate America creates a Frankenstein-style dinosaur. No, that's not right. Corporate America creates a Frankenstein-style dinosaur movie. Far from the Madding Crowd. The 19th century brought into the 21st in high style. All the players are superb. A pretty cool concept -- a positive look at the future imagine that?
Glee for the big screen. I like Anna Kendrick in anything. Quite good -- until -- as usual -- they start blowing everything up, and blowing it up, and blowing it up, and blowing it up. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Alex Cross Nov 19, Available for download now. Available for immediate download. Paperback , Audio CD.
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Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Each chapter is either about a new character or location. Things happen fast and furious in Petterson's books. The reader usually has to read to the very last page to see the conclusion. This book wasn't quite like that but it took until close to the end to find out.
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Jan 30, Ron Collins rated it it was ok. Occasionally there are interesting enjoyable pages. Overall there just too many implausible events or situations that were plain annoying to read. Just the concept of an active homicide detective confined to a wheel chair is absurd. Not even close to the read that Along Came A Spider is. This book was hard to put down, even though the chapter's went from different people but the story was in line though out the book.
Nov 30, Ludwig rated it it was amazing. Dulu sepertinya pernah baca salah satu buku James Patterson, tapi lupa ceritanya. Tapi ada beberapa yg difilmkan, misalnya Along Came Spider. Genrenya adalah kriminal, dengan karakter utamanya detektif kepolisian. Usaha mereka mengalami kegagalan, dan mereka masuk perangkap. Stef mengalami beberapa luka tembak, dan mesti duduk di kursi roda, sementaranya istrinya dibunuh oleh Dulu sepertinya pernah baca salah satu buku James Patterson, tapi lupa ceritanya.
Stef mengalami beberapa luka tembak, dan mesti duduk di kursi roda, sementaranya istrinya dibunuh oleh St Germain. Beberapa bulan kemudian, St Germain didapati tewas terbunuh di suatu klub malam. Penyelidikan Stef membawanya pada nama Midnight Club, yaitu sindikat kriminal internasional dimana St Germain adalah salah satu anggotanya. Kematian St Germain disusul oleh dua kematian bos mafia lain setelahnya, dan puncaknya di Atlantic City, beberapa anggota Club dibantai. Ternyata ada semacam kelompok death squad di kepolisian, salah satunya Isiah Parker. Mereka lah yg bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan St Germain dan dua bos mafia lain.
Tapi kejadian Atlantic City bukan perbuatan mereka.
Lalu apa yg sebenarnya terjadi? Kemudian hal yang mengejutkan terjadi. St Germain muncul dalam keadaan sehat, setelah dikira mati. Diketahui bahwa dialah yang sudah mengatur pembunuhan atas saingan2nya di Club, atau yg disebutnya orang2 berpikiran kuno. Kembalinya St Germain sekaligus untuk membawa Midnight Club berkembang, yg tadinya sindikat kriminal, menjadi perusahaan bisnis internasional yang hendak mengendalikan perekonomian di seluruh dunia, dengan beranggotakan orang2 penting di posisi2 strategis.
Bukankah kejadiannya direkam oleh kamera tersembunyi? Kedua, bagaimana bisa satuan gabungan yg dibentuk Stef bisa menggerebek Midnight Club yg sedang rapat? Padahal sebelumnya Sarah masih dalam kondisi trauma setelah anaknya diculik, dan Stef masih di rumah sakit. Karena jadinya terkesan masalahnya tiba2 selesai dengan lancar. You can translate this review on: Vaghi accenni alla presenza di italiani, inglesi, giapponesi, tedeschi e altri, ma niente di preciso e definito.
Delle marionette nelle mani di St. Troppi i vuoti informativi lasciati dall'autore: Come fa Isiah a rimanere ore fermo senza che nessuno faccia niente? Come possono commettere una leggerezza simile? I personaggi non suscitano la minima empatia. Per assurdo si salva il cattivo che, in quanto rappresentazione del 'male', suscita giustamente orrore, ribrezzo, antipatia e tutti i sentimenti negativi che suscitano i criminali. Mancanza di partecipazione a parte, la trama scorre, la pagine si susseguono e l'alternarsi dei punti di vista mantiene viva l'attenzione del lettore e spinge ad arrivare alla fine.
Nonostante i difetti, Patterson il suo mestiere lo conosce e lo conosceva all'epoca e salva in coroner il libro da un'insufficienza: Un po' troppo positivo e alla 'e vissero tutti felice e contenti', ma pazienza. Per stavolta ho apprezzato. Instead of action packed movie like pacing, we have slow and detailed storytelling.
Even the chapters are quite a bit longer in this book, which loses that feeling of squeezing in another chapter before putting the book down. It was much more of a slow burn and looking back, not a lot happened. Feb 09, Tricia rated it liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.
To view it, click here. After John Stefonvitch is shot leaving him in a wheelchair and his wife killed by criminal St Germain, he attempts to hunt him down. St Germain is a member of a secretive crime organisation called The Midnight Club. Here he crosses paths with Sarah McGuiness, a journalist researching the club, and Isiah Parker, police officer looking for revenge on the death of his brother. This is one of James Patterson's stand alone novels.
I thought it was ok. It was a short read but didn't really grip me. I After John Stefonvitch is shot leaving him in a wheelchair and his wife killed by criminal St Germain, he attempts to hunt him down. It may be good for someone who really loves crime fiction and does not want to commit to a series. Jun 14, Uwe rated it really liked it.
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It would be a five, but there are three things I think is a bit overdone or forgettful. First, a group of criminals from the top all over the world would never have a meeting in person Second, the hotel would be crawling of bodyguards, so if there are for example 19 dead Not my favorite Patterson thriller, i found the plot a bit on the predictable side. This book was cartels, vigilante cops meets miami vice. Stef, a NY cop has been on the hunt for the "Grave Dancer" ever since he left him for dead years ago. The Grave Dancer is illusive and seems to be hard to track down. In comes Isaiah Parker, a NY detective also out for blood and part of a secret ring of cops.
Oct 06, Nicole Roberts rated it it was amazing Shelves: Even at the end when he shook his partners hand and they hugged it out after he shot the killer I loved this book so much because of how different it was. Normally Patterson writes solely murder mysteries but this was more organized crime. Feb 27, Doris rated it liked it.

This is an early Patterson. It certainly was a suspenseful and well-woven plot about a high level international crime syndicate. However, when it got to the potential spoiler "kidnapping" I could not believe that police would have dropped the ball especially for so prominent an author as Sarah and that the FBI was not involved and monitoring all calls. Until then, I believed it. Other than that, some interesting character arcs and satisfying "justice" in the end.
Another amazing book by James Patterson. Very riveting and one that was hard to put down!
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If you like police thrillers, you will LOVE this! Must Read Absolutely this was one of Me Patterson's books. I have read most of his Alex Cross series plus all 17 of his Woman mystery series. This book was extremely hard to put down I enjoyed all of the characters. The theme of the book was realistic, the characters were believable, and the story was filked with excitement until the end. Oct 12, Lydia Kass rated it it was ok. Stef gets revenge for his wife's murder and his own accident that left him tied to a wheelchair with the help of a beautiful journalist and another cop who was part of the street law hired by St.
Jan 26, Marian rated it liked it. I thought this book had a very slow start. During which time I would have considered giving it only two stars. The last part of the book kept me interested enough for a 3 star rating. Aug 28, Steve Farawell rated it it was amazing. This has been 1 of the best books that I have ever read.