The Good Cook
BBC - Food - Recipes from Programmes : 1. The Good Cook
These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified. This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent in order of priority on: We will use the extra money to put on more training courses and events and widen our training calendar. Do you have stuff or skills to contribute to this project? Use this tool to offer something to the project creator. Give a short description of what you're offering.
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All offers appear on project timelines and on the project's wish list. Ask me a question.
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Croydon Commitment is a well-established charity, founded in to help Croydon businesses to achieve the best value and impact from business corporate social responsibility CSR activities to benefit local people and the environment. We work with businesses to optimise the quality and value of their community investment through planned programmes of employee engagement, partnerships and community activity to meet local need, boost corporate social responsibility achievement and capitalise on the opportunities of a changing borough.
The whole site is surrounded by native hedging thanks to The Woodland Trust. We want to empower people in our community by teaching the invaluable skills of growing and cooking with sustainably produced food and, as we grow, we will strive to give better access to affordable healthy produce to the local community. Croydon Commitment The Project Delivery Manager takes legal responsibility for receiving and spending the funds raised and ensuring the project is delivered.
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The Good Cook School. Teaching our community how to cook from scratch is integral to our health and wellbeing New Addington Delivery stage Share this project Follow Following. Like Unlike 6 Comment Follow Following Croydon Commitment About me CCommitment. Idea Gallery Costs Backers. Create a high-functioning training facility for up to 35 people Develop a 12 month calendar of training activities for targeted groups Provided accredited training and employment opportunities Create a social and therapeutic hands-on gardening opportunities at our site Why it's a great idea: Journey Follow this project You are following this project for updates to your inbox Applications for this funding round are now closed.
Follow this page for info on the round.
The Good Cook recipes
A platform for Croydon's communities to develop, fund and launch their own projects. This project is part of: Costs Breakdown This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. Good Cook School Manager. Website e-commerce site to book training direct. Overfunding This project is enabled for overfunding. Our Wish List We're currently looking for people to offer skills and stuff to develop our project!

Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Offer Something' button to the right to get involved. What are you offering?
Describe what you're offering. Is this the greatest risk facing older women? These are some of the things women have to look forward to in their old age according to a new report from the Council on the Ageing NSW. Every month she is forced to choose between a meal and a pack of pads. Ageing women in financial strife the new face of Australian homelessness Charities are reporting increases of up to 44 per cent in the number of older women seeking homelessness services in the past five years and government stats are showing half a million women will fall into housing stress over the next two decades.
Single women face a frightening future of homelessness in Australia The real number of older women in housing stress, and at imminent risk of homelessness, is staggeringly high.
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- 1. The Good Cook recipes.
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- BBC - Food - Recipes from Programmes : The Good Cook;
More than , single women over 45 in Australia are living in conditions of serious economic stress. And their prospects are not good. A portrait of a woman slipping through the cracks of Sydney's housing crisis. Clean Multi Video Player. In the News Is this the greatest risk facing older women? Watch now Ageing women in financial strife the new face of Australian homelessness Charities are reporting increases of up to 44 per cent in the number of older women seeking homelessness services in the past five years and government stats are showing half a million women will fall into housing stress over the next two decades.
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