Looking Gorgeous (The Feel Good Factory)
Ever heard of calorie cycling? I'd never heard of it. Ever put vodka in your bath?
This book tells you why you should. What I loved was beauty tips from the stars.
Looking Gorgeous by The Feel Good Factory
I'd say this book will appeal most to women ages You will find at least ten tips to make yourself more beautiful. I'm almost 50 years old, and my "gorgeous" days are pretty much past. Yes I know we can look gorgeous as we age. But trust me, I don't. That said, this book wasn't just tabloid-type filler that I was expecting.
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There are a lot of things that I've learned over the years by trial and error exercise, moisturizing, dressing right all wrapped up in one book. I like the section about posing for the camera.
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Not that I need to do it now, but 25 years ago it would have been nice to know. My thought is that if you're unsure about how you present yourself, and you're pretty young, you might find some useful information in this book. I downloaded several books from the "Feel Good Factory" and I've been pleasantly surprised by them.

I suggest at least giving them a chance if the subject interests you. While I enjoyed this book, I have to agree with the reviewer who said this book focuses too much on weight loss. Yes, proper diet and hydration are important to looking good.
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After all, our diet is very important to many bodily functions and does affect the tone of our skin and shininess of our hair. At times, this book seemed to not only focus, but hammer on the issue. The good points, though were regarding self - esteem, confidence, a few thoughts on skin care, and some beauty tips for good measure. Overall, I would suggest it, as it is a freebie, and there may be information you don't already know. Just don't be surprised by the weight loss issue. There are other books in this series that give helpful advice as well. More so than not, this book talks about losing weight as a focal point to feeling gorgeous.
- The way to a healthy factory.
- The "Feel Good Factory" on the Body Beautiful : Elisabeth Wilson : ?
- Feel Good Factory on Looking Gorgeous: Linda Bird: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books?
It's repeats itself and is wordy. Poorly executed idea of a book. Get to Know Us. With quizzes, helpful question and answer sections and tips from creative geniuses such as Steve Jobs, Anita Roddick and Vivienne Westwood, this lovely book will help you to make the most of your mental powers. If you want to squeeze a little more juice out of your brain and make a real difference, this is the book for you. The Feel Good factory on beating the blues: The Feel Good Factory on life management: In thirty practical and down-to-earth chapters you'll discover the secrets for taking control and getting on top of things before they get on top of you.
The Feel Good Factory on healthy living: The Feel Good Factory's handy, no-nonsense book providesmany inspiring ideas to make small but life-changing steps towards healthier and happier lives. The Feel Good Factory on the body beautiful: In thirty practical and down-to-earth chapters you'll discover the secrets to shifting those unwanted pounds and firming up your problem areas.
You'll find quizzes which point you in the right direction, instant 'feel good now' tips that you can put into practice straightaway and helpful question and answer sections. You'll also discover what top-notch celebs do to keep in shape hey, they pay big money for all those personal trainers so why not have a go at some of their advice!