Léonard Wons (MON PETIT EDITE) (French Edition)
AAPG bulletin , 11 , — Nanostructured multi-block copolymer single-ion conductors for safer high-performance lithium batteries. IEEE signal processing magazine , 35 6 , — Alternative binders for sustainable electrochemical energy storage-the transition to aqueous electrode processing and bio-derived polymers. A compact ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscope with dilution refrigeration. Review of scientific instruments , 89 11 , Art. Nano letters , 18 11 , — Templated nanofiber synthesis via chemical vapor polymerization into liquid crystalline films.
Journal of neuroinflammation , 15 1 , Art. Tape casted thin films of solid electrolyte Lithium-Lanthanum-Titanate. Solid state ionics , , 25— Material migration and fuel retention studies during the JET carbon divertor campaigns. Fusion engineering and design , , 78— Transition metal complexes in ECL: Protti , —, Royal Society of Chemistry, London. Polyhedron , , — Plant diversity enhances the natural attenuation of polycyclic aromatic compounds PAHs and oxygenated PAHs in grassland soils.
Invest in fast-charging infrastructure or in longer battery ranges? A cost-efficiency comparison for Germany. Applied energy , , — On the influence of platy shell particles on the cumulative deformations in sand under drained high-cyclic loading. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering , , 1— A mechanism-based homogenization of a dislocation source model for bending. Acta materialia , , — Bunsen-Tagung , Hannover, May , The shift to post-Li-ion capacitors: Optimization of electrodes for Li-ion capacitors with environment-friendly binders.
Passive Hybrid Storage Systems: Basics and Rapid Chemical State Imaging. Quasi-elastic in the porous hydride under hydrogen gas. The effect of additives and ball milling on the isotopic exchange in porous magnesium borohydride. What can wi learn from electrode surface investigations for battery performance: An overview of various battery types and the consequences for lead acid batteries. Empirical insights on customer needs in e-mobility [in press].
Journal of cleaner production. Heat transfer and pressure drop in the main heat exchanger of a cryogenic mixed refrigerant cycle. Status of a European Standard for the protection of helium cryostats against excessive pressure. Study on the heat transfer of helium cryostats following loss of insulating vacuum.
Authentischer und effizienter Datentransport in drahtlosen Sensornetzen. Herausforderungen an die Auslegung von Druckentlastungseinrichtungen in Tieftemperaturanlagen. CSE Sicherheitstage, Wangerooge, Passive Autoconfiguration of Mobile Ad hoc Networks. Cryogenic pressure relief valve sizing tool. Passive Autoconfiguration for Mobile Ad hoc Networks. IEEE journal on selected areas in communications , 23 3 , — Data-driven Service Business Models. Open Service Lab Notes , 4. Implementierung von Verkehrsformern unter Linux. CP in the dark. Journal of high energy physics , Automatische Netzoptimierung mittels eines zentralen Management-Knotens.
Use of the buffer layers as a current flow diverter in 2G HTS coated conductors. Superconductor science and technology , 31 12 , Optimized Incremental Network Planning. Autonomous optimization of Next Generation Networks. Hutchison , —, Springer, Berlin. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Optimierung der Auslastung eines Kommunikationsnetzes. Mobile Ad-Hoc Netzwerke, 1. Personalization of monitoring system parameters to support ambulatory care for dementia patients. A novel wearable sensor device for continuous monitoring of cardiac activity during sleep.
A human-machine interface based on tongue and jaw movements. RAW Invited Talks. Informatik-Spektrum , 29 3 , — Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems. Gelenbe , —, Springer, Berlin. Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications. Steinmetz , —, Springer, Berlin. Journal of medicinal chemistry. Protein expression and purification , , 59— How to set up Blockchain Business Networks? The status quo of implementation approaches and challenges of blockchain projects.
The ontology of technology assessment and the hermeneutic perspective. Jahrestreffen der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endlagerforschung, Freiberg, Storm track variability during active Atlantic-European weather regimes and the role of cloud-diabatic processes therein. Neutron spectroscopy measurements of 14 MeV neutrons at unprecedented energy resolution and implications for deuterium—tritium fusion plasma diagnostics. Measurement science and technology , 29 4 , Article: Diverging pathways to overcoming the environmental crisis: A critique of eco-modernism from a technology assessment perspective.
Journal of cleaner production , , — Technology Assessment in Practice and Theory. Energy as a sociotechnical problem. Energy as a sociotechnical problem: Journal of the American Chemical Society , 49 , — Fusion engineering and design , A, — Enhancement of cooling performance of a helium-cooled divertor through the addition of rib structures on the jet-impingement area. Goswami , —, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht. Physical review letters , 10 , Nozzle-to-target distance effect on the cooling performances of a jet-impingement helium-cooled divertor.
Co-dimension one stable blowup for the supercritical cubic wave equation. Global fit to three neutrino mixing: Journal of high energy physics , 12 , 1— Nexus challenges of the energy transition. Can responsible innovation be a moderator of entrepreneurship? International journal of business and globalisation , 21 3 , — Reflexionen aus Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften.
Janich , —, Peter Lang, Berlin. Composability in quantum cryptography. New journal of physics , 11 8 , The EEE approach to responsibility in the face of epistemic constraints. Responsible Research and Innovation: From Concepts to Practices. Gianni , 35—49, Routledge, Milton Park.
Technology assessment in a globalized world. Biomass, annual growth, C and O isotope signatures in tree rings revealed high ecological plasticity in European beech fagus silvatica l. Corrigendum to "The kinetics and mechanism of an aqueous phase isoprene reaction with hydroxyl radical" published in Atmos. Atmospheric chemistry and physics , 11 24 , Siver fir - European beech mixed forests have higher productivity than pure forests of beech in South Germany. Comparison of ecosystem services from mixed against monospecific forests in the southwest Germany: The kinetics and mechanism of an aqueous phase isoprene reaction with hydroxyl radical.
Atmospheric chemistry and physics , 11 15 , — Open source value chains for addressing security issues efficiently. Uniformly accurate oscillatory integrators for the Klein—Gordon—Zakharov system from low- to high-plasma frequency regimes. A life cycle sustainability assessment LCSA of oxymethylene ether as a diesel additive produced from forest biomass. The international journal of life cycle assessment. Framing energy as a sociotechnical problem of control, change, and action.
Improved unitarity constraints in Two-Higgs-Doublet-Models [in press]. Importance of atmospheric aging in reactivity of mineral dust aerosol: Heterogeneous reactions of gaseous hydrogen peroxide on pristine and acidic gas-processed calcium carbonate particles: Effects of relative humidity and surface coverage of coating.
Atmospheric environment , 67, 63— In-situ FTIR study on the absorption and transformation of glyoxal on the surface of dust particles. Guangpuxue-yu-guangpu-fenxi , 32 11 , — An exchange format for Wilson coefficients beyond the Standard Model. Computer physics communications , , 71— Heterogeneous reactions of glyoxal on mineral particles: A new avenue for oligomers and organosulfate formation. Atmospheric environment , , — Heterogeneous reactions of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere. Atmospheric environment , 68, — Citizen participation to design the agrophotovoltaics system.
Practical approaches for the development of alkali activated concrete - a durability- and sustainability-driven optimization. Alkali-Activated Materials and Geopolymers: Analysis of cyber-physical attacks against the future energy system. Solving stochastic optimal power flow problem via polynomial chaos expansions. Machine learning application on the investigation of the micro-bunching instability at storage rings. Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, March , High throughput data streaming of individual longitudinal electron bunch profiles in a storage ring with single-shot electro-optical sampling.
Linear array detector for high-repetition rate and real-time beam diagnostics [in press]. A Consistent View of the Smart Grid: ACS applied energy materials , 1 11 , — Comparative Study of 0. Compiling a collection of degraded samples for lifetime assessment of Vanadium Redox-Flow-Batteries. The new neutron powder diffractometer ErwiN. Experiment design to assess the inter-wrapper heat transfer in LMFR. Controlled synthesis of hierarchically layered cathode materials for advanced lithium ion batteries.
Optimizing illumination for full field imaging at high brilliance hard X-ray synchrotron sources. Optics express , 26 23 , Quantification of environmental influences and interferences affecting an active lens implant. Storage scheduling with stochastic uncertainties: Feasibility and cost of imbalances. Combining top-down bottom-up lithographic and galvanic manufacturing techniques for the generation of dynamic and reversible surfaces.
Mikro-Nano-Integration, Dortmund, Germany, The effect of secondary ice production parameterization on the simulation of a cold frontal rainband. Practical metallography , 55 11 , — The strategy of fusion DEMO in-vessel structural material development. Measuring connectedness of euro area sovereign risk.
International journal of forecasting , 35 1 , 25— Network Access Challenges in a Future Internet. Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe. Fettweis , 1—5, Wiley, Chichester. Understanding of atmospheric aerosol particles with improved particle identification and quantification by single particle mass spectrometry. Atmospheric measurement techniques discussions , 1— Anatase TiO 2 nanoparticles for lithium-ion batteries.
Ionics , 24 10 , — Small methods , Physical chemistry, chemical physics. From Development towards a Commercial Product. Synchrotron radiation news , 31 3 , 24— Syntheses, structure and magnetism. Inorganica chimica acta , , — Experiments on granite alteration under geothermal reservoir conditions and the initiation of fracture evolution.
European journal of mineralogy , 30 5 , — Directional freeze-cast hybrid-backbone meso-macroporous bodies as micromonolith catalysts for gas-to-liquid processes. Investigation of material homogenisation on the nuclear heating estimates of the electron cyclotron-heating upper launcher blanket shield module. Conclusion of contracts by electronic agents.
Motivation und rechtliche Einordnung. Schweighofer , —, Richard Boorberg, Stuttgart. Rechtliche Einordnung Peer-to-Peer-basierter Dienste. A Chord-based Recommender System. Signaturen durch elektronische Agenten. Informatik-Spektrum , 28 3 , — Datenschutz in P2P-basierten Systemen: Peer-to-Peer-Netze jenseits des Filesharing. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit , 31 2 , — Systematische Betrachtung und Bewertung der physikalischen Wirkmechanismen.
Network Virtualization - Results and Challenges. Journal of the European Ceramic Society , 39 , — Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel dihydropyrimidinethione derivatives as potent antimicrobial agents: Experimental and molecular docking approach. Influence of severe plastic deformation on microstructure, strength and electrical conductivity of aged Al Reviews on advanced materials science , 55 , 92— Smart composite hydrogel with pH-, ionic strength- and temperature-induced actuation.
Soft matter , 14 41 , — Annealing-induced grain rotation in ultrafine-grained aluminum alloy. Reviews on advanced materials science , 55 , 69— Their synthesis, reactivity, and applications in heterocycle synthesis. Arkivoc , 6 , 85— Journal of Instrumentation , 13 9 , P The physics of metals and metallography , 10 , — From refracting to ratcheting.
Insurance , 83, 47— Transporting random measures on the line and embedding excursions into Brownian motion. Bidding strategies in Austrian and German balancing power auctions. Journal of biotechnology , , 15— A database for optical properties. Towards an understanding of the Cd isotope fractionation during transfer from the soil to the cereal grain. Radiation tolerance study on irradiated AC-coupled, poly-silicon biased, p-on-n silicon strip sensors developed in India.
Carbonate-related metallic and non-metallic mineralization within and proximal to granites Fichtelgebirge Pluton, Germany: Ore geology reviews , , 46— Greenhouse gas footprint of diversifying rice cropping systems: Impacts of water regime and organic amendments. Phase-field simulation of solid state sintering. Thermal management materials based on molybdenum Mo and copper Cu: Elucidation of the rolling-induced evolution of thermo-physical properties e.
Journal of alloys and compounds , , — Structure transition from oxygen-enhanced to oxy-fuel methane non-premixed flames near extinction. Many-body localization and delocalization in large quantum chains. Power-to-molecules - Converting renewable electricity and CO2 into chemicals for mobility, industry and energy storage. Discrete dislocation dynamics study of dislocation microstructure during cyclic loading. Christ , —, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden. Service integration and management in multi-sourcing: Analog quantum simulator for the Tavis-Cummings model with superconducting qubits.
Mutation of a serine near the catalytic site of the choline acetyltransferase a gene almost completely abolishes motility of the zebrafish embryo. Fusion engineering and design , , 29— Philosophical Foundations of Adult Education. Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Peters , Springer Nature, Singapore.
Different hydrogen bonding environments of the retinal protonated Schiff base control the photoisomerization in channelrhodopsin Physical chemistry, chemical physics , 20 43 , — A belt-like one-dimensional Dy chain exhibiting slow magnetic relaxation behavior. Dalton transactions , 47 43 , — Integrating meteorological, hydrological, and biogeochemical measurements and modeling. Vadose zone journal , 17 1 , Art. Considering the movement of a laser for its classification.
LIA today , 26 5 , 33— Journal of Instrumentation , 13 10 , Art. Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics , 10 , Art. Rhodium oxide surface-loaded gas sensors. Nanomaterials , 8 11 , Art. Fabrication and replication of re-entrant structures by nanoimprint lithography methods. Test of the generalized Brink-Axel hypothesis in Ni 64, Light-tuned DC conductance of anatase TiO2 nanotubular arrays: Features of long-range charge transport. Theory of optical forces on small particles by multiple plane waves.
Journal of applied physics , 17 , Art. Research on the methods for the mass production of multi-scale organs-on-chips. Polymers , 10 11 , Art. Best of Two Worlds? Journal of chemical theory and computation , 14 11 , — Exploring the electronic structure and speciation of aqueous and colloidal Pu with high energy resolution XANES and computations. Chemical communications , 54 91 , — Dual-mode phase and fluorescence imaging with a confocal laser scanning microscope. Optics letters , 43 22 , — Higher radial modes of azimuthal surface waves in magnetoactive cylindrical plasma waveguides.
Journal of plasma physics , 84 6 , Art. Scientific reports , 8 1 , Art. Impact of the electrolyte salt anion on the solid electrolyte interphase formation in sodium ion batteries. Nano energy , 55, — Probabilistic sequential prediction of cutting force using kienzle model in orthogonal turning process. Journal of manufacturing science and engineering , 1 , Art. Fusion engineering and design , , 32— Charging of electron beam irradiated amorphous carbon thin films at liquid nitrogen temperature.
Ultramicroscopy , , — Direct observation of monoclinic domains in rhombohedral EuAl3 BO3 4 skeletal microcrystals. Materials characterization , , — DNA break repair in plants and its application for genome engineering. Internal strain and temperature discrimination with optical fiber hybrid sensors in Li-ion batteries. Journal of power sources , , 1—9. Productivity and vegetation structure of three differently managed temperate grasslands. Induced and weak induced arboricities. Discrete mathematics , 2 , — Chemosphere , , 47— Tridentate and bidentate copper complexes of [2. Journal of molecular structure , , — Annals of nuclear energy , , 1—9.
Foreseen capabilities, bottlenecks identification and potential limitations of serpent mc transport code in large-scale full 3-D burnup calculations. Effect of different segmentation methods using optical satellite imagery to estimate fuzzy clustering parameters for Sentinel-1A SAR images. The international archives of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences , 42 1 , 39— On the categorization of high activity objects using differential attribute profiles.
The international archives of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences , 42 1 , 59— Classification and representation of commonly used roofing material using multisensorial aerial data. The international archives of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences , 42 1 , — Comparison of two methods for 2D pose estimation of industrial workpieces in images - CNN vs.
Classical image processing system. Discrete gradient flows for general curvature energies. Uncountably many solutions for nonlinear Helmholtz and curl-curl equations with general nonlinearities. ECS transactions , 86 13 , — Thermo-structural analysis of a reactor pressure vessel lower head during core-melt severe accidents. A microcalorimetric study of concentration effects on the reaction entropy during Al- and Li- bulk deposition and of phase transitions during Li intercalation in graphite electrodes.
Developments and analyses of alternative processes for the manufacturing of fiber metal laminates. Using workflows to build compositions of read-write linked data APIs on the web of things. Teepee - A triple pattern fragment profiler visualization tool. A new classification of attacks against the cyber-physical security of smart grids. Framework zur Anomalie-basierten Angriffserkennung durch verteilte Instanzen. Where the Network ends: Security and privacy challenges in the Internet of Things.
An approach for urban sensing with quality-aware situation detection and efficient communication position paper. Research on Enterprise Networking. AOI adaption strategies for P2P networked virtual environments. Implementierung und Evaluierung des Gradient Broadcast Protokolls. A Framework for Developing Decentralized Services. Robuste Aggregation und Datenverteilung in opportunistischen Sensornetzen. Energy efficient and reliable management communication in wireless sensor networks.
Institut of Telematics, Karlsruhe. International journal of pervasive computing and communications , 5 4 , — Applications of Sensor Networks. Algorithms for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks. Proceedings of the 8. Additional global climate cooling by clouds due to ice crystal complexity. Atmospheric chemistry and physics , 18 21 , — Triaxial testing and hydraulic—mechanical modeling of sandstone reservoir rock in the Upper Rhine Graben. Building a cloud in the southeast Atlantic: On Thermoelastic and Poroelastic Metamaterials.
Nanoscale , 10 36 , — Water as a modular in the synthesis of surface-mounted metal-organic framework films of type HKUST-1 [in press]. Reaction of porphyrin-based surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks to prolonged illumination. Physical chemistry, chemical physics , 46, — European journal of organic chemistry. Simulation of the divertor targets shielding during major disruption in DEMO. Orthogonal superposition rheometry of colloidal gels: Soft matter , 14 42 , — Reports on mathematical physics , 82 2 , — P53 is active in human amniotic fluid stem cells. Stem Cells and Development , 27 21 , — A non-levi branching rule in terms of Littelmann paths.
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society , 5 , — Volatility of Amorphous Solid Water. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of fused naphthofuro[3,2-c] quinoline-6,7,triones and pyrano[3,2-c]quinoline-6,7,8,tetraones derivatives as ERK inhibitors with efficacy in BRAF-mutant melanoma. Bioorganic chemistry , 82, — Nanostructure development in refractory metals: The journal of supercritical fluids , , — Change Detection in Event Logs by Clustering.
Proper , —, Springer, Cham. Flow-based analysis of storage usage in a low-carbon european electricity scenario. Optimizing bidding strategies for the German secondary control reserve market: The impact of energy prices. Are consumption tariffs still up-to-date? An operationalized assessment of grid fees. Liberalized markets for power transmission capacity. Hybrid modeling approaches with a view to model output prediction for industrial applications. An equal opportunity concept for the coordinated research effort AESC.
Tailoring disordered structures for light management. Provisioning of data locality for HEP analysis workflows. Geophysical research letters , 45 20 , — OverSim simuliert und emuliert Peer-to-Peer-Anwendungen. Die Computer-Zeitung , 38 Dienstorientierte, dezentrale und sichere soziale Netzwerke.
Badische Neueste Nachrichten , Januar Auf dem Weg zum sicheren sozialen Netzwerk. Reactive Transport in cement-based materials — experimental and numerical investigations. Relationships between pore structure and material performance of cement-based materials subjected to chemical attack. Flow statistics of spatially developing turbulent boundary layers with localized application of three different control techniques aimed at reduction of skin friction drag.
Charakterisierung des bakteriellen Toxins BsrG aus Bacillus subtilis. Rearrangement of secondary vortices over spanwise heterogeneous roughness. Advanced materials interfaces , 5 21 , Art. Temperature-and field dependent characterization of a twisted stacked-tape cable. Superconductor science and technology , 28 4 , A generic user interface for energy management in smart homes. Energy informatics , 1 55 , 1— Die Pharmazeutische Zeitung im Ersten Weltkrieg. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, Deep learning approaches to improve cell segmentation and tracking accuracy for interactive knowledge discovery in Zebrafish embryos.
Distributed and stochastic optimization in power systems. Interactive analysis of cell tracks in light sheet microscopy images using embryominer. Lookman , —, Springer, Cham. Russian physics journal , 61 7 , — X-ray topo-tomography studies of linear dislocations in silicon single crystals. Journal of applied crystallography , 51 6. Extracellular reduction of solid electron acceptors by Shewanella oneidensis. Molecular microbiology , 5 , — Otolith increments in European plaice Pleuronectes platessa reveal temperature and density-dependent effects on growth.
ICES journal of marine science , 75 5 , — Reactor safety research within the Helmholtz Association. Kerntechnik , 83 5 , — Anisotropic Swelling for different Stress States. Estimation of costs of reduction techniques for LCP - Methodology. Applied geochemistry , 98, — Mechanical and rheological behavior. Polymer , , 44— Feedback control optimisation of ESR experiments.
Journal of magnetic resonance , , 9— Self-cleaning performance of superhydrophobic hot-embossed fluoropolymer films for photovoltaic modules. Acta materialia , , 28— Updata on KIT work on H2 safety issues. Response to therapeutic sleep deprivation: Neuropsychopharmacology , 43 13 , — Local blockages in a rod bundle with wire spacers: Design of a test section to analyze magneto-convection effects in WCLL blankets.
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society , , — Fundamenta mathematicae , 3 , — Diving into the past — A paleo data-model comparison workshop on the Late Glacial and Holocene [in press]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Bibliothek , 37 2. Pierre Auger Collaboration; Schmidt, D. AugerPrime implementation in the Offline simulation and reconstruction framework. Global energy fluxes in turbulent channels with flow control. Journal of fluid mechanics , , — Instrumentation concepts for Neganov-Luke assisted mK-temperature Germanium detectors in daek matter search [in press].
Journal of micromechanics and microengineering , 26 5 , Art. Behandlung von Fragmenten in IPsec. Mehrstufiges System zur Anomalie-basierten Angriffserkennung in Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzen. Datenschutzkonforme Anonymisierung von Datenverkehr auf einem Vermittlungssystem. Framework zur einfachen Entwicklung von Mechanismen zur lokalen und verteilten Angriffserkennung. A System for in-Network Anomaly Detection. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen: Braun , —, Springer, Berlin. Collaborative Anomaly-based Attack Detection. Anomaly-based Identification of Large-Scale Attacks.
Simulation , 87 7 , — Local wellposedness of quasilinear Maxwell equations with conservative interface conditions. Non-Collective Scalable Global Communications. A unified leptoquark model confronted with lepton non-universality in B-meson decays. Assessing models and quantifying snow-related climate feedbacks. Geoscientific model development , 1— Atmospheric measurement techniques , 11, — Journal of the Electrochemical Society , 3 , A—A Solving inverse electromagnetic scattering problems via domain derivatives. Access to large infrastructures for severe accidents in Europe and China.
Experimental study on the melt pool transient behaviour in LWR lower head under changing boundary cooling conditions: Splitting methods for nonlinear Dirac equations with thirring type interaction in the nonrelativistic limit regime.
Structural optimization and experimental investigation of CFRP lock nuts. Kulturelles Erbe erfassen und bewahren - Von der Dokumentation zum virtuellen Rundgang. Journal of high energy physics , 10 , Article: September , 6 S. Engels , —, transcript Verl. Journal of high energy physics , 11 , Article: Materials letters , , 92— Preferential flow pathways in paddy rice soils as hot spots for nutrient cycling. Geoderma , , — A grand-unified Nelson—Barr model. Belle Collaboration; Li, Y. The massive 3-loop operator matrix elements with two masses and the generalized variable flavor number scheme.
Four-loop quark mass and field renormalization in the on-shell scheme. Cuts of Feynman integrals in Baikov representation. Electron cyclotron emission measurements at the optically thin plasmas of the stellarator TJ-K. Massive and massless form factors in QCD. Nested soft-collinear subtractions for NNLO calculations. A convolutional neural network approach for modeling semantic trajectories and predicting future locations. Kurkova , 61—72, Springer, Cham.
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Specifying, monitoring, and executing workflows in linked data environments. Suarez-Figueroa , —, Springer, Cham. Towards a robust interactive and learning social robot: Low-latency neural speech translation. The world is complex therefore our research is needed - Using data mining for literature reviews.
Bojcetic , 1—12, The Design Society, Dundee. Neural language codes for multilingual acoustic models. Subword and crossword units for CTC acoustic models. Querying large knowledge graphs over triple pattern fragments: Bontcheva , 86—, Springer, Cham. Term extraction via neural sequence labeling a comparative evaluation of strategies using recurrent neural networks. In-database analytics with ibmdbpy [in press]. Topology-induced enhancement of mappings.
Thermofluiddynamische Charakterisierung und Optimierung von Flachrohrprofilen. Direct and indirect vulnerability analysis framework for decentralized power systems. The Price of Uncertainty: Adoption of electric vehicles in commercial fleets: Why do car pool managers campaign for BEV procurement? Development of an advanced magnetic equilibrium model for fusion reactor system codes. Intrinsic impact of technology choices. The role of nuclear data for fusion nuclear technology. Neutronic effects of diagnostic shield module length on radiation environment of ITER diagnostic generic upper port plug.
Energy-aware middleware for a mobile Grid. Energy Aware Middleware for a Mobile Grid. An energy manager for a mobile grid. Energy-efficient Management of Wireless Sensor Networks. Investigations on the potential of binary and multi-class classification for object extraction from airborne laser scanning point clouds. Full-waveform analysis for pulsed laser systems. Topographic Laser Ranging and Scanning. Protocols for Privacy-Aware Smart Metering. Approaches for a Web-based Initiation of Quality-based Communication. Margherita di Pula Cagliari , Italy, June , , — Non-repudiation mechanisms for Peer-to-Peer networks.
Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction: Wirtschaftsinformatik , 48 1 , 7— Autonome Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen - Eine praxisnahe Betrachtung. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation , 31 2 , 69— Journal of intelligent manufacturing , 21 3 Special Issue , — Feature-based gesture classification by means of high resolution radar measurements. Swelling strains from gamma-irradiated silica - Evaluation of results by Shelby.
A highly integrated copper sintered SiC power module for fast switching operation. Software-based compensation of instrument misalignments for X-ray computed tomography dimensional metrology. Precision engineering , 54, — VDV-Magazin , 1, 40— Concept, design and verification of components for an integrated on-detector silicon photonic multi-channel transmitter.
Superoleophobic Slippery Lubricant-Infused Surfaces: Combining Two Extremes in the Same Surface. Advanced materials , 30 45 , Surface Functionalization and Patterning by Multifunctional Resorcinarenes. Complex magnetic order in nickelate slabs. Nature physics , 14 11 , — Reconstructed genomes of two novel dioxin-respiring dehalococcoides strains. A novel methylotrophic Roseobacter group isolate with an unusually large genome.
Aerosol effects on clouds and precipitation over central Europe in different weather regimes. Journal of the atmospheric sciences , 75, — The first world swimming championships of roseobacters - Phylogenomic insights into an exceptional motility phenotype [in press]. Systematic and applied microbiology. Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation: DfX-Symposium , Tutzing, Experiencing and teaching technology — Integrating STEM teaching-students in interdisciplinary design teams.
Digitale Transformation — brauchen wir klassische Ingenieurskompetenzen noch?
C a ete mise au point. Les vecteurs de Burgers des diverses dislocations de macles de ce metal ont ete definis. Les interactions glissements- maclages sont etudiees experimentalement et theoriquement. Des echantillons irradies a divers taux de combustion ont ete examines. Le nombre de defauts ponctuels crees. Le nombre de defauts ponctuels crees par une fission dans du metal. A number of factors have to be considered in defining the cancer risk from ionizing radiation.
These include the radiation sensitivity of the target tissue s , the temporal pattern of risk, the shape of the dose-incidence curve, the effects of low dose rates, host susceptibility factors, and synergism with other environmental exposures. Radiation exposures in the medical field make up the largest volume of occupational exposures as well. Although new technologies offer opportunities to lower exposures, worker training, careful exposure monitoring with remedial feedback, and monitoring to prevent unnecessary radiodiagnostic procedures may be even more important means of reducing radiation exposure.
Screening of irradiated populations can serve a useful preventive function, but only for those who have received very high doses. Preventive radiation protection in Hamburg. Monitoring of environmental radioactivity as well as complex investigations for precautionary radiation protection are carried out in Hamburg by two radiation monitoring labs. The spectrum of their tasks is specified by the media to be investigated. The tasks are originating from the Federal Precautionary Radiation Protection Act and from local needs. Mostly since a lot of years all interesting materials are analysed for their radioactivity content, as a safe and precautionary radiation protection demands.
Until today samples show the influence of global nuclear weapon fallout of the period until Partly they show the radioactivity of Caesium originating from the Chernobyl accident. Since ten years the radioactivity contents in the material investigated are decreasing. Mostly the activity reached levels as at the end of The basic food stuff investigated in Hamburg can be considered as to be uncontaminated by radioactivity. With the introduction of the Federal Precautionary Radiation Protection Act, a series of new investigation programs and investigation methods were developed.
This allows a better preparedness for extraordinary situations of increased radioactivity in the environment as 12 years ago. Thus a precise assessment of situations of increased radioactivity levels can be given together with coordinated and solid information to the public concerning provisions and actions.
Partial radiative capture of resonance neutrons; Capture radiative partielle des neutrons de resonance. The radiative capture of resonance neutrons has been studied near the Saclay linac between 0. The mean values of Ml and El transition intensities are compared in several tin isotopes. The excited level schemes of a great deal of nuclei are obtained and compared with theoretical predictions. This study has been completed by an analysis of thermal spectrum. Les intensites moyennes des transitions Ml et El sont comparees pour quelques isotopes de l'etain.
Enfin les schemas des etats excites d'un grand nombre de noyaux sont obtenus et compares avec les predictions theoriques. Cette etude a ete completee par une analyse des spectres thermiques. Preventing radiation retinopathy with hyperfractionation. The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with the development of radiation retinopathy in a large series of patients with head-and-neck cancer.
In particular, we addressed whether the use of hyperfractionated radiation therapy was effective in reducing the risk of retinopathy. One hundred eighty-six patients received a significant dose to the retina as part of curative radiotherapy. Prescription doses varied depending on primary site and histology. The remainder were treated once-daily. Retinal doses were determined from computerized dosimetry plans when available. For all other patients, retinal doses were retrospectively calculated using reconstructed off-axis dosimetry taken from contours through the center of the globes.
The median retinal dose was Patients were followed for a median of 7. Thirty-one eyes in 30 patients developed radiation retinopathy, resulting in monocular blindness in 25, bilateral blindness in 1, and decreased visual acuity in 4. The median time to the diagnosis of retinopathy was 2. Higher retinal doses resulted in a. During the last 13 years 80 patients have been admitted to our department suffering from burns caused by a vehicle's radiator. Ten of them were deeply burned and had to be treated surgically. The preventive aspect of this injury is emphasized.
Study of the fluctuations of the partial and total radiative widths by neutron capture resonance method; Etude des fluctuations des largeurs radiatives partielles et totales par la capture des neutrons de resonance. Radiative capture experiments by neutron time-of-flight methods have been made for following studies: Also, some other experiments with the use of neutron capture gamma-rays spectra have been investigated.
Quelques autres applications de l'emploi du spectre de rayons gamma ont egalement ete presentees. Scald burns continue to be the major cause of injury to patients admitted to the burn center. Scald burns occurring from car radiator fluid comprise a significant subgroup. Although manufacturer warning labels have been placed on car radiators , these burns continue to occur.
This retrospective review looks at all patients admitted to our burn center who suffered scald burns from car radiator fluid to assess the extent of this problem. During the study period, 86 patients were identified as having suffered scald burns as a result of contact with car radiator fluid. Seventy-one percent of the burn injuries occurred in the summer months. The areas most commonly burned were the head and upper extremities. Burn prevention efforts have improved greatly over the years; however, this study demonstrates that scald burns from car radiator fluid continue to cause physical, emotional, and financial devastation.
The current radiator warning labels alone are not effective. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has proposed a new federal motor vehicle safety standard to aid in decreasing the number of scald burns from car radiators. The results of this study were submitted to the United States Department of Transportation for inclusion in a docket for federal legislation supporting these safety measures. Topical betamethasone for prevention of radiation dermatitis.
Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available Background: Although acute radiation dermatitis ARD is a common side-effect of radiotherapy RT, currently there is no general consensus about its prevention or treatment of choice. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether prophylactic use of topical betamethasone 0.
Fifty-one patients who underwent modified radical mastectomy for breast cancer and were going to receive RT, were randomly assigned to receive topical betamethasone 0. The frequency and severity of ARD measured using Radiation Therapy Oncology Group acute radiation morbidity scoring criteria were recorded at the end of each week during RT and two weeks after its completion. Clinical outcomes were analyzed by relevant statistical methods.
All patients developed some degree of ARD, the frequency and severity of which increased with time and reached the maximum at the end of the seventh week for all groups. No significant difference was observed between the petrolatum and control arms. Prophylactic and ongoing use of topical betamethasone 0. Petrolatum has no effect on the prevention of ARD in these patients. Although acute radiation dermatitis ARD is a common side-effect of radiotherapy RT , currently there is no general consensus about its prevention or treatment of choice.
Debris prevention system, radiation system, and lithograpic apparatus. A debris prevention system is constructed and arranged to prevent debris that emanates from a radiation source from propagating with radiation from the radiation source into or within a lithographic apparatus. The debris prevention system includes an aperture that defines a maximum emission angle of. Prevention of the causes and consequences of a criticality accident - measures adopted in France; Prevention des causes et des consequences d'un accident de criticite - solutions adoptees en France.
The question of safety in regard to criticality accident risks has two aspects: These two aspects are closely connected. The effort devoted to prevention of the causes depends on the seriousness of the possible human psychologic and economic consequences of the accident. The criticality accidents which have occurred in the nuclear industry, though few in number, do reveal the imperfect nature of the techniques adopted to prevent the causes, and also constitute the only available realistic basis for evaluating the consequences and developing measures to limit them.
The authors give a analysis of the known causes and consequences of past criticality accidents and on this basis make a number of comments concerning: The measures adopted in France to limit the consequences of a possible criticality accident under the headings: Ces deux aspects sont tres lies. L'effort consenti a la prevention des causes decoule de l'importance des consequences humaines economiques et psychologiques possibles d'un eventuel accident. Les accidents de criticite survenus dans l'industrie nucleaire, malgre leur rarete, d'une part devoilent les imperfections des techniques de prevention des causes, d'autre part constituent la seule base realiste disponible d'evaluation des consequences et de mise au point des parades a ces consequences.
Les auteurs presentent une analyse des. Preventive treatment of combined radiation injuries. The risk of sepsis development increases when thermal burns and other trauma occur in combination with exposure to radiation. Only surgical correction of the life-threatening state recommends within 48 hours after irradiation.
All other arrangements have to carry out when hemopoiesis recovery will complete. However exposed patients with combined injuries CI die during the first two or three weeks mainly due to sepsis. Therefore prophylaxis and preventive therapy of infectious complications are need early. Actual difficulties in choice of valid treatment procedure for acute radiation syndrome ARS exhibit additional aggravation under CI. The available facts prove decreasing early therapy efficiency for rather high dose exposure and wound trauma occurrence.
Single injection of prodigiozan, zymozan and some other yeast polysaccharides in 1 hr after CI resulted at moderate increasing of survival. The main purpose of this study, which bases upon our understanding of CI pathogenesis, was search more effective means for preventive treatment of combined radiation injuries. Two groups of remedies were under study. The first group included so called 'biological response modifiers' BRM. These agents may increase host defences to infection, macrophage's activity and hemopoietic growth factor's secretion.
The second group included antibiotics that should be directed against the potential gram-negative as well as gram-positive pathogens and simultaneously be useful for selective decontamination of gastrointestinal tract. Current problems of prevention diagnosis and treatment of radiation sickness. Causes of increasing interest to the problems of prevention , diagnosis and treatment of radiation sickness are presented. On the basis of recent publications some new aspects as quantitative criteria in radiobiology, organization problems of medical aid at radiation incidents estimation of efficiency of preventive medicine and radiation sickness therapy, theoretical development of radiotherapy of different organs et al.
Photogrammetric Recording in a Context of Preventive Archaeology: International audience; The construction of the underground station called Place des Martyrs in Algiers required preventive excavation. The context led us to favour recording methods leading to the rapid and exhaustive acquisition of data. Indeed digital photogrammetry made it possible to measure complex elements simply and rapidly. The originality of the solution implemented resided in the use of a free and open-source applications suite dedicated to scientific usage and making it possible t Foundations of radiation physics and radiation protection.
The following topics are dealt with: Types of radiation and radiation fields, the atomic structure, radioactive decays, decay law, natural and artificial radioactivity, interactions of ionizing photon radiation , attenuation of neutral-particle beams, interactions of neutron radiation , interactions of charged particles, ionization and energy transfer, radiation doses, radiation protection phantoms, foundations of the radiation biology of cells, effects and risks of ionizing radiation , radiation expositions of men with ionizing radiation , radiation protection law, practical radiation protection against ionizing radiations , radiation eposures in medical radiology.
Objective i and ii About particular use of ionizing radiations ; Des usages particuliers des rayonnements ionisants. Different uses of ionizing radiations are reviewed: This article, written in French, describes and evaluates the first phase of a program to prevent drug addiction among fifth-grade girls with behavior problems in Montreal Quebec, Canada.
Evaluation of the instructional program showed positive results for student knowledge level, attitudes, and behaviors and supported program continuation…. Radiative decays belong to the rare decays family. Therefore these processes occur only at the next order, thus involving penguin or box diagrams, which are very sensitive to 'new physics' contributions. The main goal of our study is to show that it would be possible to develop an online selection strategy for radiative B decays with the ATLAS detector.
This property is extensively used in the next section, where a selection strategy for radiative B decays is proposed. Indeed, we look for a low energy region of interest in the ECal as soon as the level 1 of the trigger. Then, photon identification cuts are performed in this region at level 2. However, a large part of the proposed selection scheme is also based on the inner detector, particularly at level 2. The final results show that large amounts of signal events could be collected in only one year by ATLAS.
Encouraging results concerning the observability of exclusive radiative B decays are obtained. Prevention of the Causes and Consequences of Criticality Accidents: Solutions Adoptees en France. It is important to guard against the risk of criticality accidents by seeking to prevent their occurrence through the elimination of their causes and also by taking steps to provide against their consequences. These two aspects are closely linked since the efforts made to elaborate preventive procedures are dictated by the importance of the repercussions which such accidents are liable to have in the human, economic and psychological spheres.
The criticality accidents which have occurred in the nuclear industry, though small in number, do reveal the imperfect nature of the techniques adopted to prevent them, and they constitute the only available realistic basis for evaluating their consequences and developing suitable precautionary techniques.
The authors give a detailed analysis of the known causes and consequences of past criticality accidents and on this basis make a number of comments in connection with the validity of traditional safety criteria, the probability of accidents for different types of operation, the characteristic accidents capable of serving as models, and the extent of possible radiological consequences. The measures adopted in France to limit the consequences of a possible criticality accident location, design and lay-out of installations, accident detection dosimetry for exposed personnel are briefly described after a short account of the criteria used in deciding on them.
Finally, the authors discuss the economic implications of adopting particular precautionary measures and of applying them uniformly, taking due account of the question of reliability. Ces deux aspects sont tres lies: The modulatory influence of Rosmarinus officinalis rosemary leaves extract was investigated in Swiss albino mice at a dose of 3 Gy gamma radiation. Des -acyl ghrelin prevents heatstroke-like symptoms in rats exposed to high temperature and high humidity.
We have shown previously that des -acyl ghrelin decreases body temperature in rats through activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Here we investigated whether des -acyl ghrelin ameliorates heatstroke in rats exposed to high temperature. The level of des -acyl ghrelin in plasma was also found to be significantly increased under high-temperature conditions. These results suggest that des -acyl ghrelin could be useful for preventing heatstroke under high temperature condition.
Prevention of radiation accidents and their consequences. Clearing out reasons for nuclear accidents enables to take effective measures to minimize them. The number of accidents in - is given. The frequency of accidents at various working places, while operating with various radioisotopes is presented. The analysis of accidents and the confirmation of these estimates can lead to the generalization of data and to the formulation of preventive measures [ru.
During transluminal coronary angioplasty, the balloon procedure is designed to crush the plaque and to support the weakened arterial wall by using the stent an expandable metallic mesh. This procedure often tears the arterial wall as well. Some of the cells in the blood vessel respond to this injury by initiating repair which often leads to restenosis reclosing of the artery. In many cases restenosis occur despite the stent which become incorporated into the poliferative tissue that form around the lesion.
But if the lesion is treated with radiation Gy the restenosis effect is inhibited. In this paper, the Adjoint Monte Carlo AMC method is used for external radiation treatment planning of the stent volume the volume covered by the stent during a full cardiac cycle , while minimizing the damage to the organs at risk OAR and surrounding healthy tissue. Submandibular salivary gland transfer prevents radiation -induced xerostomia. Xerostomia is a significant morbidity of radiation therapy in the management of head and neck cancers. We hypothesized that the surgical transfer of one submandibular salivary gland to submental space, outside the proposed radiation field, prior to starting radiation treatment, would prevent xerostomia.
We are conducting a prospective clinical trial where the submandibular gland is transferred as part of the surgical intervention. The patients are followed clinically, with salivary flow studies and University of Washington quality of life questionnaire. We report early results of 16 patients who have undergone this procedure. Seven patients have finished and 2 patients are currently undergoing radiation treatment. In 2 patients, no postoperative radiation treatment was indicated. Two patients are waiting to start radiation treatment and 2 patients refused treatment after surgery.
The surgical transfer was abandoned in 1 patient. All of the transferred salivary glands were positioned outside the proposed radiation fields and were functional. The patients did not complain of any xerostomia and developed only minimal oral mucositis. There were no surgical complications. Surgical transfer of a submandibular salivary gland to the submental space outside the radiation field preserves its function and prevents the development of radiation -induced xerostomia.
Ultraviolet radiation , sun damage and preventing. The report focuses on the large impact of health damages due to excessive UV exposure from natural sun. The first part of the report gives background information on factors significantly affecting the intensity of UV radiation. The second part gives an overview of health effects related to UV exposure, with recommendations on how to avoid excessive UV exposure and still enjoy the positive sides of outdoor activity.
The report is intended to contribute to informational activities about sun exposure as recommended by the World Health Organisation and the World Meteorology Organisation. Liver late effects of ionizing radiation ; Effets tardifs des radiations sur le foie. Until recently, the liver was classified as a radioresistant organ, although it is in fact highly radiosensitive.
The realization that the whole liver could be treated safety only with low doses of radiation led to the conclusion that radiation therapy had an extremely limited role in the treatment of intrahepatic malignancies. A resurgence of interest has been observed with the advent of conformal radiotherapy and the introduction of bone marrow transplantation with total body irradiation. The radiation -induced liver disease, often called radiation hepatitis, is a syndrome characterized by the development of anicteric ascites, approximately 2 weeks to 4 months after hepatic irradiation.
Immediate tolerance is generally surprisingly good, and the subacute radiation injury is followed by a complete asymptomatic healing, although the late lesions may be associated with signs of chronic radiation hepatitis. Radiation hepatitis must be distinguished from chemo- radiation -induced-hepatitis occurring in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation and total body irradiation. Both syndromes demonstrate the same pathological lesion: The main treatment for radiation hepatitis is diuretics, although soma advocate steroids for severe cases.
This 3rd edition presents the official explanations of the legislative intent behind the Radiation Protection Ordinance of and the 2nd amending ordinance, and the commentaries which as usual refer to the legal aspects and the related medical, scientific, and technical aspects. As a consequence of the reactor accident at Chernobyl, the existing radiation protection law has been extended by the Act for Preventive Measures for Pretection of the Population Against the Hazards of Ionizing Radiation Preventive Radiation Protection Act , establishing preventive legal provisions and measures, so that this new edition has likewise been extended by commentaries on the Protective Radiation Protection Act and an introduction to the new area of law.
Court decisions and literature referred to cover material published up to the first months of Preventive effects of Ancer 20 injection against radiation stomatitis. School of Medicine and others. Ancer 20 was injected subcutaneously twice a day into 23 patients during the couse of radiation therapy for head and neck cancer, with the aim of preventing radiation stomatitis. Oral mucosa was assessed both subjectively and objectively, in addition to white blood cell counts. According to the rate of leukopenia, this drug was effective in These findings showed that Ancer 20 injection is useful in maintaining white blood cell counts and in preventing radiation stomatitis associated with radiation therapy especially to the field of mucous membrane.
There was inverse correlation between white blood cell counts and both the occurrence rate and degree of radiation stomatitis. It seemed necessary to maintain white blood cell counts to prevent radiation stomatitis. Aspects of radiation protection during chest X-radiography; Strahlenhygienische Aspekte bei der Roentgenuntersuchung des Thorax. Radiation safety in conventional X-ray diagnostics is based on the concepts of justification, optimization of an X-ray examination and limitation of the radiation exposure achieved during the examination.
Optimization of an X-ray examination has to be considered as a multimodal process in which all technical components of the X-ray equipment have to be adapted to each other and also have to be adapted to the anthropometric characteristics of patients and the clinical indications. In this article the technical components of a conventional pediatric chest X-radiograph are presented, and recommendations for optimizing chest X-rays in children are provided. The following measures are of prime importance: In pediatric radiology chest x-rays that are taken not at the peak of inspiration can also be of some diagnostic significance.
Optimization of an X-ray examination inevitably results in the limitation of radiation exposure. Limitierung der Roentgenuntersuchung bzw. Die Optimierung einer Roentgenuntersuchung ist als multimodaler Prozess aufzufassen, in welchem saemtliche technische Komponenten der Roentgeneinrichtung sowohl miteinander als auch mit den anthropometrischen Eigenschaften des Patienten und der klinischen Fragestellung abzustimmen sind.
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die technischen Komponenten bei der konventionellen Roentgenuntersuchung des paediatrischen Thorax in ihrer Beziehung zueinander dargestellt und Empfehlungen fuer eine Optimierung der konventionellen Thoraxaufnahme bei Kindern ausgesprochen. Die wichtigsten Massnahmen bestehen in einer korrekten Einblendung, in der Anfertigung der Aufnahmen im posteroanterioren Strahlengang und im.
The law concerning prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes. The law regulates uses, sales and disposal of radioisotopes, uses of radiation generating apparatuses, disposal of materials contaminated with radioisotopes, and so on, in accordance with the Atomic Energy Fundamental Act, for public safety. Covered are the following: Regulations on the prevention of ionizing radiation hazards. The regulations are defined under the labor safety and health law and the provisions of the order for enforcing the law.
The enterpriser shall try to reduce to the minimum doses of ionizing radiation received by workers. Ionizing radiation hereunder includes such rays as deutron, proton, beta, electron, neutron, gamma and X-ray. The enterpriser engaged in radiation business shall indicate by marks the area whose radiation dose may exceed 30 mili-rem per week by exterior radiation or radioactive materials in the air. Doses of the workers entering into the controlled area on business shall not go over 1.
The maximum permissible dose is 12 rem for the urgent work. Measures for prevention from exterior radiation are designated, including irradiation tubes, filter plates, signals, shelters and alarms, etc. Independent regular inspection, record, measurement and others are particularly essential. Prevention of contamination, emergent measures, appointment of the head of X or gamma rays business, measurement of working environment, health examination and others are stipulated respectively. Interventions for preventing and managing of skin lesions after radiation.
Full Text Available Introduction: Radiotherapy has a pivotal role in the fight against cancer. The aim of this systematic literature review was to investigate the prevention and treatment of these skin lesions induced by radiation. For this purpose 34 articles were collected concerning materials, approved by the FDA, for the prevention and treatment of skin damage due to radiation , preclinical factors tested in animal models, factors involved in the prevention and treatment of moist desquamation and unauthorized agents or with little information about them.
According to the study results, the moisturizing and hydrophilic creams, herbal preparations, gels based on hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin E, heparinoid creams and formulations based on oils appear to have a positive effect in preventing dermatitis as well as in providing symptom relief. Patches are suitable for the case of moist desquamation. Skin reactions due to radiation remain a significant problem for patients undergoing radical treatment.
However, thanks to the multitude of formulations available in the market and several clinical trials it is possible that early prevention and treatment for actinic dermatitis could be achieved. In conclusion, it is crucial that health professionals are aware of the formulations indicated and contraindicated in case of skin reactions induced by radiation and adjust the treatment for the prevention and management of skin reactions in patients receiving radiation therapy.
Treatment modalities of oral mucositis after radiation of head and neck cancers; Prise en charge des mucites apres radiotherapie des cancers des voies aerodigestives superieures. Acute mucositis is common after radiotherapy for head and neck cancers. During the past 3 decades, there was a gradual evolution in the treatment modalities for locally advanced carcinomas concomitant radio-chemotherapy, accelerated radiotherapy.
These new strategies are accompanied by an increase in early mucosal reactions. At the present time, there is no widely accepted prophylaxis or effective treatment. Many traditional remedies or new agents seem ineffective Sucralfate, Chlorhexidine, GM-CSF, Silver nitrate, Prostaglandin, anti-oxidants, Benzydamine hydrochloride , while others seem promising Povidone-iodine, nonabsorbable antibiotic lozenges and anti-fungal, local GM-CSF, Glutamide, Low-energy laser, corticosteroids. Radioprotectors are controversial and should be only used in experimental protocols and not in routine practice.
However, some recommendations can be proposed: Nuclear safety and radiation protection report of the Saint-Laurent- des -Eaux nuclear facilities - This safety report was established under the article 21 of the French law no. Then, the nuclear safety and radiation protection measures taken regarding the facilities are reviewed: The incidents and accidents which occurred in , are reported as well as the radioactive and non-radioactive chemical, thermal effluents discharge in the environment. Finally, The radioactive materials and wastes generated by the facilities are presented and sorted by type of waste, quantities and type of conditioning.
Other environmental impacts noise, microbial proliferation in cooling towers are presented with their mitigation measures. Actions in favour of transparency and public information are presented as well. The document concludes with a glossary and a list of recommendations from the Committees for health, safety and working conditions.
- No customer reviews;
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- The Viscounts Pleasure House (Irresistible Aristocrats Book 1);
Uses of radioactive isotopes and radiation sources in biological studies in U. R; Utilisation des radioisotopes et des sources de rayonnement dans les etudes biologiques en RAU. An attempt is made to give examples rather than a review of the uses of radioactive isotopes and radiation sources in biological studies in U. Studies along these lines started early in and are still progressing.
The prospects of future developments and improvements are unlimited. The studies are classified according to the radio technique adopted. The techniques so far used in U. Some detailed modifications and combinations of more than one technique have been successfully introduced. Mass spectrometry for stable isotopic studies in the field of biology has been recently used. Studies undertaken in the applied fields of biology e. The radioactive isotopes referred to in this Law are the isotopes emitting radiation such as phosphorus and cobalt, their compounds, and those containing such isotopes and compounds.
The radiation -generating apparatuses referred to in this Law are the apparatuses generating radiation by accelerating charged particles such as cyclotron and synchrotron. Those who want to use the radioactive isotopes and radiation -generating apparatuses must file applications and obtain approval of the Director of the Science and Technology Agency.
Those who want to use sealed radioactive isotopes of the amount less than that stipulated by the Cabinet Order, those who want to sell and those who want to dispose of radioactive isotopes or matters contaiminated thereby as occupation should file notices and obtain approval of the Director of the Science and Technology Agency. Said Director should not approve such notices unless they meet the required specification, and when he approves such notices, he issues licenses. Study of cerenkov radiation.
This study is a critical comparison of the theories of Bremsstrahlung. Recommendations for prevention of radiation accident in industrial gammagraphy. Industrial Gammagraphy plays an important role in the quality control of various materials and components. This risk is based on the harmful consequences of human health, described in some accidents in the world, due to failures.
A statistical study, using the 'Frequency Distribution' method, was performed to define 10 recommendations. The percentage and vote results were obtained by category of the participants and the 10 most important recommendations were defined to prevent radiation accidents. The recommendation that came in first place was 'Always use an individual monitor with alarm during all work'. Response of hematopoietic stem cells to ionizing radiation ; Reponse des cellules souches hematopoitiques aux radiations ionisantes.
Hematopoietic stem cells HSCs maintain blood and immune system throughout life and restore them after hematological injuries. Exposure of an organism to ionizing radiation IR causes rapid and acute myelosuppression and challenges the replenishment capacity of HSCs. Yet, the precise damages that are generated remain largely unexplored. A great proportion of HSCs quickly but transiently enter the cell cycle to replenish the bone marrow of myelo-ablated mice. This demonstrates that the LSK compartment is not properly restored 10 weeks after sublethal exposure, and that long-term IR-induced injury to the bone marrow proceeds, at least partially, through direct damage to the stem cell pool.
Thrombopoietin TPO has been shown to promote the survival of lethally irradiated mice when administrated quickly after exposure. We investigated the mechanisms underlying. The construction of standardised equipment expressly adapted to the different methods of radiation control; Realisation de materiel standardise specialement adapte aux divers modes de controle des radiations. The authors show what general characteristics must have equipment designed for radiation control. It should be designed for a specific purpose, and finally it should be independent as far as possible.
The authors review the different types of control which it is necessary to effect. Il devrait etre concu pour une fonction determinee, enfin, il doit etre dans la mesure du possible, autonome. Les auteurs passent en revue les differents types de controle qu'il est necessaire de couvrir. Radiation Disinfestation of Grain and Seeds; Radiodesinsection des Cereales et des Semences; Obezzarazhivanie zerna i semyan s pomoshch'yu oblucheniya; Desinfestacion de Granos y Semillas por Irradiacion.
Current interest in radiation treatment of grain and seeds mainly revolves about its efficacy for control of insect infestations in these products. The recent literature on this subject is reviewed and gaps still existing in the fundamental and practical knowledge of radiation disinfestation. Research programmes in the United States Department of Agriculture that are under way, or planned for the immediate future, are discussed in detail.
Current studies are being directed toward establishing minimum effective doses for sexual sterilization and mortality, influence of environmental factors on dose requirements, and potential for the development of biological resistance.
Nicht referenzierte Publikationen, Proceedings und Konferenzbeiträge
In May the scope of the work expanded as a new grain products irradiator became operative and applied studies were initiated. An integral part of this, research is a study of the effect of irradiation on the quality of food and feed grains and on cereal products, at the doses for both insect control and fungal disinfection. This paper examines critically the results of research in this area and estimates future research, needs. Les auteurs analysent les recentes publications dans ce domaine et.
Les etudes actuelles concernent la determination de la dose minimale necessaire pour la sterilisation sexuelle et de la dose mortelle, l'influence des facteurs ambiants sur les doses requises, et les possibilites de developpement de la resistance biologique. En mai , les travaux se sont elargis a la suite de. After the September 11 terrorist attack, the threat of a potential for a radiological or nuclear terrorist attack became more apparent. For more effective countermeasures against the disaster, multilayer protection concept - prevention of smuggling of radioactive or nuclear material into our country through seaports or airports, detection and prevention of the threat materials in transit on a road, and prevention of their entry into a target building - is recommended.
Due to different surrounding circumstances of where detection system is deployed, different types of radiation detection systems are required. There have been no studies on characteristics of detection equipment required under Korean specific conditions. This paper provides information on technical requirements of radiation detection system to achieve multi-layer countermeasures for the purpose of protecting the public and environment against radiological and nuclear terrorism.
Prevention and treatment of the gastric symptoms of radiation sickness. Currently available treatments for radiation -induced nausea and vomiting either are ineffective or reduce performance. The new antiemetic and gastrokinetic agent zacopride was tested in rhesus monkeys to assess its behavioral toxicity and its ability to inhibit radiation -induced emesis.
We determined 1 gastric emptying rates; 2 the presence and frequency of retching and vomiting; and 3 the effect of zacopride on the performance of a visual discrimination task in nonirradiated subjects. No vomiting, retching, or decreased performance was observed after either placebo or zacopride in the control state. Following irradiation plus placebo, 70 emeses were observed in 5 of 6 monkeys, and retches were observed in all 6 monkeys.
In contrast, only 1 emesis was observed in 1 of 6 monkeys and retches were seen in 4 of 6 monkeys after irradiation plus zacopride P less than 0. Zacopride also significantly inhibited radiation -induced suppression of gastric emptying. When given after the first vomiting episode in a separate group of irradiated monkeys, zacopride completely prevented any subsequent vomiting. The present results demonstrate that intragastric administration of zacopride significantly inhibited radiation -induced retching, vomiting, and suppression of gastric emptying in rhesus monkeys and did not cause detectable behavioral side effects when given to nonradiated monkeys.
This observation has important implications in the treatment of radiation sickness. Radiation oxidative stress in cancer induction and prevention. Exposure of cells to ionizing radiation causes generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species ROS which are implicated in the mechanism of carcinogenesis. Molecular steps involved in the transformation of normal cells to cancer cells have been enigmatic but generally believed to arise from aberration in cellular redox homeostasis. In normal cell function, a delicate balance is maintained between ROS generated in the metabolic process and level of endogenous antioxidant defense.
ROS are known to regulate various cellular functions, such as cell division, signal transduction, and apoptosis. Cells experience oxidative stress when excess production of ROS occurs inside a cell upon exposure to external stress or agents. This redox imbalance affects the cellular functions due to DNA strand breaks, chromosomal aberrations, gene mutations, alteration in signal transduction, and inhibition of apoptosis leading to induction of cancer and other diseases. Radiation -induced ROS are involved in initiation and promotion of carcinogenesis.
Therefore, detoxification of ROS by exogenous antioxidants including dietary polyphenols offers an important strategy for cancer prevention. Recent research results have shown that resistance of cancer stem cells to therapies is linked to low level of ROS. Interestingly, in vitro and in vivo experiments have reported that radiotherapy- and chemotherapy-induced ROS in cytosol sensitize the tumor cells to death, resulting in tumor growth retardation. This review is an attempt to delineate mechanisms of ROS in carcinogenesis and prevention by dietary compounds.
Natural polyphenols and dietary antioxidants hold potential to prevent cancer. Interventions in ROS-mediated signal alteration, apoptosis activation, and modulation of epigenetic processes may offer effective cancer prevention strategy. The place of ionizing radiation in the cancer genesis; La place des rayonnements ionisants dans la genese des cancers. Two different fields are considered: The field of low dose irradiation inferior to MSv we cannot assure the absence of carcinogen risk of ionizing radiation.
After outlining the present state of knowledge concerning the determination of doses absorbed by external irradiation for various types of radiation , the author gives figures for the comparative sensitivity of common detectors. He then defines the criteria which have to be considered for the choice of the sensitive medium and of the nature and the thickness of the detector walls. Considered very generally, the detection assembly intended for measuring the dose absorbed at a given point in the organism must be designed with a view to giving the same overall interactions with the radiation considered as those occurring in the organism.
Il definit ensuite les criteres qui doivent etre pris en consideration pour le choix du milieu sensible, de la nature et de l'epaisseur de la paroi des detecteurs. D'une maniere tres generale, l'ensemble de detection destine a mesurer une dose absorbee en un point donne de l'organisme doit etre concu en vue de presenter les memes interactions globales avec le rayonnement etudie que celles mises en jeu dans l'organisme. Patients radiation protection in medical imaging.
Conference proceedings; Radioprotection des patients en imagerie medicale. This document brings together the available presentations given at the conference organised by the French society of radiation protection about patients radiation protection in medical imaging. Twelve presentations slides are compiled in this document and deal with: To the eyes of the general public, however, reducing the chance of such accident is not enough.
A typical engineer views a risk as a combination of both consequences and likelihoods, whereas an ordinary person may only consider consequences. The implementations of better regulations, improved human operator actions, and installations of extra safety systems may reduce the chance of having uncontrolled accident practically to zero, yet the public still fears having nuclear reactors.
To design such systems, detailed information about the radioactive source term at the release point to the environment must be available to draw design limits. It may seem challenging to design a comprehensive radioactive dispersion system that can successfully prevent such extreme accident conditions, especially due to the releases from high pressure.
However, as more technologies develop and more realistic source term analyses are performed, it may be possible to develop such a public relief technology. With the development of such technology that can effectively prevent the dispersion of the uncontrolled radioactive releases in case of another Fukushima-like accident, it will result in increased safety of the nuclear power plants for both the public and the workers and may contribute to the increase in the public acceptance of nuclear energy.
Chemical studies under radiation done in the reactor cores require to be followed by dosimetry. The dosimetry of thermal neutrons has been made with solutions of cobalt sulphate or paper filter impregnated with this salt. La dosimetrie des neutrons thermiques a ete faite avec des solutions de sulfate de cotalt ou du papier filtre impregne de ce sel.
Diagnosis, injury and prevention of internal radiation exposure.

Radiation exposure is classified into three categories: Internal exposure is an exposure by the ionizing radiation emitted from radioactive materials taken into a human body. Uptake of radioactive materials can go through inhalation, ingestion, or wound contamination. Not like external exposure, alpha ray or beta ray, which has a limited penetration, is also important in internal exposure.
Diagnosis of internal exposure is based on measurement and dose assessment in addition to the history taking. These measurements provide information of radioactive materials in the body at the time of the measurement. The exposure dose to the body needs to be calculated in a process of dose assessment, based on the results of these measurements and history of intake, either acute intake or chronic intake. Another method, measurement of environmental samples or food stuff, is also used for dose assessment. For internal exposure, radiation dose to the body is expressed as committed effective dose or committed equivalent dose, which are accumulation of dose over a defined period.
Radioactive materials taken into body are transferred among many body components depending on the type of radionuclide or chemicals etc. Some radioactive materials concentrate in a specific organ. Symptoms and signs depend on the distribution of the radioactive materials in the body. Monitoring the concentration in air or foods is conducted in order to control human activities and foods and consequently reduce the amount of intake to human bodies as a preventive measure. Prevention of internal exposure is also conducted by protective gears such as full face masks.
Iodine prophylaxis could be used against radioactive iodine intake. Stable iodine, mostly potassium iodide, could be taken into the thyroid and. Oral lesions following radiation therapy and their preventive considerations. Full Text Available Oral cancers account for a relatively high percent of neoplasms in the elderly population. Treatment protocols often include anti-neoplastic pharmaco-therapeutics, irradiation of the head and neck region, and surgery. These treatments, specially radiation , have detrimental effects on oral hard and soft tissues. Salivary glands undergo a distinct and longterm dysfunction, which leads to decrease in salivary How.
Xerostomia is a common clinical problem in these patients which contributes to dry mouth, mucosites, change in oral ecosystem and dental caries, followed by difficulties in speech, swallowing and use of dentures which cause malnutrition. This phenomenon has an irreversible weakening effect on the patient's health. To prevent this negative impact on oral health in this group of patients, definitive dental treatments prior to the initiation of medical therapies is imperative, and will decrease the morbidity rates.
Today's dentistry benefits from improved methods and materials, which enable us to give these patients a better preventive dental treatment. Consultation between dentist and medical team would be the best way to help our sufferer patients. Children treated for malignant hemopathy have a very good prognosis, yet late effects of the treatments on the length, endocrine function, cognitive function and the risk of secondary malignant tumors must be decreased.
These toxicities are described in this article. New protocols and radiation techniques have been developed to reduce these effects. Radiotherapy is prescribed in the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma to prevent high risk of meninges recurrences or to treat meninges disease associated with chemotherapy. Doses of cranial irradiation are limited to 24 Gy.
The target volume is reduced to the initial site of the disease. Fourth meeting of persons competent in radiation protection; Quatriemes rencontres des personnes competentes en radioprotection. The different contributions are as follow: Characteristics of the radiation prevention metrology laboratory 'Cajavec' - Banjaluka.
Radiation metrology laboratory built in the factory 'Cajavec' in Banja Luka, planed for gauge the detectors of ionization radiation. Laboratory as part of the large factory building , thus projected and formed according to positive radiation principles. Walls are constructed of basic concrete, main entrance of lead, approaching the radiation bench from the back side.
Sound and light signal system connected with dosemeter for showing mini dose of radiation creating conditions for safe work of the dosemeterists. Radiation -Induced Polymerization of Aldehydes and Ketones; Polymerisation radiochimique des aldehydes et des cetones; Radiatsionnaya polimerizatsiya al'degidov i ketonov; Polimerizacion radioinducida de aldehidos y cetonas.