Monson talks about a faithful missionary who was guided to literally chose the right path. We too can be guided in life. Condie shares how he felt the spirit when he heard Book of Mormon stories and listened to the Apostles.
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Hales shares a list of things we can do to invite the Spirit. Bednar shares some thoughts on this subject. Eyring shares a message about Jesus Christ. Andersen shares some thoughts. Cook shares some thoughts on the subject. Also includes a story about how Elder Cook was comforted when he was called to be a General Authority. Wood shares some stories about how the Holy Ghost has guided him.
Includes an activity to color pictures of things we can do to invite the Holy Ghost into our lives.
Stevenson at the April general conference. Family Home Evening Idea: Have you ever followed a prompting from the Holy Ghost before you knew the reasons? What were the consequences? What was the power that fell when John Wesley opened his mouth to preach? It was the person of the Holy Spirit that accompanied their ministry. The cooks didn't even know she was walking by—but the next thing you know, they were flat on the floor. Kathryn didn't pray for them; she just walked by. When she left the meeting, it seemed as though the power of His presence attended her.
Day after day, hour after hour, I lifted my hands and said, "Precious Holy Spirit, would You come now and just talk to me? There were times when He came in like a wind, like a fresh breeze on a summer day. The joy of the Lord would fill me until I could contain no more. He longed for my fellowship, too.
How Do I Recognize and Understand the Spirit?
Once, in England, I was staying in the home of a Christian family. My room was at the very top of the house.
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- 4: How Do I Recognize and Understand the Spirit?.
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One evening, I was lost in the Spirit, having the greatest time in the world talking to Him. The woman of the house called up, "Benny, supper is ready. But I was bubbling over and didn't want to leave. When Jesus was on the earth and the disciples had a problem, to whom did they turn? They went to the Son, and He instructed them. But when Christ returned to the Father, they were not left alone.
Benny Hinn: Knowing the Holy Spirit Person to Person — Charisma News
Jesus said to them: He will counsel you and will remind you of things I have told you. He will tell you about Me. After Pentecost, the disciples were in such fellowship with the Spirit that He became a part of every action of their life. They were in total friendship—working together for the Son. When Peter had his vision on the rooftop in Joppa, "the Spirit said to him, 'Three men are looking for you.
So rise and go down, and go with them, doubting nothing. For I have sent them'" Acts Peter recognized the voice of the Holy Spirit. And that was the beginning of the gospel being preached to the Gentiles.
Philip recognized the voice of the Holy Spirit. It wasn't God the Father that spoke to him—nor God the Son. It was God the Holy Spirit. I believe the greatest sin against the Holy Spirit is grieving Him, which amounts to denying His power and presence. He didn't say, "You have grieved Me. The Holy Spirit is tender. He is a gentleman. He doesn't enter your room until you invite Him. And He doesn't speak to you until you speak to Him. My friend, you will never know His power and presence until you go to Him and say, "Wonderful Holy Spirit, tell me all about Jesus.
Here is one of the most important lessons I have learned: A person who knows the presence of the Holy Spirit will always glorify and magnify Jesus. Every action of your life reflects what you fill your life with. If you fill your life with newspapers, you will speak news. If you watch soap operas, you will speak soap operas. But if you are filled with the Spirit and absorb yourself in His presence, you will seek Jesus and glorify no one but Jesus. Christ said, "But when the Counselor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness of Me" John And He knew what He was talking about.
In the Old Testament, Moses could go to the Father. In the New Testament, the disciples could talk to the Son. But when you and I have a need, where should we tum? To the Holy Spirit. He is a person, and He is waiting right now for you to welcome Him into your life. You ask, "How do I begin? You might start by saying, "Holy Spirit, help me pray now. And when you begin, you'll have a prayer partner who will lead you straight to the throne of God.
He wants to be your dearest friend, and He is waiting to bring you closer to Jesus.
Holy Ghost
Christ said, "Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you. But if I go, I will send Him to you" John Soon a bright light appears, shining upon the heads of each Apostle: What were these marvelous appearances of wind and flame but a display of the personhood of the Holy Spirit?
I say the fact of an appearance manifests that he must be a person. An influence could not appear - an attribute could not appear: The Holy Spirit must, then, have been a person; since he was seen by earthly eyes, and was recognizable by the human mind. The third proof that the Holy Spirit is a real person is from the fact, that personal qualities are, in Scripture, ascribed to the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 2: The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him?
Here you see an understanding - a power of knowledge is ascribed to the Holy Spirit. Now, if there are any persons here whose minds are of so absurd a character that they would ascribe one attribute to another, and would speak of a mere influence having understanding, then I give up all argument. But I believe every rational person will admit, that when anything is spoken of as having an understanding, it must be an existence - it must, in fact, be a person.
In the 12th chapter, 11th verse of the same Epistle, you will find a will ascribed to the Holy Spirit. He does not come from God the Father simply at God the Father's will, but he has a will of his own, which is always in keeping with the will of the infinite Jehovah, but is, nevertheless, distinct and separate; therefore, I say he is a person.
In another text, power is ascribed to the Holy Spirit, and power is a thing which can only be ascribed to an existence. But I have a proof which, perhaps, will be more telling on you than any other. Fourth, the Holy Spirit is credited with acts and deeds; therefore, he must be a person. You read in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis, that the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the deep, when it was as yet formless and empty. This world was once a mass of chaotic matter, there was no order; it was like the valley of darkness and of the shadow of death.
God the Holy Spirit spread his wings over it; he sowed the seeds of life in it; the germs from which all creatures sprang to life were implanted by him; he infused the earth so that it became capable of life. Now, it must have been a person who brought order out of confusion: Fifth, the Holy Spirit is credited with influencing and moving men to write and speak the Word of God; therefore, he must be a person. When Moses penned the Pentateuch, the Holy Spirit moved his hand; when David wrote the Psalms, and plucked sweet music on his harp, it was the Holy Spirit that gave his fingers their sanctified motion; when Solomon dropped from his lips the words of the proverbs of wisdom, or when he sang his Song of Solomon, it was the Holy Spirit who gave him words of knowledge and hymns of rapture.
Tell me what fire was that which touched the lips of the eloquent Isaiah? What hand was that which came on Daniel? What power was that which made Jeremiah so mournful in his grief? Who was it that made Amos the herdsman, a prophet? Who taught the rugged Haggai to pronounce his thundering sentences?
Who kindled the burning eloquence of Nahum? Who caused Malachi to close up the book with a curse? Who was it in each of these cases, except the Holy Spirit? We must believe it. We find that still he deals with his ministers and with all his saints. Another example is when the Holy Spirit suddenly took Philip away, after he had baptized the Eunuch, and carried him to another place.
Sixth, the Holy Spirit is credited with regenerating the soul; therefore, he must be a person. It is the Holy Spirit who makes us come spiritually alive: It is the Holy Spirit who imparts the first germ of life, convincing us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come.
Its author is its preserver. It may be said, but it must be said by fools; for he never can be a wise man who can consider these things being done by any other than a glorious person - a divine existence. Allow me to give you one more proof, and I will be done. Certain feelings are ascribed to the Holy Spirit, which can only be understood upon the supposition that he is actually a person.
In the 4th chapter of Ephesians, verse 30, it is said that the Holy Spirit can be grieved: So he turned and became their enemy and he himself fought against them. You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! Now, these things could not be emotions which might be ascribed to a quality or an emanation; they must be understood to relate to a person; an influence could not be grieved, it must be a person who can be grieved, tested, or resisted.
Messages from Leaders
And now, brothers and sisters, I think I have fully established the point of the personality of the Holy Spirit; allow me now, most earnestly, to impress upon you the absolute necessity of being sound on the doctrine of the Trinity. It will be like a place of broad rivers and streams. No galley with oars will ride them, no mighty ship will sail them. Your rigging hangs loose: The mast is not held secure, the sail is not spread. Once you give up the doctrine of the Trinity, then your riggings are completely gone; your mast, which ought to be a support to your vessel, is a rickety one, and shakes.
A gospel without the Trinity!

But give me a gospel with the Trinity, and all the power of hell cannot prevail against it; no man can any more overthrow it than a bubble could split a rock, or a feather break a mountain in two. Gain an understanding of the Trinity, and you have discovered the heart of all divinity.