
Grimm Awakening

However, I do have one plea. Smith, sir, please find a new editor. I teach English and notice several glaring errors in each book. Send me your next script darlin' and I'll ensure your stories are unblemished! I'm assuming this comment isn't actually in reference to Grimm Awakening, which was proofed a crazy amount of times by the publisher. Most of the older books that I've reissued in digital editions were originally published in mass market paperback by now-defunct Leisure Books. When the rights reverted to me, I was faced with a dilemma.

I needed to get them out there as soon as possible to start bringing in income. However, I did not have the time to microscopically review each of the old manuscripts for errors because of the many other current demands in my life. Nor did I have the funds to hire outside freelance "editors" or proofers, so they basically went out there "as is. And the only reason the new ebook editions are available at all is thanks to the assistance of people who helped me with the covers and the formatting for little to no reimbursement mostly the latter.

All that said, I do apologize for any annoyance caused by typos. If you are interested, you may provide me a list of all the typos you encounter and I'll see what I can do about incorporating corrections into updated versions at a later time. In exchange for doing this task, I'll send you a signed book or two. Totally up to you whether you want to do that, of course, but I thought I'd offer.

If you DO opt to take up this task, please restrict it to typos only.

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  • The Blog That Dripped Blood: Grimm Awakening now available.

I'm not gonna bother with perceived grammar errors, unless it's especially egregious. A for instance many so-called grammarians like to cite--sentence fragments. Yes, I know I use sentence fragments. I find them to be well written and fantastic in a grim sort of way. This book was equally well written, but surprised me with the atypical "good guys" and impressive fanciful albeit dark characters.

Its definitely worth the read. I'm on to ingest the next of Mr. This book was great! The main character and his friends are all anti-heroes as well. Even though Jack Grimm isn't the greatest guy on the planet, he has to prove that he doesn't deserve to spend eternity in Hell and somehow help save the world from Hell's spawn.

This is a very different world from the Grimm TV series, but it still has great fights and a protagonist you can support! I wasn't sure what to expect going into this one, but man was I happily surprised! Very creative with great characters. Hoping and wishing to see more Jack Grimm very soon! Schrijf als eerste een recensie over dit item. Maybe I should call that Winchester girl to see about some casting molds? Yes, that would do nicely. A stack of ingots would fit in my condo much more easily than a brace of spears.

Klaustreich, I think… or maybe that was the guy in southern Vale? I thought he was just a big Atlesian. If that sort of thing came up while dealing with less than desirable elements of wesen society; and she knew from past experience that it did on a surprising basis. Zachs was as knowledgeable as any eisbiber in the city, and much more likely to tell you what you needed without needing an incentive; not that most would be stupid enough to try and threaten a big siegbarste like him. She did not like the thought of Yellow Plague spreading.

Even though a cure had been made nearly a hundred years before, it was still practically a death sentence.

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And maybe the klaustreich who lives a little south of here, unless Hei had him smacked down for getting uppity again. Kavris , Feb 5, Slick , Dogsigh , Ciela and 22 others like this. For his part, Ren simply sighed and rubbed his temples while a cadre of bored Xiong hatchetmen shooed civilians away from the alley. Never have I hated his rule about woging around kehrseiten more than that night.

That was nice, simple work.

Grimm Awakening

They all continued to snicker until they noticed Ren staring blankly at them. For a moment, they paused, but then a raucous whoop from Nora caused them to burst back into laughter. After a few moments, his jaw clicked shut and he lowered his hand. His coworker had a point. At least this crazy girl had an excuse for being crazy; everyone knew drang-zorn were liable to go off their rocker. The transformed hatchetman growled and dragged the body over towards a manhole. I mean, you shot Fuji. Silently, he began to wonder if Junior had saddled them with the dregs of his lackeys for this little operation.

Even for thugs, they seemed to be a bit too quick to argue with each other. There a reason you kids are following us? And because Ren figured Junior might know about anything else that professor Goodwitch might want taken care of. It was more efficient. If blondie thought there was one in Vale… well, that might just be something both the boss and Goodwitch would want dealt with. Pretty decent, all things considered.

Job moving a pregnant gluhenvolk to safety went all pear-shaped, though… poor bastard took a deathstalker stinger through the heart. Do his part to let the species go on a little longer. That sounded like the kind of thing that would make the council angry. Which made people wanting gluhenvolk skin really, really creepy. Although their scales are obviously a finer mesh, more similar to human skin. Like those, uh… Vacuo Greys? Kavris , Feb 18, Ancalador , Slick , Ciela and 23 others like this. So are Yang and Ruby actually Grimm or are they from the Japanese lineage that has similar abilities to the Grimms?

Kavris , Feb 20, Rc , Jesse K , shade argost and 11 others like this. Far to the north after night had fallen, in a quaint village on the eastern border of the kingdom of Atlas, a man fled through the narrow streets. His face was a mask of terror and sweat poured down his back despite the biting cold in the air.

He breathed rapidly and slammed his hands against a wall after finding himself in a dead end. You are Silas Goldmann. I am afraid you will have to die, mister Goldmann. She made a sudden, sharp gesture, causing three of the swords to stab forward. Nobody could ask the dead for that kind of thing; even those octopus heads you could usually find down in Mistral needed their victims to be alive to go on a memory eating binge. What if someone overhears?

He raised a hand, then lowered it after a moment, his lips pursing before fangs poked over them. That was his point. According to her mission log, they were to be at the east side of the village for pickup via valkyrie airship. By her internal chronometer, Phyllis would be arriving in approximately five minutes, which made it fortunate that they were very close to the extraction point.

Or was that hexenbiests? Once she was far enough away, he leaned towards Penny. This was probably one of those personality quirks the professor had warned them about. Personality algorithms not working out emotional responses and such yet, since the professor had just finished her current programming a few weeks earlier.

A Grimm Awakening (RWBY/ Grimm crossover) | SpaceBattles Forums

Although he was hoping that the professor would finish the new chassis soon, since it was getting a little creepy to see a ten year old killing random wesen. You are one of the wisest genio innocuo I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with, professor. I am certain Penny is ready for this.

But if you are unsure, I can have two of the manticore soldiers accompany her in place of her current escorts. Theoretically, it would be the ultimate anti-materiel weapon, allowing even a soldier with minimal training to carve through durable wesen like siegbarste or hadosheru, Creatures of Grimm… even airships would be as butter before a hot knife! If he could finish his design work and it functioned as he predicted it would. His expression brightened once he noticed Penny and her escorts at the doorway.

Anything unusual to report from the test, Penny? My current body performed within expected parameters. I believe something may have been targeting him before our arrival. The problem was that neither man could think of a wesen able to cause hallucinations offhand. There were, of course, several wesen breeds with poison or venom… but most of them were either lethal or paralytic.

Preferably before she starts removing organs for transplantation. There was always that option. Ancalador , Slick , Nilaos and 17 others like this. Two days later, far to the east of Vale or Atlas, four students were seated in their dorm on the campus of Haven Academy. These students made up Team SSSN, and they were currently preoccupied with rummaging through a series of old, ornate chests.

A string of unusual, flame-broiled deaths. Or maybe a Semblance? It looked sort of familiar.

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Sun gestured at Scarlet and told him it should be the fourth book on the right inside the chest he was sitting on. Eh… blah, blah, blah… khan hired it to burn a village, blah, blah, blah… oh. The CO2 spray would, theoretically douse the fire as it was produced… but if it was started by some kind of weird wesen version of the phosphor in a human body that an excandesco could just produce at insane levels, it would probably just start up again the second the spray dispersed. I mean, this guy torched ten people and five businesses.

The only problem Scarlet could find was having something survive the heat long enough to reach the fire bird. Which probably meant that Xiao Longs - Grimms, he corrected after a snort from Sage - had their own dating system for some reason. If it was an excandesco, the firebird appeared to have all of his or her tracks covered.

Or when someone attacks them. Nothing alpha-numeric, nothing… cyclical. Maybe there was something they were missing under some of the debris? What did this place do , anyway? Especially if the lien was still in the register. The Grimm Dark is this thing doing here? Hey, you might be on to something, Scarlet. Supposed to be genuine obsidian from Mount Tinder-Wreath. The other three teens eyed their woged teammate warily as he began to back away from one of the walls. Each teen discreetly reached for his weapon before loosing yelps of surprise when part of the wall started to glow red hot.

After a few moments, the glowing part of the wall melted away and a huge burning figure stomped into the room. If we hit him with enough firepower, he should go down, firebird or not! Seconds later, it stomped forward and almost lazily swung a pillar-like arm at Sun. It seemed to sneer at the teenagers while the statuette began to sink into the stony flesh of its clawed hand.

Once the figurine was gone, the monster rumbled and turned, beginning to stomp away even as Sage reached for its throat with glowing hands. For its part, the monster simply stared at him for barely a moment, then resumed its path back through the hole it had burnt into the wall. After exiting the building, the blond Faunus grimaced and opened up on the fleeing demon.

RWBY - Awakening Dragon Grimm

Much to his satisfaction, this barrage actually seemed to affect the implacable beast, chunks flying off of it and quickly cooling to a dull black. The creature turned just in time to take a bolt of high-intensity plasma to the face. As it began to amble towards its persistent attackers, its body shook from repeated detonations to its rapidly dwindling torso.

Then a plasma bolt tore off its right knee, causing it to stumble as more explosions rocked its body. Heat leaked from the weakening beast as more and more chunks of stone were blasted off of it. Finally, it sagged inward, the molten glow of its form dimming. Its remaining eye glared balefully at the teenagers who had felled it, then shattered after Scarlet swung a gleaming saber through its neck. Maybe it was some kind of mutant firebird? The obsidian bit was… sort of familiar, but overall he was drawing a blank.

This might be the first entry in the diaries that he got to start wholesale! Not a wesen, but a full blown demon , man. Kavris , Feb 21, Ancalador , Slick , Ciela and 21 others like this. Do these Grimm like folks have the same adaptive abilities of the Grimm? Well, given my prior answer that I personally view Dr.

Hasegawa, and more importantly to the story, the Xiao Long ancestry as essentially the Asiatic version of the Grimm bloodline, one would assume they would have the same adaptive potential. Although given that adaptation tends to be random, I wouldn't bet on the adaptive responses being exactly the same as Nick's.

Sun might develop an absurd sense of smell in response to being blinded by a xunte, for instance. Kavris , Feb 23, Not a follower of Grimm, myself - it just didn't grab me, for some reason, which is kind of strange given that I usually like series in the modern supernatural genre - but this is a well-written and interesting little romp, and since it uses the general concepts of that series rather than the specific characters and plotlines, I can enjoy it without having to go marathon the show.

That said, I can't help but feel that wesen might be a little over-represented in the Beacon students we've seen. I mean, if you count Yang and Ruby, you've got three out of four entire teams that are not strictly human or Faunus. With the exception of Taiyang, who is a full-blown Hunter Grimm, and to judge by that whole thing with Zwei apparently more than a little nuts on top of it. Who is also a weapon junkie who packs a freaking Sniper-Scythe and a speedster that can level a team of Hunter-in-training wesen with one move.

But she's still totally nice! She'll just get stronger and stronger the more you hit her Fuck it, every wesen out of the universe, now. Judge Mental , Feb 23, Jesse K , Lord of the rings , Whiteeyes and 1 other person like this. So either I make a broad array of supporting cast student teams to fill out wesen roles that aren't throwaways like the fuchsteufelwild or the wendigo family, or I turn some of the existing supporting cast into wesen. Or leave them as random mooks like some of Junior's hatchetmen or the yet to appear workers at Aureli's construction firm. Although I do, of course, have an assortment of OCs outside of the school as well as a few OC teams to spread wesen-hood among.

In particular, why Atlas made an artificial one. Basically, Atlas was home to a boatload of Endezeichen Grimms what Pyrrha was referencing when saying, 'at least you aren't the bad ones'. Who the local wesen killed off wholesale rather than let them run rampant over them with their 'if it isn't human, kill it' MO. So now they're pseudo-Royals with a connection to the military and a lot of Grimm gear to sort through and 'assign' to agents as they see fit. Which the next chapter actually addresses in part. Lord of the rings , shade argost , Whiteeyes and 2 others like this.

This part ran longer than I thought it would. And mostly just sets the tone of Weiss's viewpoint on wesen affairs. A fateful trip to Forever Fall had come and gone, rousing the flagging confidence of Jaune Arc and leaving the members of team CRDL with the thought that perhaps he did actually belong at Beacon. The Schnee heiress, however, was more concerned with the report she was to receive. A slight smirk found its way to her face as she turned to the back of the dormitory building to find the increasingly familiar form of a blue-haired classmate. He was already here.

When he nodded, her smirk returned for a moment. So what have you observed of our classmates? I have reason to believe that Ruby and Yang may be wesen. Try to draw a woge out of her. Could they be Grimms? Professor Goodwitch had said nothing about drang-zorn attending Beacon. That was just a disaster waiting to happen! Pyrrha could… probably contain her if Ren failed to keep her calm, but that was besides the point!

He cracked his neck and blinked. Those two are obvious, Kantblau. I would almost label him a wieder schakal, if not for the thuggish bullying. Velvet and Fox were kehrseiten-schlich-kennen, but Yatsuhashi, surprisingly, was a hadosheru. I thought most of them were soldiers or independent bounty hunters. I would have guessed rissfleisch.

Probably not a heftigauroch either. Either way, probably not a potential danger. It was true that, according to the accumulated knowledge provided by the confiscated Grimm Diaries at least, that the only truly aggressive bovine wesen was the minotaur common to Mistral.

So she would be quite interested to learn if there were wesen on that team that Goodwitch had neglected to mention. He nearly discovered me as I observed them, but fell short of actually finding me. I would cast it less on his abilities and more on circumstance. So far as he could tell, the majority of surviving second year teams were human, although team BRGY was entirely composed of blutbaden who lacked the discipline shown by Pyrrha.

In the grand scheme of things, they were dangerous as a group because of blutbaden pack aggression, but lacked the skill to really be dangerous on their own. Have you seen anything exotic since your first report? It seems he takes his philanthropy quite seriously. That was good to know. She had almost been worried that Junior would be among the more corrupt members of the Xiong family, like many of those who could be found in southern Mistral.

But if he was that firm on the stance of gluhenvolk preservation, there had to be something more to why Ruby had seen Xiong family hatchetmen with that criminal oaf, Torchwick. Why would they call themselves that? View themselves the dominant power in the fortieth sector of the industrial district. And if the ruffians feel the need to harass us, you will deal with them as necessary. A handful of alley cats will not meddle in the affairs of the Schnee family.

When Weiss began to circle him, an appraising gleam in her eyes, the dog-like teen rolled his eyes and adopted a looser stance. A weakling and a pedophile. In that case, she supposed it was understandable. So perhaps it was for the best. Kavris , Feb 24, Ancalador , Slick , Ciela and 15 others like this. Later that day, Yang and Ruby were standing in front of a small office building.

Beyond its small stature, the building was almost entirely nondescript save for the rather well-made sign declaring it the headquarters of Aureli Construction. After looking at each other and shrugging, the sisters stepped inside. Two fairly average men stared at the teens for a moment, then looked at the larger standing at the back of the room.

A Grimm Awakening (RWBY/ Grimm crossover)

When the man shrugged and took a step forward, the smaller men went back to their filing. He eyed them distrustfully until the elevator doors closed and they were on their way up. Afterward, he snorted again and moved back to his spot by the back wall and grabbed a magazine from the table. Ruby and Yang shrugged and waited for the elevator to stop.

Though they also had to decide on just what they would be asking. He might not have known the man very well - more of an acquaintance, really - but he knew a Grimm when he saw one. Those eyes were unmistakable. You two had questions for this old ogre. Which left him surprised when he saw that one of the professors was a Grimm. Happened, ah… about a week after I saw your old man. Involves Junior, Glynda… and those butcher birds. Glynda, on the other hand, had just beaten Huolin for the position as canton leader after her mother, Gilda Goodwitch, stepped down.

But Yang kicked his butt. Anyway, it was a bad time for the canton. He was getting to that. So Junior was also a newly appointed leader… except the hatchetmen were less inclined to question the leadership of whichever Xiong happened to employ them, especially with Hei Xiong senior sticking around for a bit to make sure the transition went smoothly.

And he noticed the butcher birds off on their own. More than that, it was the kind of thing nobody in civilized society tolerates. The rest, as they say, was history. Why is he still woged? Something hooked gave him that cut across his neck. Neither option doing much to narrow down possibilities.


From what the boys in the VPD have figured out, works longer. And left incriminating pictures to back up the accusation. Actually, the accusation does narrow down the list of suspects, come to think of it. But you said our dad is a Grimm. Maybe our mom was wesen? The Schnee family were viewed as royalty by the dog guys? Or did it just mean the dogs were weirder than already implied?

Kavris , Feb 26, Slick , Nilaos , Jesse K and 13 others like this. While Ruby and Yang had been making their way to the headquarters of Aureli Construction, Weiss had been making her way to another destination. Her opinion of it dropped even more once she noticed the crude arena that had been constructed in the center of the warehouse, and the smell of the place!

He dosed himself with some of that Grimm stuff after you said you wanted to come here. The winner gets better treatment than the loser? Professor Goodwitch allows this? Her lips pressed together more tightly as a pair of men were goaded into the ring with what looked to be cattle prods. Failure to comply will make the dismantling of this operation become a bloody affair!

Tania rolled her eyes as a ripple passed over her form. In its wake, she expanded, her form growing more robust as her hair grew shaggier. Her face had also expanded, becoming vaguely ape-like though still clearly more human in nature, and she stamped a greatly enlarged foot while pulling a large, double-headed axe from her back.

By now, most of the audience had begun to flee. None of them wanted to draw the ire of the Schnee family, and after Tania woged, even more of them started running. After the last member of the audience tripped over the door on his way out, Weiss arched her scarred brow and drew Myrtenaster. She had warned these lion-faced thugs what would happen if they refused to cooperate peacefully. If they were so eager to end the lives of others for their own amusement and profit, they should be prepared for their own lives to end.

A quick wrench of his blockish head later, the ringmaster was sinking to his knees as the life faded from his eyes. His jowls rose, revealing red-stained fangs as he reached behind himself to take hold of his collapsed spear. Which left them as being naturally stronger and faster than a normal human, but not much tougher, and definitely not at the same level as someone with Aura.

Soon after, she screamed as the blur hovered over her and her eyes suddenly vanished in spouts of blood. It was time to see whether there were any that could be helped or not. Except for skalenzahne that ate human. She blinked and clicked her beak, a wing rising to shroud her face. Places to be, people to see, you know? After noticing the logo on his sweatshirt, they realized the one inside was an upperclassman. One they soon put a name to: What kind of gas!? It was just an Aura suppressant.

Not a very good one, either, since it needed to be rather concentrated. The gas was already clearing out, so it was just a matter of minutes before his Aura was back up and running, even if not at full efficiency. I was worried you might have meant umbrium gas. Kantblau, deal with the door. One of his cousins worked for Aureli Construction and had said the old siegbarste was hiring for big jobs along the Autumn Wall. His first guess was correct. Personally, she much preferred ritterhund as an official name… it was much less barbaric or ostentatious.

Not letting one of the captives out while the other two are? Assaulting a… courier, I believe it was. Criminals or gangsters, on the other claw, were quite prone to such things, as he understood it.