Golfs Simple Secrets - Increase Your Power
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Look forward to implementing these in my next round. You know that the traditional golf swing is so hard to time. Even professionals who practice every day struggle sometimes with timing.
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But for the average golfer timing is next to impossible with the traditional golf swing. And when you implement this one move, it will drive your entire swing and help you to hit the ball properly and with control! You can read all about this phenomenal discovery here: My only question is, are there any good tips to stay accurate when you add power?
It seems whenever I try to add power, my accuracy is compromised. What often happens is people will use their arms more to add power. This messes up the technique completely.
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Remember, power comes from the hips and everything should flow together. You can find it at: You forget the most important tip. That way you impact the ball just as you set it up. Greatest golf fault is getting the spine out of place. If you manage to not do that all the rest is just simple fine tuning.
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Golf can be so hard, especially for newcomers. If you are struggling and need some tips check this out, it worked for me when I started. One point I think it?
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If anybody wants then I can share that PDF here. Tip number three is something that took me a long time to learn. I lost a lot of accuracy and finesse when I tired to put a lot of power into my hit.
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Once I focused on my form, the power came naturally. The whole body working together has more strength than your arms do alone. I bet that will improve my swing. If you want to lower your handicap, enjoy your golf more and learn how to make an effortless swing you should read at least one of Peter Lightbown and Cecilia Croaker's books. Golf's Simple Secrets was our first book and what we thought would be our only book.
Books by Peter Lightbown (Author of Golf's Simple Secrets - Illustrated)
When this book hit the IBook store it immediately became a best seller in Australia and performed well in other countries. An updated version of the first book with a couple of pictures. Buy one or the other and learn how to stop slicing, topping and shanking the ball. Third book in the series. You will learn how to pitch, do reliable bunker shots and the chip shot..
Find out the simple ways of developing an effective, natural putting stroke, free of anxiety and tension. We all know what it is like to hit a good shot followed by a terrible shot or the post birdie syndrome leaving us bewildered.
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Learn how to overcome this by practising at home and on the driving range. This is the book that you have been waiting for!

Learn in simple terms, a scientifically proven, effective way to increase your power and distance - not just for the driver but all you fairway metals, hybrids and irons too. Five Stars " This book is truly helpful. Peter hits the nail on the head with his mental tips. A must have for every golfer!