
Der Bürgerkrieg im Sudan: Die Darfurkrise als moderner, umweltbedingter Konflikt (German Edition)

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Revolutions and kingdom breakdowns are the first concentration as Sanderson offers popular theories and describes the method of revolutions. The booklet covers well-known revolutions from background France, Russia, China and a number of other social and political revolutions within the 3rd international Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, and the Philippines. Die Darfurkrise als moderner, umweltbedingter Konflikt German Edition. Krieg und Frieden, nine Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird auf einen textual content von Markus Ritter Bezug genommen, welcher sich mit der Theorie moderner, umweltverursachter Konflikte auseinander setzt.

Hence, the researcher has primarily used the statements of the trafficking women returnees to establish a pattern of the experiences, treatments and problems they face throughout their passage and in destination. Additionally, supplementary data are collected from other informants to fill the information gaps appeared in due course. The research is conducted in Metema woreda area. Metema woreda is one of the districts in Ethiopia, Amhara Regional State. Amhara Regional State has totally 11 Administrative Zones and more than districts.

It is one of the border towns between Ethiopia and Sudan and is located about kilometers northwest of Addis Ababa and kilometers west of Gondar town. The researcher has used primary sources including women returnees and victims of trafficking, police officials and prosecutors, legal experts, and other concerned government authorities, to obtain original or firsthand information.

Moreover, the researcher has used secondary sources to back the information gathered from the informants. For that reason, previously conducted research papers, police and court case records, state documents and records, official statistics, mass media outputs, and journal articles and conference papers were reviewed in triangulation with the first hand data acquired from respondents to reach to the full picture of the situation. Snow ball non probability sampling method was employed by the researcher to select respondents from the whole study population.

This is imperative to efficiently track the direct victims and actors of the situation. Therefore, snow ball method was used to drop a line with the trafficking women victims and concerned stakeholders.

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In doing so, the earliest or previously contacted informants were served as a spring board to find and introduce the researcher to the rest of participants found in similar categories. Despite the fact that sample size is highly subjected to the time, manpower and financial resources available to the study, the researcher has used two principal criteria to select adequate number of participants from the target population.

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These are sufficiency and saturation principles. And secondly, the researcher has conducted interviews and listen to the statements of these targeted women returnees until the point of having the sense of listening similar information repetitively and has no longer expects to hear and find out something new. The necessary data to the study were collected from the primary and secondary sources all the way through using a combination of multiple data gathering instruments including in-depth interview, key informant interview, focus group discussion, review of relevant literatures and document analysis.

Furthermore, an effort has made by the researcher to get a complete picture of the problem of the study and block some of the inadequacies of the instruments by triangulating with the information gathered through the other data gathering instrument. Even though there are various data collection techniques regularly used by researchers to gather information from primary sources, interview is mostly considered as the best instrument used in qualitative research.

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Hence, respondents were asked an amalgamation of both open-ended and closed-ended questions by the researcher. The close-ended questions have aimed on looking for very short and clear answers, and the open-ended questions were designed to allow the interviewees to converse and reply to the questions raised by the researcher freely on their own ways. Furthermore, all of the interviews and the focus group discussion were conducted in Amharic language and later translated into English language for analysis. All through the interviews, previous to entering into conducting the interviews, the researcher has notified the respondents regarding the purpose of the study and the value of their participation in giving the interviews in brief manner.

Additionally, Respondents were informed that their identities and the information they would be providing during the interviews will be kept confidential. Next to getting the affirmation of their consent to give the interviews, once again they were asked whether recording their voices is possible or not, and then with their full permission the interviews had been recorded on tape. For those who were unwilling or feeling discomfort to be recorded on tape, the researcher turns to the second option of taking brief notes of their words in textbook.

Finally the recorded interviews were transcribed into written format to make them ready to analysis. Key informant interview KII is valuable data collection instrument to quickly gain some insight on highly intricate and sensitive subject matters from particularly well-informed respondents in the area.

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Accordingly, Metema woreda Police, Prosecution and Immigration Officials, and Court judges as well as Northern Gondar Higher Court Judges and Justice Bureau Officials were selectively interviewed to get their professional insights in the situations of trafficking women victims in the area. Besides the interviews, one focus group discussion FGD has been arranged with a group of agents from each concerned institutions for further clarity particularly regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the preventive or counter trafficking measures taken to combat trafficking in women and to triangulate the data.

Documents and literatures that have a direct relevance with the trafficking in persons and particularly trafficking in women were examined to back the information collected from the primary data sources through interviews and FGD. Accordingly, a number of literatures and legal documents are used in the study to demonstrate the conceptual discussions on trafficking in persons and women, the global, regional and national patterns of trafficking in women as well as the role of international, regional and national human rights law in combating and prosecuting trafficking in women offences.

Thus, respondents were treated in full respect and the identity of the participants will kept confidential for the sake of their security and safety. Additionally, they have informed that an effort will be made by the researcher to avoid the potential risks may appear following their contact with the researcher and that they have a right to not give any information to the researcher and have the right to withdraw from the interview at any time they feel discomfort.

The qualitative data collected from primary and secondary sources were processed and analyzed by using recursive abstraction interpretative technique where data sets are summarized, and those summaries are then further and further summarized and at the end come to a compact summary and conclusion of the all gathered data. In favor of supplementing the expression, very simple and unsophisticated tabulations, graphic expressions and percentages were used.

Besides, data are interpreted in the light of critical research approach with the purpose of exploring the experiences of the trafficking women victims or the things really happened to them. Hence, the research is not implicated in assessing the attitudes and perception of the victims and the way they give meanings to the situation they were dealing with. In this chapter the available literatures and legislative frameworks relevant to trafficking in women are reviewed with the aim of providing the conceptual discourses, realities and legal grounds with reference to trafficking in women.

For that reason the chapter is divided into three parts. Part one presents a conceptual discussion on trafficking in persons; including the contested definitions of trafficking, smuggling and irregular migration, in addition to the main components and root causes of trafficking. Part two provides the global, regional and national trafficking patterns.

Finally, in the third part the relevant international, regional and national human rights instruments and legislative frameworks are provided. Trafficking in persons or human trafficking is an imprecise and highly contested term. Hence it is a source of difficulty and controversy to have clear and universally agreeable definitions. The Palermo Protocol in its Article 3 defines trafficking in persons as follows:. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, servitude or the removal of organs; [17].

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The Palermo Protocol definition focuses on clearly identifiable elements of the crime, in order to differentiate cases of trafficking from other acts, such as smuggling and irregular migration. The definition refers to three distinct elements. These are the act, means and purpose of trafficking in persons.

According to the definition, trafficking in persons involve acts include recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring and receipting trafficking victims. In doing so, traffickers may use means of threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, deception, fraud, abuse of power or vulnerability and giving payments or benefits to win the consent of the potential trafficking victims. The core purpose of trafficking in persons is exploitation.

Moreover, exploitation includes prostitution of others, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery or similar practices and removal of organs. Therefore, the attendance of all of the three components is indispensable to constitute a given action or process trafficking in persons.

The only exception is for child victims of trafficking for whom it is not required to show illegal means. Hence, trafficking in persons contains three central components namely recruitment, transportation and exploitation.

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  • The potential trafficking victims are initially recruited by other people, in one way or another stay in the system, at the time they enter the course of trafficking. Recruiters individuals involved in the conscription process have commonly use different mechanisms to trick people and get their consent of joining the trafficking route; including readymade false promises of an opportunity, success stories of formerly trafficked people and misinformation or lies. However, people may also themselves initiate or pushed by their own personal reasons, survival needs or desperation.

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    Once the victims are recruited, the next step is transporting them from one town, area, or country to another until they reach to the intended destination places. The transportation process may engage individuals or group of individuals to provide the needed services to the trafficking victims. This includes starting from facilitating and arranging the movement to providing fake travel documents, food and shelter, needed in the way to enter and cross the border of the destination country. Occasionally, corrupted border guards, immigration or law enforcement personnel and officials may also be involved in the trafficking process work in partnership and sharing benefits with the traffickers or brokers.

    In most trafficking cases exploitation is the end component and chief purpose of recruiting and transporting victims. This is the very reason why all people are recruited from all corners of the sourcing countries, and it is principally to exploit them in the all available mechanisms. Traffickers may make an immense amount of profits out of the trafficking victims through engaging them into prostitution, domestic servitude, forced labor, and in some instances selling for body organs removal.

    After arrival, trafficking victims are treated just as a property. In relation with that, most employers feel they have possession over the trafficked workers in the grounds of paying for the recruitment and any other related fees, just like they own any other property they have paid for. This denies the intrinsic humanity value of the trafficking victims. They routinely are treated as a means to get some takings, not as an end by themselves as human creature. This reduces them to the status of being a slave, which absolutely is grave human right violation.

    Moreover, the lack of social and legal protection in the destination countries makes trafficking victims an easy target and gives traffickers and employers supremacy over the victims. Therefore, it is excellent to carefully look in to these three inter-reliant components in order to entirely understand trafficking activities. These three components are representing the activity, means and purpose of trafficking events. United States Department of State.

    Retrieved September 22, , from http: International Organization for Migration. Retrieved August 12, , from Activities: Africa and the Middle East: Retrieved August 12, , from http: European parliament Working Paper. Civil Liberities Series , 3. Trafficking in Persons Overseas for Labour Purposes: The Case of Ethiopian domestic Workers.

    Country Office Addis Ababa: Retrieved September 20, , from http: In Anteneh, A… supra , footnote 4, p. Delport, Research at grass Root Level: Introduction to the Research Process. Vos, Research at Grass Root Level: Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe: A review of the evidence. As an illustration, they have identified over 20 definitions of the concept of trafficking in their review of the literature. The term "trafficking" is used by different actors to describe activities that range from voluntary, facilitated migration, to the exploitation of prostitution, to the movement of persons through the threat or use of force, coercion, violence, etc.

    Increasingly, it has been recognized that historical characterizations of trafficking are outdated, ill-defined and non-responsive to the current realities of the movement of and trade in people and to the nature and extent of the abuses inherent in and incidental to trafficking. Rather than clinging to outdated notions of the constituent elements of trafficking, which date back to the early nineteenth century, new understandings of trafficking derive from an assessment of the current needs of trafficked persons in general, and trafficked women in particular. New definitions also must be specifically tailored to protect and promote the rights of trafficked persons, with specific emphasis on gender-specific violations and protections.

    Retrieved September 11, , from http: Retrieved September 12, , from http: Politik - Internationale Politik - Region: Sociology - Gender Studies. Naher Osten, Vorderer Orient. Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Sociology - Law, Delinquency, Abnormal Behavior. GRIN Publishing, located in Munich, Germany, has specialized since its foundation in in the publication of academic ebooks and books. The publishing website GRIN.

    Free Publication of your term paper, essay, interpretation, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis, dissertation or textbook - upload now! Register or log in. Our newsletter keeps you up to date with all new papers in your subjects. Request a new password via email. Interview Guide Appendix B: List of Figures Appendix D: List of Tables Appendix E: