Das Geschworenengericht in der attischen Demokratie (German Edition)
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École Française d'Athènes
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The last Ottomans the Muslim minority of Greece, New perspectives on South-East Europe series. The history of the heathen deities. The antient history of Greece. The antient history of Rome. The antient history of Britain. With an account of the Greek and Roman writers, and other eminent persons of each nation.
For the use of youth. For the instruction of youth. The eighth edition, revised and improved. To which is added, maps of antient Greece and Britain, with a plan of old Rome. A classical and topographical tour through Greece, during the years , , and A voice from Greece: Historia antiqua or, antient history, to be rendered into Latin, containing, I. Historia antiqua or, antient history, to be rendered into Latin: The seventh edition, revised and improved.
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To which is added, maps of antient Greece and Britain, with a plan of Old Rome. Who endeavoured to prevent the Decree of Fate, with respect to his Son, who should murder his Father. To prevent which, he is taken by a Nobleman in his Infancy, and brought up in all the Grandeur possible. When arrived at the Age of Nineteen, he got Leave from his supposed Parents to travel, then went into his Fathers dominions, and, as Fate decreed, killed his Father. His Marriage with the Queen his Mother, after the King's Decease, by whom he had four Children, yet innocent that she was his mother: Licensed and Enter'd according to Order.
Oxford University Press on behalf of the Classical Association,.
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