Aspiring astronauts will be captivated by this space-tacular book. Blast off into our local solar system and galaxies far, far away as you discover the science behind stars, planets, meteors and comets. This book also includes a detailed look at the history of the universe. In this brilliant book, the hugely popular Professor Robert Winston presents a range of exciting science experiments which kids can try at home. From creating balloon rockets and glow-in-the-dark jelly, to making a metal detector and turning water pink, children will love these experiments, which are sure to inspire a lifelong interest in science.
Explore the amazing human body with this colourful book, packed with engaging text and incredible experiments. From your brain down to your toes, this book is bursting with fun facts and wonderful illustrations, detailing how body systems function and collaborate. It explains how blood travels around the body, how we detect heat and cold and so much more, with experiments that include carrying out a taste map of the tongue and finding a pulse. If your kids are struggling to understand the complex periodic table, this bright and fun beginner's guide book is the perfect tool to aide their studies.
The book takes you through each of the 92 elements and shares interesting facts or stories surrounding them. This ingenious book teaches kids all about science without them even knowing! It's packed with activities that will fill children's minds with useful information, encouraging them to draw, sketch, make and colour. From mapping out bones to optical illusions, kids are sure to be kept informed and entertained, and may even find that they have a head-start in science lessons at school - but don't tell them that Illustrated by Marjorie Priceman. Are You An Echo? Kids interested in STEM and even those who aren't will love reading about the many women, including primatologist Jane Goodall and mathematician Katherine Johnson , who made their mark on several different scientific fields.
Written and illustrated by Rachel Ignotofsky. Abrams Books for Young Readers. Illustrated by Hadley Hooper.
This book includes the stories of women who made their mark on the world early on. It features Ruby Bridges , the inspiring 6-year-old who helped desegregate an all-white school in the South, and Mae Jemison , the first African-American woman in space. This book is also great for engaging readers with mathematical problems that help explain the engineering concepts.
Kid Scientists by David Stabler | Books
This is definitely not just a picture book, the information presented will keep curious minds busy. Composed by the same author that wrote Outdoor Science Lab for Kids, this collection experiments use kitchen items for indoor activities. This book can be used as a teaching aid for science classes, or as a companion for the outdoor book for bad weather days. The experiments explore concepts in biology, physics, and chemistry using cheap pantry supplies that most of us have on hand. The activities are great for individuals or groups, and the instructions are easy to follow. There are experiments everyone can enjoy in this collection.
With this book of experiments, there is no reason to be bored!
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This science teacher loves to figure out and explain how things come to be and function, and over the years he has heard all kinds of questions from his students. Covering topics like human biology, geology, chemistry, zoology, and more, this book is laid out in a question and answer form that goes into detailed explanations.
This is definitely a comprehensive book, at pages just full of information. While this may not be ideal for smaller children, it is fantastic for the more serious learner. This is a must-read for all the kids out there; a book that is hoping to stop the stereotype suggesting only boys can excel in the world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. A fun read with extraordinary illustrations. Women in Science introduces its young readers as well as their parents to the pioneers like the well-known chemist Marie Curie and the recently-recognized African-American mathematician Katherine Johnson, who did the calculations for Apollo Classified to be for children age , this book might interest even somewhat older readers as they discover of how many important names they were unaware.
Cleverly divided into five sections, children can now easily find simple yet scientifically correct answers to questions about space, Earth, animals, humans and the future. In pages, everything is covered. This is intended for children age but reviews show that even younger boys and girls, starting at around the age of 7, love to know the science behind the color of their snot!
A great book for future engineers; with 16 pages and over 90 flaps explaining the hidden secrets of various machines, devices and inventions. How Things Work also includes links to web pages where children can learn further through different animations, games and experiments, spending additional hours entertaining themselves. Children as young as 4 years old find this book fascinating true, flaps do play a major part in this! It is safe to assume that with this book, the little ones will very soon know more about the home gadgets than their older siblings or even parents.
Probably more than any other science branch. Although not super thin, this book is far from thick and un-digestible. At around pages full of well-written clear instructions, children from the age of 9 can easily follow the rules of coding. It could be dangerous. They can even create their own volcano! Although all the experiments listed are developed with kids in mind, for some endeavors adult supervision is required. These are clearly marked in the book. Written by the physicist Dominic Walliman, who built a career explaining science to children via books and social media, this book takes the young astronauts on a beautifully illustrated journey through space!
Luckily, this book contains all the important information in an accessible language that is sure to only awake deeper interest! And with the writer having strong presence and lots of content online, they can easily continue their learning journey with just a couple of clicks. Perfect for children of years of age, although even younger and older! It does so in a fun yet educational way, with many flaps and easy-to-follow information on topics like hurricanes and global warming.
This is a very short book aimed at children up to the age 8, but filled with knowledge they will be able to use for life. Moreover, many parents and grandparents will find themselves learning new things about climate events that unfortunately happen more and more often. Another book in the See Inside collection that deals with a topic important for the This very informative book helps show the importance of recycling to young children and adults alike.
Great Science Books for the Little Ones
It is again intended for very young children, around the age of 5 and maybe a bit above. By addressing the youngest, it aims to build a new generation of ecologically-minded individuals that are going to grow up aware of how much good they can do if they simply separate their recyclables. Many books on this list deal in detail with humans and animals, but are leaving out the amazing world of plants. Botanicum brings the plant life back into the focus with its easy-to-understand text and breath-taking illustrations.
This is book is written by a highly-regarded academic from the Oxford University, yet it is written in a way that everyone can use it — from 3rd grade primary school kids to those taking botany classes in high school. For the extremely curious, it even offers a list of further suggested readings. This can also be a massive help for students. Most children go through the phase when they are interested in everything that most of us consider, well — icky.
The Big Book of Bugs is an amazing gift for when the child is in that stage. Using great illustrations, the book teaches children and the brave parents about various different types of bugs and their interesting characteristics. Biology, chemistry and physics all come together in the practice of medicine, which is why medicine can be so intriguing to inspiring scientists. This book provides an introduction of how medicine works and what do doctors actually do when you visit the hospital.
Aside for being an interesting read for young scientists, this is a great way to prepare the child if a family member, a friend or themselves have to visit the hospital. Knowledge is the best tool against fear.
This book is written in a clear and simple way with lots of colourful illustrations, suitable for children from the age of 6 and beyond. To move away from encyclopaedia-type books, this is a fun and accessible biography of one of the most amazing minds that ever existed in science: With the story of Nikola Tesla, children will familiarise themselves with the concept of electricity.
However, instead of only learning about science, they will also get to know that there are people behind all the discoveries and inventions — and, thus, that they themselves can become scientists! This easy read, intended for children , is a great early start on the topic that will follow students all throughout their schooling. For children who want to know more about the history of electricity, from the first discoveries to modern days, this book provides a comprehensible overview.
17 Children's Books To Read To Your Kids In Honor Of Women's History Month
DK Eyewitness Books is a well-known series that guarantees success with young readers. They can explore specific areas of interest by skipping to certain topics or they can read from cover to cover to get a deeper understanding of why today we can read late at night with a small bedside lamp on our nightstand. Accompanied with plenty of pictures, this is the perfect book for when the child first shows interest in the science behind their iPhone charger. Young children want to touch just about anything they can get their hand on — and most often they want to know how it tastes. Sometimes, we even need to get a vaccine so that we can stay strong and healthy.
Fact and Fiction, Friends and Foes is great because it also makes a point not to go to the other extreme and become a germaphobe: We need yeast, after all, to make all that yummy pizza! This is a great and instructive book, giving a historical overview of major scientific developments.
As such, it is useful for science-hungry kids and school children in need of a quick refresher as well as adults preparing for a pub quiz on a rare night out. Science Year by Year is equipped with an abundance of great photos and quick commentaries which works well to keep the attention of the young ones.
Nevertheless, it also giving some more in-depth information about the most crucial advances in science. While most of us know physics as something beyond complicated, Physical Science for Kids series works wonders to explain physical concepts in simplest terms possible so that even the 4-year-olds can understand. This is an amazing book with great drawings and really, really understandable examples. It will not only be fun for kids but also for parents as they discover physics is not the enemy they remember from high-school.
This is yet another book in the amazing new series called Physical Science for Kids. It is aimed at children from the age of four onwards, explaining to them some of the physical forces though entertaining everyday examples and simple language. To add to the fun, there are also some great age-appropriate experiments so that children can see and feel for themselves how forces work in their life.
This book explores how forces, movement, speed and inertial relate to the concept of motion — and, YES, all of this in very, very simple terms. Push and Pull, Fast and Slow uses colourful illustrations to explain the idea of motion to very young children, and children love it! Motion is a part of their everyday life and the books makes sure to use examples such as catching the bus and spinning on a swing to make a point.
This book is aimed at children years old and can be used in classroom as well as home. Since explanations are quite short, it is good to read it with the child. What makes this book super interesting is that it combines a well-constructed plot with developed characters as well as factual knowledge about the universe.

This combination is sure to win children over and foster interest in physics - particularly in space. Because, with science, is mostly about becoming curious in the topic — once you develop an interest, you will gladly study until you understand. This is another book in the series that the famous physicist Stephen Hawking created with his daughter Lucy, promoting interest in physics in children.