Can A Christian Be Possessed By An Evil Spirit?
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This book is very interesting. It is basically about possessing the mind Most of the time our thinking becomes actions.
It is quite an eye opener and I suggest all to read it. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. Pages with related products. See and discover other items: There is no evidence that the person whom Paul delivered over to Satan became demon-possessed. Two Others The Bible speaks of two other individuals who were also delivered over to Satan.
As is the case with the believer in Corinth, there is no indication that either of these men were ever demon-possessed. People Taken Captive Another passage speaks of people being taken captive by the Devil. The people under discussion in this context are not believers. Consequently there is no Scriptural support for the idea that Christians can become demon-possessed. If this is the case, then what about the stories that circulate with respect to believers and demon-possession. Examples are provided of believers who exhibit symptoms of demon possession.
When people give examples of believers being possessed, there are a number of questions that immediately arise, "Were these victims of demon possession really believers? It is not whether a professing Christian can be demon-possessed, but rather can a genuine, "born again" Christian become demon-possessed? The Bible teaches that those who have trusted Christ are permanently indwelt by the Holy Spirit. In Him you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in Him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit; this is the pledge of our inheritance toward redemption as God's own people, to the praise of His glory Ephesians 1: New Creation Believers are a new creation in Christ.
So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God? For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 8: Specially mentioned are the angels and principalities - angelic orders.
Not even they can separate the believer from the love of God.
Don Stewart :: Can a Christian Be Demon-Possessed?
All of these things would make demon-possession an impossibility for the believer. Spiritual Balance Needed Satan and demons are defeated foes, yet they are still very active in this world, causing much harm. Though they cannot possess and control a believer, they can cause a number of problems. Summary The Scripture does not teach that a Christian can be possessed by a demon. The believer is "in Christ,"- one of His.
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Every example in the Bible of a person being demon-possessed concerns an unbeliever - there are no examples of believers being possessed. Furthermore, we must be careful not to rely on stories of believers and demon-possession - many other explanations are possible. The Christian, who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, need not fear demon possession. Yet, demons do attack believers in various ways.

Therefore, it would be wrong to say that they cannot have any affect on the Christian. Newsletters Facebook Twitter Donate Contact. Blue Letter Bible is a c 3 nonprofit organization. Cite this page MLA format. Share this page using one of these tools: If a demon enters any area of the body or mind or attitudes , it enters you! Many Christians have had God-given deliverances from problems and believed they were delivered from demon possession. But we must search the Scriptures to see if their interpretation of what happened is really in line with what the Bible teaches.
Some, for example, teach that since the Bible speaks of a spirit of cowardly fear, any deliverance from fear must be by the casting out of an evil spirit or demon of fear. But an examination of the same passage 2 Timothy 1: If people interpret fear to be an evil spirit needing to be cast out, to be consistent they would need to beseech three good spirits to come in. The fallacy of this reasoning is obvious. Love and self-control are fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives. By a spirit of love and of self-control is meant the attitudes that result from our cooperation with the Holy Spirit.
Actually, the word spirit in many cases means an attitude or a disposition. David spoke of a broken spirit Psalm Paul wanted to come to Corinth, not with a rod, but with love and a meek or gentle spirit 1 Corinthians 4: Peter spoke of the adorning of the heart with the imperishable gift of a meek and quiet spirit 1 Peter 3: Thus, unless the context shows that an independent spirit-being is meant, it seems best to take most phrases such as a haughty spirit, a hasty spirit, a spirit of slumber, a spirit of jealousy, etc.
A serious danger in considering all these sins of the disposition to be demons is that the individual may feel no responsibility for personal actions and feel that the necessity for repentance is removed. Actually, the Bible calls people to repent of these things and to put off these attitudes. The great conflict within us is not between the Holy Spirit and demons, but between the indwelling Holy Spirit and the flesh that is, all the sensory apparatus that tends toward sin.
When the word spirit is used of demons, the Bible may speak of an evil or unclean spirit. In many cases these demons caused sickness. But the New Testament does not ascribe all sickness to demons or evil spirits.
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In fact, many passages make a clear distinction between sicknesses and diseases not caused by demons and those caused by demons Matthew 4: In none of these examples is there any indication that any of these sicknesses caused by demons were of people in right relation to God. We must remember also that all of these examples took place before Pentecost. The word daimonizomai, to be possessed of a demon, or, as some put it, to be demonized, is not as common.
Another great problem with the idea that demons may possess Christians is a concept that erodes faith and waters down our concept of God and the salvation He provides. God is our Father. It would seem contradictory for demons to indwell our bodies now that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We were once servants of sin Romans 6: It is still possible to sin, but if a believer sins, it is because of having become willing to do so, not because of having been invaded by a demon.
The Book of Romans calls not for the casting out of demons but for a faith act by which one becomes what one is. For a Christian to have a demon would bring a division that Jesus refused to admit. The Pharisees tried to say that Jesus cast out demons by Beelzebub, the prince of demons Matthew They supposed the kingdom of Satan might be divided against itself.
Can a Christian be Possessed by a Demon? | Truth Or Tradition?
Only when a demon returns and finds the house empty is he able to reenter Luke The idea of a true believer being inhabited by a demon also erodes the biblical concept of salvation and peace. It may produce terrible fear as Christians begin to wonder what demon will invade them next. This is certainly not in line with the freedom the Bible assures us we have.