Unfortunately, the original parts are not good and the good parts are not original. I have too many problems with the report, as it presently stands, to give my consent to this particular report. That pains me, because I believe we should speak with one voice in Paris. I believe we are stronger when we can do so, but I cannot do that.
Right now we see again commitments put into this report that need not be there, that seek to divide us when we could be united, that indeed seek to put forward an agenda that need not be shared by all of us, and yet there is much that we do share. So I cannot endorse the report as it was drafted, but nor will I vote against it.
I will ask that my group abstain on this. That saddens me, because I think that in reality we could have been stronger and I think we could have done more. This has been an unedifying experience and I would suggest we do not do it again in this manner. One of the crucial elements, again, will be international climate finance, and it will maybe be the sole case that can make or break the agreement in Paris.
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Europe could be the broker of such a deal, but unfortunately, in the Council mandate for Paris, the climate commitments after are missing. Apparently there was no agreement yet, when the climate ministers came together in September, among the Ministers of Finance for this very crucial finance. We set aside a number of allowances from the Emissions Trading Scheme ETS to create a fund, an EU international climate action reserve that will raise revenues in a fair way and will create a fund independent of national governments.
I think that is a crucial element of our resolution. Bovendien groeit dat aandeel alleen nog maar. Er zijn meer van dat soort voorbeelden. In datzelfde ontwerp blijkt dat we de subsidies voor fossiele brandstoffen niet langer willen uitfaseren. De fossielebrandstofindustrie is bezig met een grootschalige greenwash-actie die de aandacht moet afleiden van haar grote bijdrage aan de opwarming van de aarde. Het lijkt wel alsof een aantal partijen niet beseft dat het alle hens aan dek is. Dit soort bedrijven is als het orkestje op de Titanic dat blijft doorspelen om nog een extra zakcentje te verdienen voor sluitingstijd.
Het is absurd en volstrekt onverantwoordelijk. De COP conferentie is open voor iedereen. Het is helaas dus niet mogelijk alle lobbyisten buiten de deur te houden wanneer er wetgeving wordt gemaakt, zoals de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie doet met de tabaksindustrie.
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Laten wij er wel heel hard op aandringen dat er gewerkt wordt met volledige transparantie en dat er evenveel aandacht wordt gegeven aan maatschappelijke organisaties en burgers als aan de lobby van het bedrijfsleven. I ask you to respect that. At the moment, when the environmental credibility of the European institutions has been shaken by scandals within the car industry, I find it extremely important to send a very strong signal with this report.
The report itself is a strong signal, and I would like to thank Mr Pargneaux, our rapporteur, for that. Still, there are some important considerations to raise. Evidence shows us that we need to phase out carbon emissions by to limit climate change to two degrees, and it is possible, but without this phasing out it becomes an illusion to put us on a track which keeps us below the two-degree target. That is why I am deeply concerned about the amendment tabled by the PPE Group, because I believe that if we water down our commitment to decarbonisation till , we will step on a track which takes us beyond or above the two-degree limit.
Also it is important to mention that the INDCs which we already have are clearly not enough to reach our goal of keeping climate change below the two-degree target. This means that we need mechanisms to raise ambition within the European Union and at global level at the Paris talks. Sono parole scritte nero su bianco, ma pur sempre parole. Nella strada verso Parigi ne abbiamo sentite tante e ne sentiremo ancora tante altre. L'Unione europea si definisce leader nella lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici, ma le politiche dei suoi Stati membri ne contraddicono spesso gli impegni e le dichiarazioni.
Abbiamo paura delle conseguenze del riscaldamento globale — ormai sono una storia quotidiana — ma allo stesso tempo ne finanziamo la causa principale. Secondo un rapporto del Fondo monetario internazionale dello scorso maggio, a livello globale i sussidi che vengono erogati alle compagnie petrolifere sono oltre 5. Forse non siamo i principali responsabili di questo enorme regalo alle lobby del petrolio, ma di certo partecipa anche l'Unione europea che eroga miliardi di dollari all'anno in sussidi, ma anche in finanziamenti per infrastrutture, gasdotti e depositi mediante la Banca europea per gli investimenti.
Il Fondo monetario internazionale ci dice anche che, se tagliassimo a livello globale questi 5. Noi parliamo di COP 21, ma intanto continua la corsa al fossile, e anzi l'interesse sembra rinnovato. Ebben a 82 pontban ez is elfogadhatatlan. Aber wir haben doch eine historische Chance: Wir haben einen sehr vielversprechenden Beschluss der G7. Es bringt uns nichts, wenn wir hier utopische Forderungen aufstellen. Dekarbonisierung bis ist nicht realistisch. Ik dank Gilles Pargneaux voor zijn uitstekende werk en hoop dat dit verslag op een heel brede meerderheid kan rekenen.
Misschien moet de ECR toch nog even goed nadenken voor de eindstemming straks. Het is immers erg belangrijk dat we zo verenigd mogelijk optreden als we onze leiderschapsrol willen behouden. Normaal gezien zouden de argumenten voor de hand moeten liggen. Als de aarde verder opwarmt, dan worden we straks niet alleen geconfronteerd met verschrikkelijke milieurampen maar komt er ook een volksverhuizing waarbij de vluchtelingencrisis van vandaag verbleekt.
Als je ziet hoe moeilijk we het vandaag al hebben, dan is er volgens mij wel een reden om met zijn allen achter een goed verslag van Gilles Pargneaux en straks een klimaatovereenkomst te gaan staan. Tot slot wil ik nog een belangrijk argument aanhalen. We moeten vooral onze voortrekkersrol blijven behouden. Het is niet voldoende de rest van de wereld de les te spellen.
Niestety, tekst sprawozdania ENVI nie dopuszcza nawet takiej opcji. At that time we could explain that this was just an outlier in statistics and we could go back to normality and not worry about the future. When we look at the statistics of global warming and the temperature in the world today, we see that during the last 10 years we have had a steadily rising tendency. There is no longer an easy way. But we have one problem, which has already been alluded to by other speakers, namely how to finance it.
With an unstable tax base, we see a tendency for Member States to use income from emission rights to substitute a tax base which does not function. We have to fix it.
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Las consecuencias ya son desastrosas. Hagan ustedes el favor de aprovecharla por el bien del planeta y por el bien de la humanidad. The fact is that lots of people choose to believe theories which are, at best, not proven. After regular rising temperatures, which may also correlate with sunspots, the rise has stalled.
It is not happening. Antarctic ice is growing again.
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Paris is based on crude modelling. The long-term evidence is of oscillations to patterns lasting thousands of years, and the pursuit of this chimera is costing jobs and investment — but only in the UK and the EU, as the climate change theories export them to China and other developing countries. The developing countries will laugh at us, refuse to sign our agreements and profit at our expense. They are leaving Russia early because it is too cold.

Ook mijnheer Eickhout zal er natuurlijk weer bij zijn. Aan het eind zullen we moeten constateren dat dit weer een fiasco wordt, net zoals in Kopenhagen. Dat is niet zo moeilijk te voorspellen want alles waar de EU zich mee bezighoudt, wordt een fiasco. Of we het nu hebben over de Griekse crisis of over de vluchtelingencrisis, het wordt een fiasco.
Maar — en dat is goed nieuws voor mijnheer Eickhout — er is ook iets wat de EU wel goed kan, namelijk het verbranden van belastingeuro's in een enorm tempo. Daarom vraag ik u: Stop met deze klimaattop en geef het geld terug aan de rechtmatige eigenaar: Why can we not act by being ambitious and realistic? They are complementary to one another and not contradictory to one another. Climate change is a global problem with grave implications, its worst impact being felt by the most vulnerable and poorer countries, and whilst technological advances will help, each and every one of us has the strength and power to change things.
That is why arguments that we can wait for another century or so to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are totally unacceptable to me.
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We cannot wait any longer. Time is of the essence. I am convinced that the Commission understands this and can continue to be the key player fighting for a really ambitious and legally-binding global agreement. We want to be ambitious. We want to be united. It is one thing to communicate to the Commission whether Parliament takes a different view, but I believe Europe should approach Paris with one voice. My Group cannot support calls for binding targets on energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions beyond those already agreed. I do not think it is helpful to have a position that prescribes the earmarking of ETS revenues, as this report requires, when this is not agreed.
I believe we should go forward with one voice, and this report is not helpful in that regard. Vielen Dank auch an den Berichterstatter. Die Lage ist ernst, und deshalb ist es dringend erforderlich, dass alle CO2-Verursacher in die Klimaverhandlungen einbezogen werden. Ein paar Zahlen hierzu: Ein Rind emittiert ca. Die Massentierhaltung muss auf die Agenda, um die Klimaziele zu erreichen. This is an important aspect of climate policy as we need to make sure that climate mitigation activities, including climate financing, do not cause environmental and social harm to people, including the impact on indigenous peoples and their environment and livelihoods.
Many multilateral development banks do have such safeguards on environmental and social impact, but unfortunately the Clean Development Mechanism CDM does not have any. In this respect, close to organisations and several MEPs have written to the CDM Board to make sure that they will put in place such safeguards on human rights in their policies. Another UN climate conference: We should remember that there is still a great deal of uncertainty about climate theory.
Nor is it clear that the climate policies we are pursuing will have any material effect on levels of atmospheric CO2, or indeed on the climate, but it is absolutely clear that we are utterly unable to predict future changes. All the predictions so far have been falsified by the data, and it is clear that our climate policies will do far more economic damage than anything that could be conceived as a result of climate change.
It is time to question our hysterical obsession with the new religion of climate alarmism. Abbiamo discusso in modo approfondito — e ringrazio il collega Pargneaux per il grande lavoro che ha fatto — e abbiamo trovato una mediazione condivisa rispetto a un testo che evidentemente deve essere ambizioso.
Signor Commissario, sappiamo bene come l'Europa ha guidato il processo nella lotta al cambiamento climatico e a Parigi dobbiamo continuare a prospettare delle soluzioni ambiziose. Dobbiamo forzare la mano a quei paesi che sino adesso non hanno creduto e gli obiettivi comunicati per la riduzione delle emissioni da paesi sono sicuramente un primo risultato raggiunto. Dobbiamo continuare su questa strada, consapevoli del fatto che solo se ci saranno impegni forti da parte di tutti i principali soggetti inquinanti, allora potremo continuare su questa strada. In quel momento potremo decidere.
At the heart of that agreement, we need to ensure that social justice is there in the changes to come and that a just transition is guaranteed to a cleaner future. By creating decent jobs, inspiring people to innovate and transform their own workplaces and communities, whilst ensuring social security in times of change, we guarantee the public trust and support needed to tackle dangerous climate change. This opportunity must not be lost. I support the report and I ask people to support Green Amendment Inzwischen will Frau Merkel das Weltklima retten.
Meine Damen und Herren! Das muss beendet werden! Darf ich Ihnen bei dieser Gelegenheit auch nochmal sagen: Am deutschen Wesen soll Europa nicht weiter genesen. Legislation created from this place I will continue with the list of speakers. En une seule fois?
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Non, tous les ans. La Commission peut-elle s'engager solennellement dans ce sens? Realismo significa non mettere la testa sotto la sabbia. Le risorse della Terra non sono illimitate. Per conservare i nostri standard occidentali di benessere dobbiamo cambiare.
Non possiamo continuare ad utilizzare in un anno le risorse di un minuto e mezzo. Enfin, je souhaiterais rappeler l'importance de ne pas stigmatiser certains secteurs. Je crois plus en l'action positive qu'en l'action punitive. Par contre, il faudra affirmer clairement que tout le monde doit participer. The goals are ambitious and set a strong foundation for a sustainable future. Without a binding global agreement in Paris and concrete financial commitments, the Sustainable Development Goals have little chance of becoming a reality.
The poorest are already paying the price of climate change in many developing countries and, as Charles Goerens has said, we must help them pay for adaptation.
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Therefore, I welcome the words in our resolution on climate finance. As President Hollande told us last week in Strasbourg, Paris is make-your-mind-up time. There is no second chance because we do not have a second planet. Pero lo que ahora necesitamos es un acuerdo internacional con compromisos asumidos por todas las partes. Het is zijn verdienste dat we met een breed en sterk gedragen standpunt naar Parijs kunnen.
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