What Happens in Bora Bora... (Picture This Erotic Romance - Book 2)
This short little novella was really hard for me to get through. What happened to our confident and smart business woman? We also got a super sweet dose of Kline. He crosses the line from Mr. Perfect to utter Angel. Let's just go ahead and stick a halo on his head - and please, get him out of the romance novel, it feels icky having him there. Did marriage really change these two so much?
Way to r This short little novella was really hard for me to get through. Way to ruin two perfectly good characters. We also get lots of page time with upcoming couple 2, Thatch and Cassie. They are both over the top crass and sarcastic but inherently sweet. I'm just not sure that I can handle an entire book of the two of them going back and forth with their crazyness.
That's what follows in Banking the Billionaire. I had recently started enjoying the occasional rom-com, but this one reminded me why I really don't like the genre. Apr 07, Lexi Cubbins rated it it was amazing Shelves: Damn, I missed this crazy crew!!! I'm still depressed over this series being over may or may not have cried into my pillow after the last book , so I'm saving these novellas, trying to savour the awesomeness.
Not familiar with this series? Dudette, what the fuck are you waiting for? Embrace the crazy and enjoy! May 25, Lisa rated it it was amazing Shelves: Perfect novella to wrap up Kline and Georgie's story and set the scene for Thatch and Cassie's tale I have a feeling Cassie's foul mouth is either going to do my head in OR I'm going to fall in love with her inappropriate, no filter behaviour and just love her.
Tapping Her
May 02, Escape into a Booksite rated it really liked it. But for me, this book was made by the chapters we had from Cassie and Thatch. Oh man, those two crack me up so much! All in all, your typical fun and hilarious romcom from MM! This book was insanely hilarious!! Sep 03, CC rated it it was ok Shelves: This was stupid epilogue to first book Sex, sex and more sex. Cassie and Thatch were trying too hard. No way I could read Cassie's book.
She would drive me NUTS! Now, Im obviously not perfect and Im bound to make mistakes, so yeah this book sucked, but I kinda knew it was gonna be like that for me so I guess I dont feel too bad about it. In this novella we have Georgia and Kline enjoying themselves in their honeymoon over Bora Bora, while Cassie and Thatcher take ca 2. In this novella we have Georgia and Kline enjoying themselves in their honeymoon over Bora Bora, while Cassie and Thatcher take care of Walter, better know as The Asshole or demonic cat.
I picked this mainly because of Cassie and Thatcher, they were the reason why I actually finished the first book in this series and since I find them interesting I wanted to know if I should read their book, or just survive this novella and say my goodbyes. I actually found everyone annoying or boring in this book. I was so damn close to dnf this, but somehow I pushed myself to read it. Even the comedy element was absurd and annoying. Jun 14, Crazy for Books Stephanie rated it it was amazing Shelves: ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review. As the newly married couple, Georgia and Kline, spend their honeymoon literally inside of each other and loving every moment of it, Tatcher and Cassie are one-upping each other in the sarcasm hall-of-fame department.
They are drawn to each other to t ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review. They are drawn to each other to the point of distraction. That distraction causes Thatcher to leave the door to apartment open and an opportunity for Walter to escape. They spend days trying to find him, at the same time Kline is trying to keep the information from Georgie, because he knows the moment she finds out she will want to head back to New York, and he's not going to let his honeymoon end early.
Kline tries to keep Georgie on task with the honeymoon and takes things into his own hands when his other best friend, Wes, and Georgie's new boss, interjects himself into their sexed up vacation with work email. Kline hilariously tells his friend to back off for the duration. When all is settled, the newly married couple have a new home, an addition to their family, and a new understanding of how their future going to look.
At the same time, Thatcher and Cassie, realize that they are attracted to what most find crazy about them and that they are very much alike. So what does this mean? I really loved this book. I got to read more about one of my favorite couples, Georgie and Kline, and get to know more about Thatcher and Cassie. Although, I'm still not sure what Thatcher does for a living.
He seems to be a jack-of-all-trades. But I'm so looking forward to more of he and Cassie. Their antics in trying to find Walter and their sexual tension were off the charts funny and hot. Can't wait to read their story. It should be a hit. Thanks for the opportunity to read the book. Jul 21, Anisa rated it it was amazing Shelves: Look , I'm just gonna say that this book was fantastic.. I'm not going to make a big review of it because i'm waiting to read Banking the Billionaire before.
Buuut I'm going to point out some of their conversation! It made me laugh so much Look , I'm just gonna say that this book was fantastic.. It made me laugh so much! I stared at him, taking in his stupid, sexy smirk. He was the guy version of me. IdThatchThat Yep Thatch , you heard that right hahah: Really in fucking love with my wife, and love has the power to do crazy things. Cool it on the swoon, you bastard. I might actually pass out from it.
View all 9 comments. I thought the novella was going to be about Wheorgie and Kline. View all 10 comments. I want to give you everything. Make you happy any way I can. I would lie, cheat, steal, kill to keep you happy, Ellie. An epic love, or my calamitous self-destruction. The bond we share now is fused by love. A single strand of twine, woven together with trust, and stronger than steel.
Just like Ellie said. I now understand why I was so easily provoked. The thought of losing us strangles me with fear. View all 5 comments. Apr 29, Fathima rated it really liked it. I read it in a day! Hmm all I can say is I love how M. Never writes a story!!!!!! I just couldn't stop till I reached the end! Oct 24, Jaime rated it it was amazing Shelves: The wait is over, Claimed is here! Once you start reading, it grabs you, holds you, and will leave you with a book hangover of epic proportions! BUT it should also be noted that Claimed is not just an erotic story full of sex..
Claimed is so much more and is about two people and their journey towards each other. So we all remember Kayne from Owned, Mr. Domineering Alpha who takes what he wants first and thinks about the consequences later. Well that Kayne has changed Kayne doesn't care what he has to do or what he has to give up as long as he has Ellie by his side in the end Ellie has grown too since the end of Owned. Ellie is trying to move on with her life, trying to put the past She has moved, she is dating, she is living her life and she is happy So when a blast from her past shows up on her doorstep out of nowhere Then there is Jett.
What you didn't think he wasn't in Claimed.. Jett is back and he is not only Kaynes Best Friend and partner but takes on the role of a confidant to both Kayne and Ellie in this story. Jett also continues to provide comedy was comic relief and we are given more insight into Jett's personal life. There are a few repeat characters from Owned that make their appearance and there are new characters introduced whose stories are just getting started. There are moments in this book you will laugh and moments you will cry, there are twists you can sort of anticipate and there are subplots and twists you will never see coming!
So what are you waiting for?
Amy Jensen (Author of The Girl In The Shoe Store)
One-Click this book or if for some reason you have not read Owned then get them both, get comfy, and hang on as M. Never takes you on a journey you will never forget! This book is RAW. Will post full Review After Book Aug 20, Jennifer rated it really liked it. A little suspense, a lot of romance, hot sex, and kinky hot sex. Plus we get to see more of Jett and his girl London. Don't really like that he makes her crawl around. Apr 16, Sabrina The Trash Queen rated it liked it. Feb 10, Heather rated it it was amazing.
I could not wait to get my hands on this book. So when the author provided me with an advanced copy, I was ecstatic. Once I sat down to read Claimed, I could not put my kindle down. With each turn of the page, I found myself loving these characters even more. As we all know, Kayne lost Ellie at the end of Owned. His decisions cost him the love of his life. Their time apart took a toll on both of them.
While Kayne opted to handle his heartache one way, Ellie tried to fill the void a different way. The saying goes, time heals all wounds, but as time went by it only made their wounds worse. Ellie is struggles with her inner feelings. Is she a whore for wanting to feel the way Kayne made her feel? Is there something wrong with her that she craves to be with Kayne? Can she forgive Kayne? Can she trust him?
Kayne told Ellie" No matter where you go or who you're with, you'll always be mine. Ellie may not be with Kayne, but he was always close. Whether it was physically or by being informed of her whereabouts and safety by Jett. When given the opportunity to see Kayne, will Ellie want to see him?
- The Girl In The Shoe Store (Picture This - Book 1) by Amy Jensen.
- La Daniella (Le porte) (Italian Edition).
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Will she tell him exactly how she feels? Tell him how betrayed she feels? Does she even know the real Kayne? Beat me while I begged you to stop? Chain me to the bed and use me as you saw fit all while you lie to me. Make me think I actually mean something, when all I really am is a plaything? You don't risk six years of work, an entire household full of people and your own fucking heart for a plaything.
You may be angry with me Ellie, but I did what I did for a reason, and i would do it again without blinking an eye. Not only because I loved dominating you, but because you are her, standing in front of me, alive and mentally sound. Even though Kayne may hold the key to her collar, she holds the key to his heart. A heart that only heats for her. Will their pasts hinder their future. Is their love for one another strong enough? She really is the one person who can destroy me.
She may kneel at my feet, but she holds all the power. I always have been. To see how Kayne became the man he is today. To say Kayne had a rough childhood is an understatement. Kayne and Ellie may have come from two separate upbringings, but they are similar in so many ways. They both crave the same things, whether it be sexual, physical or emotional.
Kayne's love for Ellie never wavered. I don't believe Ellie's did either. She just needed to know that she could trust him again. When the two of them realize that their hearts were "claimed" by each other a year ago, they are amazing together. I loved seeing a different side of Kayne in Claimed. To see the "every day" Kayne, not that Dom side of him. When I say how he was finally able to open up to Ellie, it warmed by heart.
It was what I wanted from him while reading Owned. I wanted him to put his heart on the line. I wanted him to verbalize how he felt, rather than show how he felt. Kayne may be a Dom in the bedroom, but he sure does have a sweet sensitive side as well. His heart beats for Ellie. This is probably one of my favorite quotes from the book.
Never, you definitely must ONE click it prior to reading Claimed. There are several twists and turns in this book. I was thrilled to get more of JETT, he is probably one of my favorite secondary characters that I have read in quite a while. The connection that Jett and Ellie has sure shines through in Claimed. Jett has always been there for Ellie. He was the one person she trusted and relied upon. So to see their friendship still blossoming and growing in this series, thrilled me. Kayne, he is another story.
Kayne is very possessive to say the least, but I have to say that I felt more connected to him while reading Claimed. I loved seeing him open up. I loved to see another side of him than the one I got to know in Owned. Kayne secured a soft spot in my heart. One that he has 'claimed".
Book 2 of 3. Books in Decadence after Dark series should be read in order: It was still good, however I felt it was so detached from book 1. Yes, some of that was contributed to the fact that they both were not thinking clearly. This book had all the feels, The 1st one had all the darkness. In this one, he was too damn 4. In this one, he was too damn scared to lose her again to do either. But that was who he was deep down. I understand that now. I did feel this book wasn't as creative as the 1st one in getting the characters in the exact spot that was was needed for the rest of the story to continue.
It was like I could spot the whole thing from a mile away. I loved how the h pushed the H back to see if he was gonna keep his word. This story had me war with myself. Yup that was how good it was. Jul 07, Laci rated it it was amazing Shelves: Often you find the second book doesn't live up to the first, but that's not the case here.
I fell even more in love with all the characters and story line continues to captivate me. Kayne and Ellie continue to bring new emotional and physical heights to the story. Oh did I mention these are smoking hot too. May 05, littleKitten rated it really liked it Shelves: He entices you with his charm, lures you with his appeal, traps you with his will, then pounces on you when you least expect it, ready to kill. You're my sin and my absolution, my indulgence and my starvation, and every right to all my wrongs. But baby, I meant it when I said I would love you harder. To say that I love this book is an understatement.
I completely fell in love with Kayne, Ellie and Jett in Owned. So much so that I had one hell of a book hangover in which I reread Owned at least a dozen times. Claimed is that and so much more. Claimed will take you on an emotional roller coaster. We learn much about Kayne's background and why he is the way he is. And the sex scenes. So hot in fact that I felt like I needed a cigarette afterwards. I don't want to say much more and give To say that I love this book is an understatement. This story has got a brilliant flow to it, the ups and downs, the heartache, heartbreak and lighthearted moments come at you in swarms.
It starts with a bang but most certainly does not end in a whimper. These two authors are pulling all the stops with this series and book 3 is going to be one hell of a belter! Oct 13, Ang rated it it was amazing. Business is business and family is family, should the two ever collide? Wealth brings power which often brings jealousy and rivalry in its path, both worlds are explosive from the start.
Can they hold on? This is a 5-star read and draws you in immediately on the first page. In this gripping tale we learn more about the stoic unemotional brother Nate Cane the family accountant that seems to only know numbers. The tension and boredom finally come to blows between the brothers and Nate leaves to let Quinn figure things out on his own.
While away Nate meets a beautiful woman and begins a holiday fling. As the days pass Nate realizes that he does have emotions, especially when Gabby sneaks away in the middle of the night.
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Nate has nothing but her first name and no way to track her and this sends him into a tail spin. Why did the mysterious Gabby never give up any personal information and what was up with the secret phone calls? Oct 05, Roxs Reads rated it it was amazing. Devious Eyes is such a delicious addition to the Cane Brothers Series. Nate is the perfect complement to his brother Quinn.
Where Quinn is all dark and broody, yet still loves fiercely, Nate also has two sides to him. Soft and romantic but protective and possessive of his woman when it counts. Nate may hate the darkness that swirls in his life, but he is every bit the man who can do the job when it needs doing. Nate and Gabby are really a match made in heaven, although, they don't know it. Both think their world is just too dark and dangerous to involve the other.
Charlotte and Rachel serve up a hefty dose of darkness and suspense as the story unfolds. They even bring in some mystery to have us exercising our minds and leave us craving book number 3. In true Hart De Lune fashion, they have not forgotten to add in some very tantalizing sexual escapades that are sure to leave you fanning and swooning. Everything about Devious Eyes is absolutely captivating and addictive. I totally recommend this read to all the dark romance lovers.
Oct 14, Charley Moore rated it it was amazing. This book has taken me forever to read but not because it was a struggle. A tale Of two thieves that meet in the idealic Bora and fall in love. Deception, violence, smuggling and love all rolled into one in the story of Nate and Gabbie. This book ends as a beginning and leaves the reader hungry for more. Oct 04, Gina Burkart rated it it was amazing. Beautiful Wicked Men As I've come to expect from these two authors, this was yet another brilliant five star read.
The characters these women create have a depth seldom seen anywhere else. You can't help but put yourself in the story, and hence you almost instantly get lost in it. I cant wait to see what they come up with next for us to read about involving these wicked beautiful men!! Oct 15, Shelli rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book was SO good, I did not want to put it down! There was a real conflict between this book and my job I didn't want to stop reading to go to work! It was really fun in parts, with a feel almost of a cat burglar or high stakes heist movie. But it also had some pretty dark sections too, with one or two scenes that some might find triggering.
It was dark, fast paced, fun and sexy, at varying points in time. I can't wait to read what's coming next! Oct 14, Katie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Hart and Rachel De Lune 5 stars Another amazing read from this fantastic, talented writing duo! He was kind, caring, and level headed but he had that fierce protectiveness that clearly runs in the Cane family. With every great male main character there has to be an equally as good female, Quinn had Emily; Nate has Gabby and what a female lead she was! She was strong in her own right, she had her own secrets, she had her own family issues to deal with but when she and Nate were together they just lit the story on fire!
I loved every second of their story, from their very first meeting until the end of the story I was captivated by the two of them. Alongside the amazing characters we have the beautiful setting that some of the story takes place in, the authors really brought this story to life with their beautiful descriptions of Bora Bora, and I almost felt like I was right there relaxing with these characters!
Oct 19, Jennifer Pierson rated it it was amazing. These two authors definitely know how to write perfectly together, as they give a heart racing experience starring the Canes! Devious Eyes is the story of Nate Cane, a man who tries to stay on the somewhat good side of the law despite his family dealings, and the woman that he never planned for, Gabriella Alves, who flirts with breaking it constantly. They meet when both are trying to stay on the down low, in a paradise setting to relax.
Their chemistry is off the charts as they hook up, giving These two authors definitely know how to write perfectly together, as they give a heart racing experience starring the Canes! Their chemistry is off the charts as they hook up, giving some serious sexy times that light the sky up. But unfortunately, the world came knocking, and Gabby leaves him in the middle of the night after they caught feelings.
He's pissed, while she can't get him out of her head, so fate steps in, and they come face to face in Chicago, as she's trying to do business for her brother. After that, he's not letting her go, while he tries to protect her, but danger finds them, and Gabby is taken. And that folks is where so many twists came out that I yelled my throat raw with f-bomb dropping. There's a cast of secondaries who fall into 3 categories, the good, the bad, and the oh so ugly, and it's those ugly people who turn the story dark.
I'm completely addicted to this series, and I'm praying that there are more books in the works, because there's still an ominous cloud overhead that I need to know how it will all pans out. Oct 15, Amanda McCalip rated it it was amazing. Devious Eyes is such an amazing addition to the Cane Brothers Series. While this one is more of a slow burn it did not lack the depth that I was expecting with this book.
These two authors have come up with quite the pair of brothers and I have loved every second of it! Nate is the "numbers guy" of the two brothers. He is definitely double sided in the way of being able to be a complete badass, but being able to be so romantic when he wants to be. He's protective, he's possessive, and he loves de Devious Eyes is such an amazing addition to the Cane Brothers Series.

He's protective, he's possessive, and he loves deeply. I really adored Gabby too and these two were such the perfect pair. They each think during their vacation to Bora Bora that vacation is as far as they can go. Each of their worlds are too dangerous to incorporate the other, but little do they know they will be thrown back together in ways they do not expect. There are many dark aspects to this book and I enjoyed the entire ride with this book! It's definitely a book to add onto your To Be Read list and if you have the funds then definitely one click this gem!
Oct 09, Krista Webster rated it really liked it. Good second book in the Cane series. This one is all about Nate Cane , the younger brother of Quinn who we met in the first book. He meets Gabby in Bora Bora where they have both gone to escape their lives and get away from their brothers. We see another side of them and a lovely holiday romance starts.
The problems begin when they return home but can't forget the connection they had and their real lives take over. Her brother becomes involved with one of the Cane's business partners and suddenl Good second book in the Cane series. Her brother becomes involved with one of the Cane's business partners and suddenly the two families are caught up in trouble, bringing Nate and Gabby back together.
There is mystery and suspense as you try and work out who is after who and the reasons why. There is an amount of violence in the second half of the book but it complements the story. We learn more about the relationship between Nate and Quinn, and what it means to be a Cane. Gabby also has an interesting dynamic with her brother Andreas and it is interesting comparing the two families.
If you liked the first book then you will certainly enjoy this one as the authors have continued their good work and produced an exciting read. Oct 18, Julia Stevens rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is just a fantastic series, getting better and better! Devious Eyes starts at a slightly slower, less dark pace than the first, but this is not a bad thing.
Nate and Gabby are very different people to Quinn and Emily and this story builds to a beautifully dark crescendo. Oh Nate, he may be the cool calculating "accountant", seemingly with a softer heart than his brother Quinn, but mess with what's his and you'll find out just how Cane he is He's not grown into the cold killer Quinn has, but he has a very useful hidden skillset and when they work together they seem unbeatable.
These are two brothers I'd always want on my side! I love these two authors separately, together this series is absolutely gripping. Can't wait for the next instalment. Loved it, 5 stars all the way. Oct 15, Louise rated it really liked it Shelves: I really struggled with getting into book 1, however this one felt much easier to read. It does contain spoilers for book 1, so read that first if it will be a problem. We drop into the books with both Gabby and Nate escaping tough situations. They meet up on a remote resort in Bora Bora and sparks soon fly.
Gabby and Nate are both strong characters but their secrets come between them and are enough to put them in danger.