Unlocking the Ivory Tower, Chapter 7: Finance
That is the socialist's view to justify their quest for power. The law was established to defend from those who would kill them and take their property. But as Bastiat points out, now the law is used to take people's liberty and property. They oblige him only to abstain from harming others.
They violate neither his personality, his liberty, nor his property. They safeguard all of these. They are defensive; they defend equally the rights of all. It is not considered sufficient that the law should be just; it must be philanthropic. Nor is it sufficient that the law should guarantee to every citizen the free and inoffensive use of his faculties for physical, intellectual, and moral self-improvement. Instead, it is demanded that the law should directly extend welfare, education, and morality throughout the nation.
This is the seductive lure of socialism. And I repeat again: These two uses of the law are in direct contradiction to each other. We must choose between them. A citizen cannot at the same time be free and not free. Human beings in depth must develop perception of Consciuosness. Cosmology Vedas Interlinks help you in time. Ok, you want to play conservative on me?
Of course, you're thinking fiscally conservative, well, whatever. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Let's see how Jesus felt about the rich people vs the normal people.
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It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God Now maybe you claim to be Republican, maybe not, maybe you claim to be a "Christian," maybe not, but one thing I can show you, if you DO claim to be a Christian, then the Bible does NOT support the Republican or Tea Party world views as it regards accumulation of wealth. And yes, this is relevant, because this speaks right to the heart of the matter.
The "rich young ruler" was a jackass. He literally would not give to the less fortunate even to save his own soul. I mean that, no offense, but the Bible is one of the most socialist books in existence, it's just that for some reason nobody ever seems to read the passages it's involved in. Every one of the Republicans and Tea Partiers candidates claims to be all about God, and yet they are a disgrace. This is what real Christianity is supposed to look like. And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: The evil Tea Partier hypocrites thump their Bible one day, and the next they want to cut "entitlements," even as they grow richer and richer.
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Recall slavery was legal until Christians campaigned for its abolition. You absolutely must be joking. Everyone involved on both sides was allegedly Christian. The plantation owners even took scriptures out of context to manipulate the slaves.
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The allegedly Christian conservatives in this country are the first ones who want to start a war, yet they suck at it. They are the first ones to want to cut anything tht helps normal people, even while they themselves get rich. Then there's modern pastors, which a huge number of them make 5, 10, 20 times more money than anyone else.
There might be a few real ones, who somehow don't realize they hold contradictory beliefs, but I haven't seen them yet. Their hypocritical commercial wants to compare Obama's healthcare plan to "Death Panels"?! Ryan Paul, the "Christian" Tea Partier wants to kill gramma outright and destroy the entire social security system and healthcare system, but hey, let's cut taxes some more on people who already make times above average.
Are you that naive? Or are you like the Tea Party propagandist or something? These people don't care about you, and they don't care about me or anyone else on this forum either They preyed on ignorant people who, for some reason, voted Republican or Tea Party for all the wrong reasons at the short sighted thought of a "tax break", when reality, the only tax break tea partiers wanted was that for the very wealthy. Moreover, the problem isn't too much taxation. Like I said the other day, what happened to Jefferson's "Right to Life"?
Since when is "life" a priviledge reserved only for the very wealthy or the otherwise elite? The Tea Party believes that if a persno can't afford medical care, thy should just eat it and die The Tea Party movement is quite literally the anti-thesis of what it claims to be. It claims to be delivering people from bondage, and in reality it turns everyone into the local CEO Pharaoic Corporate Dynasty's slave.. And then the republicans and Tea Partiers wants to blame "entitlements". And they can't spend a few hundred million to fix some levees along the river and the gulf, but they can GIVE million to Pakistan who was knowingly harboring Bin Laden.
Ironically, Obama had balls for once. Gotta give it to him, calling the hit on Osama without even contacting the Pakistanis was the right thing to do. Anyway, this is actually the Republicans fault, and they know it, but they are counting on the usual "Christian" base, who mostly aren't even christian and uneducated, to keep electing them And tying it all back together, the Tea Party and Republicans are the ones who want to cut funding on almost all science, well, unless it can be weaponize that is. Personally, I'm for an ammendment to make it an act of treason for an elected official or candidate to knowingly lie to the public or to one another about matters of government spending, economic theory, science, or taxation, OR to be found completely incompetent in said matters of governance.
I'm so sick of hearing two "experts" or two elected officials whos opinions are so different that at least one of them must be a complete liar, or else at least one of them is incompetent. Either way, at least one of them should be immediately removed from office.
Our laws should be ammended to reflect punitive action for this incompentence. God Almighty has set before me two great objects: And you would be the 'expert' to decide who was lying?
Unlocking the Ivory Tower: How Management Research Can Transform Your Business
Enter the Church of God of the Utterly Indifferent. Age has lessened the edge of many a scientist. It is unfortunate when the job be should be left to younger more able abilities guided by older, mentoring sages. Some never achieve this status as they are unable to detach themselves from "their" science and join the "realm of others" in the pursuit of proofs Biggest scam since Nazism propaganda You may also notice that many of the comments employ the same totalitarian "strait-jacket" techniques used in the old USSR.
Totalitarian science - guided by politicians like Al Gore - are the greatest threat. As long as the ivory tower pays better, this will all amount to nothing greater than a fellowship. So, render unto caesar, caesar's due doesn't mean anything? You completely twisted Jesus' meaning in the eye of the needle story.
Your twisted version of Christianity was invented in the s, refined in the s and released to us plebeians, slowly, over time. Heretical from a Religious point of view. It has even caused Law Schools to be torn asunder. The coin in question had a picture of Caesar on it.
Jesus said if the govt owns the money, return the money to the govt. That doesn't give license for the govt to TAKE. It's all really a moot point isn't it? Judging by the comments above, I think most people would agree with me that we're all wasting our time. I don't believe it is. It's also not really their fault. People will naturally support the system that supports them, even if the system is what is the problem in the first place. Politicians have had their hands tied long before they enter office, even before they think of entering office, because the system dictates the actions, not the people.
We have a significant amount of the population working in jobs that produce nothing for society. Can all of you dispense with the religion talk? No amount of arguing over the bible is going to lend anything meaningful to this discussion. I have never seen Omatamr act like a scientist. He constantly throws around crazy theories he has no backup for, and only ever references himself.
I would be highly suspicious of anything he has to say about anything. And for someone who believes that scientists should not be political advocates, he sure has strong political views. Additionally ryggesogn2 is an ideological nightmare who I dont think ever will grow up and move past seeing the world in black and white terms.
He just goosesteps along to the march of his corporate masters, chanting "communism is evil! From how crazy they sound you'd think pretty soon they'll be lynching anyone who gives a dollar to a homeless man for being a socialist.
Using innovation to unlock trapped value
A quick google on either of these people's usernames will give you all the information you need to know about them. Religion is what Ehrlich is promoting. He has been doing so since the 70s. I think you're thinking of a different Ehrlich Paul Ehrlich is an atheist. And this is a science news aggregation website.
Why you guys are even here I have NO idea. Are there any environmentalists, skeptics, and promoters of AGW that do not agree on these objectives: We want world peace. An end to nationalistic warfare. An end to the threat of mutual nuclear annihilation.
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Cooperative efforts to protect Earth's environment and bounty. Governments controlled by the people being governed, including 6. Transparency and veracity truth of information provided to the public. Sure Oliver, Marjon won't agree with it. Neither will most other Libertarians. It has Government in it. Today the Earth is explored well and the chance, we can find some raw source in it is quite low.
Under this situation the technological findings is the only thing, which could keep the human civilization sustainable. Therefore I'm really upset, when the mainstream physics ignores the cold fusion research for twenty years. We really losing time, while facing global nuclear war for the fossil fuel sources and subsequent wars for food and another resources.
We would need the oil for carbon industry, we cannot burn it all - not to say about increasing devastation of life environment.
Every day we are losing precious genetic information, which has been stored during million years of evolution in form of endangered species. It contains the key for a new technological findings, the cancer cure, etc Perhaps I asked the wrong question. Maybe the question should be: Do you agree with these objectives? It appears that Henry Kissinger, Chinese Chairman Mao and Prime Minister Chou-en-lai agreed to end the space race to achieve the the first four goals in and President Nixon made it official in Items 5 and 6 may be the two issues that divide proponents and skeptics of AGW today.
Again, thanks for your comment.

Have you noticed the all the new species recently discovered? Or all the new oil fields?
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Maybe the low hanging fruit has been picked, but there are still many more new discoveries to be made on earth. The objectives above can best be achieved by free and prosperous people. Not those struggling under socialist regimes. Henry Kissinger, Chinese Chairman Mao and Prime Minister Chou-en-lai agreed to end the space race to achieve the the first four goals in and President Nixon made it official in It only appears that way to the deranged. Nixon never did any such a thing.
We have number 5. We have number 6. You are simply delusional on both of those. Just like that delusion about Mao. I am aware that many think the US government is under the control of what ever thing they have there own paranoid delusion about. Both are partly right and partly wrong BUT for way to long the imbalance has been towards financial gamblers and the military industry. Your problem is your theory is contrary to reality and you think no honest informed person could possibly disagree with you.
I am honest and informed. You mean socialist regimes like Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Norway? Boy, do they have it rough. I'd hate to live there. Are you aware that President Nixon announced plans to dismantle the Apollo program on 5 January , before even traveling to China in February To get past the current standoff, I hope we can all agree and work together to bring harmony out of the conflict that is currently tearing apart the fabric of our society: They certainly are not Utopias. Sweden abolished its wealth tax to attract more wealthy Swedes home. Alcoholism is a problem and the young leave, if they can, to find opportunities to buy a car and a house.
Luxuries not readily affordable in Scanditopia. Zoo animals don't have it too rough either. Are you aware that President Nixon announced plans to dismantle the Apollo program on 5 January , before even traveling to China in February Are you aware that contradicts your claim of a conspiracy with Mao? The Apollo program was being ignored by most of the public. It was a Kennedy program and Nixon was not exactly a friend of Kennedy or have you forgotten that?
I lived through this Oliver.
Well I think I do. Apollo 13 was being ignored by the news media until it went bang. Why did you post that link? It didn't support you. Environmentalism, the climate scandal, and the end of the US space program seem to have been connected since Creativity Examined Chapter 3 The lamp that lit the world can light your life Chapter 4 Creative effort pays in more coins than cash Chapter 5 All of us possess this talent Chapter 6 Educated or self-educated; old or young Chapter 7 Creative power needs no ivory tower Chapter 8 Imagination takes many forms, including non-creative Chapter 9 Creative imagination is manifold and interacting Chapter 10 The creative fuel we store; is it rich or thin?
Chapter 11 The power of association joins memory with imagination Chapter 12 Emotional drive as a source of creative power Chapter 13 Where there's a will there are ways to think up Chapter 14 Judgment may choke ideas; let's keep it in its place Chapter 15 Let's try not to undermine our own creative power Part 16 2. Preparation for Creativity Chapter 17 Others can help make or mar our creativity Chapter 18 Even exercise can be fun, especially in creative thinking Chapter 19 To attack a creative task we first get set Chapter 20 Let's now pick our target and set our aim Chapter 21 Break down the problem; fill in the facts Chapter 22 Let's send forth our imagination in search of alternatives Chapter 23 To what other uses could this be put?
Chapter 24 What can we borrow and adapt to our need? Chapter 25 Let's look for a new twist; let's modify Chapter 26 What if we add, or multiply; or magnify? Chapter 27 Let's subtract and divide; let's minify Chapter 28 Let's seek "that" instead of "this"; let's substitute Chapter 29 Let's change the pattern; let's re-arrange Chapter 30 There's lots of good hunting in vice versa Part 31 3.
Imagination Guides Chapter 32 Your creative key may be a combination Chapter 33 Ideas will fly in our windows, if we've opened them Chapter 34 Lady luck smiles upon those who are 'A-hunting' Chapter 35 Most ideas are step-by-step children of other ideas Chapter 36 Two heads are better than one; but not always Chapter 37 How to organize to create ideas Chapter 38 Idea-thinking on a larger scale; suggestion systems Chapter 39 Creative power needs more help from education Chapter 40 Creative power's place in leadership show more.
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Unlocking trapped value is key to transforming a business of yesterday and today into one that is successful in the future. Skip to main content. Using innovation to unlock trapped value. Management teams must develop architecture that embraces innovation throughout the organisation. Friday, 07 April, , 8: Friday, 07 April, , Opinion The Empire struck back, and Japan may be the worse for it 25 Nov Because of the cost of capital, a typical corporation cannot afford the risk that comes with true innovation — where failure is a real possibility.
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