Pouvoir et gouvernement dentreprise (French Edition)
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R hodes et G. G rawitz et J. The date on which the information in the information statement was updated by the Registraire des entreprises. If no annual updating declaration has been filed since registration in the enterprise register, the following message is displayed: Faillite This section is displayed in the case of legal persons and natural persons operating sole proprietorships NEQs starting with 11 and This message is displayed when the enterprise has notified the Registraire des enterprises that it is not bankrupt.
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No information has been declared on the subject of bankruptcy. Recours This section is displayed only if a request for recourse related to the enterprise's file has been filed with the Registraire. In this case, the following message will be displayed: Fusion et scission This section is displayed for legal persons NEQs starting with La personne morale a fait l'objet de fusion s. The legal person was a party to one or more amalgamations. Continuation et autre transformation This section is displayed for legal persons NEQs starting with No continuance or other transformation has been declared.
This message is displayed when the enterprise has not declared to have been continued or transformed. Date de la continuation ou autre transformation date of the continuance or other transformation. Liquidation or dissolution This section is displayed for legal persons and partnerships NEQs starting with 11 and No declaration of intent to liquidate or dissolve has been declared.
This message is displayed when the enterprise is being liquidated, that is, the enterprise submitted a notice of liquidation or a notice of appointment of a liquidator to the Registraire des entreprises. This message is displayed when the enterprise is being dissolved, that is, the enterprise submitted a notice of dissolution or an application for dissolution. Purpose of the partnership This section is displayed for partnerships constituted in the following legal forms: When all the powers have been removed from the board of directors by a unanimous shareholder agreement, the enterprise must declare the list of shareholders or third parties assuming these powers.
Persons who are involved in the general administration of the enterprise but who are not members of the board of directors. Persons who are mandated to administer the property or patrimony of the enterprise. Administrators of the property of others represent an enterprise and have the same rights and obligations as the enterprise.
This section is displayed for partnerships constituted in the following legal forms: Persons who undertake to contribute to the operation of the partnership by pooling property, knowledge or activities. In return, partners share the resulting benefits.
Note Enterprises must declare the names and the personal addresses of their shareholders, directors, partners and officers who are not members of their board of directors. Number and name associated with an establishment of the enterprise registered in the enterprise register. Economic activities carried out in the establishment and the activity codes associated with these activities. The specific activities of enterprises operating a tobacco retail outlet or providing artificial tanning services are displayed last.
Status of the document in the enterprise register. No document is currently being processed by the Registraire des entreprises.