Pleasure In the Robbing
Dutch is ready to put part one of his plan to leave America into motion. Time to hit the Victory Street Trolley Station that Dutch has been talking about for ages, and its happening right now.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Urban Pleasures Walkthrough
Go behind the counter and threaten the cashier until he opens it. Running out the back door, the three of you get on the trolley and make your extremely linear getaway. When you start there will be a cop straight ahead of you, but also three more along the sidewalk to the right.
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When you go around the corner, there will be three more to the right, one right on the street, one on the balcony above, and one running out of the building with the balcony at ground level. Another round of Dead Eye will do the trick.
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Immediately afterwards there will be two cops on the right, one on the ground, and one above on the balcony. This will be followed by a third further ahead at ground level. Last chance for Dead Eye. You have no brakes and no control.

The trolley derails, smashing through anything in its way. When you have control again, its just in time to take cover in another gunfight with the law. This plan is going so smooth. Remember there are no accuracy requirements, just have to keep yourself alive.
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So feel free to spray and pray. There will be a lot of police. Do your best to keep your head down. Then go across the street when prompted. Follow Lenny through an alleyway, fighting as you go. Listen to their hints - shooting where Lenny and Dutch say, and moving when they say as well.
Take cover when you can. Make sure not to damage it. When you can, jump on the wagon with your friends. Keep shooting as you make your way out of town. Keep your eyes forward. Shoot the stick of dynamite Lenny throws if you can, but if not, it will clear the way for you regardless.
Are You Robbing Yourself of a Joyful Life? - Positively Positive Positively Positive
This marks the end of the mission. Next is Country Pursuits. Urban Pleasures Unlock Last Edited: