Our Little Dutch Cousin
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Blanche McManus. Our Little Dutch Cousin. Title and Content Page
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- Image from page 88 of "Our little Dutch cousin" (1906)!
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- Image from page 15 of "Our little Dutch cousin" () | Flickr;
- Our Little Dutch Cousin: Blanche McManus: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books.
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- Image from page 15 of "Our little Dutch cousin" (1906).
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All Images From Book. Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Our little Dutch cousins mingle gladly withtheir little American cousins, and the ties thatbind make a bond which is, and always hasbeen, inseverable. Frontispiece How old is Cousin Theodore, mother? Well, this was just what Pieter and Wilhel-mina were going to do as, hand in hand, theyflew up the road as fast as their little woodenshoes would let them, to meet a carriage whichwas rapidly approaching.
Catalog Record: Our little Dutch cousin | Hathi Trust Digital Library
Behind the carriageran a crowd of children, laughing and tumblingover each other. One piecedropped right in Wilhelminas mouth, whichof course was open, because she had been run-ning so hard. But there was no time to laugh,as the children were all scrambling hard topick up the sweets. Then they tried to catchup with the carriage again, but it was nearlyout of sight by this time, and so one by onethe young folk stopped to count up theirgains, and compare them with.
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.