None Dare Call It Treason Book 6 Presidential Words, Deeds & Blatant Lies!
A trite explanation offered by the ill-informed is that com- munism is a product of inequalities under our social system. The misery theory of communism runs contrary to actual facts in our country. Yet it is second in terms of per capita income and per capita school expenditures. Conversely, Mississippi is lowest in the scale of Communist Party membership but is also lowest in per capita income.
The Senate committee comments on these facts, saying: The misery theory of communism does not jibe with these figures nor with the fact that such wealthy persons as Fred- erick Vanderbilt Field, and prominent members of the Holly- wood film colony, have been found to be members of the Communist Party.
Indeed the misery theory of communism is exactly what the Communists would have us believe, in order to mislead us. It promises uni- versal brotherhood, peace and prosperity to lure humanitar- ians and idealists into participating in a conspiracy which gains power through deceit and deception and stays in power with brute force. It has delivered mass starva- tion, poverty, and police state terror to its own people and promoted world-wide strife and hatred by pitting race against race, class against class, and religion against religion. Communism is frequently described as a philosophy — but it is not a philosophy in which intellectually honest men can believe for long.
It is a conspiracy in which hate-driven men participate. In his important and authoritative work, What Is to Be Done , written in , he set forth his views on the structure of the Communist Party, and said: Conspiracy is so essential a condition of an organization of this kind that all other conditions. There is much first-hand evidence that Communists quickly see through the fallacies of Marxism-Leninism but -continue in the Party as blind believers, as conspirators against the established order, or for the personal power and privilege Party membership gives the select few.
I have not been a believer in communism for a long period of time, although in the early days of my association with the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia I was an ideological believer. My initial disillusionment with communism in practice be- gan to take place while I was attending Military Staff School in Prague. It was at this school that I witnessed many inci- dents which proved to me that communism in practice was greatly different from theoretical communism. I was exposed to numerous incidents where members of the Communist Party who were high-ranking officers in the Army took advantage of their position in order to obtain personal advantages and job security.
The disillusionment which set in as a result of the excesses. He continued as a conspirator for ten years before he defected, rising in that time to a high ranking position in the Party and its international intelligence network. He called it dialectical materialism. Marx, the 19th Century father of communism, was not a worker but a university-trained intellectual with a doctorate in philos- ophy.
Although his ideas have had a deep impact and lasting effect on the intellectual world, he was not an original thinker. In its simplest form, dialectic materialism teaches: As matter moves, opposites at- tract. When the opposites come together, conflict results and from the conflict comes change. With this theory, Marx explains the origin and develop- ment of the universe, everything in it, and all life. Marx applied his theories of conflict and change to society. Human beings were arbitrarily divided into two classes oppo- sites. The bourgeoisie propertied classes were considered the degenerate class.
The proletariat unpropertied wage earners was the progressive class. In this conflict, according to dialectical materialism, the bourgeoisie will be destroyed. There is no God. When communists deny God, they simul- taneously deny every virtue and every value which originates with God. There are no moral absolutes, no right and wrong. All is wrong which impedes its progress. For the communist, to lie, cheat, steal or even murder, is perfectly moral if it advances communism. Conversely, a communist who would refuse to lie, cheat, steal or murder to aid the socialist movement is immoral.
In the words of Lenin: We do not believe in eternal morality — our morality is en- tirely subordinated to the interests of the class struggle. The Origin of Communism 19 Man is simply matter in motion. As such, he is without soul, spirit, or free will and is not responsible for his own acts. Man is a body completely describable in terms of the laws of chemistry and physics. Man is an economically determined animal. The evil a man does is just a reflection of his environment. Marx called it capitalism and blamed it for all the evil in man and the world. He concluded that the only way to eliminate evil and improve man was to destroy capi- talism.
Marx taught that this was both desirable and histor- ically inevitable because the continued conflict between the classes had to produce change. The inevitable outcome of the class war, according to Marx, was the triumph of the proletariat in a revolution which would destroy a decaying capitalism and replace it with socialism. Under socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat Com- munist Party would work towards the establishment of communism. Marx taught that once the material needs of man were satisfied, greed, profit-taking, avarice, and hate would dis- appear.
The State would wither away. There would be no laws or need for a police force. A heaven on earth would result. Each would work according to his ability. Each would desire to receive only according to his needs. To reach this goal, the proletariat must achieve control of the entire earth, Marx taught. All poisoning traces of capital- ism must be eliminated. In practice, as the communists conquer a country, and if they conquer the world, they are left with those people raised in a capitalist environment.
It has formed their character and personality. To the communists, this is not murder. Murder means killing for bad reasons. If you can be lulled into doing nothing to oppose the triumph of world communism, that is enough. The communists are after your children or grandchildren who can still be molded into obedient slaves of the State. Speaking at the funeral of Eugene Dennis in February , Hall said: I dream of the hour when the last Congressman is strangled to death on the guts of the last preacher — and since the Christians love to sing about the blood, why not give them a little of it.
What sort of man could dream of Utopia, and yet advise, even command his followers to lie, cheat, steal, and commit individual or mass murder to achieve it? His major work, the first volume of Das Kapital, was completed before Marx was His marriage resulted in six children. Three of his six children died of starvation in infancy. Two others committed suicide. Only one lived to maturity. His wife, left penniless in London, was evicted from their apartment with the infant children.
When Marx died, his funeral was attended by only six persons. In , a small group of English intellectuals formed the Fabian Society. It was their goal to establish the same class- less, godless, socialistic one-world society envisioned by Marx. It was the revolting sons of the bour- geoisie itself, like myself, that painted the flag Red. The middle and upper classes are the revolutionary element in society; the proletariat is the conservative element.
The Fabians believed that eventually these intellectual revolutionaries would acquire power and influence in the official and unofficial opinion- making and power-wielding agencies of the world. Webb formulated the highly successful method these future 22 None Dare Call It Treason rulers would use to change the world.
I also made it clear that Socialism means equality of income or nothing, and that under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were dis- covered that you had not the character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live you would have to live well. They planned to spread their influence by penetrating existing educational institutions, political parties, the civil service, etc.
The upper floors were occupied by Shaw and his wife, Charlotte, who financed the venture. It was from this humble beginning that the intellectual center of the Fabian Socialist movement has grown. Today, it has world renown as a branch of the University of London. Wells, and Nehru of India. By , when the Society was only six years old and had fewer than members, two of the group were elected to the London School Board.
When the party regained power in , MacDonald was again Prime Minister and 20 Fabians held high positions. Eight served in the Cabinet.
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Leading English uni- versities exchanged professors, scholars and writings with top American colleges. Sidney Webb himself came to Amer- ica in The following year, his Socialism in England was circulated at Harvard and other schools by the American Economic Association. Other equally skilled but lesser known theorists and conspirators operated in other fields. Their beliefs, their careers, their methods, and the influence they have exerted on American life will be explored later.
The only serious organizational principle the active workers of our movement can accept is strict secrecy, strict selection of members, and the training of professional revolutionaries. Thus, they would redirect the in- fluence, prestige, and power of capitalistic institutions for the benefit of world communism. In the labor field, for example, Lenin advised his followers: Those who do not understand this do not understand even a particle of Marxism, or of scientific, modern Socialism.
The Cuban people would not have tolerated the bearded fanatic had they known he was a communist. Yet, by exploiting their differences with another anti-communist, Batista, Castro was able to get the temporary support he needed to establish a communist regime in Cuba.
A small group of trained, dedicated communist agents fanned the differences between the students and a committee of Congress. Several thousand non-communist students were stirred, first to demonstrate, and then to riot against lawful authority. Instead, the comparatively few communist agents in Amer- ica and their more numerous fellow-travellers in liberal movements, the press, and other opinion-making positions have worked to pit sizeable segments of the American people against other Americans dedicated to fighting communists. The methods and tactics used are documented in a fascinating study by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee 35 which is discussed at length in Chapter IV.
Teaching these and equally devious methods, and by re- stricting their recruits to only the most fanatical and dedicated, Lenin and the seven followers who formed the Bolshevik movement, swelled their ranks to 17 in the first four years. They returned to London in and searched for a suitable meeting place. The Fabians came to their assistance.
They subverted and seized the Democratic Socialist Republic established by Kerensky in Russia after the fall of the Czar in In her syndicated column, My Day , for August 16, , she said: Currie later fled the country rather than answer questions about his activities. Hiss served five years in the Federal Penitentiary for perjury after denying his participation in a Soviet spy ring.
It is a real comfort to me, an old man, to be able to step into my grave with the knowledge that the civilization of the world will be saved It is here in Russia that I have actually been convinced that the new Communist system is capable of leading mankind out of its present crisis, and saving it from complete anarchy and ruin. He strongly admired Lenin and Stalin. He said they publicly championed Marx and his principles of world revolution while quietly working to communize one country after an- other. They used, Shaw said, the Fabian methods of stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling social- ism by its right name.
Before he died, he formulated a plan for world domination. First, we will take eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia, then we will encircle the United States which will be the last bastian of capitalism. We will not have to attack. It will fall like an overripe fruit into our hands. Chapter III The Growth of World Communism I do not believe in communism any more than you do but there is nothing wrong with the communists in this country; several of the best friends I have got are communists. How has this been done by a nation which has never completed one of its highly publicized Five Year Plans?
They have produced nothing but economic failure. Lenin and his heirs have had the sometimes knowing, sometimes unknowing, cooperation of the United States State Department every step of the way. Look at true history and prove for yourself what has happened. Immediately following World War I, economic chaos developed in Russia. The toppling of the socialist experiment was imminent. Millions were starving when American relief, food, medi- cine, and other supplies, eased the pressure. Lenin had time to consolidate his strength. Other American engineers, scientists, and production experts assisted the com- munists in building steel plants, assembly lines for tractors, trucks, and autos.
In return for recognition, the communists promised, in writing, that Russia would not interfere in the internal affairs of the United States. Soviet intelli- gence officers were busy in Washington setting up elaborate spy networks in government agencies. In , he and Hitler entered into a non-aggression pact.
The Hitler-Stalin pact was shortlived and in Russia came under Nazi attack. Actually, Russia received non-military sup- plies and materials worth billions. He agreed to coalition governments for Yugoslavia and Poland, with communists holding all the key posts. Stalin promised to permit free elec- tions in these communist-occupied countries.
In addition, the foundation was laid for the completion of the second phase. On orders of General George C. Marshall, all American aid was withheld from Chiang. By , the communists, supplied by Russia, were overrunning China. Chiang evacuated the remnants of his army and his government to Formosa. In and , the Senate. A quasi-official agency, the Institute of Pacific Relations, was found to have held a near controlling influence over American far eastern policies for 15 years.
The IPR, as an unofficial State Department recruiting and training agency, had planted communists and pro-communists in sensitive diplomatic posts in Washington and China. He was also a communist. As a best-selling author and book reviewer for the New York Times, Lattimore and a handful of pro-com- munist and pro-Soviet writers flooded the book channels with anti-Chiang, pro-communist books. During the period, the Saturday Evening Post published over 60 articles which promoted the com- munist line.
About million Chinese were betrayed into communist slavery. It was all done by a handful of American traitors and their liberal dupes. Within two months, the communists controlled all of Korea except for the small perimeter around Pusan. Meanwhile, Mac- Arthur received minimum reinforcements. Even while under savage attack, MacArthur was forbidden to bomb the Red supply bases and lines of communication north of the border. American casualties mounted in the hopeless effort. Then, in answer to a written inquiry from Congressman Joseph W. He expressed the view that the battle against communism around the world would be won or lost in Asia.
It was read to Congress on April 5, Five days later, Truman fired MacArthur. Much of the world understood, however, that future U. Wanting victory, not stalemate or defeat, was the real crime for which MacArthur was punished. When it was too late to correct the tragedy, Congress in- vestigated. Top commanders in Korea, MacArthur and his successors, testified. I was not allowed to bomb the numerous bridges across the Yalu River over which the enemy constantly poured his trucks, and his munitions, and his killers. My own conviction is that there must have been informa- tion to the enemy from high diplomatic authorities that we would not attack his home bases across the Yalu.
You get in war to win it. You do not get in war to stand still and lose it and we were required to lose it. We were not permitted to win. General MacArthur told the Congressional committee: Such a limitation upon the utilization of available military force to repel an enemy attack has no precedent, either in our own history, or so far as I know, in the history of the world.
The American plum, which Lenin predicted would one day drop into communist hands without a fight was beginning to ripen. There was an awakening. The story of Yalta and Alger Hiss unfolded. The role of the Institute of Pacific Relations in the betrayal of China was disclosed. The web of subversion which reached into dozens of executive agen- cies unraveled.
As the communist agents were exposed by Congressional committees, aroused Americans demanded action. They were in a fighting mood, ready to root out the conspirators. Dwight Eisenhower appeared on the scene. He piled up a landslide victory in the Presidential elections. Most Americans, whether they voted for him or not, believed and hoped that Eisenhower would clean up the mess.
The hero was elected. The Korean War ended.
The public never noticed. The first disturbing signs came with the signing of the truce agreement in Korea on July 26, Few people at home, except for the mothers, wives, and children of the forgotten few even noticed. Does the distinguished Senator remember any change in State Department policy — by Mr. Dulles since he has taken office? I have noticed no change. The venerable Senator Robert A. Within a year, the communists had moved into Indo-China.
Are we going to continue to send perfumed notes? It is time that we, the Republican Party, liquidate this blood-stained blunder. We promised the American people something differ- ent. Let us deliver — not next year or next month — let us de- liver now. Then it became obvious that it would be ridiculous to cut off aid to the British for trading with Red China when Eisenhower was readying a program The Growth of World Communism 35 of expanded trade with and foreign aid direct to the com- munist nations! Criticism ot Eisenhower soon grew weaker. Eisenhower planned it that way.
Donovan, Eisenhower saw his mission this way: When Eisenhower took office in he had hoped that in four years the Republican Party could be reformed from its role of an opposition party and invigorated with more progressive leaders. They had been outspoken critics of subversion in government under Roosevelt and Truman and continued their warnings with Eisenhower in the White House. Before Eisenhower left office they were all gone. Taft and McCarthy died. Bricker, Malone, Welker, Potter, and others were beaten at the polls.
Knowland and Jenner left Washington disgusted and discouraged. For example, in June , Tito went to Russia for a state visit and said: In peace as in war, Yugoslavia must march shoulder to shoulder -with the Soviet Union. By the fall of , Khrushchev and Tito had exchanged two more warm visits. Eisenhower then announced that Yugoslavian aid would continue because Tito had clearly demonstrated his friendship for the west.
After public opposition developed to the visit in America, Tito refused to come. In , Tito and Khrushchev met in Rumania on August 1 and 2 and pledged mutual cooperation. He did, and military and economic aid has continued. In , they in- stituted their own foreign aid program to spread communism to under-developed nations of the world. Eisenhower and the U. In return, the communists are supposed to come to America and learn about our superior system. Congressman Walter Judd R-Minn told how it worked in practice: Who goes over from our side? Anybody who wants to go. He may be the most ignorant and naive person.
Who comes over from their side? Any Russian who wants to? And further, they are skilled in presenting Communist ideas, trained in the dialectic — that is agents. Who goes from our side? Whom do they send? Journalists — to get information. Who is sent from their side? Agents — to sell their ideas. Who comes from their side? From our side, clergymen. From our side, students. From our side, businessmen. Congressman Judd tells us: We will lose, not win, in this exchange of persons if the Americans who go over and see that the ordinary Russian people are friendly and conclude that therefore we can relax and trust the communist rulers.
Churches are refurbished to impress impor- tant visitors. Visitors who return and report their experiences help to further break down the anti-communist attitudes of the American people. Three Eisenhower actions in his first term vetoed fulfill- ment of that promise. The appointment of Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the United States was to have an impact in destroying the security laws of the United States not fully felt for several years.
In the meantime, two Eisenhower executive orders effectively closed the door on congressional investigation of communists in government. After that , Warren supported the communist position in 62 cases without devia- tion? The decisions supported the communist position 41 times, the anti-communist position only 11 times. Of these, 23 were decided against the communists.
Communists convicted under them were freed. Andrew Artukovic, who lived with his wife and children in California, was forced to submit to an extradition The Growth of World Communism 39 hearing based on political charges made by the communist government of Yugoslavia. As was noted in the opening chap- ter, Service, a career diplomat, had been deeply involved in the loss of China but held his job.
In August , the Conference of State Chief Justices, the highest judicial officials of the then 49 states, adopted a scorching appraisal of the Supreme Court and its actions by a 36 to 8 vote. Edgar Hoover testified before a Congressional com- mittee that 49 top communists convicted of advocating the overthrow of the U. Elizabeth Bentley, a former communist, exposed the two Soviet spy rings in which Harry Dexter White, Lauchlin Currie, and about 80 others had participated. On May 29, , she testified that at least two other Soviet espionage rings were operating in government.
She had learned of their existence from her Soviet superiors, but never knew who was in them, or in what branches of government they oper- ated. There are other proven threats which the Eisenhower Ad- ministration refused to correct.
On May 26, , Senator William Jenner, Chairman of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, notified key officials including President Eisenhower that the American Communications Association, a union so heavily dominated by communists that it was expelled from the CIO, was servicing communications lines to and from key defense installations in the United States and the cable facilities to overseas defense installations. Are you conversant with the fact that the North Atlantic Cable which carries important messages vital to the security of our nation is now serviced by the American Communications Association, a communist-controlled labor organization.
I am aware of that. It still exists today. It was in trying to uncover trails leading to the unexposed spy rings about which Elizabeth Bentley testified that Senators Jenner and McCarthy ran afoul of the Eisenhower Admin- istration. The first major scrape came in August , just seven months after Eisenhower took office. This was before Eisenhower placed security files off- limits to Congressional committees.
Instead, they attacked McCarthy, saying that the security file contained nothing like 40 derogatory FBI reports. McCarthy investigated the Voice of America and the U. McCarthy finally met his doom when he tried to find out how and why a man known to be a communist, Irving Peress, could be promoted to the rank of Major in the Army Dental Corps. Before his promotion, Peress had refused to answer questions about his Communist Party membership on Army Security Forms. He attempted to set up a communist cell on the Army base at Camp Kilmer, N.
The Korean War was underway at the time. The Army knew these things and promoted Peress. It was that simple, in the beginning. Was it a simple case of bureaucratic bungling, or were subversive influences at work? With foresight, McCarthy said in his letter to Stevens: I feel that you have served tremen- dously well in a most thankless job.
Zwicker had issued the formal orders promoting, and then honorably dis- charging the communist, Peress. On the witness stand, Zwicker was evasive. Then he ad- mitted that he had known. Under questioning, his answers became contradictory. He agreed that he could have stopped both actions but then said he couldn't. McCarthy tried to clarify the cloudy situation with a hypothetical question. McCarthy was more smeared over the result than over any other incident in his stormy career. Read the actual hearing transcript, reproduced here.
Then check newspaper accounts of the incident: Let us assume that there is sworn testimony to the effect that he is part of the Communist con- spiracy, has attended Communist leadership schools. Let us assume that Maj. Do you think -that General Smith should be removed from the military, or do you think he should be kept on in it? He should by all means be kept if he were acting under competent orders to separate the man. Let us say General Smith is the man who originated the order. The Growth of World Communism 43 Zwicker: I do not think he should be removed from the military.
Then, General, you should be removed from any command. Those words were to haunt McCarthy to the end of his life. From the New York Times here are a series of four typical news stories showing the distortion and falsehoods in the reporting of the event: Called to testify in the case, General Zwicker declined to answer some security questions about Dr.
Peress because he said he was prohibited by Presidential order. Thereupon, Sena- tor McCarthy denounced the General as unfit to wear the uniform. Two months later, the New York Times repeated the lie: In succeeding years, several Senate committees restudied the issue. Subsequent testimony showed that General Zwicker had committed perjury during the several hearings.
The Justice Department, however, refused to prosecute. His mistakes were magnified. McCarthy stood by them. The conflicting testimony and procedural violations McCarthy tried to question were ignored. Later study showed that Army Secretary Stevens was regularly guilty of conflicting statements which bordered on perjury, 78 but in the planned confusion they were ignored. The magnitude of the furor the question provoked leaves a lingering suspicion that more than bureaucratic bungling had to be hidden. Even Defense Secretary Charles Wilson ad- mitted this possibility.
By , he was dead. The communists breathed a sigh of relief. What he said and tried to prove was rarely The Growth of World Communism 45 denied. It was simply buried in the controversy his charges provoked. His targets were unsuitable for government service, if not by reason of treason, then because of gross negligence and complete naivete about the communist conspiracy. That is all McCarthy tried to prove. His critics discredited him by disputing, not that guilt existed, but his presentations of the facts.
In the resulting controversies, the facts were ignored or brushed aside and forgotten. It would do an injustice to Dwight Eisenhower, the communists, and the fellow travellers in our society, the liberals, and the press to say McCarthy was his own worst enemy. He only provided the weapons they used against him. The case of Philip C. His conclusions were based on a damn- ing collection of provable and largely uncontested facts. If this 46 None Dare Call It Treason group did not originate the anti-Chiang smears, it at least implemented their dissemination.
He knowingly worked closely with an open communist, Frederick Vanderbilt Field. After Hiss was convicted, Jessup said: I see no reason to alter the statements which I made under oath as a witness in that case. He denied Communist Party membership. He also denied communist sympathies. The com- mittee accepted the statements as true. Senator Tydings refused to permit McCarthy to cross-examine Jessup. The subcommittee feels that the accusations made against Philip C. Jessup are completely unfounded and unjustified and have done irreparable harm to the prestige of the United States.
The public retains this impression even though the U. Ambassador to the United Nations.
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It is hard to conceive of a better selection than that of Philip C. The McCarthy story plays up the striking double standard and inconsistency in our society. A murder suspect can be convicted and executed on the strength of circumstantial evidence. It is extremely difficult or impossible, however, to remove an alleged communist, fellow traveller, or incompe- tent from a government post using the same rules of evidence. Then, suddenly, Americans warmed again. The first possible break appeared in the Iron Curtain. It was never given.
The Hungarian affair was referred to the United Nations. Americans sat up through the nights in early November listening to the stirring oratory of Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge in the UN. When President Eisenhower sent the Hungarian affair to the United Nations, he was, in effect, telling the Soviet Union to do as it pleased. The communists had the veto in the UN Security Council and could stop any action. People of the world, listen to our call. Help us not with words, but with action, with soldiers and arms. Please do not forget that this wild attack of Bolshevism will not stop.
You may be the next victim. Our ship is sinking. The shadows grow darker from hour to hour. Listen to our cry. Extend to us your brotherly hands. God be with you and us. They meant for the Hungarian revolt to fail.
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Dispatched on November 2, , the telegram to Tito read: The Government of the United States does not look with favor upon governments unfriendly to the Soviet Union on the borders of the Soviet Union. The Kremlin butchered Budapest, secure in the knowledge that America would not oppose them.
State Depart- ment had given its approval. Would aid to Hungary have provoked war? Khrushchev and the Kremlin have one overriding fear, the simultaneous revolt of the enslaved peoples. In November , the satellites were restless. Localizing rioting had erupted even in Russia. The Red troops in Budapest deserted their officers and joined the Freedom Fighters. He hesitated five days in Hungary. Finally, savage Mon- golian troops were imported from Asia to crush the uprising.
Even these forces were not committed until Khrushchev had tacit U. The United Nations, if the U. Our staunchest allies, the en- slaved people behind the Iron Curtain now believe they can- not expect help from America. If Americans lose their free- dom, the beginning of the end came in Hungary. It amounts to a body blow to the morale of the resistance forces in the Communist world. The announcement of the invitation was a day of gloom and despair for nearly the whole population of every satellite country and for tens of millions inside Russia itself.
What has been underway in the Red orbit, ever since , is a permanent civil war between the rulers and the ruled In seven volumes, it showed: He supervised the killing of thousands. This was the kind of heart-warming scene that any American would like to see taking place between his grandchildren and a stranger. The Kremlin bosses and the American president are allied against you.
For the past 25 years the United States has by and large been pursuing a policy of appeasement before Soviet Russia His rise to power was largely the work of the U. Castro was supported by but a few dozen bandits and a handful of communists in May , when a career diplomat with a questionable record was named to head the Caribbean Desk in the U. His name was William Arthur Wieland.
William Wieland's actions are prominent in the story. The Senate report disclosed: Castro was a leader of the communist-inspired riots at the time of The Growth of World Communism 51 the Foreign Ministers Conference in Bogota in During the riots, Castro captured a radio station and U. This is a com- munist revolution. Pawley contacted high State Department officials and President Eisenhower to tell his story, but no action was taken. From the time of his appointment to the key State Depart- ment post in May , Wieland regularly disregarded, side- tracked or denounced FBI, State Department, and Military Intelligence sources which branded Castro as a communist and showed that his associates were Moscow-trained pg.
Milton Eisenhower by the American Embassy staff in Mexico City when it became obvious they were going to prove that Castro was a communist pg. Milton Eisenhower chose to ignore the incident pg. Despite all the warnings from reliable sources, Wieland was continued in control of American policy toward Cuba.
The Senate study concluded: Wieland is considered author of the fatal arms embargo which cut off munitions shipments to the anti-communist Batista while Castro was being liberally supplied by sources in Florida and by Russian submarines surfacing off the Cuban coast pg. Wieland managed to remove all anti-Castro diplomats from influential positions. The American ambassador to Cuba, Arthur Gardner, who forwarded continual reports to the State Department which exposed Castro as a communist, was replaced. He was prevented from briefing his replacement, Earl T.
Three front page articles in the New York Times early in , written by the editorialist Herbert Matthews, served to inflate Castro to , world stature and world recognition. Until that time, Castro had been just another bandit in the Oriente mountains of Cuba, with a handful of followers who had ter- rorized the campesinos, that is the peasants, throughout the countryside. Castro was to become the Robin Hood of the Sierra Maestra and was to pursue the same policy of taking from the rich to give to the poor.
Ed Sullivan made a brief, but spectacular trip to Cuba and returned with a filmed interview. Thirty million TV viewers saw Sullivan ask Castro such leading questions as: You are not a communist are you, Fidel? The people of the United States have great admiration for you and your men because you are in the real American spirit of George Washington. Eighteen months later, Sullivan retracted his statement, but by then it was too late. Religious magazines, the book The Growth of World Communism 53 publishers, all communications media pictured Castro as a romantic rebel, a Robin Hood leading a fight for social justice.
Even with all the press buildup, however, if President Eisen- hower and his State Department officials had heeded the warnings of reliable intelligence sources, Castro could not have come to power. Castro did come to power. He proceeded, in classic com- munist fashion, to execute thousands of Cubans in bloody firing squad marathons. Even so, he continued to receive the praise of liberals in press and government.
Nixon, to his credit, tried without success after the interview to convince Eisenhower that Castro was a communist. The State Department was warned that Castro had a long communist background, that his supporters were Moscow- trained, that he was promoting a communist revolution.
Action Look at the means which a man employs ; consider his motives; observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself. Tragic handling of the Hungarian revolt was given passing mention by the Democrats, but only in areas with high con- centrations of immigrants from Eastern Europe. Richard Nixon was not likely to dredge up the record of failure and appeasement of the Administration of which he was part.
The few knowledgable anti-communists in the Democratic Party were paralyzed by politics also. Instead, when Kennedy became President, William Wieland was promoted to the State Department committee charged with revising security procedures. Action 55 The party in power in Washington changed on January 20, The basic direction of American foreign policy remained the same. Kennedy himself set the standard by which his administration must be judged. On November 8, , he wrote the foreword for To Turn the Tide , a published col- lection of the speeches and statements he made in his first ten months as President.
Strong words alone, of course, do not make meaningful policy; they must, in foreign affairs, in particular, be backed both by a will and by weapons that are equally strong. Thus a collection of Presidential statements cannot convey their true perspective unless it is realized or recalled precisely what they signified in committing the power and majesty of the American people.
Prince Boun Oum, legal head of the anti-com- munist government of Laos, was ordered to give communists key positions in his cabinet. Within four months he bowed to joint American-Soviet pressures and a coalition government was formed. Our policy in China has reaped the whirlwind. The contin- ued insistence that aid would not be forthcoming unless a coalition government with the Communists was formed, was a crippling blow to the Nationalist government.
So concerned were our diplomats and their advisers, the Lattimores, and the Fairbanks, with the imperfections of the diplomatic system in China after 20 years of war, and the tales of corruption in high places, that they lost sight of our tremendous stake in a non-communist China.
There were those who claimed, and still claim, that Chinese communism was not really communism at all but an advanced agrarian reform movement which did not take directions from Moscow. This is the tragic story of China whose freedom we once fought to preserve. What our young men have saved, our diplomats and our President have frittered away. They used the same methods in destroying the anti-communist Laotian government as had been used against Chiang Kai-shek and China 15 years before. Rusk was a longtime affiliate of the Institute of Pacific Relations.
A full 18 months after Ken- nedy made his speech in , and after Chinese communists Words vs. Action 57 had murdered millions, Dean Rusk, speaking at the University of Pennsylvania, compared Mao Tse-tung to George Wash- ington and indicated that the Chinese revolution did not aim at dictatorship. It was Harri- man who conceived and executed the policy of cutting off aid to Laos when the Laotians refused to put communists into their government.
In July , he was sent to Moscow to negotiate the nuclear test ban treaty on which the survival of America may depend. Harriman is a longtime Soviet apologist. As late as July , after the communists had completed their conquest of Eastern Europe and China, Harriman still defended the Yalta agreements. On October 20, , for example, Kennedy said: We must attempt to strengthen the non-Batista democratic anti-Castro forces in exile, and in Cuba itself who offer even- tual hope of overthrowing Castro. The invasion was planned, financed, and controlled by the U.
State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency. The carriers stood by, within easy striking distance during the invasion. Their decks were loaded with fighting planes. News and World Report in its September 17, issue summed up what happened. It said in part: Secure in this assurance of air support, the invaders went ashore. Confidently, the little invading force waited for its air support to arrive. Its leaders had as- surance of that support. It was provided in the pre-invasion planning. Those were planes of the invasion force with Cuban pilots. President Ken- nedy forbade their use.
That was the fateful decision President Kennedy made on that Sunday evening. He decided that the anti-Castro Cubans could not have the support of their own air force during the invasion. Without that support, the invasion failed. Absence of air cover was not the sole factor in the failure of the invasion. A near impossible supply problem was created when the CIA armed the 1, man invasion force with weapons re- quiring over 30 different types of ammunition.
Some guerilla groups were supplied with In other areas the CIA supplied. To be successful, even with air cover, such a small invasion force had to be supported almost W or d c j. Action 59 immediately by uprisings all over Cuba. Some of the reasons why the uprisings did not occur were uncovered later. The underground was never advised of the landing date and did not know whether the Bay of Pigs operation was a real or diversionary invasion.
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Instead, the station broadcast one conflicting and false report after another of uprisings in Cuba. They were not advised that the invasion had started — until it had already failed. By then, it was too late to alert their contacts in Cuba. The controversy over whether or not air cover was planned — and then withdrawn from the invasion — raged for 18 months.
Then, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee released testimony given by Whiting Willauer three months after the invasion attempt failed. He was ignored in the State Department. Was the Bay of Pigs invasion planned to fail? Were young Cubans deliberately sent onto the beaches to die, with no hope of success? The father of two of the boys who were missing in the invasion attempt wrote a letter to the Superintendent of Culver Military Academy in Indiana where they had gone to school.
Jorge is a captive and Mario is missing. I want you to know and the world to know that all of us who once believed in the greatness of the United States feel that they and all of us have been the victims of gross, high official treason. I allowed them to go because they had an ideal. We believed this because we know that this fight is not for Cuba or the Cubans. It is a fight for the very life of all Americans. The grant was one of 10 the United States is helping to finance in Cuba. Within four weeks after the failure of the Cuban invasion, the Kennedy-Johnson Administration asked Congress for authority to give economic aid to the communist nations of Hungary and Czechoslovakia — and broaden aid given to Yugoslavia and Poland under programs started by President Eisenhower.
Even though Czechoslovakian arms had been used to repel the attempted invasion of Cuba less than 30 days before, the U. Senate voted 43 to 36 to give the aid to the com- munist enemy. A few months later, the Senate killed by a vote another meas- ure which would have barred foreign aid to countries selling arms and strategic goods to communist countries. After nearly a year of official denials, evidence of the buildup in Cuba became so overwhelming it could not be ignored.
He ordered a naval blockade. Khrushchev quickly agreed to remove his troops and missiles. Democrat losses in the Congressional election were held to a handful of seats. To win the election, President Kennedy paid an appalling price. The communist dictator in his message to Kennedy, which the New York Times published, said: I regard with respect and trust the statement you made in your message on October 27, , that there would be no attack, no invasion of Cuba, and not only on the part of the 62 None Dare Call It Treason United States, but also on the part of other nations of the Western Hemisphere as you have said in the same message of yours.
This part of the agreement was later denied by the Ad- ministration — even as it moved to uphold its guarantee to protect Castro. Anti-Castro refugee groups in Florida were subjected to harassment and weapons were confiscated from groups train- ing for raids on Cuba. Exile groups were refused time on radio stations in Florida for anti-communist broadcasts to Cuba. Under pressure from Washington, Great Britain stopped Cuban resistance groups from using bases in the Bahamas for raids against Cpstro. Action 63 and other Congressmen.

The surrender was not limited to the Western Hemisphere. The Admin- istration vehemently denied the reports. Three months ago we were pledged to see that Castroism in this hemisphere was destroyed. We have now been euchred into the position of babysitting for Castro and guaranteeing the integrity of the communist regime in Cuba. I assume they have but all we have seen is a box they said contained a bomber and a long metal container that they said contained a missile. We have not had on-the-spot inspection. And that is what they did to us in Cuba. No new aims were stated in private that had not been stated in public on either side.
Neither of us were there to dictate a settlement. There was no discourtesy, no loss of tempers, no threats or ultimatums by either side. He demanded that Kennedy get Western forces out of Berlin by fall, recog- nize East Germany, and conclude a peace treaty with it. He confirmed that his original TV report to the people had been untrue. He ad- mitted that Khrushchev had issued the Berlin ultimatums at Vienna. He made a firm promise that American rights in Berlin were not negotiable.
He summed up the meaning of the crisis saying: Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? What's going on here? One President wining and dining with the greatest mass-murdering Communist in history!
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