Intrada - Organ
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Intrada, for organ
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With his excellent pianistic skills, Sibelius could of course play the harmonium, another keyboard instrument and a favourite instrument of the time. He gave it small parts in his early works.
Sibelius: Intrada for Organ op 111 Orchestral Arrangement Luukas Hiltunen
The harmonium also features in The Tempest music: When Sibelius joined a newly established Masonic lodge in he became involved with ritual music. He was even asked to be the regular organist of the lodge, but he declined because he did not have time. However, he sometimes substituted for the regular organist, as he did on 17 January , when Eliel Saarinen was inducted into the Masonic Order. Sibelius also composed an entire suite, Ritual music for the Freemasons , op.

This comprised 12 pieces in all, including two harmonium pieces of quite high quality, typical of Sibelius's late style, Opening hymn no. The songs in the opus have a harmonium accompaniment. Intrada for organ op. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the harpsichord. It is unusual to play Mozart on the harpsichord today.
Intrada, for organ | Details | AllMusic
Intrada on the plainsong melody "Laus et Honor". Login to recommend piece! Featured Article Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the harpsichord. Intrada after a Sorbian Melody Uploaded by: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis Software: Intrada II Uploaded by: BWV passacaglia Uploaded by: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ Software: Friedensmarsch Rienzi Uploaded by: