Elizabeth, The Enchantress: The Real Duchesses of London
Taking Alpha - Greyriver...
Last Chance, My Love. Duke of Storm Moonlight Square, Book 3. What a Duke Wants. A Talent for Sin.
A Very Ruby Christmas. The Real Duchesses of London Book 4. How to write a great review.

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The Billionaire Bargain Sierra Rose 0 11 0 This is book 3. It's hard work getting a husband to dump you, but Page tries her hardest. When the marriage goes sour, she wants out, but she can't leave without paying her fake hubby a million dollars. However, Luke has a clause that says he can leave the marriage anytime he wants.
So her new plan is to get him to do just that, since she doesn't have access to a million bucks. Taking Alpha - Greyriver She's sexy, smart and I want her like I want my next breath. There's only one problem, Jasmine Matthews thinks she's my Fated, my soul mate, my one and I just don't think that's true. I don't want to lead her on, I don't want to build those dreams she has in her eyes but I don't know how long I can resist the lure of her sweet body and that sharp tongue. I need to walk away and stay away but when I get a taste of Jazz, I can't do anything take but what she's offering and hope she lets me take more.
He's sexy, strong and he's putting out signals I can't resist. Until he refuses to believe that we belong together.
Elizabeth, The Enchantress: The Real Duchesses of London - Lavinia Kent - Google Книги
What's a girl to do when she goes into heat and her body cries out for the one male who won't take her? I'm no push over and I'm not afraid to take what I want but a girl can only fool herself for so long and I'm not sure I want to be a fool for Rylan anymore. But what do I do when his refusal to mate me weakens me to the point of death? There's only one thing to do, take my Alpha. Don't tell your boss that you're expecting. We learn a little bit about what happened between Elizabeth and William and why he left London so quickly after their marriage.
This reformation of the "bad girl" fell a little flat in my opini A series of prints depicting Elizabeth and her longtime gone husband now recently returned husband, William, in opposing styles.
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This reformation of the "bad girl" fell a little flat in my opinion. Elizabeth wasn't a bad girl at all, simply misunderstood, which could have been cleared up through communication with her husband and her friends. I'd expected a real event to explain her tension with Lynette throughout the course of the series.
Sometimes friends just don't get along, and sometimes the "drama" is manufactured as is obvious by the "Real Housewives" reality shows on tv. Still, this was a fun world to escape into, and I hope to visit it again with Ms. Sep 25, Daisy rated it it was amazing Shelves: You may have heard me mention before that while I like the novellas I've read lately, I always have this feeling that if it was a full-length novel, it would be better.
Well, maybe I was just not reading the right novella! This one didn't feel like it lacked depth at all! There were some real problems between Elizabeth and William and I loved that! I teared up a couple of times and it was wonderful!
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The thing is with novellas, you HAVE to get sucked into the story right away You may have heard me mention before that while I like the novellas I've read lately, I always have this feeling that if it was a full-length novel, it would be better. The thing is with novellas, you HAVE to get sucked into the story right away, else it will be over before you know it, leaving you disconnected. I immediately felt pulled into this one and I loved that. I do think I could have benefitted from reading the previous novellas in the series in regards to the relationship of the duchesses, but well, I managed.
I loved this one and I think I should be reading more of Lavinia Kent's books: Jan 15, Barbara rated it liked it Shelves: Another one where the husband returns but by this book I was a bit over Elizabeth. And what happens with Annie? Sep 11, Angela rated it liked it. There is one more book in the series- I will likely try to read it but I'm probably not going to search out her other books.
Sandra rated it really liked it Aug 22, Amy Alvis rated it really liked it Dec 31, Poppy rated it really liked it Oct 18, LizardQueen rated it it was amazing May 14, Muse rated it really liked it May 18, Jacqueline rated it really liked it Aug 26, Lee Donovan rated it liked it Oct 09, Joanna rated it it was amazing May 20, Don Jones rated it really liked it May 06, Laurie rated it really liked it Sep 28, Zagi rated it liked it Mar 21, Sahara rated it really liked it Jun 29, Allison Feingold rated it really liked it Feb 13, Bonnie Dillard rated it liked it Sep 09, Ana rated it it was ok Oct 12, Jennifer rated it really liked it Jul 23, Ro rated it it was amazing May 28, Anna rated it really liked it Sep 09, Mickey rated it liked it Jul 01, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
I live in Washington, DC with my husband, kids, two cats and a changing menagerie of other small beasts. I worked in both the arts and in the business world before giving into my love of story telling after the birth of my oldest -- although it wasn't until after the birth of my youngest when I suddenly had full-time childcare that it all came together for me.
I love discussing books -- almost any b I live in Washington, DC with my husband, kids, two cats and a changing menagerie of other small beasts.
I love discussing books -- almost any books at any time. One of my great joys is having my children get old enough that we can all read the same things and talk. I am so happy that YA is the flourishing world that it is. And of course I love Romance.