Unicorn Summer Ch. 1
It was a sizable sum, but the liquor company was paying his expenses, so he didn't care. Instead, he simply grabbed his scruffy suitcase, thanked the cab driver, and hopped out of the car. In front of him towered an apartment complex—the one where he was to be rooming. Arthur gazed up at it for a few moments more, breathing in the warm, fresh evening air. There wasn't any smog in it, not like the air back in London. Not that I'm complaining about London , Arthur thought, making his way toward the building.
London's far superior, of course, in every other way.
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When he reached the front doors, he slipped through into the building's lobby. It was quite plush and impressive, with marble floors and sofas with satin pillows. The apartment complex had only been built a few months before, but what with the onset of the American housing crisis, the owner had been unable to sell the apartments. So he had taken to trying to rent them out instead, although that wasn't working out too well either.
He had lowered the cost of rent considerably, but there were still only a few people who had taken him up on the offer. The woman left to fetch something, and when she returned, she was holding a set of keys in her hand.
Matthew Godbout
I only meant that I was hoping you'd speak. I want to hear your accent! We don't get many Brits around here, you know. Damn it all, I'm acting like a colossal git again, aren't I? Something about this country brought out the worst in him. Clearing his throat, he began, "Yes, well, sorry about that. It looks as though this is my floor.
I think I can find my way from here, if you'd be so kind as to hand me the key. Stiffly, the woman nodded and dropped the key into his palm.
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Feeling like a complete asshole, Arthur left the elevator and started down the hall. Could this day get any worse? The answer was yes, although he didn't know it yet. Although he never admitted it in public, Arthur was rather superstitious, and this wasn't a good sign. Still, there was nothing he could do about it except turn the key and enter.
Inside, Arthur briefly examined the flat. It was already furnished, and it seemed suitable enough, so he took to unpacking what few possessions he had brought with him. The rest of his things were scheduled to be flown in tomorrow. Taking out his toothbrush and a few other necessities, he swiftly prepared for bed, slipping on his pajamas last. He was eager to get some much-needed rest.
Rummaging around in his suitcase, he pulled out the last item necessary for sleep: Stardust was her name, and his mother had given it to him when he was very young. A cascade of nostalgia washed over him as he held the soft toy in his arms; his parents were both dead, and although his father had never really been a part of his life, he had been close to his mother. Ever since her death two years ago, things had never been quite right.
Now he and his older brothers were always fighting.
The Hünenberg Unicorns – Baseball and Softball in the Heart of Switzerland
When she died, it seemed the last hope for family peace had died with her. Glancing out the window beside his bed, Arthur could see the city's lights in the distance, but all he felt was a wave of aching loneliness. He wondered at those lights out there. Or were some of them heading home to an empty house and an empty bed, just as he was. You idiot, pull yourself together, he ordered, straightening up. This was no time to be sentimental. He had a big day ahead of him tomorrow—he was to meet with the representatives of the wine company, so he needed to get his rest.
Reaching over, he clicked off the lamp and pulled the bed-sheets over him. Bored and hungry, actually. But that was nothing new; he typically experienced both of these feelings on a daily basis. He might be feeling completely full one second and then he would catch a whiff of a hot dog on the wind, and he just couldn't help himself. Besides, it wasn't as though he were fat; he worked out all the time, and his body was absolutely perfect, if he did say so himself. The second feeling, "boredom," was also familiar because Alfred had been born with a remarkably low attention span. It wasn't as though he didn't have things to do, he just felt he had done them all before.
He had lived in Napa Valley his whole life, and he had memorized every boulevard, restaurant, and shopping center.

What he longed for more than anything was the chance to travel to other places—they didn't have to be far away, just new. Nevertheless, this book will attempt to prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the mythic Chinese unicorn was not the qilin pronounced cheeleen but a one-horned female goat-like beast called the zhi pronounced jhuhr.
But what, you may well ask, is the unicorn zhi , and where did the idea of a one-horned goat-like animal come from? What was the original meaning and significance of the zhi , and how did the zhi become confused with the qilin?
In order to answer these questions, we must travel back into the past, to the time of the legendary Emperor Shun, who reigned circa to Before the Common Era B. According to an ancient Chinese legend, long, long ago, before history began, the land was ruled by the great Emperor Shun. He was the last in the series of five culture heroes who ruled prior to the establishment of the first historical dynasty, the Xia.
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