Training: A New Adult Bisexual Menage Romance MMF FFM (EROS INC Book 2)
Copy and paste to join newsletter: Your opinion counts, as readers and writers rely on them for their purchasing decisions. Read more Read less. Enabled Similar books to Love and Lust: Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Swinger Fantasies Swinger's Fantasies. Swingers Cravings Book 1. All Four Episodes Value Priced!
Swinging and Single Book 5. Product details File Size: January 7, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Six long-time friends spend their annual weekly vacation together for an all-holds barred sexfest. Wasn't much mm though, only fondling and oral. Harmony has finally confessed what she does on her annual vacation to her beau Aiden, she had met him shortly after last year's vacation who has asked her to marry him.
She is reluctant to share that part of her life with him because she was judged by previous men in her life and doesn't trust that he'll really want to marry her afte Six long-time friends spend their annual weekly vacation together for an all-holds barred sexfest. She is reluctant to share that part of her life with him because she was judged by previous men in her life and doesn't trust that he'll really want to marry her after he sees her in action so she holds on accepting his proposal.
He accompanies and gives his blessing and even participates in some scenes.
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Aiden's ex-girlfriend Mia, shows up and seems to want Aiden back. There's lots of sex, miscommunication and finally a resolution. Didn't seem realistic to me - but hey it's fiction - and it was a fun, sexy read. Trey and Jake's story is in. This was a new concept to the whole smut scene for me. Six college friends have met for an erotic "sex-any-way-you-want-it" vacation every year for the past 12 years.
There was a ton of crazy hot sex, but there was also a story too-- one that you actually want to know how it ends. Liked the friends having this erotic relationship View all 5 comments. Sep 01, Sharon rated it liked it Shelves: I wanted to like this more.
I think Carew writes a mean sex scene with hotness galore, but I guess I'm not that into the group orgies and sex scenes. Not because I don't approve or don't think they are hot, but for two other reasons: With multiple people involved it's easy to lose track of who is doing what to who There isn't much chance to sense intimate relationships with the characters or see Eh. There isn't much chance to sense intimate relationships with the characters or see how sex builds the storyline because the sex doesn't become important at all to the characters so much.
So I really didn't love this. In looking back at my reviews of Carew's books, they are either 3s or 5s, so they sort of hit or miss with me. But I keep reading her because in every book there are always sex scenes that are steamy and keep me reading! Mar 17, Sally rated it it was ok. There was plenty of racy sex in this book and a fairly predictable but reasonable plot involving some insecurities, real love all around and a happy resolution at the end.
I found it light and reasonably pleasant to read - but I really wanted to edit the first half or more of the book. I found the grammar lacking and I always struggle with that. People who are less fussy than me could probably enjoy it all the way through and it's certainly got enough saucy content with the regular anatomical There was plenty of racy sex in this book and a fairly predictable but reasonable plot involving some insecurities, real love all around and a happy resolution at the end. People who are less fussy than me could probably enjoy it all the way through and it's certainly got enough saucy content with the regular anatomical description to please.
One more frustration, the women in this book consistently "wail" when they orgasm. I would really love a better, or at least occassionally another, description to be applied. Jun 20, Laz the Sailor rated it liked it Shelves: Oh this had so much potential Put a whole bunch of sexually adventurous people on an exotic island for a week and see how much steam they can create. Throw in some deeper emotions, and stir slowly. We know the author can write hot sex, but her dialog and management of emotional conflict wasn't on best display here.
Even the sex seemed tepid in some scenes. I wish the editor had said "Go back one more time and tighten this up. Still, plenty of sex between beautiful people Oh this had so much potential Still, plenty of sex between beautiful people lots of them , in every combination possible. Read it for the fun.
Nov 21, Holly rated it really liked it Shelves: Ok, first of all this book was very HOT!! IMO, the loving, trusting relationship between the 6 friends was a hot concept but throwing in the strangers I didn't like. This book was an ot Ok, first of all this book was very HOT!! This book was an otherwise very hot, sexy read and I recommend it!
Jun 22, Bri rated it it was ok. I really wish I could remember who recommended this book to me. This is by far the smuttiest of smutty books out there. It's a blantant chance to simple see how many times 'cock' and 'wailing orgasm' could be typed in one book. I don't know where Opal Carew comes up with these storylines but good Lord don't let her stop. This book is so hot. It is almost too hot to hold while reading it. Opal Carew books are known for their hot content and this book is just like the others.
I love reading about women who are not frail and are not afraid of their sexuality. Jul 31, Michelle K rated it really liked it Shelves: I love reading about women who are not frail and are not afaid of their sexuality. May 24, Winfield rated it it was amazing Shelves: This was an OMG kind of book not for the faint of hearts who not like Menage a trois or hunt. A page turner to the very end. Realistic characters with day-to-day dramas.
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I would recommend to all the tightwads of sex. My favorite characters are Trey and Jake great bi couple around. Nov 24, Cindy rated it it was ok. Sexfest among characters you feel no connection to Jan 24, Ela rated it really liked it. Jul 07, Booknerd rated it liked it. If you're in the mood for some roller coaster ride sex scenes, this is the book to read. Mar 13, Caroline rated it liked it Shelves: There is alot of sex with multiple parters in this book , but it felt like something was missing.
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It was more like fast sex with one group then off to another group. Mar 17, Amy rated it liked it. Oct 28, Sharina rated it it was amazing. It was steamy and everything I could imagine a story to be with a premise like this one. Uniquely wonderful from beginning to end. Mar 02, Joy Boutwell rated it liked it. Six by Opal Carew is a wild book. It is filled with sex scenes but it's a little on the slutty side.
If the sex would have been between just the six friends and Harmony's new guy it would have been better. But, when Angela goes to the spa and the six strangers join her that's a little to much.

It was hot but a little of a turn off. But their was some other really good sex scenes. Oct 16, Emmy rated it it was ok Shelves: I was surprisingly not as annoyed as I thought I would be with the majority of this book. The concept was interesting and you can tell that the six friends--Mia, Cole, Nikki, Trey, Angela, Jake--genuinely really care about each other, which was pretty nice to read about. Like you can tell how much they look out for each other's happiness and it was kind of refreshing if you get past the weird lewdness of the whole situation.
And Mia and Aiden have an obvious love for each other despite the technicalities of basically cheating on each other constantly because of the whole orgy friends situation. The smut scenes were original and creative. Definitely nothing I've ever read before. It was just the ending that really pissed me off In comes Mia - Aiden's ex who left him but suddenly wants him back because she's not used to being alone. If Mia wasn't at all a part of this book.. This girl was desperate as hell.
Go back home and stop ruining Harmony's vacation??? The story pretty much all went to shit when this chick comes into the picture and Aiden purposefully cheats on Harmony. And it took him sleeping with his ex to realize who he really loved? Sorry for the spoiler but--What the fuck did I just read????????? If you don't tolerate that kind of shit, don't read this book. This was such a weird experience. Anyway, Gilbert Sara, that is is also a lesbian mom , source: All teenagers do have a choice about their expression of sexual behaviors and lifestyle, regardless of their sexual orientation My Wife Finishes Off the Nurse read epub back2basicspridedance.
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