See: Whispers of the Damned: Ghostly Games
She would often disappear into her mind and create the most insane stories. But she never did anything with them.
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But she pushed ahead anywhere. Willow Haywood grew up dreaming about the beautiful boy in the field. But she also had to contend with a nightmare every new moon occupied by a shadowy figure that haunted her. When Landen Chambers and Drake Blakeshire, the boys in her dream and nightmare come into her life, Willow learns of the many dimensions that co-exist beside earth and of the powers she possesses, not to mention the role she must play in the salvation and redemption o numerous souls.
See (See #1; Web of Hearts and Souls #4) by Jamie Magee
Charlie has always seen what others could never imagine. It never bothered her. That was just her life. But then Charlie woke up in the ER having lost her dearest memories and the knowledge she needed to save her friends. Now, as a war for survival rages beneath the surface, Charlie undertakes a journey to recover her memories and find out who took them, not to mention the reason why.
If you see one missing just send me an e-mail below. Our author of the month is Canadian author Opal Carew who writes erotic romance novels. Opal has written over novels with multiple book series such as the Dirty Talk series and the Abducted series. Jack Reacher is back! Personally I thought this was the 2nd best Reacher book yet. Family secrets come back to haunt Reacher when he decides to visit the town his father was born in. Because when he visits there he finds out no-one with the last name of Reacher has ever lived there.
It leaves him wondering - did his father ever live there? Every 2 weeks we send out an e-mail with Book Recommendations. We'll base this on various factors for example "If you like Jack Reacher Insert your e-mail below to start getting these recommendations.
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The story would of been better if it wasn't so dragged out and the enemies were scarier. Also after everything the story still doesn't explain what their enemies are or wants so it was a waste you're basically just reading about a girl who gets her memories back in the end.
I love how this book lets you walk side by side with Charlie and learn her memory just as she is regaining it. Overview Music Video Charts. Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Click I Have iTunes to open it now. View More by This Author. Description I see them. Customer Reviews Didn't quite live up to its potential. Other Books in This Series. Witness of a Broken Heart Redefined Love Affair Each character was an individual that brought something This book was an addictive and alluring book with a flowing melodic undertone that hums as you read Each character was an individual that brought something extra and important to the story with their gift.
Jamie is an amazing and gifted writer. I felt all the emotion in the perfect places at the perfect time with the perfect pitch. I felt the love, anguish, darkness, light, sorrow, beauty that I was meant to as the reader. I love the use of music the author infused in the book. I love how it feels like a living breathing thing that helps to guide the characters.
I wish I could see the music and hear what they the characters wrote My personal favorite was the outstanding message of hope and light through darkness. As most of you know Jamie's first series, The Insight series is my 2nd favorite YA series but now after reading SEE and don't know which one is my favorite. SEE is somewhat on the same basis as Insight. You have true love or soul mates, the main characters wanting to help "people", and totally hot guys!
There are twins in SEE! But, that is where the similarities end. SEE, to me, is darker and I love that! This book will completely hook you. Before you know it you will be to As most of you know Jamie's first series, The Insight series is my 2nd favorite YA series but now after reading SEE and don't know which one is my favorite. Before you know it you will be to pages into the book and wonder where the time went. Within the first two pages it had me captured and I didn't want to put it down.
For me it's hard to find a book like that so I was thrilled when this one did. Like I said SEE is dark but it's also intriguing, thrilling, captivating, and suspenseful. And for all you music lovers That's a plus in my book. If you have read the Insight series then you will love SEE. If you haven't read the Insight series that's okay you will still love this book! Forgetting who you are and everything you've know sucks.
As she moves back home and starts remembering everything, it's like you' First Thought: As she moves back home and starts remembering everything, it's like you're watching her fall in love for the first time. Though there's underlying issues, the relationship that she creates with Draven is awesome! Trying to find her "way back" has her whole life turned upside down. With temptation always calling This is where I really started to get into it, Charlie has moved away from all the evil in her life, but yet it's right there at every turn.
She seems so confused at times that you wonder which side of the line she's going to land on. Even though everything her heart calls to her feels right, it seems that the Darkness could have something a little interesting to offer her. Trying to sum this up without babbling on and on and on seems difficult. I want to gush and rant, and gush and rant! Though keep in mind that I mean rant in a completely positive way.
Charlie is possibly one of my favorite female leads of all time. She wants nothing more then for the ones that she loves to be safe. It's no wonder that her and Draven are meant for each other Knowing that the person you love can't remember you or recall your last conversation, that to me would be soul-crushing. But Draven keeps his faith in Charlie and knows that what they have can't be tainted by magic Overall this book was fab! Number 2 should be equally amazing, but only time will tell: Alright first few things I need to say before I start this review, a This was my first Jamie Magee book, I never read the Insight Series, I have the first one just never read it, i don't know if that effects ANYTHING at all, from one person's review i read i think its in the same world but totally different characters, now if that is true i do not know.
But with all that said this wasn't for me, thats not to say that its not for Alright first few things I need to say before I start this review, a This was my first Jamie Magee book, I never read the Insight Series, I have the first one just never read it, i don't know if that effects ANYTHING at all, from one person's review i read i think its in the same world but totally different characters, now if that is true i do not know.
But with all that said this wasn't for me, thats not to say that its not for you, maybe if i had read the insight series first i wouldn't have been so lost, but i don't know that for sure. This is my choice, i know that at the end of this book there is a playlist, i didn't look at the playlist to be honest, i saw Godsmack and that was it. But the song i am choosing is a bit different from what i normally pick, this book talks a lot about music, and one of the MCs favorite types of music is rock instrumental without lyrics, well, well, well i do have some of those.
Alright here is the thing, i loved the concept of the story, that the girl lost some memories, and all that.
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On top of the fact that this was done in first person as it was, so we were as clueless as she was. I just sent more than half the book screaming at the other characters. The plot was suffering because no one would help us along in the story until about half way through. Then it all comes out in a rush and i felt totally like a fish out of water, if it wasn't a new type of paranormal being, or whatever you want to call it, then i think i could have been okay with that, but it wasn't at least for me it wasn't again this goes back to the Insight thing, i don't know if they are in the same "world" but if they were it would make a little more sense maybe?
I think at first it started off really strong, i was into the whole mystery, what the hell is going on vibe but then it just kept going on and on like that and i was getting frustrated and mad.

And it has a lot to do with characters as well, so i am going to move onto them. She is the MC and i liked her. She was the type of character that keeps to herself but she is a little spit-fire well until she meets her old friends that she can't really remember, its only when she is dealing with the B twins as i started to refer to them as, Bianca and Britain no they are not related but they are always together, and they are not dating just friends apparently that she is that spit-fire of a girl.
I can see that she is trying to protect her old friends and family near the end when i started to skim. But i had a lot of problems with her as well, for one when she moves back everyone mostly though Draven, keeps saying that he wants "his Charlie back", well he says "I want my Charlie" and she never once gets insulted by this? I think that you would, i know that i would. Because she is still, her but she can't remember things from the past, wish for her memories back but the way he makes it sound, the way they all make it sound is like she is a completely different person which yes i suppose she is some but still its just wrong i don't know how to explain this very well but i just do not like that.
Anyways i don't know if i really cared for him all that much. He kept himself at a distance even from Charlie, and he is the one that kept saying she needed to find her memories on her own, well how is she suppose to when she no one coaxes anything out of her, to help her.
Draven and Charlie's relationship: To me - YES TO ME, notice the "M" and the "e", not you, or anyone else so try not to take my word to heavily - they were very distant with each other, they had moments again where Draven would speak and he did same some very poetic, beautiful things but again there really wasn't anything there for me. Is that to say it won't work out for you? I think that if you have read Jamie Magee's stuff before, i would say yes give it a try, if you are still interested but haven't, maybe look around on other reviews see if anyone says more info about the insight series, and if these two are related by being in the same "World" then maybe check out that one first.
Kay got your pitch-forks, and torches ready? Good you can come lynch me at my blog because i am sorry but i just gave my honest opinion, i didn't think it was bad, just not for me, and confusing. This is my first Jamie Magee book. What I liked The concept and plot were just amazing. I absolutely thought incorporating music into the plot was a banging idea, as I believe that universally, music is the one thing that we all understand.
Whispers of the Damned
So well done in that aspect. Some readers might call what I went through being kept in suspense. In See, we are told virtually nothing for until midway in, and I found that very hard to push past since I felt doubly confused since the main character was just as lost as me. Second, I felt the characters needed a bit more developing.
I liked them well enough, especially Charlie, our main character, and Madison, but I felt that Draven, as a main character, needed a little bit more spice added to his character. Charlie was kind of spunky and smart-mouthed, but I always love heroines like that.
Madison was just fun, and Aden was cute. If you can get past the dark abyss we are forced to fall through for half of the book, then your reward shall be great. I have to admit that when I started reading this I didn't know what it was about and the plot didn't really come to light until I was over halfway through, so this added to the mystery of the book.
Charlie gets drugged by her "friends", Bianca and Britain, and when she wakes up, important memories are missing. After her graduation, her mom moves her home to Salem to live with her sister, where she starts to put her memory back together, with the help of her real friends Madison, Aden and especia I have to admit that when I started reading this I didn't know what it was about and the plot didn't really come to light until I was over halfway through, so this added to the mystery of the book.
After her graduation, her mom moves her home to Salem to live with her sister, where she starts to put her memory back together, with the help of her real friends Madison, Aden and especially Draven. She remembers how to deal with the shadows, how important Draven was in her life, and what exactly Bianca and Britain are.
This book was well written and the dialogue was quite enjoyable. The characters were well defined and likeable, I just didn't feel any real connection to them. It has an interesting story line, but no action until the end. Most of the book is about Charlie learning who she was before she lost the memories that made her who she was.
I was more interested in this book for the first two thirds or so but found my interest waning towards the end.
I think I thought the big reveal would be something more exciting but I wasn't that impressed. I'm finding myself a little hesitant to pick up the next in the series. The story itself wasn't that bad really, I've seen waaaaaay worse. The problem, for me, was mainly in the first half of the book. For some reason I felt like the writing was detached, like it was just recounting of facts by someone who didn't really care. It got to the point where we got to read how Charlie turned off her phone by using sleep button, or answered the call by sliding her finger on the screen.
And it repeated over 2. And it repeated over and over again. Did we really need to read that? We all know how the phone works, thankyouverymuch!