Kimiwodaitekoiwokakuvoltwo (Japanese Edition)
Here are some of the scenes included in The Japanese Version: The Japanese Version is an ideal teaching tool for both schools and businesses. A valuable up-to-date complement to books and films dealing with classical Japanese culture.
The Japanese Version
An entertaining testimonial to the warmth and humor of Japanese popular culture. A rewarding employee-education tool for US-based Japanese companies with American employees. Andrew Kolker , Louis Alvarez. Shedding new light upon issues of global diversity, this documentary focuses on the extent to which a "fairness fetish" has permeated various levels of Indian society.
Today in India fairness is a benchmark for beauty; marriages are decided on the basis of skin colour; and fair means "lucky" whereas dark…. A Chinese Farm Wife gives us a peek into the life of Mrs. Li, a Taiwanese woman whose husband is a salaried factory worker.
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The Japanese Version | Kanopy
Tongpan and his family are forced off their land when a dam built nearby caused…. Leaving home is what most of us do -- eventually. It's different for Renu. Will she fulfill her dreams of leaving her village home to become a teacher in the big city? Most of India's 1. This documentary is about one of these villages, ….
The film depicts the story of Filipino Overseas Workers who leave their home country to find work in another country. Many of them work as domestic helpers and are known to be called Modern Day Slaves. They earn a few dollars to support themselves and send the rest of their….
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- Japanese Edition (日本語版)?
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Between and the Japanese Government, on advice from its military, forcibly removed thousands of young women and girls from their homes to provide sexual services as "comfort women" to the Japanese Army. It spans five generations from a colonial life…. Kamala and Raji Documentary Educational Resources. A powerful and emotional documentary about Korean women forced into sexual servitude by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II, Silence Broken dramatically combines the testimony of former comfort women who demand justice for the "crimes against humanity" committed against them, along with contravening interviews of Japanese soldiers, recruiters….
A travelogue across the breadth of Japan to explore the practice of modern day zen.
I'm looking at cds at amazon. I always assumed it had something to do with Japan's consumer culture - they will pay the extra money to get the 'best' possible version of the CD.
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It may not be twice the price given shipping and import costs, bringing the price to within a couple bucks might be enough. GeekAnimator - for a really thorough explanation, see here warning, Geocities. I was gonna answer this, but instead I'll just say that Gortuk above is pretty much on the money. CDs in Japan are so damn expensive because the government says they have to be. A third confirmation of Gortuk's reasoning.
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- The Japanese Version | Kanopy.
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- ELI5:Why do some artists make Japanese edition of their albums? : explainlikeimfive.
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The bonus tracks are to encourage Japanese to buy the Japanese edition. So how about CDs released in Japan of Japanese artists? Are they also as expensive as the CDs released in Japan of foreign artists?
Do they have "extra" tracks too? They don't have extra tracks--although sometimes the production values are a bit nicer than those of American CDs; you get a very nice lyric book, or your CD in a nice box. CDs by Japanese artists don't have an "import" version to compete in the marketplace, so they don't need to have the extra incentive to induce people to buy the Japanese version. Also - Japanese music industry is more singles driven than in the us.