I Can Learn Along The Way
I run the risk of offending or you losing interest in my offerings. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash. My hope for you in the next 15 days is a heart full of awareness of those around you and the bravery to make room. Perhaps to face the loss of those who are no longer around your table or the hurt of fractured relationship.
We are still on the Days to Brave journey. Whatever it may be, I pray you will face the days with courage.
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This week has posed three different scenarios that required three different answers. Sometimes saying Yes to an opportunity puts me in an internal cyclone of anxiety: God knows what they need. He cares for me and them. It will be just as it needs to be. I can say a brave Yes trusting God with the details. On the contrary, I seem to be wired to panic first and settle down second. He drew aside to be alone with the Father. He knew His purpose was to glorify the Father in all that He did. So your brave Yes can follow that same pattern.
Photo by Andy Tootell on Unsplash. Jesus made choices and some of His answers were No. Gleaning wisdom from Jesus means learning from Him along the Way. Learning when to say Yes and when to say No. I can say a brave No trusting God with the potential for repercussions. And what about saying Wait?
What keeps us from saying I need to wait? The biggest example of not saying Wait was pretty regrettable in hind sight. Photo by Xu Haiwei on Unsplash. I was 26 and engaged to a great Christian guy. He loved Jesus, led Bible studies in his home, had been a summer intern for his home church. When he asked me to marry him in December, I was thrilled! We were meeting with a young pastor and his wife for our pre-marital counseling; during a time of study and prayer with her, I clearly knew I was to push the pause button on wedding planning.
I shared with her what I believed. She affirmed my impression. Now it was April. The wedding date was July 2. The dress was purchased, fitted and in alteration process. The guest list accounted for.
The invitations chosen and at the printers to be able to be addressed and mailed by the 6 week prior appropriate Miss Manners time frame. What if he backed out altogether? What would that look like? I will never know what God had in store for following that clear prompting. I do know that our marriage was not the God-centered one I anticipated. We were married 4 years and decided it must be time to start a family. During my pregnancy he developed a relationship with a co-worker which grew past friendship.
When I was four and a half months pregnant, he left our marriage. One compromise of values does not have to ruin a life. But one upon another upon another changes the original course. My two favorite words in Scripture. They are paired in lots of places. Here are just a few:. But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. You and I can learn to say a brave Yes or a brave No. We can even learn to say a brave Wait. We can learn to let go of fears and expectations as we learn to trust the One who holds this all together. He is worth the risk you face. I hope this finds you well and in anticipation of great leftovers from Thanksgiving. Maybe your day is filled with family still or everyone is heading out to start Christmas shopping.
Or perhaps, like me, you avoid the crowds and stay home to begin the conversion from fall decor to Christmas! Years ago I read a little book with a tempting title: The author, Hannah Whitall Smith, published this book in The writing style matched the period as did the illustrations she used to encourage her readers. An illustration that stuck with me was in regards to our emotions and how much we allow them to impact our decisions. I read this book at a time when my feelings were the only thing that seemed to have a say over my Yes or No.
Each of those three represent Facts, Faith, and Feelings in order of engine, coal car and caboose. If have the engine of Facts Truth in front, fueled by our Faith then our Feelings have their proper place. If we let our emotions make our decisions we can miss out on amazing opportunities. Sometimes saying Yes brings change or challenge to our lives; making a move for a job or agreeing to the need for surgery are some big ones.
If you are living in obedience to Him, and He brings opportunities into your life, you can trust that He will take care of you when you say yes. Fifty days have passed since I started this journey. When I considered doing this I honestly thought: He did a great job.
But their brave challenges have not been my brave challenges. I know that might surprise you since I write about growing and changing and letting go of expectations; learning along the Way to lean into the yoke that Jesus has uniquely fit for each of us. Yet I am challenged. Those are two different parts of me.

Five years have passed since we left the part of California I had lived for 29 years. Five years is long enough to have gotten involved in a new community, made new friends and moved forward in life. The move was hard and painful for me.
Learning Along The Way — Shining Light on Your Next Step
It seemed some of the people I had spent so much life with simply forgot me. Yet this time I heard with new ears:. It is not easy for me to let go of something. And I can be unpleasant in the process. These words from Hillsong could not be more personal. I felt Holy Spirit telling me the crushing, the pressing was for my good, but most of all that God would be seen in me as others watched me navigate these waters. He would receive the glory in my choice to let go of disappointment. You see in every letting go we have a choice: Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash.
This my dear friend is why being brave is such a challenge. We only see what we know. Sometimes we think that is all there is. Its what we do with the disappointments that makes the difference. Do we re-hash them, making them stronger in our minds, in the emotional place where disappointment can turn to resentment then into bitterness? Or is there a different, better Way?
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Let go, lean in. It is a gracious invitation from the One who has walked the path of truly letting go; who offers the invitation to learn from Him, who offers us rest for our souls. I know this place. It can feel lonely. But even then, sometimes we need another to bear witness to this hard part of our journey. Downs since October 1. Annie said something that resonates with me:.
People can be hard. Any of this sound familiar? Learning to see my expectations for what they are: He came to redeem my broken thinking and acting; to renew my mind that I may more fully show Him to the world as I navigate risking relationships in a new church community. He came that we might have life and have it abundantly. A poem is a work of creative art as it is. In a book of poetry, each one is valuable and unique; one might tell a story, one might paint a picture.
In any case, a poem is valuable simply by being. No doing necessary to be loved by God. No doing to earn favor from God or others.
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So how do we learn to deal with learning to be a creative work of our loving Creator God who has value in simply being and still learn to interact with all those other poems in the same book we call Church? God has given us guidance in three forms: If we look at the guidance God has provided for navigating this life, we see in His Word He has provided encouragement, patterns to follow and even how to handle conflict as His followers.
The second form of guidance is looking at Jesus. How did He handle it? Get into the Word to find out. Was He free from conflict? Yet He shows us how to be kind in the face of criticism, how to draw good boundaries, how to care for your soul.
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We have a beautiful Guide. Do we look to Him? The third form of guidance is, in my humble opinion, the most extravagant form of guidance: I struggled with my rehab. I needed something to work toward. That night, I signed up for a half marathon. Slowly, my knee started to improve, and I moved from the bike, to the elliptical, until I finally found myself on a treadmill. Over months I started to challenge my distances and pace.
Journey to the 26.2: It’s What You Learn Along the Way
I started to hit miles that I had never thought I could ever do. The months that I had spent struggling to walk had turned into pinning on my first ever race bib and staring the at the start line. Nothing will compare to the first time I finished a race. The last four hundred meters was a combination of goosebumps, sloppy, sweaty tears, and just the biggest smile you could ever imagine.
Megan Stuart is an artist, a foodie, a runner and a fitness junkie. You can find her running the lakes or taking pictures of her food at the next insta foodie hot spot. Journey to the