Dance of the Stones (The Summer of Magic Quartet)
However, Ferbee was not replaced; instead, the voice parts were shifted around. Gerhart Thrasher moved up to first tenor, Andrew Thrasher shifted down to baritone, and Bill Pinkney dropped all the way down to bass. McPhatter received his draft letter in March ; however, as he was initially stationed in Buffalo, New York, he was able to continue with the group for a time. McPhatter had demanded a large share of the group's profits, [8] which he had been denied in the Dominoes; however, on his departure, he did not ensure that this would continue for his successor.
In an unwise decision, he sold his share of the group to George Treadwell , manager, former jazz trumpeter, and husband of singer Sarah Vaughan. McPhatter was first replaced by original member David Baughan, who had already been singing lead in concert while McPhatter was in the service. Baughan's voice was similar to McPhatter's, but his erratic behavior made him difficult to work with and unsuitable in the eyes of Atlantic Records executives. Low salaries contributed to burnout among the members, particularly Bill Pinkney, who was fired after asking Treadwell for more money.
Pinkney formed another group, called "The Flyers", with lead singer Bobby Hendricks , who would leave to join the Drifters the next year. Charlie Hughes, a baritone, replaced Andrew Thrasher.
The Drifters
By early , the lineup was: This lineup had one moderate hit, the original version of " Drip Drop " number 58 Pop , released in April With declining popularity, the last of the original Drifters were reduced to working the club scene and doing double duty with gigs under the Coasters and the Ravens names. During that week, one of the members got into a severe argument with the owner of the Apollo, Ralph Cooper. That was the last straw for manager Treadwell, who fired the entire group.
After the argument with Cooper, Treadwell hired a group called the Five Crowns on the spot and renamed them "The Drifters". Although Treadwell allegedly owned the Drifters brand, original members felt they were the real Drifters and were determined to keep the group alive. Bill Pinkney left first. Several original Drifters came in and out of this group over time, as well as other new artists, but these Drifters never replicated the success of the earlier Drifters group.
Summer of Magic Quartet Series in Order - Andrea Spalding - FictionDB
Baughan left after a short time. Bobby Lee Hollis joined in and took over the lead spot. Later that year, Andrew Thrasher left and Jimmy Lewis joined the group.
Bobby Hendricks returned, making the group a quintet for a short time, before Lewis' departure. Andrew Thrasher returned, replacing Hollis. Hollis and Baughan were periodically with the group through the s.
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Pinkney then recruited an existing group, the Tears, to perform as part of his group on a short tour. After the tour, the Tears—without Pinkney—continued to tour as the Original Drifters, but Pinkney successfully sued to stop them using the name. Pinkney died July 4, , and his legacy continues via the successfully defended registered federal service mark "Bill Pinkney's Original Drifters.
Treadwell owned the rights to the name "Drifters", and still had a year's worth of bookings for the Apollo when he fired the group.
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King —and arranged for them to become the Drifters. James "Poppa" Clark was the fifth "Crown"; he was not included due to an alcohol problem, which Treadwell had considered to be a problem with the first group. The group went out on the road to tour for almost a year. Since this new group had no connection to the prior Drifters, they often played to hostile audiences.
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It was followed by "I Count The Tears". King and the Drifters. The write-up indicates an award primarily as a tribute to Ben E. King with a nod to his time in the Drifters, only one of five paragraphs being exclusively devoted to the Drifters, although Charlie Thomas was also cited by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame's induction of the original Drifters, which technically was only through With this brief golden age lasting just two years, personnel changes quickly followed.
Lover Patterson now the Drifters' road manager got into an argument with George Treadwell. Since Patterson had King under personal contract, he refused to let him tour with the group.
Thus King was only able to record with the group for about a year. When the group passed through Williams' hometown of Mobile, Alabama , Williams left the group. Williams died on December 19, , at the age of When King asked Treadwell for a raise and a fair share [ clarification needed ] of royalties, a request that was not honored, he left and began a successful solo career. King died on April 30, , at the age of Hobbs was drafted for military service and eventually replaced by the returning Tommy Evans from the first group. Evans left again in and was replaced by Johnny Terry, who had been an original member of James Brown 's singing group, The Famous Flames and was co-writer of their first hit, " Please Please Please ".
Later that year, the group was scheduled to record " Under the Boardwalk " on May However, Rudy Lewis died the night before the session, and Johnny Moore took over as the sole lead he and Lewis had been alternating. Gene Pearson was replaced by Rick Sheppard that same year.
Charlie Thomas, the group's last member from the Five Crowns, left in mid and was replaced by Charles Baskerville , a former member of The Limelites. Baskerville stayed only a short time. It was in that the Drifters quietly left the talent roster of Atlantic artists.
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After this, the Drifters moved to England and continued with several different vocalists. Although early lineups included golden era singers Moore, and later Ben E. Moore left in and was replaced by Ray Lewis. Moore left again in late , along with Clyde Brown. They were replaced by two returning members, Benjamin Earl Nelson a. King and Bill Fredricks.
In , the group split up, and a new lineup was constructed by Treadwell, consisting of new member Jonah Ellis and former members Ray Lewis, Billy Lewis, and Louis Price. The next year, more former members came in as replacements, making the group Moore, Billy and Ray Lewis, and Gene Jenkins replaced shortly after by George Chandler , then John Thurston. Ray Lewis was out in , and was replaced by Joe Cofie. Thurston was out at the end of the year and was replaced by Roy Hemmings.
Johnny Stewart joined the group in and left in in Las Vegas. He later joined The Platters and continued his singing career. This lineup lasted until , when Cofie was out and Jason Leigh was in. Leigh was replaced after two years by the returning Lamarr. Leigh later returned on the next tour and Lamarr was replaced by the returning Patrick Alan.
On December 30, , the group's longest-serving member, Johnny Moore, died in London. In , Faye Treadwell left the United Kingdom and apparently abandoned the Treadwell Drifters franchise [20] even though in January a US court had previously overturned a jury verdict declaring that it was abandoned. Their new duties included stopping a trademark by a UK group calling themselves American Drifters. Hemmings left in and was replaced by the again-returning Peter Lamarr.
In , magazine editor Larry Marshak decided to mount a series of concerts by the Drifters and other classic vocal groups. To ask other readers questions about Dance of the Stones , please sign up.

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