Consequences: Book Three (The Celtic Vampyre Saga 3)
But now, all four sexy princes want her for themselves. Four Princes is only. Paranormal romance Release Date: February 22, Cover Design: Until he meets Scottlin Glover. Scottlin is very intrigued by the elven. Welcome to the secluded mountain town of Havenwood Falls, home to sexy men, strong women, and neighbors who bite. Discover supernatural mystery, thrills, and romance in a place where everyone has a deep, dark, and often deadly secret. This is a stand-alone paranormal romance in the Havenwood Falls shared world.
Havenwood Falls is a collaborative effort by multiple authors across multiple series all in the paranormal fantasy genre, allowing readers to discover new authors and stories to fall in love with. Each author brings a stand-alone plotline, so they can be read in any order. Yes, there are problems with the novels. Yes, there are too many characters to keep track of. Yes, women are portrayed as two-dimensional characters.
Yes, Jordan spends too much time detailing every single little detail, especially on filler stuff that becomes annoying after 10 pages, let alone 10 thousand pages. Yes, it's currently in vogue to knock Jordan's work as trash, pulp and a variety of other less savory things. But the fact remains that the man has created a massive world with a huge plot and an unforgettable story.
There are better writers writing fantasy these days, there are more clever epic fantasy series with realistically portrayed characters, there are series that do new things with the fantasy genre. But give Jordan's Wheel of Time series the credit it's due: So on that premise, the series should be read. And you know, despite all the naysayers out there slagging the work, you might find, hell, you actually enjoy it. I know I do. With a Martin-esque plot and Jim Butcher pace, The Axe and the Throne is a definite "must read" for even the pickiest fantasy fans.
In his stunning debut, Ireman has built the type of world so vivid and engrossing that leaving it at the end is agony. In spite of leaning toward grimdark, where authors often enshroud every scene in depressing darkness, there is no lack of cheerful moments or brilliant scenery. Yet the pangs of near-instant nostalgia that come after you put down a book like this have less to do with the inspired setting, and far more to do with those who inhabit it.
From savage, unremorseful heroes, to deep, introspective villains, the cast of this story is comprised of believable characters capable of unthinkable actions. And it is these characters -- the ones you wish you could share a drink with or end up wanting to kill -- that forge the connection between fantasy and reality.
Keethro, Titon, Ethel, Annora. These are names you will never forget, and each belongs to a man or woman as unique as they are memorable. No book would be complete without a its fair share of intrigue, however, and there is no lack of it here. Each chapter leaves you wanting more, and Ireman's masterful use of misdirection leads to an abundance of "oh shit" moments.
Do not be fooled or do -- perhaps that's part of the fun by storylines that may appear trope-ish at first. This is no fairytale. The Lord of the Rings. This series needs no explaining. The series helped shape the concept of epic fantasy. The conceits used dark lords, callow youths, elves, dwarves, goblins, magic swords, evil creatures lurking in the dark are standard in the fantasy genre.
Because of the influence this series has had on fantasy as a whole, it's without a doubt one of the best epic fantasy series ever written. So if you are the one person who hasn't read this series, do yourself a favor and just get it out of the way. This is an epic fantasy series that plays by its own rules. The series incorporates some standard epic fantasy conventions only to turn them completely on their head. You might call this series a complete subversion of the genre. But you can forget about all that stuff.
Just looking at the series on its own without comparing it to the greater genre as a whole, it's a wildly entertaining fantasy series with some vicious action, completely grey characters who are somewhat of a paradox a barbarian killer who hates killing, a torturer who's actually a kind man, etc. The writing is sharp as a knife, packed full of wit. His best so far was The Heroes, set in the same world as First Law, is probably his best written.
Red Country which stars The Bloody Nine was good but not as good. His newest series The Shattered Sea, which is for Young Adults, is good reading but lacks the full bite that his 'adult' grimdark books had. So if you are looking for an epic fantasy that does something different and breaks the standard conventions to pieces and with some of the sharpest prose around, one that's pretty damn funny to boot, First Law should be read.
No epic fantasy series evokes as much passion as does The Wheel of Time. It's got a legion of fanatical fans as well as a legion of critics. Well for one, when you mention epic fantasy, it's simply impossible NOT to mention Robert Jordan in the same breath -- either as a template for what not to do or as an example of classic fantasy that does many things right and some things wrong.
Jordan is the guy who helped to pioneer the concept of the big fat fantasy series. With a story that spans over 13 books and even the death of the author it's still being finished with the last book to come out this year by Brandon Sanderson , the Wheel of Time is truly an epic. Another fantasy series that crops up near the top of many best fantasy lists. Earthsea Cycle is a classic fantasy tale well done. While it doesn't rack up a sizable page count like some of the newer fantasy series cough, Wheel of. Time, cough Stormlight Archive , what it lacks in size it makes up with quality.
Good doesn't always mean big, folks. So for a very well written classic fantasy tale about a boy's journey to become the greatest wizard alive, Earthsea is one of the best. And the writing is just so damn beautiful to read. The Dagger and the Coin. This one is epic fantasy for the thinking man. Its tightly plotted and superbly written, something we expect from the author of The Long Price Quartet, a fantasy series that tops many a persons top ten fantasy list. Each character is deftly drawn and complex with real motivations and flaws that they must struggle to overcome as the story progresses; I would argue that each character is a broken human looking for a way to survive in an uncaring and brutal world.
And in the background, there is an ancient threat that is again rising in the shadows, threatening the status quo of a now-free humanity, a humanity once enslaved to the Dragons who ruled the world in a previous age. Particularly entertaining among the characters is the young rising star of a noble house, Geder, the real-world equivalent of an artistic introverted high schooler whos picked on by the entire class, suddenly finding himself a hero when given unexpected command of a military company, and makes the ruthlessly logical decision to murder an entire city.
This fantasy is some compelling stuff and looks to be some of the best epic fantasy released in the past few years. Fans of Abercrombie, Martin, and Erikson will probably enjoy this one though it's more character driven and slower paced at least until book three. But slow does not equal boring! It's slow in the way that meat is slow-roasted over a fire so you can enjoy the delicious, tender flavor all the more longer.
Yet another book that seems to be near the top of many a best fantasy list. The Kingkiller Chronicles is not yet complete, but the first two books deliver a great story. The Name of the Wind first in the series is not epic in the way that The Wheel of Time is -- there are only a handful of characters. But rather, it's an epic-ly personal tale about a single hero, Kvothe. Is the large than life story truth or is it fiction given to us by an unreliable narrator?
Ah, to be seen in Book 3 if it every comes out. Quite simply, this one of the best tales I've yet read. The strength of this book is not so much the actual settings and plot, but in the telling of the story itself.
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If you have not read it yet, stop here and make this your next read. THIS is the book you are looking. There is nothing derivative about this series, being one of the founding fantasy series in the genre, right up there with Lord of the Rings. The highly imaginative world of the Elder Isles is brought to indelible life through the superbly talented pen of Jack Vance, one of the grandmasters of the modern fantasy and science fiction genre.
If you are tired with the various dry, plodding and wordy epic fantasy dreck where hack authors surely seem like they are paid by the word, this highly original, atmospheric, and evocative series will be a huge breath of fresh air. Beautiful prose that's efficient. Highly recommended for ANYONE who loves a good classic high fantasy tale and some of the most beautiful prose in the genre. The Chronicle of The Black Company. This epic fantasy series is quite a bit different from your standard fantasy fare. If you want an epic military fantasy series where good and bad are not so clearly delineated, The Black Company delivers this.
There are some of the classic epic fantasy conventions, such as a band-of-heroes against a world-ending-evil, except things are twisted around a bit. Instead of good against evil, the struggle is more or less evil versus more evil, with the heroes themselves of questionable morality. The Chronicles of Prydain. A timeless classic that's been around for a while and will stay around. It's an epic fanasy that many have never read, which is a shame because it delivers a wonderful tale that mixes heroic fantasy and Welsh folklore. While it's not on the same level as, say, Lord of the Rings, it's still a worthy epic to read.
Yes, it doesn't do some of the new and fancy existentialist things that modern fantasy in the vein of Martin, Erikson, Bakker, Lawrence, and Abercrombie have been doing, but that's ok -- sometimes you want to read about a good hero who does good things simply because they are the right thing to do. What makes Alexander's series stand out above many of his newer, more modern epic fantasy contemporaries is that his prose is absolutely sublime; each word belongs and sentences as a whole are works of beauty. Alexander is perfectly able to combine the right element of sorrow and humor at exactly the right times.
This may be categorized as a children's classic, but it can be and should be read by every adult too. Tears of a Heart marks the tale of a young man, Aeden, who unwittingly shapes the world. The writing is beautiful, layered, and timely. Chase Blackwood weaves an intricate tale that hints at so much more. And that may be its greatest challenge. Tears of a Heart, the first book in the series, was beautifully written, and interesting. It shows us an amazing world filled with detail and depth, but for a portion of it, just a touch slow. The writing, such beautiful writing, overshadows this, as does the ending.
Tower of the Arkein , the next book in the series, is where the story truly begins to unfold, and where Chase Blackwood shines as an author. It is fast paced, full of action, adventure, and love. A very strong entry in the fantasy genre, and if the next book is equally as good, expect it to make quite a splash. You can buy on Amazon now.
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn. There are writers who like to write pulp and there are some writers who like to write fiction. Williams is the latter. This series has made pretty much all the other fantasy lists. It's a good series that many people don't have the patience to read. And that's a right shame.
If you stick with the story, a rich fantastical tale will unfold. Tad Williams has recently completed another epic fantasy, Shadowmarch. My feeling is that while Shadowmarch has a lot more action and fantastical elements fairies, gods, half gods, strange magic , Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn is a deeper fantasy tale with a lot more under the hood than Shadowmarch. That's not to say that Shadowmarch is not a great epic fantasy series -- it is -- but I like Memory Sorrow, Thorn better.
Still, if you find Memory, Sorrow, Thorn too slow, look then to Shadowmarch -- you'll like it better. Another epic fantasy series that should be read. However, while the scope is epic in the sense that bad shit is affecting the Six Duchies and world-changing events are at large, it's very much the personal story of the young man caught up in the events of the world. There's magic, adventure, romance, and some of the best characterization in the fantasy genre.
This IS epic fantasy done right and you're missing out big if you've never read the series. The Prince of Nothing. Epic fantasy for the thinking man, that's what R Scott Bakker's fantasy series is. Full of characters who are not what they seem and featuring some wicked action and a grim story, The Prince of Nothing is a different type of fantasy series. It's not a series that everyone is comfortable with, but it's a series that doesn't follow the standard fantasy mold.
I find the Prince of nothing series a refreshing breeze in an otherwise stagnant fantasy genre. A Land Fit for Heroes. Epic fantasy with a different face. All the standard conventions are there, but they are reshaped, twisted and painted with shadows. This is dark fantasy folks, strong on sex, violence, and gritty atmosphere.
If you are expecting hero soldier finds magic sword and kills all the bad guys, you are NOT going to get that sort of book here. Morgan has a knack for taking something that's been done already many times, and spray painting a fresh coat on it -- you can see the shape but the color's different. And in this case, he starts with the hero. The hero, you see, is gay. The villains are good This is complex, epic fantasy from a master storyteller. If you can get over the author playing around with gender gay hero , this atmospheric fantasy series is a great read.
An epic fantasy with one of the more interesting magic systems, a hell of a lot of action, dark gods and powerful baddies to defeat, and an good old fashioned coming-of-age tale. If you want to be entertained by your fantasy, well, this series will certainly do that. Nor is it a vast gritty chess board of brutal politics, unchecked treachery, and morally ambiguous heroes that A.
But what it is some non stop action, adventure, and plain old fun. If you like your epic fantasy with powerful heroes, powerful villains, and over-the-top heroic action, then The Lightbringer Series delivers a bus load of it. Book one was so so, but book two brought it big time improving on what was a mediocre start with the first book to something really special.
Book three carries the torch, though dropping it lower a bit. Overall though, the force is strong with this series. Book four is one of my most anticipated fantasy reads. Not exactly epic high fantasy in the traditional sense, but there's enough fantasy elements to land it on the list. Amber is, for many new fantasy readers, almost an unknown series. But it's a fantasy series that should be read. There's complex political scheming, a cast of warring noble siblings, and parallel worlds. More than a few accolades name this as the greatest fantasy series ever written. And it's true that this is one of the most original and complex fantasy worlds you'll find outside of Tolkien.
The plot is pretty complex, but this is one series you should just pick it up and start reading without looking at the plot summary. One of the greatest joys I've ever had reading a book came from discovering how this book unfolds as I read it. The Long Price Quartet. Another epic fantasy that doesn't necessary fit the classical definition of an epic fantasy.

Anyone who's tired of the generic Tolkien-derived fantasy and paper-thin characters won't have anything to complain about with this series. This is a more "literary" fantasy series and the author is quite the wordsmith. Those of you who want a slower paced, more complexly plotted book with non-standard fantasy characters leading the story, The Long Price Quartet is a series you'll want to sink your teeth into. Feist, this series won't be for you. For the rest of you who want to read character driven epic fantasy that doesn't fit the USUAL mold of epic fantasy, then this is an awesome series.
An epic fantasy by a really talented writer. This is not your standard epic fantasy. Or rather, it's epic fantasy with a lot of emphasis on characterization.
Top 50 Best Epic Fantasy
Yes, there is the good guys versus dark lord plot in the series, but the series is not so much about slaying bad guys as it is the story of how normal people react in bad situations -- both the good and the bad. Don't take this to mean this series is boring -- it's not. But rather, this series is a far more intelligent epic fantasy than many of you may be used to. If dark fantasy married epic fantasy and had a child, The Coldfire Trilogy would be that child. This series is pretty damn dark with more than a few aspects from the horror genre tossed into the mix as well.
Characters are well drawn and complex -- there are no paper deep characters here, no generic fantasy landscape borrowed from Tolkien. Cold Fire sets itself apart from any other fantasy series out there, both with the novel's unique setting and the cast of characters. The protagonist is also an anti-hero character, which makes the story and plot even more interesting. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever.
A fantasy tale that people love to love or love to hate -- there is very rarely any middle ground when it comes to Thomas Covenant. My recommendation is that you should read the first series, if only to see what all the damn arguing going on in the comment section is. The series takes a unique view of the classic epic fantasy. Instead of a hero, there's an anti-hero -- one who's pretty damn selfish. The series, if it was left to that, would be too depressing for most people to finish.
But the series is also one about transformation and redemption. Through the Chronicles, you slowly start to see Thomas Covenant move from anti-hero to hero, from selfish bastard to altruistic hero. There are three trilogies about Thomas Covenant. The first is the best, the second nearly as good, and the last The series follows the story of Sabriel and her children as they venture from the New Kingdom the modern world into the mysterious Old Kingdom, a magical world behind a wall bordering the two realities where strange things happen -- the dead haunt that land, magic exists, and evil lurks around every corner.
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The series is exciting and chilling at the same time. If you want to feel scared while reading epic fantasy, this series will do it! Especially good is the first book which will just blow your socks off. Read it with the lights turned down when you are by yourself and expect to be scared. Not so much your classic epic fantasy but more of an epic tale of revenge.
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It's basically the story of a young boy who leads a brutal crusade to regain his throne -- a throne he abandoned when he fled from his home after watching his mother and brother being brutally murdered. This is one hot fantasy series, a dark, gripping fantasy that has some similarities to K.
Parker's works, though set in a more typical fantasy landscape. The Demon War Cycle. This doesn't do anything smart, new, or fancy. But what it does, it does pretty damn well: This is a dark epic fantasy with a lot of zing to it. If you are looking for some GREAT heroic epic fantasy with a lot of action and character building with a pretty cool magic system , The Warded Man delivers this in full force.
It's also one of the more exciting and memorizing fantasy reads to come out the past decade or two. The two sequels with the last book the worst failed completely, pretty much destroying what was once one of the most promising fantasy series to come around in a long while. Apparently, Brett saw the thread and it gave him some depression.
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This is unfortunate, but I hope it spurs the author to fix what he's doing so very wrong. Should you read this series? On the strength of the first book, yes. But don't keep your hopes up for good reading after the first one -- it's all downhill from there. The Dark is Rising.
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One of the best YA epic fantasy series. Well-developed characters that are stereotypical but still exhibit a surprising amount of depth. A standard save-the-world plot, but one that still evokes a good deal of pleasure as you watch the characters struggle to save the world. This one is a lot of fun; I'd even go as far as to say it's one of the most entertaining standard fantasy tales in the genre.
Duncan takes the standard fantasy cliche's and makes them his own with some deft plotting, a cast of well-developed characters with complex relationships, one of the more interesting magic systems out there, and a lovable underdog hero you just love rooting for when the odds are stacked against him. This series is written with such earnestness and passion that you can't help but love it. If you want some sort of existential tale that celebrates a good man's ability to do bad things rather than a feel good novel about heroes who actually make you feel good about yourself, than don'tread this.
But if you want a standard fantasy tale where heroes are actually, well, good and one that rises far above the standard fantasy derivatives out there, read. A beautiful and deftly woven fantasy tale that rings strong with a lot of the elements that make Lord of the Rings so captivating. Why might you want to read this? Let's look at a little checklist: A mysterious landscape that's almost poetic. A strong mythos of the world underlying the conversations, references, and history. Magic is mysterious and rare. The world is under threat by some unknown force. This three-book series proves you don't need to have ten-thousand page books to tell a proper high fantasy tale.
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If you love reading epic fantasy with rich history and myth built into the story, complemented by beautiful language, pick this series up. You certainly won't go wrong reading it. Magic is very much a mystery in this series; part of the pleasure of reading this series is the sense of mystery and wonder. If you want to get lost in mysterious lands on a quest to save the land from an ancient evil, this should be your next series.
It's epic fantasy that's got a lot of the familiar themes, but it's damn well written epic fantasy. Another classic fantasy tale that's just pure joy to read.