Identify the word pairs with a common ancestor. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Build a chain of words by adding one letter at a time. Synonyms for wall Synonyms: Noun barricade , barrier , fence , hedge Visit the Thesaurus for More.

Examples of wall in a Sentence Noun A stone wall marks off their property. This apartment building has thin walls , and you can hear everything your neighbors say. Muscles in the abdominal wall help protect organs.
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Recent Examples on the Web: Noun On either side of the wall is a giant mascot head representing each chain. Why Dems lose, and keep on losing," 13 July In the motel on Wednesday morning, Isabella leaned across an ironing board toward a mirror on the wall , applying makeup. Can it take the blockchain back to the mainstream? Ruane, Washington Post , "Plans for new Zoo fence and entrance put on hold," 12 July And the conference center where shots were fired remained walled off.
Gateway to Grand Canyon rafting and the Colorado River," 9 July These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'wall. First Known Use of wall Noun before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a Verb 1 13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a Verb 2 15th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense. Learn More about wall.
Resources for wall Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared.
Dictionary Entries near wall walkway Walkyrie walky-talky wall wallaba wallaby wallaby acacia. Time Traveler for wall The first known use of wall was before the 12th century See more words from the same century. More Definitions for wall.
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English Language Learners Definition of wall. More from Merriam-Webster on wall Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with wall Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for wall Spanish Central: Translation of wall Nglish: Translation of wall for Spanish Speakers Britannica English: In framed walls the load is transferred to the foundation through posts, columns or studs.
Framed walls most often have three or more separate components: Mass-walls are of a solid material including masonry , concrete including slipform stonemasonry , log building , cordwood construction , adobe , rammed earth , cob , earthbag construction , bottles , tin cans , straw-bale construction , and ice. There are three basic methods walls control water intrusion: Drained cladding also known as screened walls [3] acknowledges moisture will penetrate the cladding so a moisture barrier such as housewrap or felt paper inside the cladding provides a second line of defense and sometimes a drainage plane or air gap allows a path for the moisture to drain down through and exit the wall.
Sometimes ventilation is provided in addition to the drainage plane such as in rainscreen construction.
Face-sealed also called barrier wall or perfect barrier [3] cladding relies on maintaining a leak-free surface of the cladding. Examples of face sealed cladding are the early exterior insulation finishing systems , structural glazing, metal clad panels, and corrugated metal. Building walls frequently become works of art, externally and internally, such as when featuring mosaic work or when murals are painted on them; or as design foci when they exhibit textures or painted finishes for effect.
In architecture and civil engineering , curtain wall refers to a building facade that is not load-bearing but provides decoration, finish, front, face, or historical preservation. Precast walls are walls which have been preassembled in a factory , and then shipped to where it is needed, ready to install. It is faster to install compared to brick and other walls, and may have a lower cost compared to other types of wall. Mullion walls are a structural system that carries the load of the floor slab on prefabricated panels around the perimeter.
A partition wall is a usually thin wall that is used to separate or divide a room , primarily a pre-existing one. Partition walls are usually not load-bearing , and can be constructed out of many materials, including steel panels, bricks, cloth, plastic , plasterboard , wood , blocks of clay, terra-cotta , concrete , and glass. Some partition walls are made of sheet glass. Glass partition walls are a series of individual toughened glass panels mounted in wood or metal framing. They may be suspended from or slide along a robust aluminium ceiling track.
A timber partition consists of a wooden framework, supported on the floor or by side walls. Metal lath and plaster, properly laid, forms a reinforced partition wall. Partition walls constructed from fibre cement backer board are popular as bases for tiling in kitchens or in wet areas like bathrooms. Galvanized sheet fixed to wooden or steel members are mostly adopted in works of temporary character. Plain or reinforced partition walls may also be constructed from concrete, including pre-cast concrete blocks.
Metal framed partitioning is also available. This partition consists of track used primarily at the base and head of the partition and studs vertical sections fixed into the track typically spaced at 24", 16", or at 12". Internal wall partitions, also known as office partitioning, are usually made of plasterboard drywall or varieties of glass. Toughened glass is a common option, as low-iron glass better known as opti-white glass increases light and solar heat transmission. Wall partitions are constructed using beads and tracking that is either hung from the ceiling or fixed into the ground.
Some wall partition variations specify their fire resistance and acoustic performance rating. Movable partitions are walls that open to join two or more rooms into one large floor area. Party walls are walls that separate buildings or units within a building. They provide fire resistance and sound resistance between occupants in a building. The minimum fire resistance and sound resistance required for the party wall is determined by a building code and may be modified to suit a variety of situations. Ownership of such walls can become a legal issue. It is not a load-bearing wall and may be owned by different people.
An infill wall is the supported wall that closes the perimeter of a building constructed with a three-dimensional framework structure. Fire walls resist spread of fire within or sometimes between structures to provide passive fire protection. A delay in the spread of fire gives occupants more time to escape and fire fighters more time to extinguish the fire. Such walls have no windows, and are made of non-combustible material such as concrete, cement block, brick, or fire rated drywall—and have wall penetrations sealed with special materials.
A doorway in a firewall must have a rated fire door. Fire walls provide varying resistance to the spread of fire, some intended to last one to four hours. Firewalls, generally, can also act as smoke barriers when constructed vertically from slab to roof deck and horizontally from an exterior wall to exterior wall subdividing a building into sections.
When constructed in this manner the fire wall can also be referred to as an Area Separation Wall.
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Shear walls resist lateral forces such as in an earthquake or severe wind. There are different kinds of shear walls such as the steel plate shear wall. Knee walls are short walls that either support rafters or add height in the top floor rooms of houses. A trombe wall in passive solar building design acts as a heat sink. On a ship, a wall that separates major compartments is called a bulkhead.
Wall | Definition of Wall by Merriam-Webster
A thinner wall between cabins is called a partition. Boundary walls include privacy walls, boundary-marking walls on property, and town walls. These intergrade into fences. The conventional differentiation is that a fence is of minimal thickness and often open in nature, while a wall is usually more than a nominal thickness and is completely closed, or opaque.
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More to the point, an exterior structure of wood or wire is generally called a fence —but one of masonry is a wall. A common term for both is barrier , which is convenient for structures that are partly wall and partly fence—for example the Berlin Wall. Another kind of wall-fence ambiguity is the ha-ha —which is set below ground level to protect a view, yet acts as a barrier to cattle, for example.
Before the invention of artillery , many of the world's cities and towns, particularly in Europe and Asia, had defensive or protective walls also called town walls or city walls.