Vers la cohabitation : Judéité et critique du sionisme (Histoire de la Pensée) (French Edition)
Cutting their teeth on the ragged, half-world of fashion and retail, they became masters in gauging market swings, acquiring a special feel for detecting public taste. They finally struck it rich with the Nickelodeon, among the first to realize that people who were willing to stand in an arcade for a penny to see a movie, would pay a nickel to sit, as opposed to a quarter for live entertainment.
Within the next two decades they transformed a practically non-existent industry into one of the largest in America. As immigrants themselves, the moguls in the making picked up on the dreams and aspirations of other immigrants and the working class, two largely overlapping groups, who would comprise a large portion of the early movie-going audience. By , most of the future moguls were owners of small chains of moving-picture parlors that boasted whitewashed exteriors, uniformed ushers and male vocalists.
Clever tacticians with a nose for making money, they understood that real profit lay in the distribution and eventually in production of movies. These dream peddlers were particularly adept at turning a spark of talent into a blazing star. Carl Laemmle did the same for Mary Pickford. The Moguls were uncomfortable with their Jewishness.
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When they finally gave to Jewish causes, they gave, according to Ben Hecht, as a way of doing penance for not being good Jews. How about relief from the Jews. The Moguls wanted desperately to be regarded as Americans and not as Jews. In a slew of anti-Nazi films Hollywood produced in the thirties and forties, nary a word is mentioned of anti-Semitism abroad. Neither scholars nor gentlemen nor very good Jews, the Hollywood Moguls, nevertheless, sounded a fundamental chord of American life.
They had their finger on the pulse of Main Street as well as the main chance. Connoisseurs of mass entertainment, they reinvented a nation in the image of their dreams and gave it its most enduring cultural legacy. The real-life family murder that gave birth to Superman. Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. For more than 70 years, Superman has been the king of superheroes. Whether fighting injustice, defeating evil-doers or saving the world in comic books, on TV or on the big screen, the Man of Steel has proved himself both indestructibly popular and unassailably virtuous.
Yet, having spent all those years fighting for truth and justice, it now seems that Superman has been keeping a deep, dark secret about his true origins and no, it is not his secret identity as mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent. Far from being born on the pages of Action Comics back in — as is generally acknowledged to be the case — it seems that the Man of Steel actually came into being six years earlier, on the night of June 2, , when an elderly Jewish immigrant from Lithuania died during a robbery at his second-hand clothing store.
Only now can the tragic story of the birth of Superman be told for the first time. To understand its poignancy, we must go back to mid-town America — Cleveland, Ohio to be precise — and the brutal killing of immigrant Mitchell Siegel at the hands of a gang who robbed his clothes shop. The story of that tragic night has remained unknown outside the Siegel family until now, and Jerry never once mentioned the crime in the hundreds of interviews he conducted before his death in Perhaps he feared that people would make a link between the tragedy and the creation of Superman, and the aura of proud invincibility that surrounded the Man of Steel would be pierced.
Whatever the true reasons for the secrecy surrounding the loss of his father, there is little doubt that it had a stunningly profound effect on year-old Jerry Siegel. It was just after 8pm, as Mitchell Siegel was closing up his clothing store, that three men entered the shop. Siegel, a hardworking year-old who had emigrated from Lithuania a number of years previously, and who also worked as a sign-writer to make ends meet, asked if he could help the men. One of them asked to see a suit, and when Mitchell handed it over, the man began to walk out without paying.
What happened next is unclear, as the police report is incomplete. Even so, a struggle ensued and either Mitchell was shot in the chest and killed, or collapsed from the shock and suffered a fatal heart attack. Obsessed with comic books and science fiction magazines, Jerry was a geeky, unprepossessing teenager who was both unpopular and awkward.
After the death of his father, he poured himself into the writing and creation of science fiction stories and fantastic characters, and in , he and his friend Joe Shuster first began to talk about a new sort of comic book hero. After a series of false starts, they finally came up with an invincible crime-fighting superbeing who came dressed in a very distinctive outfit. For the next five years, Siegel and Shuster shopped Superman around to countless comic book companies and newspapers — but with little success.
Through the Forties and Fifties, Superman quickly became an American icon and influenced a whole range of successful superheroes, including Wonder Woman and Captain America. Created by Bob Kane, Batman appeared for the first time in Detective Comics a year after Superman and it was a hit, too. At the top of the superhero pile, however, was Superman.
Apart from his starring role in the comic books, he could also be found as the star of his own radio serial, in cartoons and in movies, as toys, on cereal packets and even lunchboxes. Yet, neither Siegel nor Shuster received a penny of the millions being made from their creation. The pair went to court on a number of occasions over the years to try to recover their creation for themselves, and although they won small settlements, they seemed unable to win back the rights to Superman. For Jerry Siegel, it was a happy ending to what had started as a tragic, but very simple tale. Jerry also says he wrote about the world he grew up in: It was a place and time where weaklings — especially Jewish ones, who were more likely to get sand kicked in their faces by the bully down the block if not Adolf Hitler — dreamed that someday the world would see them for the superheroes they really were.
No one did more of that than the Man From Metropolis. Superman was the real thing — as muscle-bound as the Polish-Jewish strongman Siegmund Breitbart and as indestructible as The Golem — and an inspiration to every Jewish schlump who knew there was a super being inside him. Even kryptonite radiated with symbolism: He started life as the consummate liberal, championing causes from disarmament to the welfare state.
All were classic nebbishes. Clark and Superman lived life the way most newly arrived Jews did, torn between their Old and New World identities and their mild exteriors and rock-solid cores. That split personality was the only way Superman could survive, yet it gave him perpetual angst. Leaping over skyscrapers, running faster than an express train, springing great distances and heights, lifting and smashing tremendous weights, possessing an impenetrable skin — these are the amazing attributes which Superman, savior of the helpless and oppressed, avails himself of as he battles the forces of evil and injustice.
The advent of the super-hero was a bizarre comeuppance for the American dream.
624 commentaires
Horatio Alger could no longer make it on his own. What made Superman different from the legion of imitators to follow was not that when he took off his clothes he could beat up everybody — they all did that. What made Superman extraordinary was his point of origin: Clark Kent was the fiction. The Green Hornet had to go through the fetishist fol-de-rol of donning costume, floppy hat, black mask, gas gun, menacing automobile, and insect sound effects before he was even ready to go out in the street.
The Lone Ranger needed an accoutrement white horse, an Indian, and an establishing cry of Hi-Yo Silver to separate him from all those other masked men running around the West in days of yesteryear. But Superman had only to wake up in the morning to be Superman. In his case, Clark Kent was the put-on. Had they but known! And for what purpose?
Numéro 55. Frantz Fanon
Did Superman become Clark Kent in order to lead a normal life, have friends, be known as a nice guy, meet girls? Superman as a secret masochist? Field for study there. How can one be a cowardly star reporter, subject to fainting spells in time of crisis, and not expect to raise serious questions? The truth may be that Kent existed not for the purposes of the story but for the reader. His fake identity was our real one. In drawing style, both in figure and costume, Superman was a simplified parody of Flash Gordon. Shuster represented the best of old-style comic book drawing.
His work was direct, unprettied — crude and vigorous; as easy to read as a diagram. No creamy lines, no glossy illustrative effects, no touch of that bloodless prefabrication that passes for professionalism these days. Slickness, thank God, was beyond his means. He could not draw well, but he drew single-mindedly — no one could ghost that style. It was the man.
It looked as though it were being drawn in a bank. But, oh, those early drawings! Superman running up the sides of dams, leaping over anything that stood in his way No one drew skyscrapers like Shuster. Impressionistic shafts, Superman poised over them, his leaping leg tucked under his ass, his landing leg tautly pointed earthward , cleaning and jerking two-ton get-away cars and pounding them into the sides of cliffs — and all this done lightly, unportentiously, still with that early Slam Bradley exuberance. So what if the stories were boring, the villains blah?
This was the Superman Show — a touring road company backing up a great star. Everything was a stage wait until he came on. Then it was all worthwhile. Besides, for the alert reader there were other fields of interest. A voir pour ceux qui ne l'auraient pas vu. Je vous rassure tout de suite, je ne vais pas piocher mes bonnes infos sur Meetic, e-Darling ou EasyFlirt!
Dans les deux cas vous serez tranquilles Qui que ce soit qui ait dit "l'histoire est faite par les vainqueurs" il a dit vrai. Une variante est "Vae victis". Et je ne peux que confirmer ce que dit J. Mais pour qui se prennent ils ces bouseux? J'en connais qui vont rejouer "bienvenue chez les chtis" dans la magistature: Les campagnes de tous les candidats devraient-elles se faire dans toutes les langues? Sans parler du fait que chaque pays a ses petites habitudes….
On ressuscite des langues quasi mortes ce qui ne fera que compliquer la vie. Les patrons encaissaient Nous avons une histoire commune avec l'Espagne, le Benelux, l'Italie voire l'Allemagne. Et pour finir par une connerie: Toute la classe a ri. Les guerres civiles sont sans doute les plus terrifiantes et les plus implacables. Triste mais dans l'ordre normal des choses puisque, dans ce cadre, nos ennemis ne nous sont pas inconnus.
Personne n'est innocent de ses actes. Les bardes dignes de ce nom ont disparu avec Glemnor et X. Les festivals sentent l'amidon et la naphtaline. Ils ne sont pas meilleurs que nous. Ce sera leur chant du cygne. Absolument en accord avec vous! Pour lui tout seul. Et ca,ca n'a pas de prix. Ne nous prenez pas pour des andouilles. Dieu est instruit de toutes vos actions. Celui qui les prendra pour amis finira pas leur ressembler, et Dieu ne sera pas le guide des pervers.
Vous croyez que les allocations poussent sur les arbres? Notez bien les termes: Voyez aussi les environs de Neauphle aujourd'hui, par ex Trappes Alouette, Le hasard -mais y a-t-il un hasard? Allez, je vous laisse chercher. Ola que tal Hernan. Malheureusement il ne semble pas! Les paysans vont payer leurs semences comment? Pour ensuite s'alimenter en "viande de brousse"? Mais que vont devenir nos enfants? C'est encore plus cruel.
- 118 commentaires.
- Une histoire palestinienne, par Alain Gresh (Les blogs du Diplo, 16 novembre );
- ?
- Just the Right Amount of Wrong.
- «De l'urgence d'être réactionnaire» : mon prochain livre - Liberté d'expression?
Dictature de la finance mondialiste: Leur nombre m'importe pas.. En effet, il dit: Avec de telles mesures, mon conseil: C'est une des facettes de "l'argumentation" islamique. Je n'invente rien; renseignez-vous sur les projets d'hitler pour l'Europe! Lisez Saint Loup marc Augier. Le livre de Jean Raspail est bouleversant et certainement le plus passionnant de ses romans.
Elle a cru que je parlais martien. Serait-ce "le choix de Sophie"? Y tu tambien hermano! On vit dangereusement dans ce pays et Dans cette "doulce France, cher pays de mon enfance" Embrassons nous folle ville! Alors Monsieur,si j'ai du respect pour vous,je n'en ai aucun pour ces dhimmis,et une certaine haine,disons le mot pour ces bayron sergent garcia micky,venus chez moi pour imposer leur loi. Il en reste le patron. Bonjour jeanne,quel plaisir de vous lire. On n'y comprend plus rien. Le Crif contre le hamas en Israel,avec lui en France. Le seul pape pour lequel j'avais de l'estime Foutre!
Sachons nous en contenter et soutenons la! C'est fascinant, mais ne rend pas optimiste. Et Raspail est un visionnaire.. Cependant,en ce qui concerne toutes les revendications communautaires y compris les votres,je suis contre. Oui,Peniscola,le fabuleux refuge espagnol du pape Luna. Mais c'est sous-estimer les caprices de l'histoire. Ma famille, c'est la patrie. Un affront qui serait pour lui non politique mais personnel. Certes, je n'ai pas lu encore votre livre et le lirai volontiers. Tout le monde ment. Quand on est soumis, on est esclave et non libre.
Quand on ne peut se torcher comme on veut mais que la religion vous prescrit combien des cailloux! Ou avec quelle main il faut manger…? Vous nous prenez vraiment pour des buses. Faudra-t-il s'y opposer aussi? Pas plus que du reste. Feriez-vous tourner les tables? Je profite de cette semaine de vacances pour vous annoncer la parution, le 18 janvier, de mon nouvel essai: Sarkozy, ce traitre, se distingue encore J'en pleure de rire. Et pourtant , ils se le disent tous!
La composition de la classe oligarchique et son emprise sur le peuple Chapitre 8: Le mouvement anti-oligarchique en Suisse, un exemple pour la France? A diffuser le plus possible, donc. Aucune paix durable ne pourra s'installer dans ces conditions, et c'est bien normal.
Une histoire palestinienne
Pour le reste, prometteur, il reste quelques jours avant la sortie de votre livre. C'est tellement simple de faire cracher ses dents au contribuable! Oui, il en va de notre civilisation! En fait, je jubile…. Cher Isly, votre intervention est brillante. Tout est dit et bien dit.
Vos gesticulations ne changent rien. Sachez que je suis ici chez moi sarteigne.

Votre icone Madame le Pen et vos amis d'extreme droite ne me font pas peur. L'Histoire ne s'inscrit jamais en noir et blanc, merci de le souligner. Le Figaro nous informe sur les exactions d'autres dingues religieux: The Fox News is lying about protests in Moscow: Vous agressez des musulmans en Corse si j'ai bien compris?
Pouvez vous expliciter vos propos s'il vous plait. Comme nous, noyez vous dans la masse. A Milo le Sergent Garcia celui qui se fait toujours ridiculiser par Zorro: Voici UN des bilans catastrophiques du mandat de Sarkozy et de l'umps! Ce post respecte la charte. Merci de le publier. Au sujet des loubavitchs Les "bruits de botte" se font de plus en plus pressants: Catho je suis, Catho je reste.
Pourriez vous nous en dire plus? Ne pas confondre svp. Juste un papelard au rabais et pas une goutte de sang. Mille excuses, Je voulais dire Primat. Merci pour ce post dont je partage le pessimisme depuis fort longtemps. Parigoth, j'adore votre explication. Et la question "pour qui??? Pour les "sources", il y a un lien. Souvent d'accord avec vous,mais mon dieu pas Jacques Tramoni de Giuncheto un ex seminariste Nous sommes un grand peuple! Il y a le bonheur des gens.
- «De l'urgence d'être réactionnaire» : mon prochain livre.
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- Bourgeoisie und Proletarier (German Edition).
Les aveugles paieront cher leur aveuglement, et nous avec eux. Un jour, un monsieur d'environ 60 ans m'a dit: Je ne l'ai jamais entendu sur le continent. Parigoth Excusez moi,67 ans et non 65 pour l'age de la retraite en Allemagne. Je dirai seulement que Mahomet ne fut pas ce que vous dites; quel mensonge!
Nouvelles d’Orient
Au sujet du "communautarisme" juif! Il n'y a pas de hasard. Pourquoi ne pas dire QUI ils sont? Le premier perdant est Mahmoud Abbas: Les effets ne se feront pas attendre: The United Nations says people have been killed in Gaza, including 62 women and children, and around 1, injured. Le Hamas et le Hezbollah crient vistoire. Celui-ci ne favorise pas le pire que dans le camp adverse! De bonne guerre de communication? On lui a promis pour fin , un Etat palestinien. Une recrudescence de la colonisation. Il y en a un en face de son domicile Abonnement Faire un don Connexion.
Une histoire palestinienne par Alain Gresh , 16 novembre Sophie 16 novembre 11h Yvan 16 novembre 12h Lou 16 novembre 23h Odile 17 novembre 08h Jean-Marie 17 novembre 09h Dialoguer avec le Hamas 1. Dialoguer avec le Hamas 2. Dialoguer avec le Hamas 3. Dialoguer avec le Hams 4. Dialoguer avec le Hamas 5.
Numéro 55/Frantz Fanon
La suite est ici http: Julien 17 novembre 14h Charles Martel 17 novembre 18h Lou 17 novembre 20h Sophie 17 novembre 20h Lou 17 novembre 21h Lou 17 novembre 23h Cela me semble un ressort plus militant que heuristique. Karim B 18 novembre 16h Arnaud 18 novembre 22h La paix sur vous. Arnaud 18 novembre 23h Arnaud 19 novembre 11h