Outside the Door - Da draußen vor der Tür (Bird Books Worpswede) (German Edition)
Billinger, Richard — Born in Upper Austria, from peasant stock, Billinger trained for the priesthood but later turned to writing. His novels deal with the interaction of the sacred and the profane, generally in a rural setting: Die Asche des Fegefeuers established his reputation. Das Schutzengelhaus deals with the experiences of Philomela Spielhahn, a town-dweller, during a holiday in the country, a situation somewhat akin to that of Cold Comfort Farm.
Perchtenspiel , first performed at the Salzburg Festival mixes natural and supernatural, modern and mystical, in an uncomfortable manner; Rauhnacht and Spiel vom Knecht anticipate the theatre of Franz Xaver Kroetz. Billinger also wrote poetry: The Gesammelte Werke twelve volumes appeared between and Binding, Rudolf — An author known primarily through his Novellen and war diary, Rudolf Binding was a late developer as a writer and did not publish until he was over forty. The Gesammelte Werke two volumes appeared in , with Die Briefe in Blass may be seen as one of the founder members of early expressionism: The tone is generally that of Van Hoddis and Georg Heym: Blass edited the Heidelberg journal Die Argonauten from to The Nazis forbade him to write because of his expressionist poetry; he died almost completely blind.
Blei, Franz — Blei, a versatile critic, essayist and writer, was most influential in the literary life at the turn of the century, founding various journals, of which Hyperion was the most famous. This is a brilliant and scurrilous anthology or bestiary, which lampoons the European writers of the time, Blei himself included: Blei also wrote poetry and plays, some conventional Der dunkle Weg and Logik des Herzens , but Die Welle, produced by Hugo Ball in the Munich Kammerspiele , with Blei himself acting in it, demonstrated his links with more experimental theatre.
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- A Ship Without A Sail?
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- The Home Health Aide Textbook;
- Die Wortbildungsmuster des Deutschen und Englischen im Vergleich (German Edition);
- Megans Big Secret (futa on female).
He died in Westbury, Long Island. Six volumes of Vermischte Schriften were published from to ; the Schriften in Auswahl, with an essay by A. A-Z 33 Blunck, Hans — A writer of prose, poetry and plays, Hans Blunck born in Altona became identified with Blut und Boden literature and the cult of North-German earnestness, mission and superiority. From to Blunck was president of the newlyformed Reichsschrifttumskammer; relations between him and Joseph Goebbels became strained, and Hanns Johst replaced him.
A ten-volume edition of his writings appeared in Blunck was pronounced a Nazi sympathizer and collaborator by the Denazification Tribunal in The Gesammelte Werke in Einzelausgaben fifteen vols appeared from to ; Dramen und Lustspiele two vols , also in ; Das Gesamtwerk four vols between and Bobrowski, Johannes —65 Bobrowski was born in Tilsit and grew up in Memel, and all his poetry and much of his prose result from the effort to reconstruct through memory the landscape and childhood experiences of this frontier area, in which Poles, Lithuanians, Russians and Jews had lived in close proximity for generations.
Bobrowski was both conservative in his debt to poets such as Klopstock mainly ignored in the twentieth century and, in the context of GDR writing, in his Christian commitment, and modernist in his development of free verse and of a fragmentary prose form which allows several voices and perspectives to emerge. Along with Peter Huchel he is a master of the humanized landscape. Despite his circumscribed themes his influence is present in the work of several writers, incl. Bobrowski wrote his earliest poems as a soldier in Russia, some of which appeared in the periodical Das innere Reich before the end of the war, but the majority of his poems can be dated to the years — The award in the latter year of the prize of Gruppe 47 after his second reading before the group and the publication of his first collection Sarmatische Zeit made him known in the West.
Ganz neue Xenien , the last a series of satirical epigrams on figures in the contemporary German literary landscape. Haufe, appeared from The attitudes which find consistent expression in both his fiction and his public writings e. All present the senselessness of war by adopting the perspective of the ordinary soldier whose only escape from the horrors of combat, the total subordination to his superiors and the souldestroying boredom of military routine is the memory or fantasy of private happiness. In Und sagte kein einziges Wort the predicament of the soldier come home, forced by inadequate housing to meet his wife in hotel rooms, is exacerbated by the unsympathetic attitude of the better off and contrasted with ecclesiastical pomp and tasteless advertising.
Their accounts, in throwing light on the separate stages of her biography, add up to a panorama of the period to , placing Gruppenbild firmly in the tradition of the Zeitroman. Acts of terrorism by the Rote Armee Faktion better known as the Baader-Meinhof group forced the authorities in the Federal Republic to mobilize state power to an extent unprecedented in its history in order to arrest, try and convict them. While the anti-terrorist campaign undoubtedly had the support of public A companion to twentieth-century german literature 36 opinion, it occasionally led to excesses which undermined rights guaranteed by the constitution as those suspected of sympathizing with or sheltering terrorists were subjected to police surveillance and vilified by sections of the press.
He responded with three works: Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum oder: For all his faults, parochialism, sentimentality, black-and-white characterization, he demonstrated that the novel is still able to show how people relate to one another as members of a family, a community and a nation. A collected edition, Werke, in ten volumes, appeared in Bonsels, Waldemar — Traveller, publisher and writer of popular novels and stories, Bonsels made his reputation with Die Biene Maja und ihre Abenteuer , a charming account of a queen bee and the adventures that befall it.
A year before his death he republished, under the title Das vergessene Licht, an earlier pseudo-Christian novel. Borchardt, Rudolf — An author remembered for his essays and translations, Borchardt was one of a group of writers R. The neo-romantic aspects of his earlier poetry Jugendgedichte increasingly gave way to classical forms. Borchardt was an accomplished linguist and translated from Greek, English and Italian: Borchardt was a close associate of Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Vermischte Gedichte appeared in The novel Vereinigung durch den Feind hindurch was published in Vienna: Borchardt, who was partly Jewish, was arrested by the Gestapo, but later released; he died in the Tyrol at the end of the war.
He also wrote numerous poems, only a few of which were eventually published. Die traurigen Geranien made available further unpublished material. His first novel Der zweite Tag , in which the impressions received on a train journey are registered in minute detail, bare of symbol and metaphor, can be associated with the Cologne school of realism including Wellershoff, Herburger, Elsner.
The poems, eventually collected in Gedichte — , show the influence of the Americans W. Politics, reflection on the function of poetry and moments of satisfaction and hope contrasted with fear of the impersonal forces of the state are further topics in the later poems. In taking up a Third World theme, it marks a significant departure from what was in danger of becoming a new provincialism and can be compared with similar works by Uwe Timm and F. The play Rotter concerns the self-imposed conformity of an underprivileged figure determined to prove himself in both the Third Reich and the early years of reconstruction.
Liebe macht Tod is a variation of Romeo and Juliet. Braun, Felix — A fervent literary disciple of Hofmannsthal, Felix Braun was a minor writer associated with the Viennese cultural scene at the turn of the century his autobiography Das Licht der Welt. Geschichte eines Versuches, als Dichter zu leben gives a sympathetic and informative account of meetings with Hofmannsthal, Rilke, Wildgans, Ginzkey, Mell, Stefan Zweig, Werfel and others. He travelled widely, living in Italy and also in exile in England.
His verse dramas betray much sensitivity but little dramatic talent: Braun was also an accomplished anthologist: The collections Wir und nicht sie , Gedichte , extended and Gegen die symmetrische Welt are marked by mastery of numerous short forms and a critical dialogue with earlier German poets. The dialectic of past and present, of Utopian hope and reality is treated in manifold variations, culminating in the last volume in fragmentary forms which appear to reflect a fear of stagnation.
More recently he has widened this latter theme to embrace revolutionary change elsewhere and at different periods and developed more radical approaches to it: His continuing debt to his literary predecessors is evident in his other plays: Bodenloser Satz presents the decline of the GDR through an account of environmental pollution. Texte in zeitlicher Folge appeared in eight volumes between and Brecht, Bertolt — Brecht was one of a group of young dramatists who emerged during the early years of the Weimar Republic and whose works frequently awarded the Kleist prize created theatrical scandals by their fearless outspokenness and reluctance to conform to accepted standards.
Through collaboration with Feuchtwanger and others Brecht, with cunning and undeniable talent, kept abreast of the modern techniques of a man like Piscator. It was after the enormous success of this work, a work that the audience seemed bent on enjoying at all costs, that Brecht tended to the extremes of dogmatism which he felt were necessary to convey his social message: What makes Mann ist Mann , the Dreigroschenoper and Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny — 9 such good entertainment is the plenitude of ebullient characters, rooted in a fantastic Victorian, Anglo-American or Anglo-Indian world never found in reality but culled from the legends of the roaring twenties, or the heyday of the British Raj; Brecht never ceased to admire the world of boxers, lumberjacks, colonial soldiers and gangsters, which he may, in part, have derived from the expressionist cult of vital, atavistic forces.
Brecht needed also the stimulus of collaboration, which stemmed from a sincere desire to discuss and learn rather than from paucity of invention, as the critic Alfred Kerr claimed, who sought constantly to detect plagiarism. Brecht wrote closely with Klabund, who would later give Brecht the idea for Der kaukasische Kreidekreis. After the burning of the Reichstag Brecht fled to Vienna; he attended the meeting at Sanary-sur-mer of exiled writers, and thence moved to Denmark, to the province of Svendborg, where he watched events in Germany most closely.
Brecht continued to work relentlessly: A-Z 43 The view that Brecht, deprived of a theatre, turned his attention to formulating a Marxist aesthetic of drama, a theoretically determined system, is erroneous: His theoretical writings reflect the way in which he meditated upon his own work: The tone is light, frequently wryly humorous, often curious, but always allowing for movement and renewal; a rare intelligence is at work which questions, worries, retreats, adapts and restates.
Theatre, literature and politics, society and even landscape are discussed: The Messingkauf dialogues, a four-handed conversation piece, relate more directly to theatrical problems, and stress above all the need for lightness of touch, Spiel, and a kind of elegance in acting which contains sobriety within it. The rapier thrust is preferred to the sabre blow, the elliptical precision of Chinese art to Germanic ponderousness and an athletic form of acting to the pretentiously histrionic. This was to be the play with which the Berliner Ensemble opened in ; it has remained in the repertoire ever since and has been staged by the leading theatres throughout the world.
Every scene, and there are twelve of them, is supposed to stand as a self-contained unit indeed, in theory they should be virtually interchangeable , but a cumulative effect is undeniable, and there are moments that are conventionally dramatic, which enthral, rather than alienate, the audience. Brecht did not approve of the reactions of the audience after the first performance: He had been forced, he A companion to twentieth-century german literature 44 claimed, to overstate the differences between the conventional theatre and his own in order that certain abuses be rectified: As early as Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny he had, in fact, stressed that an overschematic differentiation between dramatic and epic was unsuitable: In he had written a conventional play—admittedly not one of his best—on Aristotelian lines, Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar, which provided opportunity for splendid acting on the part of the heroine.
Brecht turned on the critics and admonished them to look at his plays as plays, without preconceived ideas or theories. Brecht utterly rejected the Christian idea of original sin: His initial concern was to show Galileo as a man determined to live, whose cunning recantation enables the truth to be heard despite the strictures of the Church.
The issues are intellectual, but the play provides magnificent theatre, especially in the scene of the dressing of the Pope, the transformation of man to institution as each layer of clothing is added. The Soviet purges sickened him, as did the American situation: There is undoubtedly a sense of isolation, but not of paralysis: The theme of goodness occupied him once again, but the basic theme concerns the rightness of giving the child or the disputed land to those best able to tend or cultivate it.
The play is most successful in the portrayal of the judge Azdak, a figure compounded of the vitality and amoral zest of Baal, of Puntila and, to a lesser extent, of Galileo himself. Brecht returned to Europe at the end of The setting up of his own Theater am Schiffbauerdamm brought little comfort: It is perhaps significant that Brecht wrote nothing of original merit for the theatre after his return to East Berlin; he adapted, produced and modified, turning his attention, amongst other things, to Waiting for Godot and Pineapple Poll.
He withdrew again into poetry and wrote, in the Buckower Elegien, some of his finest. With economy, grace and sobriety he evoked a world of trees and water, silence and serenity, far from the turmoil of Berlin. Before his premature death in he had suggested that his epitaph might contain the lines: The following editions of his work should be noted: A companion to twentieth-century german literature 46 Brinkmann, Rolf Dieter —75 Brinkmann, whose early death in a road accident on a visit to London put an end to a career which may or may not have been in the doldrums, began in association with the Cologne realists Wellershoff, Herburger, Elsner, etc.
Never political, he combined crude vitalism, linguistic virtuosity and an obsession with the surface detail of everyday life; only the last of these features, however, was taken up and developed by others e. While his poetry already seems dated and undisciplined, his final major prose work Rom.
Blicke may prove to be a seminal work in its combination of verbal and photographic commentary, besides maintaining the strong German tradition of literature portraying the metropolis. Britting, Georg — Poet, playwright and writer of narrative prose, Britting started to write after the First World War he was badly wounded in He collaborated on many expressionist journals Die rote Erde, Der Sturmreiter, Der silberne Spiegel and edited his own, Die Sichel, with Josef Achmann, who contributed the graphic designs. Britting greatly admired Georg Heym; he also wrote grotesque versions of biblical themes Hiob, Kain, Jor auf der Flucht, etc.
During the Second World War Britting turned increasingly to nature poetry, leaving behind the excesses of expressionism and the parodistic elements of Hamlet. Short stories also appeared: Lob des Weines, a collection of twenty poems, appeared in Britting turned to traditional themes and structures, although his imagery remained fresh and striking. Broch insisted upon an intellectualization of the novel, on working out, by sheer intellectual effort, the troubles of the world. Theoretical essays alternated with works of imagination: Both Broch and Musil embarked upon vast novels that would encompass the problems of the age, combining rationalism and mysticism.
The Schlafwander trilogy —2 , encyclopedic and polyhistorical novels, have as their concern the disintegration of values and the decay of European civilization in the period — The first, Pasenow oder die Romantik, has been compared with Fontane, but the secure ground of the nineteenth century has been left far behind: The second, Esch oder die Anarchie, portrays the insubstantiality of the existence of the small book-keeper Esch, who is able neither to escape from Europe nor to come to terms with it; the third, Huguenau oder die Sachlichkeit, portrays violence and anarchic forces which destroy the narcissistic world of the heroine.
The realization of the helplessness of the word when faced by the unspeakable will be a concern of many writers in the twentieth century, especially in German-speaking countries. The fourth novel, Die Schuldlosen , treats twentieth-century themes and uses certain dates , and as points of reference: The novel is uncomfortably suspended between political allegory and romantic myth. The character of Mutter Gisson with her Demeterlike qualities fails to convince, the symbolism being forced and obtrusive, but the description of mass psychology is masterful.
The speculative study on A companion to twentieth-century german literature 48 Massenpsychologie stands comparison with the essay Masse und Macht by Elias Canetti as one of the most perceptive analyses of the relationship between the individual self and the corporate whole. Broch, of Jewish parentage, was arrested when the Nazis invaded Austria, but was released on the intervention of writers like James Joyce.
He settled in America and wrote his last novels there. The Gesammelte Schriften ten vols appeared between and reprinted ; the Kommentierte Werkausgabe 13—17 vols appeared from to His early story Tod den Toten! As a Jew, Brod became a Zionist in , and he became especially interested in the more conservative faith of his co-religionists from the eastern provinces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Brod emigrated to Tel Aviv in and died there in In that year his autobiography Streitbares Leben appeared, which contains enlightening references to Kafka and also to Franz Werfel, of whose conversion to Christianity see Das Lied von Bernadette Brod did not approve. He produced three volumes of war poetry, Aus meiner Kriegszeit. Gedichte , Kamerad, als wir marschierten. Kriegsgedichte and Soldaten der Erde. A war novel, Bunker Geschichte einer Kameradschaft , was widely read it was translated into English as Pillbox Gesamtausgabe der Gedichte in Eine Auswahl der Gedichte appeared in Bronnen, Arnolt originally Bronner, — Dramatist and novelist, Bronnen was one of the most extreme of the young talented writers who made the opening years of the Weimar Republic a fascinating and often disturbing experience.
His play Vatermord written in , performed in Berlin in was the first of many scandals that surrounded his name; the portrayal of brutal violence and uninhibited sexuality outraged the audience. Die Geburt der Jugend is a chaotic description of anarchic youth; the older generation is annihilated by sexually demented adolescents. In his comedy Die Exzesse the erotic desires of the woman, Hildegarde, find satisfaction in contemplation of intercourse with a goat. Katalaunische Schlacht looks back to the war as a time of frenzied and erotic ecstasy.
Rheinische Rebellen is an overtly nationalist play; Ostpolzug , a monodrama, fuses ancient and modern in its portrayal of Alexander the Great. Bronnen worked for the film industry in the s, also the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft. His relations with the Nazis were, however, strained. His autobiography Arnolt Bronnen gibt zu Protokoll appeared in ; Tage mit Brecht posthumously in Bruckner, Ferdinand pseudonym of Theodor Tagger, — Primarily a dramatist, Bruckner achieved fame in with his play Krankheit der Jugend, a crass and naturalistic portrayal of adolescent sexuality, much indebted to Freud.
Bruckner used techniques made famous by Erwin Piscator; his greatest success was Elisabeth von England , where the stage is again split between the two realms, Catholic Madrid and Protestant London, with both antagonists praying to the same god for victory. Bruckner also turned his attention, with less success, to classical themes Timon and Pyrrhus und Andromache perf. A very successful play was Die Rassen , one which exploits the generation conflict and also the tension between Jew and Aryan.
Bruckner emigrated to America in and returned to Europe in , spending the last years of his life in Berlin. Dramatische Werke and Schauspiele nach historischen Studien were both published in An edition of Dramen appeared in Brust was helped by Kurt Wolff; he lived in isolation in Memel and moved to Cranz after the Lithuanian occupation.
Brust shares with many expressionists a predilection for crass and often shocking climaxes. Brust turned towards a portrayal of pseudoreligious experiences in a series of other plays Cordatus. He died in obscurity, isolation and poverty at the age of forty-three; the Nazis initially tolerated his writing, believing him to be an acceptable poet of East Prussian life, although later his work was condemned as degenerate.
The Dramen — ed. Horst Denkler appeared in Since then he has written stories Ein schwarzer, abgrundtiefer See , extended and Babylon and novels which concentrate on human foibles and idiosyncrasies in domestic and professional contexts, although social and political pressures, implicitly criticized, are present in various forms.
Essays Kritiken Glossen Unpolitische Betrachtungen zu Literatur und Politik demonstrate individual interests Haiti, Alejo Carpentier and more general concerns of his generation ecology, post-history, apocalypse , the latter present also in Bericht aus dem Innern der Unruhe. Gorlebener Tagebuch , on demonstrations against nuclear power.
Central to the rest of his work is his relationship to the American continent and in particular Haiti, which he visited for the first time in and where he has ancestral links. In the reportages Aus der neuen Welt. An informative document on Burckhardt is the Festschrift which appeared on his seventieth birthday, Dauer im Wechsel Burger, Hermann —89 Burger studied in Zurich, wrote dissertations on Paul Celan and contemporary Swiss literature and taught for a while at the Federal Technical University in Zurich. His chief works, Schilten. Burger shares with the Austrian Thomas Bernhard and with other contemporary Swiss writers e.
Meyer the theme of death as the ultimate threat to personal identity, which he treats with an even greater degree of linguistic virtuosity and reflective intensity. He committed suicide in Brunsloben and Menzenmang volume I and volume II, chapters 1—7 of the planned tetralogy Brenner on the scion of a cigar manufacturing dynasty in search of his childhood appeared in and Der unsichtbare Held, a Nibelungen drama, appeared in the same year. A companion to twentieth-century german literature 54 Burte published poems in Alemannic dialect Madlee ; a further anthology appeared in Die Seele des Maien.
Burte received much acclaim for his work, the Kleist prize for Wildfeber and other distinctions during the Third Reich. The sinologist Peter Kien, obsessed by his own private library, and retreating ever further into a state of solipsism, is ultimately destroyed by fire, ancient symbol of transformation. The other characters, Pfaff, Theresa Krumbholz and Fischerle, are also utterly self-centred and convinced of their own importance.
The idea for the novel came to Canetti in when he witnessed the burning of the Palace of Justice by a mob in Vienna. Canetti moved to Paris in and to London in the following year. In he published Masse und Macht, a sociological, anthropological study of crowds and power: A collection of aphorisms made between and , Aufzeichnungen, appeared in Das Geheimnis der Uhr. Aufzeichnungen — appeared in In Canetti was awarded the Nobel prize for literature.
A companion to twentieth-century german literature 56 Carossa, Hans — Son of a doctor, Hans Carossa studied medicine in Munich and Leipzig, then settled as a medical practitioner in Bavaria. Verwandlungen einer Jugend is a less successful sequel. The novel Geheimnisse des reifen Lebens uses the diary form to explore human relationships. After the war Carossa attempted to explain his situation at that time in Ungleiche Welten Further autobiographical details of his life appeared in Aufzeichnungen aus Italien ; a scattering of short stories appeared in the s.
His poetry is unassuming and traditional: In his work Carossa eschews modernist experimentation; he appealed to the educated middle-class German reader with his cultivation of humanistic values derived from Goethe. Unlike his parents Celan escaped deportation when his home was occupied by the Nazis, but awareness of the Holocaust is at the centre of his work, his approach to the problems of language and communication in general long a preoccupation of writers from the linguistic melting-pot of Central Europe and the Balkans being linked to the impossibility of conveying the extreme physical and existential exposure of the persecuted.
These, together with translations of twentyone sonnets by Shakespeare and poems by Char, Supervielle, Michaux, Yessenin, Mandelstam, Block and others, were assembled in the provisional Gesammelte Werke in five volumes. Despite the increasing number of exegeses see the Celan-Jahrbuch: He was a man of mystical tendency whose experience of the Holocaust placed obstacles in the way to religious enlightenment; the distortion and reversal of normal syntactical relationships which are a marked feature of his work are related to this central paradox.
However, he remained attached to Jewish culture, as is evident especially in late poems set in Jerusalem. Gesammelte Werke five volumes appeared in His defence of members of the Baader-Meinhof group during the seventies influenced along with Kafka the fragmentary novel Die Herren des Morgengrauens He has also produced works which owe their origin to experiences in Italy Malavita. Mafia zwischen A companion to twentieth-century german literature 58 gestern und morgen and Briganten , a play on Mayakovsky Weltmeisterschaft im Klassenkampf and radio plays. Csokor, Franz Theodor — Csokor is known primarily as an Austrian expressionist dramatist.
He worked in theatres in St Petersburg before settling in his native Vienna: After the First World War Csokor turned to historical and social problems: After Csokor fled into eastern Europe; he was finally arrested in Yugoslavia, and interned. A selection of his works, Du bist gemeint, with a foreword by Erhard Buschbeck, appeared in The Zeuge einer Zeit. Ein paar Schaufeln Erde. Czechowski, Heinz — Czechowski witnessed the destruction of Dresden, which became the subject of several poems and autobiographical sketches.
His melancholy free verse belongs to a tradition of nature poetry which originates in the eighteenth century and is imbued with an awareness of how his predecessors have responded to the same mainly Saxon landscapes and the effects on them of industrial development. In all these one can detect a movement from a positive depiction of everyday life in the GDR and a straightforward autobiographical approach to the expression of a more complex subjectivity, sceptical of conventional views of progress.
Nachtspur consists of poems and prose from to His vast epic Das Nordlicht, which took him twelve years to write, was published in The works that follow Das Nordlicht, particularly the collection of sketches Mit silberner Sichel , contain much talented writing: Dichtungen und Schriften appeared in , and Gedichte in In the following year his best-known work appeared, Ultra Violett.
He travelled extensively; a collection of Novellen again, greatly influenced by Jugendstil topoi appeared in Die acht Gesichter am Biwasee. Japanische Liebesgeschichten it was reprinted in and was extremely popular. In the same year his second novel, Raubmenschen, was published: Dauthendey responded sensitively to the Orient and popularized the culture of the Far East: Erlebnisse aus Java and Letzte Reise appeared posthumously.
His Gesammelte Werke six vols appeared in Degenhardt, Franz Josef — Degenhardt became known in the s as author, composer and performer to his own guitar accompaniment of protest songs, of which there have been numerous recordings and publications, incl. As a novelist he is associated with the realists published by the Autoren-Edition incl. Fuchs, Timm , who aim to raise political consciousness in a wide readership by showing how political forces impinge on the lives of ordinary people.
Dehmel, Richard — A student of the natural sciences, philosophy and economy, Dehmel took up writing in the Berlin of the s and reflected in his poetry the main preoccupations of the following two decades: Nietzscheanism, naturalism, impressionism, Jugendstil and a latent expressionism. His poetry is marked by a powerful sensuality, compassion and a keen intellect. Dehmel stresses in many poems the joy to be found in sexual love, together with hope for true emancipation in the future. Dehmel also wrote plays: His work is at its best in the portrayal of sensuous love and in its sincere, humanitarian beliefs.
Although exempt from enlistment due to injuries received at school after a fall from a horizontal bar , Dehmel joined the army in he was over 50 at the time: Dehmel was in close contact with the major writers of his day; he contributed to the leading literary journals. Gesammelte Werke ten vols appeared from to a three-volume selection in A posthumous autobiography, Mein Leben, was published in In appeared Dichtungen, Briefe, Dokumente.
His awareness of the forces at work in contemporary society and of how their interaction affects individual lives underlies all his novels. In Adenauerplatz a security guard employed to watch over a shopping and business complex in an anonymous German city is forced to confront the contradictions of his position as a refugee from Chile after the fall of Allende when he is drawn into collusion with a plot by friends to burgle an international wheeler-dealer with a stake in the political status quo in South America; having become aware of the ramifications of Third World exploitation he decides to abandon his job and return to Chile.
Mogadischu Fensterplatz is a fictional treatment from the perspective of an ordinary passenger of the hijack carried out by members of the Baader-Meinhof group in Somalia in and reflects a deepening concern with Third World topics evident also in the work of Born and Timm. Die Birnen von Ribbeck , a story consisting of a single sentence seventy pages long, describes the impact of the opening of the Wall on a farm in provincial GDR made famous by a ballad of Fontane. This work, a collection of highly charged utterances, preaches an extreme form of militant Catholicism: The publication of Part One met with little interest, the exception being Karl Wolfskehl, who looked back on it with great pleasure during his New Zealand exile.
Das Werk six volumes was published in Dinter, Artur — A student of the natural sciences, Dinter became a teacher, then turned to the theatre; he became increasingly anti-Semitic and reached notoriety with a trilogy of novels published between and The first of these was much acclaimed and widely read; in crudely sensational terms it describes the poisoning of the blood of a German woman, Johanna, through once having had intercourse with a Jew.
The child born to Johanna and her husband Hermann, both blond and Germanic, is dark and of Jewish appearance. Hermann kills the Jew and returns to find that his wife has killed the child and has committed suicide. As this title implies, Enzensberger is not championing one side, but rather suggesting that the whole conflict is not to be taken particularly seriously.
Just as such marital conflicts become part of a routine between two people, who in fact over the years have come to resemble each other more and more, the intellect and power dichotomy may well hide similarities between the two camps. Both live off the public: The only comfort would then be that, at least in the cases of the Millennium Dome and Expo , many people turned their back on the entertainment on offer. However, I must first point to certain difficulties.
First, we should not assume that the relationship was always marked by the kind of tensions stressed by Mann. Within all the periods under discussion, it would be possible to cite instances where particular writers, artists, and other intellectuals lived in harmony with the political authorities. In turn, Kaiser Wilhelm II took a keen interest in the arts, contributing himself to the building of another national monument in the same monumental style, the Hermannsdenkmal near Detmold, which commemorates the victory of Germanic tribes under Hermann Arminius over the invading Romans.
In a recent publication, Mark Hewitson interestingly challenges the idea that leading German thinkers at the beginning of the twentieth century rejected the political structures of the Empire, suggesting rather that the French republican model no longer held any particular attraction Among the names he mentions are the sociologist Max Weber and the historian Friedrich Meinecke.
Among these were the philosopher Martin Heidegger, who accepted the post of Rector at the University of Freiburg, and the poet Gottfried Benn. The postwar GDR, which prided itself on creating a society where there was no need for conflict between intellect and power, represents a special case that will be considered later. A second problem is that of periodization. It would appear self-evident that this kind of discussion must take as its point of orientation the various political and social systems under which some or all of the German people have lived in the past or so years.
While this will largely be the case, we must remember that cultural and political history do not necessarily run in tandem. Some recent observers have suggested that, for instance, the time between to , which for all Germans encompassed three political systems, not counting the years of occupation, can be viewed as a single period in terms of cultural history, during which intellectual life 1 was marked by a dominance of conservative or traditionalist ideas.
Whatever the validity of this theory, it is clear that did not mark a total caesura; previously established writers such as Benn continued to play an important role in postwar cultural life. At the same time, writers normally associated with the postwar period, such as Alfred Andersch and Wolfgang Koeppen, had been active before and in a number of cases been 2 members of the Reichsschrifttumskammer.
References to possible affinities between intellectuals and the Second Empire mentioned in the previous section should not be taken to mean that relations between the two spheres were entirely harmonious. Heinrich Mann, with his satire on the subservient attitudes of the nationalistic bourgeoisie in Der Untertan, was not alone in his criticism.
By contrast, the Austrian Grillparzer, whose fellow countrymen were excluded from the new Reich, commented that Bismarck had destroyed much that was valuable and created only insta3 bility. Even if such a viewpoint might be discounted as coming from someone on the losing side in the hegemonic struggle between Austria and Prussia, there were also critical voices from within the new Germany.
Later in the poem he expresses himself very much in the spirit of Heinrich Mann avant la lettre: Although he is generally associated with both German nationalism and the cult of power, he was no friend of the Second Empire. The position is succinctly summed up by Matthew Jefferies: The Second Empire therefore presents a very mixed picture, which makes it almost impossible to generalize about the relationship at that time between intellect and power.
Prior to unification in it was common to compare the Federal Republic with its doomed predecessor, the Weimar Republic. For example, executive power was no longer shared between Chancellor and President, while it became extremely difficult for opportunistic alliances of parliamentary parties to topple the government by means of no-confidence motions and thus create a political vacuum.
When it came to the reasons for the collapse of Weimar, it was commonly claimed that the first attempt to create a democratic republic in Germany had been thwarted by extremists: They, too, it was held, had failed to support the democratic republic and thus contributed to its downfall. As for intellectual life, the democratic Republic was opposed from the outset by rightist nationalists, who either hankered back to the monarchy or sought some other nondemocratic form of government. Franz Schauwecker, for example, shows a total disdain for the revolutionary masses of the early years of Weimar in the following passage: This quotation shows the actionism of the conservative revolutionaries — one of their leading publications carried the title Die Tat — but leaves open the question of their own beliefs.
At the same time, he strove for reconciliation with France, something that was only to be achieved after following the third conflict in less than a century between the two nations. What is held against many writers and intellectuals, who initially supported Weimar, is that, instead of defending democracy, they succumbed to disillusionment. In this same year of the leftwing writer Kurt Tucholsky expressed his personal disillusionment in the following aphoristic comment: When the Nazis did assume power, one group of intellectual opponents was immediately visible through the fact of emigration.
It is well known that major figures such as the Mann brothers and Brecht went into emigration, not least because in many cases the alternative would have been persecution and imprisonment. How far it is possible to speak of opposition at all in the case of writers associated with the conservative revolution remains a moot point. Right-wing opposition to Nazism, although certainly a fact, was tainted by its continuing failure to endorse democracy.
Hence, it is small wonder that one postwar German state, the German Democratic Republic, made great play of having created a society where the old enmities did not exist. The potentially most revealing word in the above quotation is the last one. Officially, the existence of censorship was denied and some things inevitably slipped through the net; nevertheless the system whereby everything that was printed, down to labels on consumer products, had to be licensed amounted in reality to the same thing.
Even if something critical was published, there were other steps that could be taken that functioned as forms of censorship. These included limiting print runs, prevention of reviews, and the refusal to reprint once a first edition had run out. What was offered writers was a kind of compact, whereby they would be rewarded in terms of status and, in GDR terms, a relatively high standard of living, provided that they conformed.
Under these circumstances, it is small wonder that there were many instances of conflict between the realms of intellect and power, too numerous to be detailed here. I will mention only three key events. As stated above, these terms did change; however, periods of relative liberality were followed by clampdowns, as the next two examples show.
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The result was a period of greater intellectual freedom, which, however, was brought to an abrupt end in A major victim of the new hard line was the film industry, with several critical films being banned. The expulsion of the songwriter Wolf Biermann in provoked protests from leading writers in the country and led others to take the path of emigration.
In some ways, this could be said to be the most significant example of conflict in that it provoked such widespread disillusionment, as the subsequent wave of emigration showed, that the bulk of writers and intellectuals no longer retained any hope of the GDR becoming the kind of society where they might work together with politicians to achieve socialist ideals. One might even claim that GDR literature, that is to say writing that, however critical, in some way identified with the state, largely came to an end in Indeed, particular opprobrium was heaped in the early s on those writers who had appeared to criticize aspects of the GDR, yet remained loyal to the state and to the ideal of socialism.
As is well known, the main target was Christa Wolf, not least because, as a young woman, she had cooperated with the Stasi for a brief period. Since it is a matter of record that her objections to the events of led to her being removed from her status as candidate for the Central Com- 54 E STUART PARKES mittee of the SED and that she came under prolonged Stasi surveillance, all that needs to be said in this context is that her fate illustrates the existence of the intellect and power dichotomy in the GDR in a particu5 larly virulent form. The state that proclaimed harmony imprisoned, expelled, and spied on its writers and intellectuals.
To their credit, many refused to be cowed and arguably helped to create the conditions for the peaceful revolution of Here, too, the story is of conflict, at least for a time. The first cause of tension between the post west German state and writers and intellectuals was the fact of its existence.
The division of Germany, which came about formally through steps undertaken in the western part of the country the currency reform and the creation of the Federal Republic , did not meet with widespread intellectual approval. The danger of division and later the danger of its persistence exercised many writers from both East and West. Accordingly writers from all zones took part in a congress held in , organized by the Soviet Zone Kulturbund, which expressed its disquiet about already apparent signs of division.
For western writers and intellectuals it was not just the fact of the existence of a separate state that caused concern, but also the kind of policies that it pursued. The issue that provoked most anger was undoubtedly rearmament. This policy was decided on less than ten years after the total defeat of , which seemed to have discredited the military ethos for ever. Ich bin schuld, ich bin schuld, warum habe ich nichts getan. Nevertheless, calls to action like the one from Richter were generally answered more favorably by the s.
He ends his essay with the provocative exclamation: Many writers now set about creating such a state through advocating a change of government. Volumes of essays appeared in the first half of the s advocating, not always particularly enthusiastically, a vote for the Social Democratic Party Walser ; Richter , thus provoking the kind of comments from CDU politicians referred to at the beginning of this essay. The goal of an SPD-led government was not of course achieved until , by which time the Gruppe 47 had ceased to exist and some writers, in the wake of the student movement, appeared to be advocating the abandonment of traditional intellectual pursuits, specifically literature, in favor of revolutionary politics.
At this time, Grass expressed, through his metaphor of the snail, 6 his belief in slow, evolutionary progress rather than revolution. In the late s some writers felt challenged by the phenomenon of terrorism and the countermeasures taken by the SPD-led government of Helmut Schmidt, which were widely felt to endanger democratic freedoms. Once terrorism had died down and the advent to power of Helmut Kohl in did not appear to threaten civil liberties, the previous conflicts between the worlds of intellect and power largely died down.
The question that presents itself in this concluding section is whether the conflicts described above represent a noble struggle of positive against evil forces, which is roughly the position of Heinrich Mann, or are merely manifestations of a childish pastime, as suggested by Enzensberger. The obvious answer is that the issue is to be considered historically. It goes without saying that almost any form of opposition to National Socialism, whether practiced by intellectuals, accountants, or any other group, has to be praised.
Something similar might well be said of the GDR, although, measured by the scale of human misery created, it cannot be compared with what preceded it. More problematical is the case of the Federal Republic, the one example of a largely successful democratic state on German soil. In this case, what has to be considered is almost exclusively criticism from the left. Although the extreme Right did not disappear in , it did not attract the kind of intellectual support it had enjoyed in the Weimar years.
Before any specific issues are discussed in detail, it is necessary to return to Enzensberger, who also adopts an historical approach. Now, however, the situation has changed: In other words, there are no longer any forces which seek to guide and control its direction or, as he puts it: Despite the tone, one can take this as an endorsement of the critical role of GDR intellectuals.
This can be illustrated by recent criticisms of the Gruppe 47, the association of writers that undoubtedly became most celebrated for its social and political criticism in the first two postwar decades. How far the metaphor of the slaughterhouse was ever applicable to the Federal Republic is of course very much open to question.
How then is one to view the political role of authors associated with the Gruppe 47? These two views may not be mutually exclusive, but they do underline the difficulty of reaching easy conclusions. However, there were at least two occasions where the Group took part in successful campaigns against potentially undemocratic developments during the Adenauer era. When in the government attempted to introduce a centralized television channel — although responsibility for broadcasting lay with the Federal states — members of the Group joined in the chorus of protest. Again writers from the Group protested against what appeared to be an unjustifiable attack on press freedom.
Even if the authors were acting in their own direct interests in fighting government control over the media, freedom of expression remains an essential part of a democratic society. Finally, it is necessary to consider the postunification position. Accordingly it is not surprising that many writers have turned away from direct involvement in politics. There is in fact a wide consensus that art and politics are no longer closely entwined. In an essay published in about oppositional art, whose conclusions could equally be applied to literature, the political scientist Klaus von Beyme puts forward the following reasons for this development: Given that this state of affairs is a result of the democratic stability of the Federal Republic, it can only be welcomed.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that the worlds of writing and politics remain entirely distinct. Intellectual engagement with political questions is clearly not at an end, but taking new forms and considering other issues. Political institutions or the stances of specific politicians are no longer at the center of attention.
Without this development the public sphere in Germany would be much poorer. See, for example, Anz , and Vinke Works Cited Abusch, Alexander. Boa, Elizabeth and Rachel Palfreyman. Politics and Culture in Modern Germany. Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke. Die Gruppe 47 als deutsches Problem. Stuart Parkes and John J. National Identity and Political Thought in Germany: Wilhelmine Depictions of the French Third Republic — Kultur und Politik in der DDR — Edition Deutschland Archiv, Schwierigkeiten mit der Wahrheit.
Cultural and Intellectual Trends. Scherz und Goverts, Die Schriftsteller und die Weimarer Republik. Richter, Hans Werner, ed. Schwarz, Georg and Carl August Weber, eds. Verlag Willi Weissmann, Politik und Gruppenethos im historischen Zusammenhang. Deutsche Schriftsteller und ihr Staat. Die Alternative oder Brauchen wir eine neue Regierung?
Hoffmann und Campe, The Conservative Revolution in the Weimar Republic. Comparatively little is known, however, about the efforts of the women to recreate forms of social, political, and cultural organization in captivity as they too found themselves caught up in 3 circumstances beyond their control. It was not the initial intention of the British authorities in to introduce a policy of mass alien internment as they had in , not least because this time around tens of thousands of the German-speaking population in Britain were racial or political refugees.
In fact, only as the military situation deteriorated with the collapse of Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France, and the invasion of Britain appeared imminent, was the Home Office pressured into ordering a large-scale internment of aliens in May and June The confusion that permeated the entire British effort to categorize the alien population is illustrated, this early on, by the fact that even the first group of MI5 suspects included possibly as many anti-Nazis and Jews as it did genuine Nazis.
As for the Alien Tribunals, though these were generally well intentioned, there were countless instances of inconsistencies and injustices in the decisions reached, often caused by ignorance or prejudice on the part of the tribunal chairmen. It is probable that Janstein and Nelki both figured on the MI5 Security List as the result of 6 a denunciation from within the exile community and, in any case, both were released from prison within a matter of months, Nelki at the intervention of the British Independent Labour Party or ILP Nevertheless, it was a disturbing experience which Janstein, in particular, chronicles in painstaking detail: On the other hand, both Janstein and Nelki emphasize the support gained from the presence of other women in the same situation a reflection that would later be repeated, many times over, in the accounts of mass alien internment on the Isle of Man.
As late as 17 May, Sir John Anderson, the Home Secretary, had still declared himself reluctant to consider the mass internment of women: If thousands of women, including pregnant women and women with small children, were subjected to the conditions of barrack-room life in some sort of internment camp, there would soon be a public outcry against this treatment of persons of whom the great majority are refugees and most are individually known to British subjects who are con7 vinced of their friendliness. Thus on 27 May, at 7: The practical problems involved here — in the feeding and sleeping arrangements, for instance — are overwhelming, as is the bureaucracy Thilo encounters, yet she does 12 experience some kindness at the hands of her British captors.
Meanwhile the later author and educator Marie Neurath, who had managed to escape — at the eleventh hour — from Holland, her first country of refuge, and was then taken via the Fulham Institute to Holloway, determined to adopt a positive attitude in captivity: Some started Spanish lessons [. We had to knit stockings for soldiers: Neurath also records some rudimentary attempts at collective cultural activity of the sort that would later flourish on the Isle of Man: Then Rosy Hahn also had her birthday and I made up a little poem.
I got some toilet paper and made copies and distributed them, so that we had a small choir. Rosy sang Schubert to us and tears ran down our cheeks. Rushen Camp, for women internees and their accompanying children under sixteen, was formed from the southern peninsula of the island and bounded by a barbed-wire fence.
The women were billeted in the hotels and boarding houses of two small seaside resorts, Port Erin and Port St. Mary, which held around three 13 thousand and one thousand internees respectively. The accommodation ranged from the largest hotel there, the Ballaqueeney, which could take several hundred internees, to boarding houses that took perhaps six. A group of nurses, deaconesses from the German Hospital in London, had been rounded up.
There were also the non-Jewish girls from Germany and Austria, some of them with pronounced Nazi sympathies, who had come to Britain as maids during the s. Other women of National Socialist views included the fanatical Wanda Wehr15 han, the wife of the former pastor to the German Embassy. And there were also groups of internees who can best be described as anomalous: The summer of was favored with exceptionally good weather and the internees were able to benefit from the beaches and the sporting facilities, including swimming pools, tennis courts, and golf links, that Port Erin and Port St.
Mary had to offer a fact that gave rise to some 16 hostile comment in the British press and parliament. Yet despite the undoubtedly pleasant location, the internees experienced numerous problems and difficulties, especially in the early days of the camp. Incidents were reported in which, at least initially, sick and healthy women and even Nazis and Jews were compelled to share a 17 bed.
Other causes for complaint included the slowness of the postal service and the general lack of communication with the outside world, difficulties with the Manx householders, inadequate food and medical and dental facilities, problems with the camp organization including a lack of internee involvement , and intimidation of the Jewish majority by the National Socialist minority.
Nevertheless, as well as the house representatives, district representatives and a Camp Leader were elected from among the women internees and met Dame Joanna on a regular basis in order to discuss problems as they arose. Not that the authorities were always receptive to internee concerns: I drew up a long list and took them to the camp authorities. And I was apparently unlucky because the lady to whom I started to read my queries became very irate and banged the table and said: Anna Spiro, in a privately published memoir, reflects on the necessity for such diversions as well as on their inevitable limitations: Most of us realized how important it was to be occupied and to keep ourselves busy.
We therefore did a great deal to organize talks on subjects of general interest, language courses and the like. All that seemed fine and made life tolerable. However things were very different in the evenings when there was plenty of time to think and to consider our position. Here we were a sitting target if ever the Germans were to come. Encouraged by the Religious Society of Friends, who were active in the camp, and then by the Commandant, it proposed the introduction of a mini-economy consisting of an exchange of services between internees to be paid for by a currency of service tokens.
A Companion to Twentieth-Century German Literature
A notice was posted in the camp on 19 September asking for experts in sewing, laundry work, field and garden work, and so on; within the first two weeks, women had come forward. The range of services soon expanded to include such offerings as private tuition and legal advice while, with the increasing sophistication of the scheme, the tokens could be used to purchase food in the canteen or access to communal services to the lending library, for instance, or to camp entertainments.
Ingenious projects that came under the Service Exchange umbrella included the collection of 21 plants, shells, and leftovers from the hotels for the making of chicken feed and the large-scale production of netted shopping bags, some of which were sold to organizations on the mainland Borchard As part of the Service Exchange, women could also be trained in a variety of skills: The Service Exchange Scheme was finally liquidated in November by which time the growing number of releases had made it unviable.
The Communist politician Emmy Koenen recalls how Dame Joanna forbade any women to lecture who were not academically qualified, thereby preventing both Koenen and Anna Hornik from speaking on Germany and Austria respectively, as they had intended Koenen Mary where, as it happened, a larger proportion of the intellectual women were billeted, provided tuition in thirty different subjects over forty classes in total , including Greek, Reading of Shakespeare, German Literature, History of England, Problems of Life, and Mathematical Training, as well as practical skills like shorthand and glove-making.
The equivalent center at Port Erin offered seventeen subjects twenty-seven classes in all that tended to be of a more practical nature spinning, weaving, and three separate dressmaking classes, for example but also included musical appreciation and a small string orchestra.
At a third center Dandy Hill , where thirteen subjects twentynine classes altogether were on offer, the list ran: Brigitte Jacobs who had been studying zoology before her internment found the work there a comfort at a time of deep depression. She was put in charge of around six internee women who collected seaweed for 27 the preparation of agar plates for biological research. Suitably qualified women — this privilege was not extended to the men whose camps were not located sufficiently near the Station — were allowed to carry out research work there and to attend the lectures on scientific subjects given by one of the forty women internees registered at the Station.
They were also permitted to study in the Quiet Room and to use the excellent science library. If reading proved a popular diversion, so too, on a more collective basis, did the organization of camp entertainments, namely dramatic and musical performances of all kinds. Another theatrical production to mark Christmas , clearly a most memorable one since it is recalled in virtually all internee memoirs, was a play, instigated by Minna Specht in a plea for mutual tolerance, that attempted to unite the Jewish and Christian traditions.
Mary internees and playing to full houses for an entire week. The journalist Margot Strauss later Pottlitzer , at one point head of the entertainment committee, who had a promising young dancer and some singers at her disposal, managed to put on a Viennese evening. This proved such a success that she ventured to book a hall for a repeat performance, while forgetting to ask Dame Joanna Cruickshank for her consent she was soundly rebuked for this 32 omission. Indeed, Johanna Metzger later Lichtenstern , a professional singer, remembers being involved in a very rich and varied musical life in Rushen and participating in frequent rehearsals and recitals of all kinds, as her Internment Diary entry for 27 October records: A number of the concerts she gave were directed by Dora Lask better known as Dora Diamant, the friend of Franz Kafka , who, as a 37 trained actress, also contributed recitations.
Benson Harrison, as part of the pastoral care he extended to the internee population. The Golf Links Choir later joined forces with a general camp choir, led by Johanna Metzger, who managed to obtain music from London. At Christmas , as a special concession, Metzger was permitted to take her choir carol singing although, since this involved being out after curfew, a police presence was of course still required ; they ended the evening with a performance for Dame Joanna and were 42 presented with red apples — a rare treat — by way of a reward. Of the Golf Links Choir, happily, a bold pen and ink drawing has survived, cartoon style, depicting Ira Rischowski wielding her baton; at her feet are her knitting needles she was by all accounts a keen knitter , and 43 a folder crammed with lists as befitting a district representative.
Sussmann — was charged with painting the marine animals held in tanks there and how friezes of her paintings were displayed around the entrance 45 hall. Through the Freier Deutscher Kulturbund, in 47 fact, Klopfleisch even managed to exhibit some of her work in Rushen.
In general, those internees who appear to have adjusted most easily to life in internment tended, as already intimated in this essay, to be the political exiles although Klopfleisch herself was a committed Communist Party member. Although not permitted to establish any sort of overt political life in the camp, socialist internees could still offer each other solidarity as Nelki recalls: In keeping with the generally poor relations prevailing between their parties, there was little political contact between the socialist and com50 munist women in internment, however.
In addition, the KPD women circulated political reading matter, some of which Koenen had herself managed to bring into the camp on the strength of a letter 51 from the influential Labour MP Ellen Wilkinson Koenen Again, the Communists were particularly active here. There were, in addition, two kindergartens established in the camp as well as a special class for older children run by a British teacher from Douglas who prepared them for matriculation. Some of the children in the camp were severely disturbed as a result of their past experiences, others were running wild, and thus there was a great need for structured educational provision.
The outlook of the majority of the refugees on the Isle of Man was anti-German. The children often refused to speak German. Most of them wanted an English school, with an English curriculum and English ideals.

We tried to give them that. But for those who were willing to play their part in building up a new free Germany, we tried to give the knowledge which will help 58 them in that task. Dame Joanna Cruickshank was reportedly helpful in the matter of the 59 camp schools and indeed in all issues involving children. When Minna Specht had opened the Port St. It would aim to report on all internment issues as well as on matters of special interest within the camp and would, among other things, also welcome literary contributions and letters to the editor 2. Abgeschieden von dem aktiven Geschehen, sollen wir doch leidenschaftlich an ihm teilnehmen.
Wie wollen nicht mit verbitterten Gesichtern herumlaufen.
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Jede wird dann den besonderen Platz, an dem sie etwas leisten kann, finden. This second issue failed to appear, however, because of the problems the editors encountered with the opening number, as Strauss recalls: A few of us who had worked on newspapers before got together, got up a very nice paper, what we thought was very nice, and sent it to the commandant for censorship. And she kept it for so long that by the time she gave her sort of reluctant consent it was too late to publish it because it was out of date. And did you try again?
You know, you had to come together during the little free time you had be61 cause you always had to be in at special times and if it took that long. Emmy Koenen reports on a particularly dispiriting attempt to publish yet another camp journal, Der Frauenruf, by herself, a communist, and three other noncommunists two of the latter being professional journalists. In so doing, they were keen to emulate the example of the male internees as well as to ensure that the women should be better informed. The inappropriateness of such efforts to display evenhandedness towards all internee groups was highlighted in a report compiled by Margery Corbett Ashby after a visit to Rushen in late on behalf of the Friendly Aliens Protection Committee: The Camp Authorities are expected to allow no distinction between the various classes of the internees under their care; in consequence the antiNazis are asked to collaborate with those who persecuted them and drove them from their country.
The refugees wished to publish a newspaper, but the usual difficulty has arisen. Nothing written in the paper must give offence to the Nazis, and the Camp Authorities assumed that it would be 64 possible for Nazis and anti-Nazis to share a common newspaper. Theo Naftel, in her report written at very much the same time, takes the point one step further: My personal view is that such a collaboration would be utterly impossible and indeed that any propaganda by democratic groups against Nazi theory and practice should be definitely encouraged and refugees made to feel that efforts on 65 their part to foster democratic ideals in the camp would be welcomed.
While she remained interned she was prevented from 67 repeating her success. However, following her release in August , Laurent promptly published further poems from and concerning intern68 ment: In addition, there are further poems punctuating the prose narrative in her A Tale of Internment of the same year. One of the interpolated poems explores her response to her enforced exclusion from the mainstream of events: The time of your trial Is time of my reflection.
The time of your waste Is time of my reserve. Where you lose yourself I will find myself. Both ways equally hard. But when you are tired And your hand grows weary of your stern task I will be there To fill the breach And carry on where you left off. It is reported that a similar approach was intended to be followed in Anna Thilo, the largely autobiographical account of experiences in Holloway and on the Isle of Man that Ruth Borchard embarked on shortly after her release but that was never completed.
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In her introduction to A Tale of Internment, Laurent goes out of her way to stress that she has not been embittered by her experiences 8 , as does, notably, Erna Nelki who, writing many years after the war, could other71 wise afford to adopt a generally more critical tone. However, we should remember that the internment period, which was also the time of the Hitler-Stalin pact, was a testing one for communists in Britain, and even more so for communist refugees. In Rushen, moreover, the communists felt themselves to be particularly disadvantaged because of the hostility reportedly directed at them by Dame Joanna Cruickshank.
Dabei lagen folgende Zeilen: On the other hand, Home Office documents reveal that at least one of the charges repeatedly leveled against her, namely that she had failed to control the interned Nazi protagonist Wanda Wehrhan, was unfounded: Dame Joanna had asked for Frau Wehrhan — who was engaging in both political propaganda and intimidation within the camp — to be removed to Holloway but her request had been turned down on the grounds that it could lead to repri72 sals against British internees in Germany.
But by May , in any case, the review process was already well underway, with most of the internees mentioned in this essay, as genuine refugees from Nazism, being released then or soon after. Mary, which improved the situation for interned married couples and their children. The numbers of internees on the Isle of Man, both male and female, steadily declined, though Rushen Camp was not finally closed down until September My earnest hope is that it will never be necessary to again effect an internment policy of women, children and families but should it be necessary H.
Government can do little better than repeat what was accomplished at Port Erin and Port St. Mary on the Isle of Man from 73 to Writing at a distance of some forty years from the events under discussion and obviously from a quite different standpoint, Erna Nelki, for her part, draws up a balance sheet of both the positive and the negative aspects of the internment experience.
It can only be excused as a panic measure after the 74 collapse of the continental frontline of war. Denn Not war es, aus der die Tugend wuchs, Stacheldraht umgab uns, und der Druck der Unfreiheit lastete schwer. I should like to express my thanks to the following for the help and information they have given me in writing this article: I am also grateful to Mrs. Anna Bill-Jentzsch, the late Dr. Peter Michael Braunwarth, Ms. Erna Nelki, the late Mrs.
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