Livets Resa (Swedish Edition)
This major new reference work is close to completion and due to be published by Hurst Publishers, London, in With more than 1, entries, it will be an indispensable resource for anyone seeking information in the broad field of Nordic culture since His works have been translated into more than ten languages, including Chinese.
Joan Tate have been going from strength to strength. The work will culminate in the publication of new collaborative translations of a number of Strindberg plays during the Strindberg centenary. To register interest and for further information, please contact Agnes Broome: The start time on 20 June will be To register, go to: His works have been translated into more than 10 languages, including German, Swedish, Spanish and Chinese.
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More details at www. Palgrave Macmillan Crime Files series will publish its Scandinavian volume in autumn title to be confirmed. The author, crime fiction expert Barry Forshaw, will examine the massive appeal of the field, and interview key authors, translators and publishers. Its main programme is in November-December, with satellite events throughout the year in design, literature, visual arts, film, architecture and more. She will appear with Sophie Hannah and Tana French in a panel discussion on the fascination of the psychological thriller.
Join and meet other Scandinavian-crime lovers in London, authors, translators and specialists in Scandinavian languages, literature, history and cultures.
Today, crime writers from all the Nordic countries are available in translation, a rare occurrence in a British publishing market where less than 5 percent of available books are translations. The planned events will bring crime fiction lovers, UCL researchers translators, publishers and authors together to share their knowledge of, and interest in, crime fiction and Nordic cultures.
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We will investigate the seemingly paradoxical popularity of violent crime fiction in countries well-known for their safe and peaceful welfare states, and explore what makes crime fiction from the Nordic countries particularly Nordic. The 26th Gothenburg Book Fair, September , presents its widest focal theme so far: Africa and African literature.
The event looks set to continue the cultural momentum generated on the sidelines of the recent World Cup, and with any luck to open its arms to volcanic-ash-trapped writers who could not speak as planned at the Africa-themed London Book Fair in April. More than 70 guests from 25 of the African nations are expected to visit. A call for papers has been issued on UCL website, where further information about the conference will be provided as it becomes available. Ten years ago, packing cases full of letters, diaries, newspaper cuttings, photographs were discovered in an attic in Stockholm, along with a set of postcards sent from Hamburg to Sweden during World War II.
The project has been devised and coordinated by Torkel S.
En resa för livet - En vanlig Bangladeshi afternoon
Given its postcard-length format, the material is well suited for the teaching of secondary and tertiary level history and German in schools. The material will remain available online well after the publication of the last postcard in December Press Release hover mouse over link to see full address. The Swedenborg Society in London, established in with the main aim of translating and publishing the works of philosopher, scientist and visionary Emanuel Swedenborg , is celebrating its th anniversary throughout A season of films exploring Swedenborgian themes culminates in a short film festival at the end of October.
Special emphasis was given to the impact of cultural translation, and the journey of the word across borders and between cultures. SBR hopes translators received more attention at this congress than they did at the first. Eriksson Award for the translation of Swedish drama. The junior August went to a non-fiction title: We are profoundly sorry to announce to our readers the death in November , at the age of 80, of Dr Karin Petherick, distinguished scholar, respected colleague and much-loved friend.
A champion of this journal since its inception, Karin contributed many reviews over the years, and always went out of her way to praise and encourage its editors. She was a mainstay of the SBR Editorial Board from its formation in until early , characteristically protesting throughout that she had little of value to offer. A full obituary, published in The Times on 13 December, can be found at: It is with much regret that we announce the death on 13 January at the age of 88 of John Hewish, a frequent and erudite reviewer for SBR.
With a degree in English from Lincoln College Oxford and an early period of his life as a journalist in Finland, he brought a valuable perspective to Swedish literature.
Organisation and staff - Uppsala University, Sweden
Tomorrow I could be in trouble…but the sun will come out next year: Journal of Adolescence , 34 , — Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54 6 , — Translation to Swedish by T. Kjellgren, A, Nordmarker, and T. Affective personality as cognitive-emotional pre-symptom profiles regulatory for self-reported health predispositions. Neurotoxicity Research , 14 , 21— Measuring psychological well-being in the Canadian study of health and aging.
International Psychogeriatrics , 13 , 79— See Garcia D, Siddiqui A. Journal of Happiness Studies , 10 , — Transparency document Transparency data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi: Appendix A Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi: National Center for Biotechnology Information , U.
Journal List Data Brief v. Published online Sep 4. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Network for Empowerment and Well-Being, Sweden.
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This is an open access article under the CC BY license http: This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Associated Data Supplementary Materials mmc2. Happiness, Negative affect, Positive affect, Psychological well-being, Temporal life satisfaction, Time perspective, Sweden.
- Associated Data!
- Resa genom ensamheten : svart blogg och det ljuva livet by Plura Jonsson.
- Ask The Weather Guys 2010.
Specifications Table Subject area Psychology More specific subject area Time Perspective, Temporal Satisfaction with Life, Negative Affect, Positive Affect, and Psychological Well-Being, Happiness Type of data Swedish version of the questionnaires and SPSS file How data was acquired Paper and pencil and through online survey distributed through Unipark Data format Analyzed, missing values imputed Experimental factors The study had a cross-sectional design Experimental features The main variables were time perspective, temporal life satisfaction, positive affect, negative affect, and psychological well-being Data source location Sweden Data accessibility Data is within this article and as Supplementary material.
Open in a separate window. Experimental design, materials and methods 2.
- Le polyhandicap au fil des saisons (Technologie de laction sociale) (French Edition).
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- Time perspective and well-being: Swedish survey questionnaires and data.
- Time perspective and well-being: Swedish survey questionnaires and data;
Statistical treatment We first conducted an independent t-test between the undergraduate and the gym groups using the background variables i. Om saker inte blir gjorda i tid, blir jag inte orolig. Helst skulle jag vilja leva varje dag som om den vore min sista. This documentation is hosted publicablly on read the docs: We owe a big acknowledgment to all TGAC staff that has been bored eternally with k-mers, you have all been incredible patient and supportive with us.
Thanks to Dan Sargent for the use of his P. Thanks to all the KAT early adopters users who have provided invaluable feedback on the tool in its early stages: And more recently, those from further afield who have contributed on github.

A big thanks to the author of jellyfish, Guillaume Marcais. Jellyfish is fantastic piece of software and is critical to enabling KAT to do what it does in an efficient and timely fashion. Last but not least a very special thanks to the Lab guys on their white coats, trying to make sense of all our comments, giving us better data each day and trying to get into our heads all the complex explanations for the biases and extra variability we were finding day after day. Navigation index next kat 2.
Detecting GC bias 4.