Joint Rolling 101
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- How to Roll a Joint?
The ability to roll a joint in seconds flat is not typically thought of as a "marketable skill", but for Dillin Morgan, it was. Welcome to Jen Tries, a semi-regular feature in which Free Press columnist Jen Zoratti will try something new and report back. Dillin Morgan teaches Jen Zoratti the art of joint rolling using catnip as a substitute for cannabis. Moss, I learn, is also a pretty good stand-in for the real deal; Tokyo Smoke has offered several Joint Rolling sessions at various pop-up events, including several in Winnipeg.
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- Step-by-Step Guide on Rolling the Perfect Joint (With or Without a Filter)!
- Step 1: Grind the Cannabis?
Just as there are many slang names for cannabis, there are many ways to consume it, but people are still reaching for an old-fashioned hand-rolled cannabis cigarette. People make up words all the time. You can roll a piff, roll an ooze, roll a wood, roll a jay, roll a fizz. The list goes on. Rolling a jay is harder than it looks.
Despite years of piano lessons and daily typing, I am not the most dexterous person. I am a hunt-and-peck texter, which is to say, I am not very good with my thumbs.
Cannabis joint rolling | Other | Winnipeg | Kijiji
Morgan, predictably, is an agile roller. I, meanwhile, feel like I have a Band-Aid on every finger. You need to fill the paper up enough, but not too much. You need to establish a good tuck before you can roll.
Step-by-Step Guide on Rolling the Perfect Joint (With or Without a Filter)
Like a veritable doob Goldilocks, you have to get things just right. Folding a little tray helps keep your product in, as does rolling in the optional cardboard filter. Dillin Morgan demonstrates how to roll a perfect joint. My first attempt is pretty good, according to Morgan. I roll a few more and they are Generally, joints are supposed to take on two shapes: But there are a few hallmarks of a really good joint.
Did you roll that?

I absolutely did not roll that. Being the Lisa Simpson I am, I make him grade the rest of my joints. Dillin Morgan and Jen Zoratti with their finished products.
Cannabis 101: How to roll a joint
The trick to all of this, he says, is to "take it easy. If you get a pack of rolling papers, you would need to keep them for a long period of time. In that kind of a situation, you should invest your money on a rolling paper protector as well. This will assist you to keep the papers away from tearing and bending.
Step 1: Grind the Cannabis
Once you have paper, you need to prepare marijuana. When you are preparing, you need to be careful enough to handle the flower heads with care. Otherwise, you would damage the delicate THC glands. It is better to use sharp scissors or a weed grinder in order to break up the bud.
If there are any leaves, stems or seeds, you should remove them before grinding. You must aim for an even grind because the larger buds tend to burn at a slower pace. Once you finish grinding, you can make the mix.
The next step that you should go through is to prepare the filter tip. This is just a piece of index card, which is being inserted to one end of the joint. The filter tip has the potential to keep your joint away from clogging up. Moreover, it can create a proper path for the smoke to flow in and keeps away the mix from falling out.