Identitätsfindung im Jugendalter (German Edition)
Nicht nur Partnerschaft, auch Gegnerschaft verbindet. Als Gagarin am Gagarin war gezielt als Weltraumpionier ausgesucht worden, weil er eine Vorzeigebiographie hatte. In seiner offiziellen, von zwei mit dem Ideologiejargon der Zeit bestens vertrauten Pravda -Redakteuren verfassten Autobiographie wurde Gagarins Himmelfahrt als Zeitreise eines vorbildlichen neuen Sowjetmenschen inszeniert, der vom altrussischen Heldenlied bis zu den epischen Romanen des Sozialistischen Realismus, von stalinistischen Liedern bis zu russisch-nationalen Opern und den Werken von Stefan Zweig auch einen kulturellen Kosmos erkundet:.
Nun war ich auf der Fahrt meines Lebens, auf dem Flug um den Erdball! Die Eroberung des Weltalls, der neue Eintrag in eine beeindruckende Chronik ununterbrochener Triumphe erschien damit als historischer Kristallisationspunkt und zukunftsweisende Quintessenz vergangener Heldentaten. Danach wandte er sich wieder der Luftfahrt zu und machte sich bald einen Namen als Rundfunk- und Fernsehkommentator. Mai , in der er die amerikanische Nation mit pathetischen Worten zum Mondflug aufrief. Im August gab der U. In dieser kulturpolitischen Umbruchsituation war Gagarin wahrlich ein Geschenk des Himmels.
Gagarin trieb Sport und ging als echter Naturbursche gerne fischen. Gagarin wurde nicht zur Schablone. Die Heldin der Sowjetunion hatte weiblich und adrett zu wirken, aber keinesfalls sexy. Tereskova trug darum lockere, moderne, aber stets hochgeschlossene und schlichte Kleidung. So wurde die erste Frau im Weltall einerseits gern im Trainingsanzug und vor technischen Apparaturen gezeigt, andererseits aber auch oft mit Kindern und Blumen abgebildet. In der sowjetischen Pressegeschichte war dies ein einmaliges Ereignis.
Lillian Hellman and August Wilson. Dramatizing a new American identity. An interpretive reading of Virginia Woolf's The waves. Identitet og frihed i John Fowles' romaner. Udgivelsesudvalget I kommission hos Studenterboghandelen. Killing the white man's Indian. The reinvention of Native Americans at the end of the 20th century. Gender, sexuality, and early music. En bok om identiteten. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association. Untersuchungen zu "Anton Reiser" und "Wilhelm Meister". Zur Bildung individueller u.
The return of German Jews and the question of identity. How to become a real man, a real woman, the real you, or something else entirely. On men, women, and the rest of us. The dream of the little elephant. The mind-brain identity theory. A collection of papers. Macmillan St Martin's P. Identity and identification in Cuban-American art.. Cambridge New York Paris: Representing mixed identities in the Americas, First and third person self-reference and problems of identity in three contemporary German-language novels.
Recompositions des espaces er mutations du politique. Penguin Books Australia Penguin Putnam. What philosophers say about you. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Gender in the theater of war. Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida. Ethnicity and the pathology of being in the plays of Johnson, Hurston, Childress, Hansberry, and Kennedy. Westminster John Knox Press. A life in two genders.
The future of nostalgia. Consciousness, life strategy, and migrancy in South Africa, Politics, gender, and genre: The political thought of Christine de Pizan. Writings on Black women of the diaspora. History, language, and identity. Ethnic and religious identity in modern Scotland. Culture, politics and football. In the middle of the Middle West.
Literary nonfiction from the heartland. Ethnicity, racism, and culture. A methodological review of developmental studies of identity conservation and equivalence conservation: Report from the Project on Children's Learning and Development. Creolisation discourses in Caribbean culture: The search for a new cultural identity. National Bolshevism Stalinist mass culture and the formation of modern Russian national identity, Cambridge, MA London, England: Mother, I have something to tell you. A comedy-drama in three acts. Queer fictions of the past. History, culture, and difference.
Mito, historia e identidad en el Canto general de Pablo Neruda. Coping with threatened identities. Changing European identities social psychological analyses of social change. Social psychological analyses of social change. Judith Butler's impact on feminist and queer studies. Diagnosis and treatment of the young male victim of sexual abuse. Essays over identiteit en zelfbewustzijn. Approaches to African identity.
Who should I be? Gay suburbia and the grammar of social identity. University of Chicago Press Ltd. A study in identity and survival. Painting gender, constructing theory. The Alfred Stieglitz Circle and American formalist aesthetics. Ethnic identity and equality: Varieties of experience in a Canadian city. University of Toronto Press. The new gay and lesbian musicology.
Essays on transnationalism, ethnicity, and identity. Gender in cross-cultural perspective. Upper Saddle River, N. Jewish identity politics and democratic theory. Jewish views on multiculturalism. Self and social identity. Race, sex, and gender in contemporary women's theatre. The construction of "woman". Essays on the modern identity.
The princess and the pauper. Diaspora, culture, and identity. Identity and distinction in Petrus Thomae, O. Aldershot, Hants, England Brookfield, Vt. Being Muslim the Bosnian way. Identity and community in a central Bosnian village. University of Illinois Press. Kikuyu gender norms and narratives. Understanding early adolescent self and identity.
Homoerotic writing after Race, criminal justice and identity. Cultural identity and educational policy. A union of multiple identities. The British Isles, c. Studies in autobiography, self, and culture. Hegel's philosophy of politics: Idealism, identity, and modernity. Dorothy Richardson's art of memory. The identity of man by J. Writing and sense of self. Identity negotiation in writing workshops. National Council of Teachers of English. Writing and sense of self: Seven stories about her. The unity of the mind. African-Americans and other myths.
Confusing racism with cultural diversity. How children develop their sex-role identity. A life of travels: University of Nevada Press. Ethnic impersonators and American identities. Peasants, primitives, and proletariats. The struggle for identity in South America. The Hague New York: New landscapes of identity. Minds, brains, and machines.
The Indian mixed-blood in American writing. University of Missouri Press. A search for identity. Picasso and the Spanish tradition. The literature of immigration and racial formation. Becoming white, becoming other, becoming American in the late Progressive Era. Ethnic and regional foodways in the United States: The performance of group identity. One book for life. Negotiating ethnicities in China and Taiwan. Social identity processes trends in theory and research.
Rhetoric, identity, and the radical imagination. Michigan State University Press. Playwrights Union of Canada. The Education of the practical theologian. Poetic identity in Guillaume de Machaut. Les vagabonds de l'Occident. Where these memories grow. History, memory, and southern identity. Resisting the politics of essentialism. Mexico in its novel. A nation's search for identity. Clothing and identity in the movies. Adorning the transnational body. Oxford, UK New York: The Jews of Moscow, Kiev, and Minsk: Macmillan in association with the Institute of Jewish Affairs.
The Jews of Moscow, Kiev, and Minsk. A space of his own. The gendered self in discourse. Rhetoric, metaphor, and social drama in Northern Ireland. Communities of faith sectarianism, identity, and social change on a Danish island. Jewish identity and community in contemporary Denmark. Young women and the individualization of identity. In search of a calling: The college's role in shaping identity. The search for existential identity.
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Stories from life-changing therapy. Crossing boundaries and changing identities. De ik's van nix. The quest for Tejano identity in San Antonio, Texas, The virtual subject in postmodern science fiction. Die Problematisierung der Kategorien race, gender und class. Black feminist thought and the politics of groups. L'homme et la femme: Who we are, how we live and what we want from life in the new South Africa.
Sex, gender, and citizenship in the early republic. Exploding the myths of male and female. Advances in identity and research. Identity and teacher learning. Embodiment, identity, and modernity.
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The truths and the myths about sexual orientation. Crises of desire and identity. Politics in the Andes. University of Pittsburgh Press. Ambivalence in the colonized subject. French and West Indian. Martinique, Guadeloupe, and French Guiana today. University Press of Virginia. Interaktion und innere Natur: Transnational television, cultural identity and change. New Delhi Thousand Oaks: A theory of identity, existence, and predication.
Discovering your real identity. Feminism and the subversion of identity. On the discursive limits of "sex". Archie the ugly dinosaur. Sociobiology of ritual and group identity. A homology of animal and human behaviour: Theory and identity in French literature. Canadian military professionalism the search for identity. Canadian Institute of International Affairs. New York Cambridge, Mass.: Princess in the spotlight. The loss of Canada. Riflessi del mondo interno. Per una lettura psicoanalitica del testo letterario. Creating a Latino identity in the nation's capital: Meanings of sex difference in the Middle Ages.
Medicine, science, and culture. Women and men in modern and contemporary Irish fiction. Gender and sexuality in twentieth-century women's sport. Gender and power in the plays of Harold Pinter. Gustave Caillebotte and the fashioning of identity in impressionist Paris. Finding common ground in difference. Culture, history, and the challenge of difference. Social theory and the politics of identity. The politics of transgenderism. Woman and gender in Renaissance tragedy. Frauen definieren sich selbst. The identity of Oedipus the king. Five essays on the Oedipus tyrannus..
Allegories of the body in Melville and Hawthorne. Presses universitaires de France. Reconstructing lives, recapturing meaning. Refugee identity, gender, and culture change. A life worth living. The autobiography of Lady Colin Campbell.. National deconstruction violence, identity, and justice in Bosnia.
Racial tensions and national identity. Gender and identity in Fielding's plays and novels. In search of female identity in Tibetan Buddhism. Experiences of identity in a globalising world. A question of national identity. Men, women and madness understanding gender and mental disorder. Language, identity and reality in the work of Christine Brooke-Rose.
Cambodian refugees' pathways to success. Developing a bi-cultural identity. Cal Cameron by day, Spider-man by night. Advertising and identity in Europe. The I of the beholder. Ce pays comme un enfant: Trends in theory and research. Universidad de Oviedo, Servicio de Publicaciones. The communication of social identities in American scenes. Tradizione e innovazione nella riproduzione sociale. Perception and personal identity. Press of Case Western Reserve University.
Aspetti metodologici e risvolti operativi di una ricerca pluridisciplinare: Whitman's drama of identity. Dayton, OH Watervliet, Dayton Ethnicity, race and nationality in the Caribbean. Frames and fictions on television. The politics of identity within drama. Exeter, England Portland, OR: Community, identity, and ideology social science approaches to the Hebrew Bible. Man and making--victim and vehicle. National History and Arts Council. George Orwell and the problem of authentic existence.
The influence of race and racial identity in psychotherapy. Toward a racially inclusive model. Racial identity theory applications to individual, group, and organizational interventions. Jake was a pirate. Who will tell my brother? Gender is not a synonym for women. Cultural and political identities in India. The crisis of identity. Studies in the Guadeloupean and Martiniquan novel. Play in three acts. From slumber to awakening: Culture and identity of Arab Israeli literati. University Press of America. Discurso, genero y mujer. The power of identity.
Understanding curriculum as racial text representations of identity and difference in education. Understanding curriculum as racial text. Representations of identity and difference in education. Multiculturalism and the demise of nationalism in Australia.
Castro y Castro, F. Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de la Mujer. Atheneum Books for Young Readers. Le retour des clans. Interrelations among Piaget's formal operations, Erikson's ego identity, and Kohlberg's principled morality. The dynamics of responsibility. Stars in her eyes. Mountains of the blue stone. Essays on regional history. Beyond sex and gender. Social identities and political cultures in Italy. Catholic, Communist, and Leghist communities between civicness and localism.
Identity formation of Vietnamese immigrant youth in an American high school. Dante and the grammar of the nursing body. University of Notre Dame Press. Congolezen over de kolonisatie. The last time I saw mother. A general model of preference and belief formation. Communal identity in India. Its construction and articulation in the twentieth century.
New Delhi New York: National identity in Indian popular cinema, In search of boundaries. Communication, nation-states, and cultural identities. Education and culture in industrializing Asia: The interaction between industrialization, cultural identity and education: Latin American identity and constructions of difference. Entre inclusion et exclusion: Identity and thought experiment. Industry of identity deficit and cannibalization of time matrices. The physiology of truth. Neuroscience and human knowledge.
- "Mein Selbst und ich - darf ich vorstellen?" : Identitätsentwicklung im Jugendalter.
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- Globalization, Meaning and Scope: A collection of essays on Globalization and its Impact.
A study in seventeenth-century identity. Kulturpsychologische und kultursoziologische Befunde zum Gebrauch von Massenmedien im Vorschulalter. Materializing the subject in Shakespeare. Fictions of the feminine in the nineteenth-century Spanish press. Editions Paulines Editions du Cerf. Reading and writing the nation in nineteenth-century Latin America. Woodrow Wilson Center Press. The strange and universal history of the Kumar of Bhawal. Self-image, identity, and nationality.
Self-images, identity, and nationality. The problem of personal identity. Profile of an unrepentant postcolonial collaborator. National identity as an issue of knowledge and morality. Bucharest, Romania Washington, D. Nationalism, identity, and insurgency in the Chicano movement in Los Angeles, Shakespeare, feminism, and gender. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York: Gender and sexuality in early modern writing. Girls reading fiction and constructing identity. Women, eating and identity. Modern woman in search of herself.
The girl who went and saw and came back. The house behind the cedars. Houghton, Mifflin and company. University Press of Mississippi. Social memory, identity, and death. Anthropological perspectives on mortuary rituals. Learning to be a man. Culture, socialization, and gender identity in five Caribbean communities. University of the West Indies Press. Knowing your place rural identity and cultural hierarchy. Racial categorization of multiracial children in schools. Colonial India and the making of empire cinema: Image, ideology and identity. Neurophilosophy and Alzheimer's disease.
Children in the city. Identity as performance in U. An exploration of overseas Chinese identity in the s. The politics of multiple belonging. Ethnicity and nationalism in Europe and East Asia. Family, gender, and community in Canada, Gendered strategies of authorship in Asian America. Of orphans and warriors: Inventing Chinese American culture and identity. Toward a unified science of the mind-brain. Young people in risk society. The restructuring of youth identities and transitions in late modernity.
Regendering the school story. Sassy sissies and tattling tomboys. Becoming and unbecoming white owning and disowning a racial identity. Becoming and unbecoming white: Rhetorical landscapes in America. Variations on a theme from Kenneth Burke. University of South Carolina Press. Racial identity in context. The legacy of Kenneth B. The plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. Sexual themes and dramatic representation. Manliness on trial in the rhetoric of the West. Southern Illinois University Press. Gendered writing in early modern England. Touaregs et autres Sahariennes entre plusieurs mondes: My journey through sexual identity.
Identity and the natural environment.
The psychological significance of nature. Claims, culture and identity in Aotearoa. A history of Saharan social formation and transformation. Interpretations of the Canadian character. Contested countryside cultures otherness, marginalisation, and rurality. Otherness, marginalisation, and rurality. Editions Loyola, Publications Canisius.
Editorial Reviews
The double and the other: Cubans in Puerto Rico: Ethnic economy and cultural identity. University Press of Florida.
- Raakvat-vrou vir Henk (Afrikaans Edition).
- "Kolumbus des Kosmos".
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- "Kolumbus des Kosmos" | Eurozine.
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Mind and identity in the modern South. An alternative anthropology of identity. Identity and diversity in British cultures. Anthropological perspectives on boundaries and contested values. Israel and the politics of Jewish identity. National identity and language in the eighteenth century. Transgressive identities in modern Ireland. The British and the others.
American modernity and Jewish identity. Religious stability and ethnic decline. Emerging patterns of Jewish identity in the United States: National variations in Jewish identity. Implications for Jewish education. Transgenderism and intersexuality in childhood and adolescence. The course of gay and lesbian lives. Social and psychoanalytic perspectives. As nature made him. The boy who was raised as a girl. The sacred and the profane.
Architecture and identity in the Maya Lowlands. Integrated identity for gay men and lesbians. Psychotherapeutic approaches for emotional well-being. Psychotherapy with homosexual men and women. Integrated identity approaches for clinical practice. Religion, identity, and change perspectives on global transformations. Religion, identity, and change. Perspectives on global transformations.
Tourism, diasporas, and space. Mujeres en busca de una nueva identidad. Race, class, nationality, and color. The African American search for identity. University of Queensland Press. Between Athens and Jerusalem. Jewish identity in the Hellenistic Diaspora. Jewish identity in the Hellenistic diaspora. Texts, power, and identity.
Rich and famous like my mom. Politics of identity in Serbia. Essays in political anthropology. Enacting gender on the English Renaissance stage. Rereading the Hemingway text. Remembering mother, finding myself. A journey of love and self-acceptance. The heroes of Castle Bretten. Explorations of regional identity from the pilgrims to the mid-twentieth century. An interview with John Conger: Secular identities contrasted with our identity in Christ. Locke on essence and identity. Shaping a professional identity: Stories of educational practice.
Democratic negotiations of political paradox. Historische Erfahrungen und aktuelle Debatten. Status and identity in West Africa: Self, social identity, and physical health. America, quest for identity. Erikson und die Psychoanalyse. Systematische Gesamtdarstellung seiner theoretischen und klinischen Positionen. Costume and identity in British cinema. My kind of people: Achievement, identity, and aboriginality. Lucia, Queensland, Australia Portland, Or.: The face on the milk carton. Whatever happened to Janie? Doubt and identity in romantic poetry. Rethinking equality and the value of difference.
A sense of belonging. Dilemmas of British Jewish identity. Weidenfeld and Nicolson in association with Channel Four Television. Racism, popular culture and Australian identity in transition a case study of change in school textbooks since Creating Africa in America.

Translocal identity in an emerging world city. Selves and others in society and scholarship. Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Femminile e maschile tra pensiero e discorso. Dipartimento di scienze filologiche e storiche. The case of Ethiopian Jewry. Magnes Press, Hebrew University. Images and origins of deaf families, deaf communities, and deaf identities. Social identities in uncertain times. Absent fathers, lost sons: The search for masculine identity.
Shambhala Distributed in the U. Freedom, identity, and rights. Making identities in a changing world. Consciousness and human identity. Le figure della disarmonia. Women, power, and resistance an introduction to women's studies. Buckingham England Philadelphia, PA: Women, power, and resistance: An introduction to women's studies. Marketing in a multicultural world: Ethnicity, nationalism, and cultural identity. The prince and the pauper. With a discussion of respect. Craft and social identity. The changing nature of maturity and identity.
Identity formation, agency, and culture. A social psychological synthesis. Social networks and social influences in adolescence. No ghost in the machine. Modern science and the brain, the mind, and the soul. A sense of self. The work of affirmation. University of Massachusetts Press.
Narratives of self knowledge and devotion to others. Narratives of self-knowledge and devotion to others. Language rights in French Canada. Americans, a collision of histories. Discourse, the body, and identity. Language, society, and the elderly: Discourse, identity, and ageing. Oxford, UK Cambridge, Mass.: Discourse and lifespan identity.
Gender and language in Chaucer. Territory, state, and society. Oxford, UK Malden, Mass. Social conflicts and collective identities. American national identity in the Hollywood western. London New York New York: Tauris distributed by St. Disguise and female identity in eighteenth-century fictions by women. A novel of Hollywood. Fashion and its social agendas. Class, gender, and identity in clothing. The performance of self. Ritual, clothing, and identity during the Hundred Years War. Origins of phobias and anxiety disorders. Why more women than men?.
Black youth on identity.