Ellies Math Adventure
She much preferred Ellie. The owner of the voice rushed up. It was a maid, who looked very flustered and out of breath. The King and Queen are very cross. The King and Queen were waiting impatiently for her in their favourite part of the royal garden. Their arms were crossed, and their faces looked even angrier than Ellie had expected. The normally smooth, green surface of the lawn was pockmarked with hoofprints.
Ellie resisted the temptation to snap back. She knew from experience that it would only make matters worse. The King was less convinced. Ellie bent down and ran her fingers round one of the holes in the grass while she tried to think of an explanation. Meg, the royal groom, had a horse of her own, but she was far too sensible to ride Gipsy in the garden. She had been lonely since her best friend had gone to visit her parents, who were working in some distant desert.
Life was much more exciting and fun when Kate was staying with her gran, the palace cook.
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That memory gave Ellie a flash of inspiration. Ellie promised that she would. Then she ran to the yard to check which of her ponies was missing.
To her surprise, none of them were. Moonbeam, Rainbow, Sundance and Shadow were all in their stables, happily munching hay. If there was no way her ponies could escape, there was no way they could do any damage.
Ellie's Utah Adventures
By the morning, her parents would probably have forgotten all about the mysterious hoofprints. Unfortunately, Ellie was wrong. A suggestion Noelle Donnelly Lauren obtains by Sandy a very nice neighbor. Just, Noelle is weird with Ellie, she tells her strange things and the girl is too scared for continuing to being tutored by her and she asks to her mom of suspending these lessons.
After all she has recuperated why continuing to see this nasty ad inopportune, maybe frustrated lady? Ellie doesn't reveal to her mom the reasons why she wants to interrupt these lessons, thinking that they're not important, after all. Noelle is too shocked when she understands that she is unwanted by Ellie.
Ellie's Math Adventure
Ellie removed her from her mind in the while and to Noelle this is another shock. She starts in the while to developing a horrible plan. And one day, with the promise of a book where she girl would have studied it happened the unimaginable Lauren the mom of Ellie re-starts to live a sort of life after Ellie's disappearance, because after a tragedy like this one life is different. She neglected her children and they abandoned their nest very soon, she neglected to cook after the disappearance of Ellie and children did it with passion and resignation all alone for their parents because the mom was somewhere else, lost in her thoughts, lost in her personal, private, impenetrable desperation that after all was the desperation of everyone else in the family.
She lost Paul, her husband with the time because the dialogue with her not anymore existent. He has a new companion. Lauren goes on although her new existence is more poor, less populated by people of the past and there are not a lot in the present because you don't want to see anymore a lot of people, you don't want to tell all the time what you spent in terms of tears and anger, and unanswered questions. Ten years after Ellie's disappearance one day Lauren receives a call from a police man.
They have found something. Ellie's bag and some remains of Ellie's body. Her baby eaten by wild animals or who knows Some weeks after the funeral of Ellie's poor remains, Lauren meets Floyd. She is 55 and her passion for him the one of a teenager.
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Sex is the most beautiful one she has had from a long while. Floyd the best man she could have dreamed to fall in love for and with. Wonderful, tender, in love, protective. He has two children: Sarah-Jade a model pretty singular but nice born thanks to a relationship ended a lot of time ago and Poppy, the nine years old daughter he had had from Noelle Donnelly.
At first Lauren doesn't see the coincidence with this name and the disappearance of her daughter, just They are so similar, in many ways. How can it be possible? It's the beginning of everything because the heart of a mom can't stop to search for the truth, because the truth is more important than the same life. When Lauren discovers with horror the connection between Noelle Donnelly, the tutor of her daughter with her boyfriend and the similarities between Ellie and Poppy she starts a personal research.
Interviews with Noelle Donnelly's relatives in the while disappeared without leaving traces, with her parents in Ireland, searching the lady in the net as well. Who was Ellie's tutor? Hanna, Ellie's sister will confess to her mom that Ellie didn't like that lady at all and that was why she wanted to suspend the lessons. Ellie, simply, for candor, thought that maybe it was better to avoid certain details to her mother, she kept certain thoughts expressed by her tutor for herself, although these details would have been vital considering what happened later.
A message of this book can be this one: A missing person is like a phantom and that's the scariest part of the tale. A disappearance leaves people astonished, shocked, without answer, without a body, and mainly without any kind of certainty and loads of questions. It's one of the biggest disgraces in this life compared to the one of losing a child. In this novel Lisa Jewell mixes superbly, dramatically well these two factors; the disappearance and the person disappeared: The complexity of what happens to Ellie while she decides to enters in the house of her tutor Noelle Donnelly for the promised book remind us at the case Fritz or Natascha Kampusch, in Europe kept segregated per years, mixing the story with elements of more recent horrifying stories as well.
It is terrible to read these pages but also interesting because we will seeing them reflected under the perspective lived by Noelle and Ellie. I don't want to reveal more.
Princess Ellie's Holiday Adventure
Floyd the man of a lot of secrets has been seen by Lisa Jewell as a character who at the end will choose for a drastic decision and a man he admitted is unable to love. In this sense I disagree because Floyd had immediately perceived that Noelle was a very bad mother for Poppy, and he did all his best for saving Poppy from a mother without maternal sense offering to growing her up with the tranquillity, decency that a baby must have, giving her the proper education Poppy is homeschooling a practice very appreciated by many families in UK considering also the intelligence of the baby and her potentialities and discovering at some point a truth that would have just let him decide to send Noelle and Poppy to hell giving up with everything, but A story of love and dedication.
Parents sometimes are not the biological parents but people who grow up children with love. The ones do take care for them, the people able to teach them the lessons of life, educating them, loving to spend time with them and the ones who will mark their existence forever. In this sense to me Floyd is a winner. And he loves, absolutely loves Lauren. The story with Noelle could be classified like the classic story of a man not in love for her, but searching in the while physical pleasure and company.

Sure there are extreme gestures lived by Floyd but dictated by very severe reasons and completely unwanted. I would have seen at the end more "mercy" and understanding and a happiest end. Floyd has been another victim to my point of view of a great manipulator like Noelle is. But, said this, these ones are just personal ideas, I can tell you that this book is a winning one. The end is spectacular because can writes the words: Ellie and it is so touching.