Eight Wild Nights: A Family Hanukkah Tale
Donec ligula diam, auctor tempus, convallis ut, ultricies eget, massa. Duis rutrum, diam id gravida consectetur, justo augue pellentesque velit, sit amet scelerisque nunc erat vel sapien. Vestibulum hendrerit pellentesque metus. Mauris tempor nunc at sapien. With humor and rhyme, a Jewish family celebrates and survives the eight days of Hanukkah.

Every Jewish family will relate to this roller coaster of joys and adventures as an assortment of relatives and friends descends on the household. Thanks for visiting us!
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Eight Wild Nights: A Family Hanukkah Tale
Silver Tones Ornate Star Neckalce. Leather Israeli Jeweled necklace. Through this touching story, young children are encouraged to discover and treasure their own uniqueness and to actively look for special qualities in others beyond race or culture. A large mouse family joyfully celebrates Hanukkah. Includes information on the the history and some of the traditions of this holiday.
Our Eight Nights of Hanukkah
For the first time since her grandfather's death, Rachel feels close to him as she and her grandmother celebrate Hanukkah with the simple menorah that he had made many years ago. During a scarlet fever epidemic one winter in Michigan, a Jewish family helps make Christmas special for their sick neighbors by making their own Hanukkah miracle.
Based on a memory from the author's childhood. Rosen ; illustrated by Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson. At Christmas-Hanukkah time, a Christian woodcarver gives a carved angel to a young Jewish friend, who struggles with accepting the Christmas gift until he realizes that friendship means the same thing in any religion. Rosie's grandmother wears her clothes inside out to remind herself to buy oil for making latkes at Hanukkah.
Includes a recipe for potato latkes. Rouss ; illustrated by Katherine Janus Kahn. After having watched the Shapiro family celebrate the different nights of Hanukkah, Sammy Spider finds that in the end he gets to share the holiday with them. The return of the Golem: The Golem, a clay man made by the Rabbi, saves a small village synagogue from some evil creatures from outer space. The tie man's miracle: On the last night of Chanukah, after hearing how an old man lost his family in the Holocaust, a young boy makes a wish that is carried to God as the menorah candles burn down. A mysterious visitor rewards a poor family for showing him hospitality on the fifth night of Chanukah.
Schuman After the Zalcman family immigrates to Grand Forks, North Dakota, they are welcomed by the local Jewish community and celebrate their first Chanukah on the prairie. Two young brothers wonder how much money they will receive from their relatives for Hanukkah. The power of light: A Hanukkah evening in my parents' house. Includes the Hanukkah legend. A wise, understanding grandfather helps Robin, a Jewish child, cope with Christmas; not an easy task when even Sandy, who is also Jewish, is allowed to have a Christmas tree and Robin can't have one.
Includes the song "O Chanukah" and a recipe for latkes. Adler ; [illustrated by] Kevin O'Malley. When the rabbi tells Mendel to get a table for the Chanukah menorah, Mendel makes the task more difficult than it should be. Adler ; illustrated by Joan Halpern. In the foolish town of Chelm, Berel the shoemaker attempts to duplicate the secret recipe of Malke's potato pancakes, but his wife's interference makes his plan go awry.
Adler All about Hanukkah -- Hanukkah stories -- Hanukkah fun. Adler ; illustrated by Linda Heller. Discusses how the celebration of Hanukkah came about, what it signifies, and the ways in which it is celebrated today.
The numbers 1 through 8 introduce various facts about the feast of Chanukah. Discusses why and how Hanukkah is celebrated and includes recipes, songs, and instructions for playing with a dreidel. Retells the story of Hanukkah and explains its symbols by describing high points in Jewish history, worship, and culture. Describes how people in Billings, Montana joined together to fight a series of hate crimes against a Jewish family.
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Describes the traditional celebration of Chanukah, including the lighting of candles on the menorah, the eating of latkes, and the spinning of the dreidl. Introduces the history, customs, rituals, foods, games, and gifts associated with the Festival of Lights and includes recipes, crafts, and puzzles for celebrating the Jewish holiday.
Retells the Biblical story that is celebrated in the feast of Hanukkah. Judah who always said, "No! Feder ; illustrated by Katherine Janus Kahn. Brave Judah, a leader in the resistance to the changes a Greek king tries to force upon the Jews of Jerusalem, takes part in a stunning victory celebrated today as Hanukkah. During Hanukkah, Gila counts candles, chocolate coins, and apples and finds things with different shapes and colors.
Holidays Around the World: Presents the history, traditions, and significance of Hanukkah as it is celebrated by a Jewish family in San Francisco. Kimmel ; illustrated by Emily Lisker.