
Welcome to Sarnia (Planet Sarnia Book 1)

This time of year was easy on a farmer. Just tend to the issues, as and when he found them, trimming or culling for the compost pile, nutrition, weeds, insects, shading, and harvesting unneeded greens. Fa looked about the multiple crops growing in the greenhouse. The interaction under glass of all the different species made for a fascinating place to work. And, unlike being outside where every extra bit of attention had to be paid to the lookout in the watchtower or on low spots in the terrain where an oekket or crackbone might fly in unobserved, here he could think about his two projects as he worked.

Returning to that very occupation, Fa let his mind wander over the possibilities of the new ullucu crossbreed he had developed.

Samples from ‘Welcome to Sarnia’

More importantly, the new variety of mashwa he had stumbled over might really be a helpful mutation. If he could breed it to continue to shorten its growing season, he would really have something, he mused. Mashwa was a hardy plant that needed little attention and could easily be planted outdoors and throve with only occasional visits.

  1. ;
  2. Enrique Ponce (Biografías) (Spanish Edition).
  3. OMG! Is This Actually My Life? Hattie Moores Unbelievable Year!.

The trouble with it was it took so long to mature that at higher elevations winter arrived before the plant produced much to harvest. But I just might have a mutation that can avoid that, thought Fa.

  • Book Covers;
  • Books to Come!
  • Welcome to Sarnia (Paperback).
  • Rise Of Champions: How To Overcome The #1 Deadliest Mistake Which Keeps Anyone From Becoming The Champion God Has Called Them To Be.
  • .
  • La Carpeta Móvil (Spanish Edition)!
  • Needs more work, more breeding development, but there is a good chance it can be improved. Foreman Akira Driver reviewed his work order mat, self-lit with the usual greenish glow for underground work by the phosphorescent bacteria soaked onto the mat. Yes, just as the Rodholder had reminded him earlier in the day, the various knotted strings attached to the large four by six foot mat hanging on the work tripod contained the detailed specifications for this construction job.

    A job that was progressing nicely, knew the Foreman. Oh as usual when faced with learning something new, the rootaurs had struggled to learn new skills. One always had to be patient as they slowly mastered new skills or a new working environment.

    But his crew had been cheerful enough and certainly dedicated to the project itself, constructing a proper Hall for their new Taryn. Not only had he not had to put much effort into motivating his crew, he had, on occasion, been forced to quiet them down, channeling the high sensed spirit of excitement into accomplishing the many tasks of construction. They had done well though. They had made solid progress turning the basic passageways and inner caverns turned over to them by the trenchers Foreman into useful living spaces. First priority had been the extensive growing ground. It was complete now with the newly planted valaika tubers flourishing, the nutritious tendrils dangling row by row from the ceiling throughout the garden.

    There would be enough to eat for the Taryn and her young and then some, thought the Foreman. The Taryn must be planning on multiple batches of youngsters if she thought that much valaika was necessary. A different work crew had planted the huge crop in the garden. A crew that would carry on trimming and selectively harvesting tendrils, as needed. The Foreman returned his attention to the work order mat hanging in front of him.

    Book Covers - Planet Sarnia

    He needed to know just where the freshly delivered bronze fittings were to be installed. Return to Top Rangers Cliff The two women shared the view from the Li family farmstead perched in all its glory just under the top of the southward facing cliff at Rangers Cliff. Return to Top Everyday Life Farmer Fa Chan straightened from his task of weeding and spraying the central section of the greenhouse and took a moment to stretch.

    Return to Top Sarnians Foreman Akira Driver reviewed his work order mat, self-lit with the usual greenish glow for underground work by the phosphorescent bacteria soaked onto the mat. Located at the junction of the Orion and Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, Sarnia is also near the junction of three space faring empires. Previous events have left Terrans living on the planet dealing with life amongst six other intelligent races. For Sarnia host's three intelligent indigenous species, who are unwillingly sharing their native world with two other species imprisoned there, while being administered by another alien species that has been hired by yet another, Sarnia's current rulers, alien species.

    For those interested in plot, the Planet Sarnia series has a large, multi-threaded plot that plays out over the entire nine book series.

    Welcome to Sarnia

    The storytelling is very good, with the tale freely flowing from section to section, in a very readable and entertaining manner. What happened to the Terrans living on Sarnia? Please visit the Planet Sarnia website for more information. Located at the junction of the Orion and Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, Sarnia is also near the junction of three space faring empires. Previous events have left Terrans living on the planet dealing with life amongst six other intelligent races.

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    The nine book Planet Sarnia series examines the interactions of the various species over the period of a few quite interesting years on Sarnia. For those interested in plot, the series has a large, multi-threaded plot that plays out over the entire nine book series as well as a tale related by each book in its turn. The storytelling is very good, with the tale freely flowing from section to section, in a very readable and entertaining manner.

    And there are many interesting characters, Terran and alien, for the reader to come to know. For more information about life on the planet known as Sarnia please visit www. What happened to Terrans living on Sarnia?