The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank: Inside Psychoanalysis
The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank: Inside Psychoanalysis
Then they sought a guarantee by aligning themselves with medicine, the perceived uncastrated masters, thus reproducing their position of impotence in relation to a master. The significance of this moment, which is a logical moment, is precisely the recognition of castration: It is the recognition of the operation of castration that will allow the analysand to act in accordance with his desire.
Desire, which the will opposes and masks. The end of an analysis is marked by a shift from a position of impotence to one of impossibility. However, the position of impotence is one of constant frustration and envy, the epitome of neurotic misery.
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The recognition of desire is founded on the recognition of a loss that sustains desire as, among other things, the possibility of a substitution, of something else in place of the lost object, in place of the neurotic hope for the return of the lost object.
But one is tempted to punctuate in the margin, but are they anything else? Certainly any attempt at developing an organizing structure is contingent and risks failure; the history of psychoanalysis is littered with failed attempts at creating a truly psychoanalytic association, the worst failures having been the most successful bureaucracies! If the attempts have failed it is because they are confronted with a structural impossibility, but paradoxically, it is only the recognition of that impossibility that offers a possibility of a successful outcome.
If an association of psychoanalysts is to sustain the relation of its members to psychoanalysis, it must somehow account for the impossible. An organization that derives its coherence on the basis of a phantasm of an omnipotent master can only result in an impasse, consigning its members to futility and impotence. It was not until about 16 years after the initial appearance of the life-threatening illness that threw his followers into disarray that Freud finally succumbed to his cancer on September 23, Barely more than one month later, on October 31, , Otto Rank died from a sudden, rapidly progressing illness, perhaps an infection or a reaction to medication he was taking for kidney problems.
The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank: Inside Psychoanalysis
His last reported remark: Le Transfert dans tous ses eratta, Paris: Psychoanalytic Quarterly , pp. I , London, UK: Jokes and their relation to the unconscious. Group psychology and analysis of the ego. The self and the object world. International Universities Press, Inc. The life and work of Sigmund Freud vol. The other side of psychoanalysis: The language of psychoanalysis. Otto Rank psychologist and philosopher Vienna— New York.
Retrieved May, from http: On human symbiosis and the vicissitudes of individuation. Jacques Lacan et la question de la formation des analysts. The first year of life. Martin Winn is a Lacanian psychoanalyst practicing in New York.

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Project MUSE - The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank
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Inside Psychoanalysis by E. Freud himself eventually wrote to Rank: On his website dedicated to Otto Rank, Leiberman has noted that: Freud too is constantly wary in the same vein; Lou Andreas-Salome writes in her diary: He is the editor of A Psychology of Difference: The American Lectures of Otto Rank.
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It is comprehensive, academic, and a must for those are historians of the era, historians of psychoanalysis, or those simply curious about the men who started a revolution in mental health. Inside Psychoanalysis, focuses on the early career of Otto Rank, as one of Freud's most gifted disciples.
A gem of a book. Suited to a broad audience, the book is not at all obscure. A source on which readers will continue to draw.
The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank
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