Portrait of Marcia Ball
It's too easy just to let things slide. Shine Bright is the kind of record that makes one want to reach out to others, to take off one's headphones and listen to the people in the street, look at what's happening on the flyers on the kiosks, try that restaurant that always has a line of smiling people waiting outside the door, and just do something one has been putting off for too long. It's a kick in the butt, in a sexy sort of way. Progressive rock titan Neal Morse releases a new album with his band in January, but you can get a preview now.
The year in song reflected the state of the world around us. Here are the 60 songs that spoke to us this year.
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Barry Jenkins' If Beale Street Could Talk is a thought-provoking tale of both love and injustice, and in working with Moonlight composer Nicholas Brittell, the two find compelling musical motifs from unexpected places. Short Stories columnist Jenny Bhatt presents the finest of this year's short stories collections from a wide range of authors that have no fear of pushing the boundaries.
Juno-winning Canadian songwriter Dan Mangan's love of his influences and peers has lead him to craft something quite joyous: This is no scene or collective. These artists have reached their limit in all directions, back into traditions and forward into uncertain futures. Well into her 30s, silent film star Mary Pickford was the waif-iest waif in film history, and the number of convincing variations she wrung on this theme is remarkable. Richard Tognetti reflects on synergising music and film with the cello-like voice of narrator Willem Dafoe in his work for Jennifer Peedom's gorgeous documentary, Mountain.
Popmatters is wholly independently owned and operated. Related Articles Around the Web. The 60 Best Songs of The year in song reflected the state of the world around us. The Many Sounds of Love: The 12 Best Collections of Short Stories columnist Jenny Bhatt presents the finest of this year's short stories collections from a wide range of authors that have no fear of pushing the boundaries.
Because why would I name a band 'Chicken Lips'?
It is husband Gordon Fowler's paintings, however, scattered hither and yon, that win the eye's gaze. His work bears the instantly recognizable touch of a professional. Over 6 feet tall in heels, "Her Tallness," as Ball is affectionately called on her Web site www. The touring will take her to Europe at least twice before is out, she and her band having been there twice this year already.
The knife she holds cuts easily through cold chicken breast. A shock of white hair bursts out of her otherwise dark, sleek hair. She's oh so slender, but carries herself with a refinement that's in no way intimidating, especially to her dog Sonny Boy Williamson. The Australian shepherd is Ball's most devoted subject, especially when food's involved. I did name them. The young singer talked her way into sitting in with the band, which included a college student named Bobby Earl Smith.
Three weeks later, she and Smith had a new band: That was , and the cloud of cosmic dust kicked up by the insurgent folkies in cowboy hats soon settled onto a scene alternately called progressive country and redneck rock. The Firedogs weren't so much cosmic as they were a bell-bottomed bag of folk, folk blues, country blues, country rock, and rock.
The Firedogs' legend was born just in time to be forever associated with progressive country. After the Firedogs recording fiasco, Ball joined a traditional country band called the Bronco Brothers. They didn't applaud; they wanted to dance; they wanted Top I played obscure traditional and electric stuff. It wasn't as musically or personally satisfying to be in that band. And I wasn't the star.
I was the chick singer. Ball had another reason for wanting to play close to home, one she hadn't shared with her new band: Ball also recorded a single that sang volumes about her developing style. One side featured Patsy Montana's "I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart," the first song by a woman to sell a million copies on the country charts.
And I like the clothes better. I didn't want the cowboy shirts; I wanted spangles and high heels. Capitol Records signed her and released the country-flavored Circuit Queen in , but her heart wasn't in singing about rodeos and big rivers. Already, Ball was polishing her Professor Longhair and working the boogie-woogie sound she'd always loved into her songwriting. The harmonious weave of both country and Bayou boogie in Ball's repertoire was natural given her "dual citizenship. Marcia Mouton was born Texan by circumstance and grew up Louisianan by luck.
The Moutons were musical by heritage. Her grandfather founded the Breaux Bridge town band, her grandmother played piano, and her father played baritone sax in the Vinton town band. It's hard to believe that I ever graduated from UT. My group always followed the band where ever they played. I haven't heard you sing since those great days in Austin. I plan to see you now that I know where to get your booking information.
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Great set, wonderful weather, lovely setting could not have been more Louisiana, with the Spanish Moss hanging from the big oak trees Your version of Randy Newman's "Louisiana" made my day, as I have recently relocated here from the Bay Area where you used to smoke at Slims regularly Pretty funny comment from the stage, "Watch out, it's a zoo out there! And yeah you're right, you got your "Soulful Dress", bro I am so glad it worked out for me to celebrate with my girlfriend, down from NYC.
SHE was thrilled 'cuz she got her two favorites from "Sing It! All in all, it was just a great day Thanks to you and the band!!!! I tried unsuccessfully to express my thanks after the show. Thanks very much for the music. I just was totally knocked out when you used to do that at Tramps--one of the most beautiful things I ever heard. Do you still ever do this? If so any shot of you recording this? Stay well, see you from the front row next time! Not a drop of rain - the sky was as clear as a bell or should I say Ball.
Thanks for a wonderful time. I believe I have all of your CDs. You were just as great in person as you are on your CDs. My only regret is that you weren't higher up on the stage so I could see you clearly for each song. Keep up the great music. I certainly does give me the "jazz" I need in my life!
My wife and I have seen her perform 3 times, and each time she has knocked our socks off. The 2nd time we saw her -- at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach -- we arrived early to eat dinner, and ended sitting next to Marcia and the band, getting to meet and talk to her at length. Besides providing waaaaay more than your money's worth in performance, the woman actually appreciates her fans!
I know you're not going to be there, but hopefully you can tell me what clubs I should check out. We have seen you numerous times at Jazzfest as well as in Nashville and Knoxville.
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I know your first visit was not under ideal circumstances the sound system was acting up but you and Don and the band just smiled and played through it We just saw Gary Nicholson there two weeks ago for his new CD release party You should pick up the new CD You know the band from Delbert's cruise. Anyway, hope all is well, and if you can help me with where to go in Austin that would be great. Look forward to hearing from you, and also a new CD.

This is a birthday present to my mother for her 70th - Marcia is her favorite!! Everyone in Pensacola is excited about having her here and we intend to blow the roof off! Can't wait to see you Marcia and band! Thanks for making this a memorable one for Mom. Concert version of "Play with your Poodle" put me on the floor You sho can "work it" Girl, still, and with style and grace to boot! Been following you since the Lucile's days in Denison, Texas, and you have only gotten better.
Enjoyed you last night, even in such a sterile situation as a college auditorium. Hope to catch you again real soon! Maybe the Blues Cruise? The show was spectacular, and the band rocked. I requested my favorite song I look forward to seeing her whenever she returns to the northeast. Thanks for a great night. One of the best shows I have ever seen! I've heard Etta sing it and many others but it truly was an experience to hear Marcia sing it! You got a new fan! When she comes North, we try to catch her show once a year.
The new material was great, and we are looking forward to a new CD. Twice in one year--a bonus!! I never liked that type of music until I saw you perform it live. You took a great picture with my little girl and husband. Thank you for your hospitality and kindness. My son is very musically gifted and so is my daughter. It was nice for her to see a woman perform instead of all my son's friends, which are boys.
Can't wait to see you live. Gabriel, Red Beans and others. Great voice singing the blues! Thank you, telling everyone I know about this album. I'm 61 and say it's never too late to learn something new. It was by far the best show I have ever seen at that venue- she rocked the house!! She was kind enough to play a special request and dedicated "Power of Love" for my birthday- it was truly a work of art. She was unbridled music at its finest and the whole band just filled the air with energy- fantastic!!
I have not been as moved by, nor enjoyed a Blues concert so thoroughly, since seeing Muddy Waters in concert at Saratoga Performing Arts Center in the early 's. Great show, great band, a piano player without peer. Since then I've learned to hack it up on three different instruments, been in two atrocious bands, lived thru nine Jazz and Heritage Festivals both weekends , partied on four Sandy Beaches Cruises, and spent a career's worth of free time and expendable cash on music related adventures.
I've thought about it, I can't pick a best or favorite artist. What I got is a list of six or seven equals. There are lots of days and nights when Marcia is just a bit more equal than all the rest. By the way, SBC usually has about half my list on board Best wishes to all Marcia fans I visited New Orleans in and saw Marcia Ball performing there!
I was sold to her first time I saw her! She is such a good live performer and such vivid music! It's a shame that she doesn't tour Europe or Netherlands! Anyway maybe a nice detail is that I am now in a band and we are called " Red Beans " just amateurs. We don't play as good as Marcia Anyway, keep up making this fantastic music!
Greetings from a Dutch fan. I noticed that you were in Cedar Rapids earlier this month and am thrilled that my hometown got to have the Marcia Ball experience. Keep swingin' that leg! They're gonna wash us away, indeed And Pat Boyack is about as Texas as it gets! Great show, as usual I was completely blown away.
USA - Monday, July 24, at Your talent is huge. You have wonderful and magic fingers. Please, come to South America as soon as you can. Here's hoping you're back in KC at the Grand Emporium soon. Please come back again! Miss you in the mountains!