Full Cast and Crew. The Golden Age of Animation Part 1: Movies Watched Part I. Share this Rating Title: Noah's Lark 5.
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Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? In all the segments, the animation is very well done, with vibrant colouring, crisp beautiful backgrounds and convincing movements for the characters. The music is not only catchy it is actually memorable as well, with an instantly hummable main theme.
The scripts and humour are witty and hilarious. - Wikipedia
Particularly in "Noah's Lark". As are the situations no matter how silly they are the characters get into. This all springs from a great concept, some shows have a great concept but don't live up to it. The characters are immensely likable with unique personalities, with no exception.

The Warners are endearing and with great comic timing and Chicken Boo and the "Noah's Lark" characters likewise. Summing up, great episode.
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Full Cast and Crew. Season 1 Episode Noah was described in Genesis 6: Some of the most powerful prayers I have ever heard have come from our young children, who speak to God with no pretensions, just purity of heart. Noah, with his blameless heart, would have had plenty to talk about with God while floating away in unfamiliar waters.
Noah's Ark
Did they ever fight, argue, or disagree? With no organized sports of any kind, what did the men find to talk about? One thing is for certain, with all of that time alone together, these people were forced to communicate. They must have developed real relationships, simply by spending time together, talking, and learning how to get along. As time passed, Noah and his family would have to think about the fact that they had a limited amount of food. I have noticed that our kids always show up at the table for meals, fully expecting that food will be provided for them.
Cartoons in Wakko's Body/Noah's Lark/The Big Kiss/Hiccup
They depend on the fact that their parents will supply their demand. I have a hard enough time falling asleep when there is a cricket chirping in the house, so how in the world did they sleep with all of those animals on the ark?
They would have learned to get peaceful in order to get any sleep at all. Short of banging a gong, I was making as much noise as I could to wake him, but to no avail. In fact, he was sleeping so peacefully that he would have slept very well on the ark. Never before had rain poured from the sky and flooded the earth and it never has since then.