
My True Ghost Stories

Orthodox union

Was I talking to "air"?? The House Was Strange Investigation of my house Sir Willy, our poltergeist. My cousin's house haunted Imaginary friend? Help From A Stranger. House, Ghost, or Spirit? Reasons To Visit Conneticut: Doppelganger of my mother. Wanting to talk to a visiting ghost? Harlan County Kentucky a.

Bloody Harlan somebody watching over me? The strange Occurances Rotten. Jennie Wade house, Gettysburg Pennsylvania. My OBE, a synopsis: One time our house had guests For all that dident read this The house we almost rented. Voices from beyond or Schizo? Is my house haunted? Seance III The final trip to the cemetary! Be careful what you ask for Reese's Peace The Haunted Bombshelter? Have you ever had one?

Shabbat Shalom

Is it a Ghost Now? Voices heard in cemetery. What the scariest, you've ever been? My Mom's Haunted home Hi. Got some stories, too! My old apartment and questions about research A little advice would be nice For me its normal This is a little embarrassing but Her father-back from the dead? Held non verbal conversation with ghost.


It can happen in the Amish area too What are these???? An attack by a nature spirit, as requested Family Curse --Update Ok I best tell my story. The last Ouija Banshee calls again! My first haunted house. This happened to me a few years ago during the Hungry Ghost Festival. Walking past an altar, I briefly wondered why it had offerings of Yakult, toys, and biscuits on the floor — then remembered that these offerings were meant to appease young spirits.

+ Ghost Stories To Read In The Dark | Thought Catalog

I moved on and never thought about it again. During an afternoon nap on the same day, I had a vivid dream about two kids trailing behind me as I was walking home. As the lift began its ascent, I could see two ghostly faces staring at me from behind through a reflection on the glass windows. They looked normal, except for one thing: We have unfinished business. Till today, I avoid breaking any Seventh Month superstitions. I had to pop into the office to run an errand on a Saturday and as I was packing my stuff, I caught a sudden whiff of perfume — a strong, sickly-sweet floral scent, as if there was somebody standing beside me.

BUT there was nobody around and the AC was switched off. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I left quickly after that. In Malay urban legends, unexplained floral scents are associated with the presence of a pontianak, or a vampiric female spirit. It definitely gave me the chills though. It was 3 am. I was up doing god knows what. I happened to look out the window it was slightly ajar. I saw a huge white cloth floating by my window. It was human sized. I had dinner in a restaurant which faces the forest in Ubud. I saw the same thing flying from tree to tree.

This happened to my brother. When he was sleeping, he felt a weight on his body and as his eyes drifted open, he saw a figure with long hair sitting on his body and looking right at him.

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Urban legends esp in Singapore have it that when you smell the sweetness of Periwinkle or Frangipani, a nightmare is near think of it as a Lord Voldy. I thought I saw something white in the corner of my eye outside of the window. Went back to bed, and woke up like I literally shot upright — 90deg and all at 3am sharp, according to my clock due to a strong deodorant-like smell.

I thought it was me, so I sniffed my armpits thinking I went overboard with my Nivea roll-on, but nope. I sniffed around the room, but to no avail. And like a total fool, I not only took photos of an offering, but Instagrammed it.

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  • I even hashtagged it. Even more stupidly, I did my Instagramming at home, when it was late at night and I was the only person in our apartment still awake. I was sitting on the sofa while I did this, and out of nowhere heard the sound of little bells jingling — as if a cat with bells on its collar was coming from our back door, through the kitchen and down our hallway. And there was nothing there. For some reason every time I sleep next to a window to be specific: It was especially bad when I was living in an ulu part of Pasir Ris.

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    • A friend of my mom came over to our house one day for dinner and while my mom was showing her around the house, she stopped at my room where I was reading on the bed which was next to the window. I thought it was a weird question and said that it was because I liked having the sun in my face in the morning. What she said next was weirder: She told me to put a side table as a buffer between the bed and window and everything would be fine. Strangely, things started to improve. When we moved out, I asked my mom about the encounter and what her friend saw.

      I stared at it hard on the 4th time I had woken up from bad dreams and but saw nothing. After getting my husband to lower the blinds, I slept fine! Everyone went to bed early that night and I was the only one awake at 11pm. The view of my dining room and kitchen were facing the dense vegetation which was pitch black. As soon as I was done with my meal, I brought my plate to the kitchen to wash up. As I was washing up, a strong gush of wind blew in the kitchen window. Dry leaves started flying in the kitchen and I immediately closed the window with my wet hands.

      I wiped my sweat and continued washing up.

      My Ghost Story - The Dark Spirit