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- The Great Night - Wikipedia?
- The Born to Run: Racing Greyhound, from Competitor to Companion.
He may get his chance, for Titania is collapsing under grief. Boy, a changeling brought in by Oberon to amuse her and for whom she felt the first maternal feelings of her immortal life, has died of a very human disease, leukaemia. Consumed by the pain of her loss, Titania makes a terrible mistake and tells Oberon she never loved him. Furious, he abandons her and shows no signs of returning.
The Great Night by Chris Adrian - review
But perhaps if Titania releases Puck, who the other faeries refer to as the Beast, then Oberon will have to return to enslave him again. But it isn't only faeries in the park this night. Three heartbroken humans are also lost within its confines. Henry is finally loosening some of the bonds of his paralysing obsessive-compulsive behaviour, but too late to save his relationship with his beloved Bobby.
The Great Night
Molly, meanwhile, shows no signs of recovery from the suicide of her boyfriend Ryan two years previously. Haunted by the scars of her upbringing, she considers it a small victory to have even come out of the house this warm summer evening. Finally, Will, a tree surgeon, is hoping that the party he's heading to will include Carolina, who left him after his own infidelity. He's desperately seeking some way, somehow to get back with her.
These three are connected in unexpected ways and all have been previously touched by the magic that's about to unfold in all its terrible glory. And what would a Midsummer Night's Dream homage be without Mechanicals? A group of five homeless people are in the park, too, trying — for reasons too complicated to quite explain here — to put together a musical version of Soylent Green.
Puck, seizing a chance for exquisite torture, "marries" Titania to a homeless man, forcing her to stage the musical in impossibly grand fashion. But is there a way to stop Puck before he eats the entire world? And what might it cost? Again, this all may sound like unbearable whimsy, but Adrian is such a forceful, potent writer that this non-realistic world commands its own searing, tangible realism on the page.
For this isn't only a novel about magic and faeries, it's a novel about grief and loss and heartbreak.

How, Titania wonders, can she continue to exist when Boy's death "has taken all the love from the world"? How indeed, when the only answer, as one character puts it, is that it "won't be all right, not exactly, not ever. But it will be a little better soon. Daz, is the fourth member of the gang who is described as the eternal pessimist of the group. He's the first to pull Hodge up on his sometimes questionable fashion sense, and the first to put a negative on a situation.
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He often performs strange actions, such as climbing on the roof of a house in episode 2 and claiming it was 'tranquil'. Walters describes his character as " Hodge's wife Kath often has the final say with Hodge, who is intimidated by her, but they really do love each other. She works a stressful job at the local bowling alley during the day and many of Hodge's poor choices and mistakes in the evening.
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Stanton says of her character, "I play Mrs Hodge. It says in the script that I wear the trousers. I like to think it's more the shirt and tie and trousers and jacket". Naomi Bentley plays Colleen, Daz's long-suffering girlfriend. They share a very On-again, off-again relationship , and no-one can understand why they are still together. Bentley describes Daz and their on-screen relationship as: They're like that couple that everyone knows - you can't understand why they're still together because one minute they're on, the next they're off and it's really passionate.
Whether it's off or on they commit to whatever state they're in, so it's quite volatile. When we first meet them they're very much off. She shares a flat with an incompetent roommate Bev Isy Suttie , who does not get along with Daz. The female trio is completed by Christine Bottomley who plays Julie, a nurse and Glyn's love interest. Glyn's high school crush, she is now a gorgeous young single woman who seems to be out of his league.
Following a chance meeting at a nightclub a will-they-won't they relationship ensues. Julie visibly finds Glyn attractive and refreshing, but their relationship takes time to develop. Bottomley says of her character: That was a challenge for me to play. Julie is a warm character and instantly loyal". Warren is the landlord of the Admiral Nelson Pub and will do anything he can to keep the boys coming in and spending money.
A father figure who nurses a secret admiration for the four leads, he also enjoys playing pranks on them and participating in banter. In an effort to draw customers and make more money, Warren has quiz nights and bingo, like other local pubs. Tomlinson describes Warren as "a know-all landlord who does anything he can to get them boys coming in He enjoys playing pranks on them and kidding around but his main purpose it to get them to spend as much money as possible".
Pam is Beggsy's Mum and her sole objective is to ensure her son's happiness. The perfect mum, until she realizes she could make herself happy if she had a man. Now her goal is for Beggsy to find someone else rather than chasing after his ex-wife, who he obviously still loves. She doesn't interfere exactly, but he is always at her house even though he doesn't live there. Blake says of their relationship: He's 33 and married but he rings me up to talk about his problems and that's lovely.
The Great Night by Chris Adrian
Bev is Colleen's eccentric housemate who is madly in love with Beggsy. She and Daz have an intense feud, but they put up with each other for Colleen's sake.
She loves cats and baking cakes, and the secret ingredient to her cake recipes is 'anger'. She says that lederhosen and animal cruelty are some of the things that make her angry. She has also sniffed marker pen at some point, as stated by Colleen in episode 6. Tony nicknamed 'Mad Tony' by Warren is a local gangster who lives in a huge mansion in the surrounding countryside. He is Glyn's boss, and owns a dog called Napoleon, which the lads find out about rather unpleasantly the first time they visit Tony's house.