Blood Magic (The Science of Psionics Book 2)
It mostly deals with Sara, the girlfriend. Let me say here, if you haven't read Discovery, read it first, then this one will make more sense to you. At the end of Discovery, Sara is finding her power, but keeping it secret. Blood Magic (The Science of Psionics Book 2) eBook: Dave Renol: Kindle Store
She goes out in the night, and the others simply think she is brooding about her loss and lack of powers. It's unfortunate that the others don't pry, because things get out of hand very quickly. I love DR's sense of humor, even when the trio is in dire trouble. A nice continuation of the story. Smoothly integrates into where book one ends. I really enjoy this author's work a lot. This was the 2nd in the series and an excellent follow- up. Will certainly purchase the next book in series.
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Amazon Prime Music Stream millions of songs, ad-free. Mass and energy are therefore conserved. Where the energy resides in the interim is beyond my skill, in both particle physics and worldbuilding, to explain.
Meaning of "psionic" in the English dictionary
That's all that can be done by any person born before This ability occurs in a significant portion of the global population, but is undetectable and therefore cannot be selected for. The child of two parents with the ability would have a stronger ability. The children of two parents with the ability is the second generation group. They will have the ability to influence between 2 and 8 atoms.
Each successive generation that is born of two parents of the same generation with the ability has the ability to influence a greater number of atoms. The child of parents of two different generations would have their generation number equal to a random integer in an inclusive range of one greater than the greatest and one less than the least. A 2 and a 5 have a child that can be between 1 and 6. A parent without the ability would be considered generation 0. The best of the 10th generation base number 8 and an unbroken chain of children of two parents with the ability for 10 generations could move 1 billion atoms, but even in gold that's only femtograms.
In gold that's micrograms, in water it's nearly This might be detectable, but is still very unlikely. The 26th generation is probably when the psionic ability would be detected. The best of this generation would be able to influence half a mole.
A person would have to be extremely lucky to be such a person, but they'd be able to move 9 kg of water or nearly kg of a denser element like gold. This motion would not be like levitation or many of the other telekinesis that is common in sci-fi. It would be more like a vibrating cell phone moving across a table, just the vibrations are much smaller and much more frequent. At this point governments and the scientific community would probably get involved. It could be quickly discovered that this is a genetic trait, and that the effects increase with successive generations if both parents have the ability.
This could lead to selecting for the genes and the ability being scene as desirable. As nearly all of humanity should have at least one ancestor with the ability so class warfare between users and non-users should not be an issue. Populations in countries with modern freedoms would probably just add it as a factor in mate selection. Similar to modern day tech-savvy. Nearly all have it to some degree. Some think it is important in mate selection, some do not. In more totalitarian governments, parents may be sought out to create children with the greatest possible ability China: Two tallest people in country "encouraged" to marry and produce a child.
That child is Yao Ming. The numbers can be changed to speed up or slow down the process, and of course if a user concentrates on half the number of particles, twice the result is achieved and so on. For this sort of psionics to be possible, you need to have the electrical signals of the brain affect something outside the human body. This has already happened.
Google Cathy Hutchinson, who can control a robotic arm with her mind, thanks to implants. She currently controls it with a wire running into her head, but it's easy to imagine a wireless version. In the future, such implants will probably become more common. They will certainly become smaller, possible to the microscopic scale if they can be made with nanotechnology.
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Telepathy is probably coming too. If you are talking about something like the X-Men, where Professor Xavier was just born with unique mental powers, then the answer is no, it won't happen unless genetic engineering makes progress by leaps and bounds over the next few centuries. And even then, it'd be through indirect mechanical means. It will never spontaneously happen. We already have robotic arms which are driven by patterns of human brain activity. No psionic skill is necessary, but tricky part is to be focused enough to keep proper brain pattern long enough and clear enough.
Our current technology is unable to measure any energies coming out of a human skull which might provide a mechanism for either telepathy or telekinesis We can say that it is unlikely that such an energy could have existed across all human history without a scientist or professional observer actually capturing proof of its existence in an undeniable fashion. But the absence of proof is not a proof of absence. Especially if you mean telepathy rather than telekinesis.
People who study telepathy will tell you that we already have it, but have mostly let it fall into disuse and be squelched by disbelief, skepticism, and unscientific scientists. People who study animal communication will tell you that animals still can and do use it. Same for people who study plant communications.
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Brain activity and plant communication does give off radiation, which is how lie detectors and brain activity scanners work. Experiments show that people, animals and plants can attune to each other and then respond to each other even at great distances, where it seems implausible that it happens via something like a radio signal. However it happens, there are many reproducible experiments which show that it does happen.
Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Will humans ever develop psionic powers? Could we humans develop psionic powers in the future? Our world and our rules of today Psionic powers that don't require machines. It doesn't matter how strong it is, it could be simply making a pencil move. FoxElemental 1, 10 Is this in a purely science-as-we-know it universe? IMHO unanswerable - if someone knows what technologies will be possible years from now, should not be wasting time on this forum but doing something more productive: Jan 7 '15 at TimB Yes, purely from a scientific view.
Based on the possible answer by Telastyn, perhaps I should change this question to: Psionic powers that don't require machines? Supernatural abilities don't spontaneously develop, they're not part of nature - that's why they're supernatural. Beyond that, there is no plausible science to exert force upon random items remotely. Telastyn 4, 14 Or we could evolve our brains into this organic machine that has wireless transmiters. I think this question can be closed down. The answer by Telastyn is very much what I was expecting. Bio-tech really provides a good answer for it.
Its a tricky topic to approach from as skeptical of a wording as you chose. Cort Ammon k 17 Thanks for the answer. These would all be tech assisted psy powers but the end is the same. I'm going to split psionics up into three parts. Telekinesis moving things with your mind Telepathy reading minds and speaking with your mind Psychic viewing sensing with something other than the normal 5 senses Telekinesis can be bound from a physics perspective: In Quarantine , it's found that humans are the Quantum Observer and the main character has the ability to it turn off.
In Teranesia , DNA becomes a biological quantum computer. Anything coming out of PEAR should be taken with a heavy grain of salt. The various "influence a random number generator" studies are highly susceptible to, well, randomness. They rely on heavy use of statistics to "prove" there was a 0. The effect can be the result of cherry picking positive results or anomalies in the RNG. In short, I can flip a coin times, get a statistically likely string of 10 heads, show you just those 10 flips and claim I'm psychic.
If more tails came up, or the difference was minor, then I could not say you were influencing the result. Obviously, the goal here is to make a world in which psionics exist, and yet have a plausible and scientifically sound-ish explanation. My solution is not perfect, and does require some suspension of disbelief. Technological Telekinesis is right around the corner! Karen 3, 13 If you don't want hat, you can have under-skin implants all over scalp, with some concentrator. I would like something "natural", as if the person really has that ability. Concentration should really be an issue.
I can see someone having a hard time with complex commands. Every person has this ability. Computer works with user to learn which pattern represent which command.