Yasha and the Secret of the Great Pyrmids
Identifying Adolf Hitler as the seventh manifestation of the seven-headed dragon of the Apocalypse should not be viewed as questionable or controversial whatsoever. Hitler certainly exhibited the personal characteristics of a Satanically driven and possessed individual, and his passionate hatred of the Jews is very well documented.
Unfortunately, the Christian Church in Germany was too timid and too deceived to challenge Hitler directly, but there were many individual Christians who did, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who paid for his dedication to Christ with his life. Despite the fact that the organized Church in Germany worked with the Nazi Party, Hitler's ultimate goal was to destroy Christianity. Suster offers the following quotes from Hitler to that effect: They have no future - certainly none for the Germans Whether it is the Old Testament or the New it's all the same old Jewish swindle One is either a German or a Christian.
You cannot be both We need free men who feel and know that God is in themselves The Ten Commandments have lost their validity Our peasants have not forgotten their true religion. The peasant will be told what the Church has destroyed for him: We shall wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race The First Seal of the Apocalypse.
In the book of Revelation the breaking of the first Seal of the seven-sealed Scroll brings forth a figure that many Bible scholars have identified as the Antichrist. However, in the book Red Moon Rising - the Rapture and the Timeline of the Apocalypse the conclusion is reached that this figure is better understood as symbolizing the brief career of Satan's seventh king—Adolf Hitler, rather than the eighth king who will "come up out of the Abyss": Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, 'Come!
Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. This figure wears a crown, as do the seven kings of Satan in Revelation The possibility that this figure represents Hitler is reinforced by what comes with the opening of the second Seal, which can easily be viewed as referring to World War II: Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.
To him was given a large sword. A reasonable conjecture is that perhaps the "large sword" may represent the emergence of atomic weaponry, which was first used in World War II. Jesus Christ refers to such an unprecedented global conflict between kingdoms and nations Matthew The return of Israel to their land prior to the apocalyptic Day of the Lord was also predicted by Old Testament prophets for instance Ezekiel Examined from this perspective Hitler and World War II were both eschatologically important because Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jews but the end result was the re-establishment of the Nation of Israel in their own land in This completes our list and our initial analysis of the seven kings of Satan: Pharaoh of Egypt 3.
Sennacherib of Assyria 4. Ithobaal II of Tyre 5. Adolf Hitler The Antichrist "once was, now is not, and yet will come" 8. Nimrod The appearance of the eighth king will be the re-appearance of the first king: He belongs to the seven The sky has conceived him, the dawn has borne him You bear up the sky with your right side, possessing life; you live because the gods have ordered that you shall live You support the earth with your left side, possessing dominion; you live, you live, because the gods have ordered that you shall live.
Traverse the sky, make your abode in the Field of Offerings among the gods Sit upon your iron throne, take your mace and your sceptre, that you may lead those who are in the Abyss, give orders to the gods, and set a spirit in its spirit-state O my father, raise yourself, go in your spirit-state. Osiris will rise again, which is a fact that explains why the corpse of Osiris was mummified in the first place and why it became secured in a complex as magnificent and long-lasting as the Necropolis of Giza.
It also explains why Osiris and other manifestations of the Dying God myth took central positions in Pagan religion in all of its different cultural expressions. The Division of the Nations. One of the most important foundations of this study is the "division of the nations" that occurred as a result of the Tower of Babel event described in the book of Genesis.
This event was discussed briefly in Part Six, but it deserves a much closer look. The division of the nations involved a spiritual division as well as a linguistic division, with the nations being handed over by God to the authority of a renegade faction of His angelic host. The decisions that were made by God as a result of the Tower of Babel event need to be understood in a "Divine Council" context [ 9 ].
The Divine Council is simply the meeting place where God sits in council among the "sons of God," who are the angelic host. The "sons of God" are created beings who have been given the freedom and responsibility of Free Will, and the majority of them use their free will to love God and to serve Him faithfully. However, there is a minority faction of the "sons of God" whose members have used their free will to disobey God, who can be viewed as having defected from the family of God. The leader of this rebellious faction is known as Lucifer or Satan in the Bible, and as Enki to the Sumerians.
The events that led to his defection, and his subsequent rise to his current temporary position as the "Lord of the Earth," are intimately connected with the history of mankind and with humanity's fall from grace. Satan's actions in fact helped to create the historical basis for the Christian doctrine of Original Sin. The "Divine Council" is the meeting place where God discusses various aspects of governing, ordering and maintaining Creation with the angelic host. He listens to his family and receives suggestions and then He makes decisions and gives orders.
This is the context from which to understand the several cases of divine "plurals" found in the book of Genesis. The Creation of Man: The Tower of Babel: The LORD said, 'If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. God was faced with certain decisions and He resolved them while in the presence of His "sons" which are absolutely not references to the Trinity [10].
A proper understanding of the Divine Council is absolutely essential for understanding the spiritual battle taking place right now that ultimately involves possession of the earth. After the division of the nations God stepped to the side, so to speak, and allowed Satan and the fallen angels to rule over their nations as they wished, yet he also called them into His council periodically to review how they were exercising their authority.
This understanding is supported by several passages in the Old Testament: God Judges the "Gods": Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. I said, 'You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High. After the division of the nations God allowed the fallen angels to rule as they wished over all of the pagan nations of the world, but it was a different story as far as Israel was concerned.
God ruled over Israel directly. He chose Abraham, He brought Israel out of Egypt, and He made sure that His nation was victorious in its struggle to live in the Promised Land that was given to them. Sometimes He even used pagan nations and the fallen angels to carry out His will regarding Israel. The former case is true regarding the Babylonian captivity, in which God used Babylon to punish Israel for their sins, and in the case of Persia where God used Cyrus to defeat Babylon, allowing the Jews to return back to their Land.
Cyrus is even called a "Messiah" anointed one by God, which is a title of honor given to Cyrus even though God says of Cyrus that "you do not acknowledge me" Isaiah The latter case, of God allowing fallen angels to carry out His will, is described in a story of God's dealings with the wicked Israelite King Ahab: I saw the LORD sitting on his throne with all the host of heaven standing on his right and on his left.
God's judgment was that King Ahab would be killed, and then He allowed a "lying spirit" to make it come to pass. The concept of the Divine Council also helps to explain the blasphemous pretensions of Lucifer himself, which are given in Isaiah You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God ; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly , on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
Lucifer wanted to usurp God's position as the Most High and be recognized and worshiped as the leader of the Divine Council. To secure this position, at least as far as human perceptions were concerned, after the division of the nations Satan worked to eliminate any memory of the Creator while at the same time he used the memory of Nimrod to shake up the perceived hierarchy of the pantheon and gain leadership by another name.
Before we examine how this happened we must first take a hypothetical look at how the "division of the nations" might have appeared from a "Divine Council" perspective. According to the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve were originally created to rule over the entire earth Genesis 1: They lost their immortality because of the successful deception perpetrated by Satan who was apparently jealous of Adam and Eve's position.
Adam and Eve may have lost their authority over the earth at this time as well, but the texts are not clear. What we do know is that after the banishment of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden a number of the fallen angels descended to the earth Genesis 6 and interacted with the descendents of Cain, sexually, technologically and spiritually. The pre-Flood world may have been an era of a sort of co-rulership over the earth, with God working through the line of Seth on one side and Satan and the fallen angels working through the line of Cain on the other.
Eventually, because of mankind's wickedness that originated with the fallen angels, humanity and the earth degraded to a point that God decided to destroy almost all of humanity through the Flood of Noah. After the Flood humanity and the fallen angels both faced a fresh start and God announced a covenant and a blessing upon the family of Noah. They were told to "be fruitful and multiply" and to "spread out and fill the earth. Three generations later Nimrod created a vast empire that was to a large extent built on bloodshed.
And then, after establishing himself in Mesopotamia in Eridu, the pre-flood capital of Enki, Nimrod began to build a Tower for the expressed purpose to avoid being "scattered abroad over the face of the earth" Genesis Biblical accounts do not mention fallen angelic interaction with humanity at this time, but we can assume that such interaction was probably focused upon the line of Noah's son Ham, who sinned and then suffered a rebuke and a curse upon his son Canaan.
Eventually the successes of Nimrod, in his empire building and his monument building, and in his success in gaining supporters from all the different tribes of the earth, forced God to again make a change in the way that humanity and the earth was governed. The earth had essentially reverted to its pre-Flood status, but God had promised that He would never destroy the world in such a manner again, so a different solution had to be arrived at. This decision was made undoubtedly within the Divine Council, with God discussing the issue with the "sons of God" and then coming to a conclusion and stating it in their presence.
God, Satan, and the fallen angels. The results of this decision can be understood as follows, based on the information that we have uncovered in this study so far. The most important decision was that God would give the nations of the world over to the authority of the fallen angels. The number seventy is intimately associated with this event because seventy is the traditional number of top-ranking fallen "sons of God" present at this particular Divine Council. Seventy is also the traditional number of languages that were created as a result, and seventy is the number of descendents of Shem, Ham and Japheth listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis Through this genealogical, linguistic and spiritual division, God ensured that mankind would remain divided while He stepped to the side and gave the fallen angels their chance to rule over mankind virtually unhindered.
During the "Age of the Fallen Angels" God would keep His interference in human affairs to a minimum, except that He would be allowed to exercise a right to establish His own nation at a time of His own choosing. This nation was Israel and it was through Israel that God worked to bring salvation and humanity's liberation from the authority of the fallen angels.
God took only one nation , while Satan and the fallen "sons of God" were given seventy. Satan's situation, both before and after the division of the nations, must also be examined. Before the division Satan appears to have been in a very comfortable and secure position. His prodigy was Nimrod, and through him Satan had effectively achieved dominance over virtually the entire world and re-established his pre-flood headquarters of Eridu, the location of the Tower of Babel. Yet Satan must have known that this situation would not be allowed to last for long. Why did Satan agree to the break-up of Nimrod's empire and the sacrifice of Nimrod himself?
Well, with God's promise to remove Himself from the scene Satan must have known that he could easily reestablish himself as the dominant figure in a world ruled by a multitude of fallen angels, given the fact that he himself was the most powerful member of the group. Satan must have realized that this was actually the only way for him to realize his dream of becoming "like the Most High" by ruling over his very own counterfeit "Divine Council" made up entirely of fallen angels.
To sweeten the deal even more, so to speak, there was also the clause in the agreement that allowed for Satan to manifest himself upon the earth seven more times, through seven individuals, with the first and the last of the eight manifestations of these seven kings coming through the very figure, Nimrod, that brought Satan a global empire in the first place. Satan accepted the division of the nations because he knew that he would emerge as the "Lord of the Earth" and because he knew that in the end both Nimrod and his global empire would be resurrected. Ultimately, of course, Satan and Nimrod would face judgment and destruction but on this question the Great Deceiver and Father of Lies has been able to deceive even himself.
The ancient religious texts of Egypt provide several tantalizing references to Osiris that may connect him with the agreement reached between God and Satan after the division of the nations regarding the fate of Nimrod: Bonds are on their arms, their hands and their feet, because of what they have done evilly against me. I am Osiris, the first-born of the company of the gods, eldest of the gods, heir of my father Geb; I am Osiris, Lord of persons, alive of breast, strong of hinder-parts, stiff of phalus, who is within the boundary of the common folk.
I am Orion who treads his land, who precedes the stars of the sky which are on the body of my mother Nut, who conceived me at her desire and bore me at her will. The "great slaughter," if viewed from the context of the division of the nations, could possibly be a reference to the execution of Nimrod and the subsequent dismantling and destruction of his great global empire. The text states that on this day the father and mother of Osiris "sealed an agreement" concerning Osiris, but who they sealed it with, and what the agreement involved, is unfortunately not explained.
The father of Osiris according to all Egyptian sources is the god Geb the "earth god," and the mother of Osiris is Nut the "sky goddess. The Babylonian historian Berossos in turn equates Kronos in his writings with the old Sumerian god Enki, whom we have identified as Satan. As Samuel Noah Kramer shows in his authoritative study Myths of Enki, the Crafty God , Enki was well known for his intelligence, his wisdom, and his clever wit in finding solutions to difficult problems.
Enki was also an "earth god" in that his name meant "Lord Earth," or "Lord of the Earth. Utterance , Geb is invoked on the king's behalf "O Geb, son of Shu, this is Osiris the king; may your mother's heart quiver over you in your name of Geb, for you are the eldest son of Shu, his first-born.
O Geb, this is Osiris the King; care for him, make complete [what appertains to him], for you are the sole great god. Atum has given you his heritage, he has given you the assembled Ennead, and Atum himself is with them, whom his eldest twin children joined to you; he sees you powerful, with your heart proud and yourself able in your name of 'Clever Mouth', chiefest of the gods, you standing on the earth that you may govern at the head of the Ennead.
Your fathers and your mothers are pre-eminent among them, for you are mightier than any god. You shall come to Osiris the King that you may protect him from his foe. O Geb, clever mouth, chiefest of the gods, Osiris the King is your son; may you nourish your son with it, may your son be made hale by means of it, for you are lord of the entire land. May you have power over the Ennead and all the gods, may you have power and drive away all ill from this Osiris the King; may you not allow it to come again against him in your name of Horus who does not repeat his work, for you are the essence of all the gods.
Fetch them to yourself, take them, nourish them, nourish [Osiris] the King, for you are a god having power over all the gods. The eye has issued from your head as the Upper Egyptian crown Great-of-magic; the eye has issued from your head as the Lower Egyptian crown Great-of-magic; Horus has served you and has loved you, you having appeared as King of Upper and Lower Egypt and having power over all the gods and spirits.
In the text above Shu is identified as Geb's father, while Atum is the god who gives Geb his authority. The Heliopolitan cosmogeny identifies Atum as the father of Shu and thus the great-grandfather of Osiris.
The Memphite cosmogeny also identifies Atum as the father or creator of the gods. The important point to note is that in the Egyptian story the divine line of succession is peaceful and harmonious. On the other hand, in the earliest mythical literature of Sumer the situation is very different. The Sumerians, despite their obvious influence from the spirit world, were not able to forget the true Creator, YHWH, but they were led to apparently split his personality up and lose touch with Him after the division of the nations.
The 'Creator' aspect of YHWH, with His residence in heaven, became personified as the primordial god Anu, a far-removed and heavenly figure who fathered the first generation of gods. The more personal aspect of YHWH, the one that the Sumerians probably remembered through an oral tradition, became known as Enlil who was worshiped at his cult center of Nippur. Anu was the father of the two brothers Enlil and Enki, and within this second generation the disputes were never-ending. As we have shown, the Sumerian accounts of these divine disputes obviously favored Enki, while the later Hebrew accounts favor the god YHWH who equates well with Enlil in many ways, as covered in Part Six.
In Egyptian mythology the pantheon of the gods is presented as a unified happy family for a number of generations. From Atum, to Shu, to Geb, there is harmony in the universe. The first divine dispute does not erupt until the generation after Geb, and it involves two of his sons, Osiris and Set. After he came back to Egypt his brother Set invited him to a banquet or feast, and by deception, with the participation of seventy-two fellow conspirators, Set succeeded in murdering Osiris. In Part Six we saw how the number seventy was intimately related to the early Osiris cult, and we also explained how the number came to be changed, probably for astrological reasons, to seventy-two.
With this in mind, and with our understanding of the division of the nations into the hands of the seventy fallen angels, the presence of Osiris at a "banquet" in the company of seventy-two other attendees, which resulted in his death, can be seen as a veiled representation of the seventy "sons of God" meeting with God to come to a decision regarding Nimrod's empire.
As we have shown, the final decision was that Nimrod would be executed, that God would step back from the scene, and that the seventy fallen angels, as well as Satan, would be given power to rule over the earth. Therefore the "banquet" that Osiris attended was none other than the Divine Council, and the seventy-two conspirators who agreed to the death of Nimrod is an esoteric reference to the seventy "sons of God" who agreed to the execution of Nimrod.
Recall again that in Sumerian myth Enlil was portrayed as the brother of Enki, who were the first protagonists in the Sumerian divine disputes, so the first Egyptian divine dispute between the brothers Osiris and Set may be viewed as another manifestation of the ongoing dispute between God and Satan. However, this correlation cannot be taken too far because Set developed traits and characteristics in Egyptian religion that had absolutely nothing to do with YHWH, and the cult of Set was most certainly managed by a fallen malevolent spirit.
The correlation between YHWH and Set is applicable only as far as this one single event at the division of the nations is concerned, but it should be kept in mind as we examine the dispute between Osiris and Set as described in a Pyramid Text: Utterance , Osiris is raised from the dead "The sky reels, the earth quakes, Horus comes, Thoth appears, they raise Osiris from upon his side and make him stand up in front of the Two Enneads.
Remember, Seth, and put in your heart this word which Geb spoke, this threat which the gods made against you in the Mansion of the Prince in On because you threw Osiris to the earth, when you said, O Seth: Raise yourself, O Osiris, for Seth has raised himself, he has heard the threat of the gods who spoke about the god's father [Geb? Isis has your arm, O Osiris; Nephthys has your hand, so go between them. The sky is given to you, the earth is given to you, and the Field of Rushes, the Mounds of Horus, and the Mounds of Seth; the towns are given to you and the nomes assembled for you by Atum, and he who speaks about it is Geb.
In this passage we find that Set is being threatened by Geb and by the other gods. Set is accused of having thrown Osiris down, and of having attacked him, but Set responds by saying "It was he who attacked me! If Set is indeed a "personification," in this single instance, of the will of YHWH, specifically regarding the execution of Nimrod, then this Pyramid Text can be viewed as evidence to that effect. Nimrod was indeed an "Earth-attacker," and he broke God's covenant with humanity as he expanded his empire by bloodshed. From this perspective Nimrod was the offender, and God's decision to kill Nimrod and divide his empire was necessary to save humanity and allow time for the redemption process for humanity to be fulfilled.
However, it must be kept in mind that the decision to kill Nimrod and to divide his empire was also agreed upon by the seventy fallen angels, because they were the benefactors of Nimrod's death in that they were able to gain authority over the nations of the earth as a result. The link between the death of Nimrod, the division of the nations, and the Osiris myth can be confirmed by turning to Greek mythology associated with the god Dionysus.
According to nearly all of the ancient Greek historians, including Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, and Plutarch, Dionysus and Osiris were simply two names for the same original god. The Greeks became familiar with Dionysus at a late date, after their pantheon of Olympian gods headed by Zeus had already been established, and Dionysus was first inherited from contact with the Phoenicians as well as the Phrygians, who knew him by many names, including strange names such as Zagreos, Sabazios, Epaphus and Euboleos. In these myths, which became the heart of the Orphic, Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries of Greece and Rome, the death of Dionysus is explained as having come at the hands of the Titans, who were a group of gods eventually defeated by Zeus.
Pausanius was a Greek writer who lived in the 2nd century AD, and in his Guide to Greece he refers to the conflict between Dionysus and the Titans: The Greek geographer Strabo from the first century BC also mentions the strange cult of Dionysos in his book Geography: Diodorus Siculus was another Greek historian who lived in the first century BC, and in his Library of History he mentions the myths of Dionysos numerous times: They state also that he excelled in sagacity and was the first to attempt the yoking of oxen and by their aid the sowing of the seed, this being the reason why they also represent him as wearing a horn.
But Isis tracked down the murderers of her husband [or son in the Greek version], and after slaying the Titanes and fashioning the several pieces of his body into the shape of a human figure, she gave them to the priests with orders that they pay Osiris the honours of a god References to a lost phallus can be found in a number of pagan Dying God myths. In Part Three we mentioned the myths of the god Eshmun of Sidon, known to the Greeks as the healing god Asclepius, who reputedly cut off his own genitals with an axe before he was captured by the goddess Astronoe. In Anatolia there was a similar story of the god Attis, who was also pursued by a goddess, and who was also driven to castrate himself.
The myth of Attis is also very closely related to the myth of Adonis the Phoenician god of Byblos, who was closely connected with both the Sumerian god Tammuz and Osiris. Both Adonis and Attis were described as hunters, and Adonis died after being mortally wounded while hunting a boar. All of these mythical gods thus appear to be closely related, and all of them can be described as "dying and rising" gods because the theme of death and rebirth is at the heart of each of their cults.
The Latin writer Gaius Julius Hyginus c. When they tried to mount to heaven, Jove with the help of Minerva, Apollo, and Diana, cast them headlong into Tartarus. Plutarch's myth of Osiris has the death of Osiris coming at the hands of Set in collusion with seventy-two other conspirators. From the connections between Osiris and Dionysus we can see that these seventy-two "conspirators" were understood to be gods themselves, specifically the Titans, according to the Greeks. What we can see is that these mythical traditions are simply degenerated recollections of the historical circumstances surrounding the death of Nimrod, the division of the nations to the seventy fallen angels, and the subsequent disappearance of God from the scene as He allowed these malevolent spiritual forces to take over and rule the earth as they wished.
The death of Nimrod and the spiritual division of humanity led to the quick establishment of Paganism worldwide as a religion in which human beings existed in bondage and servitude to the gods. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ liberated humanity from this spiritual system, but today there is a worldwide movement to turn back to it, to welcome the return of the "gods", and to willingly submit ourselves and our sons and daughters to the authority of the deceiving spirits that stand behind it.
It is up to us to resist this movement, to turn to the true Messiah, and to preach His saving Gospel against this "gospel of destruction" that is steadily gaining momentum. The strange relationship that exists between the dying and rising god found in different forms throughout the pagan world, and the dying and rising God who brought forth Christianity, is best explained as a relationship of mirror opposites.
Up until now this relationship has only been addressed by researchers who believed they had found in it evidence that Jesus did not exist, or evidence that the 'historical Jesus' was far different than the miracle-working Messiah portrayed in the Gospels. They have argued that the "Jesus Myth" is simply a clever repackaging of the pagan myth in which figures such as Osiris, Adonis, Dionysus, Mithras, or Krishna, played the central role.
What we have shown so far in this series is that these pagan saviors can all be traced back to the historical Nimrod, whereas the historical Jesus stands alone, with a separate identity and a separate and unique message of salvation for all humanity. When an image is held up to a mirror there are, of course, many similarities that can be identified. Often if the two images are glanced at quickly and superficially the viewer may immediately conclude that the images are the same.
However, this conclusion is false, because what is seen in a mirror is actually the exact opposite of the original. Such is the case with the myths that developed in connection with Nimrod and their relationship with the story of Jesus of Nazareth as found in the Gospels. Similarities between the two figures definitely do exist, but these similarities should only serve to highlight the differences between the messages that are associated with the two Messiahs.
One of these Messiahs offers a message of hope and redemption based on hard truth that is not geared to appeal to our selfish pride, while the other offers a similar promise, but with a different appeal and a different method to gain that promise. In the letters of the Apostle John we find that this second figure is referred to as the "Antichrist": In his letter John explains that an "antichrist" is one who denies either God the Father or Jesus Christ the Son, yet John also points to a singular figure who "is coming.
The definition of the word "Antichrist" is given in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. It is composed of two words: The Antichrist will instead claim to be the true "Christ," and will make many of the same claims and promises, especially when it comes to the question of eternal life, that Jesus made for those who have accepted Him as their gateway to immortality.
The Antichrist will be a deceiver and an imposter and his message will appeal to humanity's self-centered aspirations, to our pride, and to our intellect and emotions. Just as Jesus offers us eternal life, so will the Antichrist, but the Antichrist's message will be based on the three-fold Luciferian lie that brought about humanity's fall from grace in the very beginning. It is the root of falsehood in every form and was brought into being by Satan, as is evidenced by the fact that Jesus told the Pharisees that the devil was the 'father of the lie' Jon 8: This original 'lie' has three essential components which have great significance for our study into religious corruption.
The first part of Satan's threefold lie involved the promise that our first parents would 'be like God [or gods]' if they partook in the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil Gen. This could be referred to as the cardinal sin in the cosmos. It was the beginning of an endemic sinful process in which human beings 'strive against their Maker', imagining themselves to be unbegotten cf. The significance of this aspect of the Satanic Lie for the subsequent religious development of the world is cataclysmic; for it has led to the idea that Man can become God.
This has been manifested, firstly, in the practice of spiritual techniques and systems which will lead to a personal experience of the divine and even to actual 'deification' —which, as we shall discover, is an integral component in the world's religions. Secondly, it has materialised in the substitution of the creature for the Creator as the object of worship and the focus of religious power cf.
A primary object of Satan's enduring question [ "has God indeed said? In effect, Satan was promising them unconditional eternal life. This forms the second component in his threefold lie. However, the complete reverse of what he promised actually came to pass. Because our first parents were beguiled by Satan's questioning of God's statement that they would die if they disobeyed His commandment, death then came into the world, just as the Lord has spoken Rom.
This is why Jesus said that Satan 'was a murderer from the beginning' as well as the father of the lie Jn 8: Satan promised life and instead brought death to humanity. The third part of Satan's threefold lie was to persuade our first parents that they could acquire a level of wisdom over and above that with which they had been endowed by their Creator: The clear implication in Satan's strategy here was that there was some special, esoteric knowledge which God was concealing from His human creation, the acquisition of which would enhance their lives.
In fact, Satan's suggestion was that God was In other words, the fallen angel was suggesting that God was wrongfully making an exclusive claim to the attribute of divine wisdom which could, in reality, be acquired by anyone. The outworking of this strategy, in terms of subsequent religious corruption, has been centred on the fascination with esoteric teachings as found in occult-mystical belief systems and the mystery religions. In common with the majority of the world's religions, they hold to the idea that one can be initiated into a body of 'higher-wisdom-teachings' which will bring about supernatural change and even deification.
This three-fold lie of Satan is manifested in the religious system of ancient Paganism and in the underground occult tradition that has existed since the birth of Christianity: You can be like God. You can achieve eternal life. You will gain wisdom equal with God. Some day soon this lie will be resurrected and promoted again on a grand scale with the appearance of the Antichrist. He will preach to the world that through his example and by accepting his teachings all of these things will be gained for humanity.
In a sense the human family will be faced with the very same temptation that Eve faced in the Garden of Eden, with the Antichrist offering a spiritual form of the forbidden fruit.
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Satan's lie is an old lie and it has been closely connected with Paganism from the beginning. Historian Franz Cumont summarizes the message of salvation and eternal life as promoted through the cults of the Dying God during the time of the Roman Empire: The fate of Osiris, the god who died and returned to life, became the prototype of the fate of every human being that observed the funeral rites.
He lived not as a tenuous shade or as a subtle spirit, but in full possession of his body as well as of his soul. That was the Egyptian doctrine, and that certainly was also the doctrine of the Greco-Latin mysteries. Through the initiation the mystic was born again, but to a superhuman life, and became the equal of the immortals. In his ecstasy he imagined that he was crossing the threshold of death and contemplating the gods of heaven and hell face to face. If he had accurately followed the prescriptions imposed upon him by Isis and Serapis through their priests, those gods prolonged his life after his decease beyond the duration assigned to it by destiny, and he participated eternally in their beatitude and offered them his homage in their realm.
The promises are the same but the methods to receive the promises are different. The cult of paganism's Dying God promoted contact with the spirit world and offered hidden initiations to higher and higher levels, while holding out the promise of hidden knowledge that could be applied by the initiate as the key to eternal life. On the other hand, Jesus taught that eternal life demands submission to the Creator, and acceptance of the death of Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for our sins.
There are no secrets and the knowledge has never been hidden. From the very beginning Jesus told His followers to preach His message openly to the entire world.
Secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza
Eternal life is not a hidden mystery that we can discover, or something that we can achieve or earn, but is a gift of God given to those who are able to humble themselves and accept it. Jesus claimed to speak for God, and He gave a clear message concerning this gift of eternal life: It is written in the Prophets: No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father. I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.
As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day. For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it.
I know that his command leads to eternal life. Furthermore, Jesus was very clear that the only path to eternal life was through Himself alone when He said John No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus claimed that He was the way, the truth, and the life , and that He was the only way through which to receive these blessings. He also predicted that the majority of humanity would not make the right decision to follow Him.
In the text below the two possible destinations are given by Jesus as either Destruction or Life. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction , and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life , and only a few find it. In the Old Testament the English translation of Yeshua appears as Joshua , which is a named derived from the Hebrew root word yasha , which means "salvation.
In the book of Revelation the figure known as the Antichrist is predicted to rise up from "out of the Abyss. It is the place where the souls of all deceased humans were kept up until the sacrifice of Jesus, and then afterwards it became the place where only the souls of the unsaved have been kept.
In Revelation 9 the Abyss is opened by a fallen angel Lucifer which allows the earth to be invaded by demonic forces. These forces are said to be led by another figure who is then introduced Revelation 9: Bible scholars have debated the identity of this figure over the years and the consensus is that Abaddon is either another name for Satan, or else he is one of Satan's chief fallen angels who rules over the Abyss.
Other scholars have submitted the possibility, however, that Abaddon may be a name for the Antichrist himself, a conclusion made recently by author and Bible scholar Patrick Heron. Opponents of this view argue that Abaddon cannot be the Antichrist because he is described as an "angel.
The soul of the Antichrist is currently confined to the Abyss, yet his legacy endures as a message of deception for those who seek to gain eternal life by acquiring hidden knowledge or through their own efforts. In this way the Antichrist is most certainly an "angel," and more specifically an "angel of the Abyss," because those who accept his message will end up in Hell. If Abaddon is indeed a name for the Antichrist then it is a perfect fit because the Hebrew word Abaddon means "destruction. The meaning of the Hebrew name Yeshua derives from the word meaning "salvation," whereas the meaning of the Hebrew name Abaddon means "destruction.
The difference cannot be made more clear. The idea of mirror opposites continues in the descriptions of these two figures within the book of Revelation. Near the beginning of the vision God identifies Himself by saying, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. Jesus lived on this earth and He died. After His death He was resurrected and taken up into Heaven. The Antichrist lived on this earth as Nimrod, and he died. After his death his soul was confined to the pit of Hell, and one day he will be resurrected.
Both Messiahs, when all is said and done, will have experienced resurrection, and both will make a "Second Coming" to the earth. Jesus will return from Heaven, while the Antichrist will return from Hell. The final destiny of each of these Messiahs can also be shown to be completely different.
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The second coming of the Antichrist will result in a short period of triumph during which he will rule over the entire world, yet his end will come and he will be destroyed and cast into the lake of fire. Jesus will then rule over the entire world for eternity and continue to exist for eternity.
In terms of the purpose of their deaths there is another relationship between the two Messiahs along the lines of mirror opposites. The death of Nimrod, as has been explained, led to the division of the nations and the beginning of the Pagan Era during which the "gods" ruled over humanity as they wished. In this context the death of Nimrod can be viewed as a human sacrifice that was offered on behalf of the "gods" enabling their period of authority over humanity. Jesus Christ was the exact opposite.
He was indeed a sacrifice, but His sacrifice was a divine sacrifice of God offered on behalf of humanity. He was the Son of God, and God incarnate in human flesh, whose death liberated humanity and provided eternal life, so that human beings could replace the fallen "sons of God" and become immortal members of the family of God. In the book of Revelation, after John is brought into his visionary state, the Son of God appears before John which causes John to collapse at His feet like a dead man. Jesus then places His hand upon John and introduces Himself: I am the First and the Last.
I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. The Antichrist is also, in his own way, the first and the last. In Revelation 12 Satan is introduced as a dragon with seven heads, which we have identified as seven kings that have ruled throughout history on behalf of Satan. There are seven kings, but these kings make eight appearances on the world's stage.
The Antichrist, as Nimrod, was the first to appear, and he will also be the last, when he is resurrected and allowed to rule as the eighth manifestation of Satan's seven kings: The Two Messiahs in the Old Testament. The name "Nimrod" occurs in the Bible only four times. Twice it occurs in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 where Nimrod is first introduced, and once it occurs in 1 Chronicles 1: Within this prophetic message we find references to the two end-times Messiahs, beginning with a prediction of the true Messiah: They will strike Israel's ruler on the cheek with a rod.
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times. Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time when she who is in labor gives birth and the rest of his brothers return to join the Israelites. And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.
And he will be their peace.
Yasha and the Secret of the Great Pyramids
The prophet Micah lived in the eighth century BC after Israel had been divided into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. His message begins with a prediction against the northern kingdom, saying that Israel's ruler would be struck with a rod. The message then shifts to a small town within the kingdom of Judah named Bethlehem, from whom Micah predicts the Messiah would be born.
The Messiah's origins are "from of old, from ancient times," while other versions read "from the days of eternity. Micah's prediction of the Messiah begins with His birth in Bethlehem and ends by describing His reign over "the ends of the earth" that will finally bring peace to the nation of Israel. Micah then turns to a description of another figure that he refers to as "the Assyrian: They will rule the land of Assyria with the sword, the land of Nimrod with drawn sword. He [the Messiah of Bethlehem] will deliver us from the Assyrian when he invades our land and marches into our borders.
This provocative passage contains a reference to "seven shepherds, even eight leaders of men" who are raised up to defend Israel from "the Assyrian" who is connected with "the land of Nimrod. The numerical connection may be dismissed by some as a "coincidence" but, given what we have learned, it seems more of a confirmation than a coincidence. The possibility that Micah is offering a prophecy of the "Two Messiahs" is confirmed even more in verse 6, when the true Messiah is said to be the One who delivers Israel from the aggression of "the Assyrian. According to the prophet Daniel According to Genesis Following the death of Nimrod and the breakup of his empire the Assyrian people remembered Nimrod as the warrior-god Assur, which is a name David Rohl connects directly with the Egyptian god "Asar," whom the Greeks referred to as "Osiris.
Micah's prophecy of the "Two Messiahs" ends with additional apocalyptic references involving the purging of Israel's wickedness; a promise that Israel will "be lifted up in triumph" over her enemies; and a final warning that God will "take vengeance in anger and wrath upon the nations that have not obeyed me.
The idea that Micah's prophecies of "the Assyrian" are related to the end-times career of the Antichrist is put forth by respected prophecy scholar and commentator Chuck Missler within his study " Antichrist—The Alternate Ending. The theme of an "eighth" in connection with an original "seven" is closely connected with the Phoenician god Eshmun, mentioned above and in Part Three , who was a form of the Dying God worshiped by the Phoenicians of Sidon and Berytus Beirut.
Here is a quote from the fifth century AD neo-Platonist writer Damascius: For to Sadykos sons were born, who are explained as Dioscouri and Kabeiri. Then as the eighth child, Esmounos was born [to him]; and Esmounos is interpreted as Asclepius. He was of very good appearance, a young man of admirable looks, and therefore became, according to the myth, the darling of Astronoe, a Phoenician goddess, the mother of the gods.
He used to go hunting in these valleys. It then once happened that he discovered the goddess pursuing him. He fled, but when he saw that she continued to chase him and was just about to seize him, he cut off his own genitals with an axe. Greatly distressed at what had happened, she called Paian and rekindled [the life of] the young man by means of life-bringing heat and made him into a god.
The Phoenicians call him Esmounos because of the warmth of life. Others, again, interpret Esmounos as "the eighth", explaining that he was the eighth child of Sadykos. Mettinger, who goes on to give an explanation of the important points: Esmounos is said in our text to be a native Phoenician god, the eighth son of Sadykos, and born after the seven Kabeiri or Dioscouri. All this we recognize from Philo Byblius, who speaks of "the seven sons of Sydyk, the Kabeiri, and the eighth son, their brother Asclepius.
The final part of our passage in Damascius gives two alternate Semitic etymologies for the name of the god Eshmun: The island's mountain is the highest throughout the Aegean Sea, and Homer wrote that the god Poseidon took a seat at its top to watch the Trojan War being fought to the southeast.
By the fifth century BC the cult was firmly established and the primary sanctuary had become an important part of the religion in the region, especially for the wealthy and elite of Greek society. The following quote from a website that discusses Samothrace describes the cult's prestige: The identity and nature of the gods worshipped on Samothrace, the so-called "Kabeiroi", still remains problematic. Later on, Olympias was known to be devoted to ectastic Dionysian cults. During their ceremonies she entered into states of possession, and to the festival processions in honor of the god she introduced large, hand-tamed snakes that terrified the male spectators.
The settlement of the island of Samothrace and its origin as an important sacred site in the pagan world is described by the first century BC historian Diodorus Siculus. She also conquered in war the races in the region of the Taurus, peoples of outstanding courage, and descended through Greater Phrygia to the sea And selecting in the territory which she had won by arms sites well suited for the founding of cities, she built a considerable number of them and founded one which bore her own name These, then are the cities she settled along the sea, but others, and a larger number, she planted in the regions stretching towards the interior.
She seized also some of the islands, and Lesbos in particular, on which she founded the city of Mitylene, which was named after her sister who took part in the campaign. After that, while subduing some of the rest of the islands, she was caught in a storm, and after she had offered up prayers for her safety to the Mother of the Gods, she was carried to one of the uninhabited islands; this island, in obedience to a vision which she beheld in her dreams, she made sacred to this goddess, and set up altars there and offered magnificent sacrifices.
She also gave it the name of Samothrace, which means, when translated into Greek, "sacred island," although some historians say that it was formerly called Samos and was then given the name of Samothrace by Thracians who at one time dwelt on it. However, after the Amazons had returned to the continent, the myth relates, the Mother of the Gods, well pleased with the island, settled in it certain other people, and also her own sons, who are known by the name of Corybantes--who their father was is handed down in their rites as a matter not to be divulged; and she established the mysteries which are now celebrated on the island and ordained by law that the sacred area should enjoy the right of sanctuary.
The cult of the Kabiric Mysteries was influential and secretive, yet its influence declined and many of its secrets have since been revealed. One of the best studies on this once-powerful institution can be found in A New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry , by Aurthur Edward Waite, who was himself a learned Kabbalist, a member of the Golden Dawn, and a high level Freemason: It unfolds before us under many aspects and guises, but these seem to be concerned always with the symbolism of Mystical Death.
In the Kabiric Rites of Samothrace we hear that the Candidate was brought into the presence of the gods and was there slain by the gods. It seems obviously a kind of mystery which the most enthusiastic disciple would have been disposed to avoid at that and any other period; but in the light of all that we know concerning Initiation at large we shall interpret the episode in a purely symbolical manner and shall conclude that the recipient was passing through an experience of figurative death, after which there was a resurrection.
Alternatively the Kabiric pantheon—if I may be permitted so to term it—had a myth of this kind in connection with one of their gods, in which case the Kabiric Rites, commemorating this event, were identical with other Instituted Mysteries , and notably those of Osiris, Ceres, Bacchus, Adonis and Rhea. From this grew the legend that the Pyramid was the burial chamber of Pharaoh Khufu, and the huge 5-tiered vault, where the box was located, became known as the "King's Chamber. Millions of tourists visit Egypt each year, and over , are allowed to visit the center of the Pyramid where the sarcophagus is located.
It is a dogma you must believe that the coffin once was the the tomb of a dead Pharaoh Khufu. Khufu is also known under his Hellenized name of Cheops. Pharaohs were anxious to be buried underground so they could be closer to the god of the underworld even that old serpent called the Devil and Satan Rev. After traveling up the Ascending Passage, tourists finally reach what is called the "King's Chamber.
Then they are shown what they must believe is the coffin of the dead Pharaoh Cheops. To doubt that dogma is to have their names inscribed in the Egyptian Book of the Dead!! There is another smaller vault lower down which is called the "Queen's Chamber. One strange thing that tourists immediately notice is the high degree of humidity within the Pyramid: When tourists enter the Grand Gallery and the so-called King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid for the first time, most are surprised to encounter high humidity.
An Enigma Solved , p. The reason for the high humidity is the fact that the Pyramid limestone is unique and predates the Great Flood of Noah. Nobel Prize winning "scientist" Dr. Luis Alvarez was given the task of x-raying the pyramids at Giza to find hidden chambers.

Using naturally occurring cosmic rays, his scheme was to place spark chambers, standard equipment in the high-energy particle physics of this time, beneath the second pyramid of Chephren in a known chamber. By measuring the counting rate of the cosmic rays in different directions the detector would reveal the existence of any void in the overlaying rock structure. Alvarez was in the observation plane that flew over Hiroshima on August 6, Here is a quote from the autobiography of Dr.
Alvarez, published in Alvarez and his team were about to use space age technology to look inside the oldest building in the world. Luis Alvarez recommended using cosmic rays to x-ray all the pyramids in the Giza Plateau. Archaeologist and author Ahmed Fakhry was his liaison in Egypt. Their work continued until the Six-Day War in June The x-raying—supposed to last for 2 years—was interrupted by the outbreak of the Six-Day War in June The Egyptian military believed Alvarez and his team had helped the double pyramid "Jews" by allowing their planes to completely destroy the Egyptian Air Force on the ground.
As a result, the work was suspended, and they were ordered to leave the country. The cosmic rays could not penetrate the water saturated limestone blocks of the pyramids. Alvarez really believed in not letting his left hand know what his right hand was doing. Oblivious to his previous failure, in , a massive 1 million dollar project was launched by the National Science Foundation in the U. In , apparently unaware of the pyramid x-raying of Alvarez, the National Science Foundation launched another attempt to x-ray the pyramids. This time the results were published. The limestone rocks were too saturated with water to allow penetration by cosmic rays.
The search had to be abandoned because the electro-magnetic sounder equipment could not penetrate the limestone rocks due to their high water content. Obviously, the Pyramid Secret Archives were removed. Limestone from all over Egypt was tested against Cheops limestone for water content. It is antediluvian limestone. A Joint Egyptian-American research team conducted electromagnetic sounder experiments during autumn with the primary objective of locating archaeologically significant chambers in the Giza area.
The high losses are contrary to expectations based on samples analyzed before the Giza experiments , but are consistent with later laboratory analyses made at the high temperature and high humidity characteristic of the Giza environment. Electromagnetic Sounder Experiments at the Pyramids of Giza.
Secret to Great Pyramid's Near Perfect Alignment Possibly Found
After Cleopatra became his mistress, he stopped acting like a Roman Republican and started acting more like a dictator or Pharaoh. It could be said that Egypt conquered Rome. The Pharaonic dynasties were notorious for inbreeding and incest. Roman Republicans were shocked at his behavior as women rulers were abhorrent to the virtuous Romans. Egypt had a fantastic library in Alexandria but the priests of Isis also had top secret archives dating back to the time after the Great Flood.
The Romans took a lot of the top secret books back to Rome and stored them in the vast underground vaults beneath the city. The top secret books on divination, sorcery, witchcraft, and spying laid the foundation for the Vatican Secret Archives. The top secret books on divination, sorcery, witchcraft, and spying were used by Constantine to lay the foundations of the Papacy.
The Vatican Secret Archives are immense. Some of the books might be over years old. The Egyptian secret archives were then transported to Rome. The Egyptian books on divination, sorcery, witchcraft, and spying were consulted by Constantine when laying the groundwork for the Papal Roman Empire!! Isis was called Minerva at Rome. Julius Caesar—as Pontifex Maximus—was a worshipper of that foul Egyptian goddess. On the left is a depiction of Isis and Horus carried in a procession. The Egyptian queen was considered the living embodiment of the goddess Isis, and her subordinate husband represented Horus.
Kings were always loathsome to the progressive Romans and they were horrified at the idea of women ruling over men. Its amazing that the Egyptian government does not sue the Vatican for copyright infringement. When Moses told Pharaoh to let the people go, Pharaoh demanded to know how far they would go. Moses told him 3 days journey into the wilderness: The Egyptians worshipped every kind of loathsome reptiles and animals, especially snakes and monkeys, but they held sheep in horror. The English Pharoahs did not leave them in peace but made war relentlessly on the Tabernacle of David in the Wilderness: The Exodus is a marvelous type of Armageddon and the end of the world: And it came to pass, that in the morning watch that JEHOVAH looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, and took off their chariot wheels , that they drove them heavily: In these last days.
Pharaoh's last mad attempt to exterminate the spiritual children of Israel. Adventures of a Physicist. The Chrononogy of Ancient Nations. Dorset Press, New York, National Science Foundation, Washington City, Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey, First published in Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. William Isbister, London, Secrets of the Great Pyramd. Back to Main Menu. Ramses II was the Pharaoh of the Exodus. Pharaoh's sorcerers were able to turn a staff into a serpent. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a serpent.
Pharaoh then summoned his wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts. Each one threw down his staff and it became a serpent. Isis nursing baby Horus. Baby Horus is now called Baby Jesus.