
Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy

As psychologists and philosophers have interacted, new questions have arisen: If experience is not fundamentally of the retinal image, but does not always exhibit constancy, how should this intermediate state be described? Is a new taxonomy needed to classify the several types of visual experience elicited by the same object? Should we regard any departure from constancy as a failure of the visual system, or might such a departure be a reasonable or adaptive response?

How do seeing and believing interact to yield our visual experience?

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It considers methodologies for studying conscious visual perception, efforts to describe visual experience in relation to constancy, what it means that constancy is not always perfect, and the conceptual resources needed for explaining visual experience. This interdisciplinary book is a valuable resource for both vision scientists and philosophers of mind"--Publisher's description, back cover.

Notes Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Related Electronic Resources Contributor biographical information Publisher description Table of contents only.

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Cognitive and phenomenal factors in spatial perception. Judging the size of a distant object: Ruff, and Robert C..

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Memory, Computation, and Inference 9. Constancy, Content, and Inference, David Hilbert Gary Hatfield has studied visual perception for more than three decades. His works include experimental studies of shape constancy, theoretical papers on perception, and philosophical studies of the fundamental concepts and theories of visual perception and cognition and their history. His work in the history and philosophy of psychology extends from the seventeenth century to current controversies on qualia and perceptual representation.

He is the co-founder of the Visual Studies undergraduate program at Penn and has co-taught, with psychologists and art historians, courses and seminars on all aspects of visual perception. Sarah Allred studies visual perception and memory through psychophysics, probabilistic computational models, and neurophysiology.

She is also interested in the philosophy of perception and evolutionary psychology. This range of topics reflects her academic training: Since , Sarah has been teaching and researching as an assistant professor in the psychology department at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

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Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy : Gary Hatfield :

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Vision: Crash Course A&P #18

Visual Experience Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy Edited by Gary Hatfield and Sarah Allred Contributors are interdisciplinary, so the book provides multiple perspectives on one issue Asks psychologists to move beyond their usual comfort zone in discussing methodological and philosophical questions. This is done through engaging questions that many psychologists find interesting but are hesitant to discuss openly Asks philosophers to engage with the empirical literature of psychology more fully than usual.

This shows the benefit to philosophy of engaging with the empirical sciences closely. The Mental Corpus John R.