This City of Lies (Kerrigan Book 1)
For the sake of this book, the year is America is about to enter World War I, but there is something on the home front that has driven some powerful men absolutely crazy. The Suffragist Movement is putting pressure on then President Wilson to pass legislation that will give women the right to vote. Oct 25, Celia rated it really liked it Shelves: Victoria Thompson, author of City of Lies, is an award winning author of the Gaslight Series, a series of 22 'cozy' mysteries that take place in turn of the century New York City.
I have not read too many cozy mysteries. But I am glad that I ran into this one. The plot revolves around cons perpetrated by Elizabet Victoria Thompson, author of City of Lies, is an award winning author of the Gaslight Series, a series of 22 'cozy' mysteries that take place in turn of the century New York City. The plot revolves around cons perpetrated by Elizabeth and her cohorts. Very interesting lead character as well. Could you like a woman who lies for a living?
Perhaps, because Thompson does a great job of weaving good things about Elizabeth into the story. In the process, the reader learns about the women's suffrage movement. Thompson herself did not know much about it and certainly did not know the suffering the suffragists went through to get the vote for women. So this book involves true historical events, illegal activities, romance and justice. Looking forward to 2.
BTW, the author's note is well worth the read.
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Thompson emphasizes what is true in her book and what she made up for drama effect. May 26, Caille rated it it was amazing Shelves: I absolutely loved this book. Any book that includes con artists, and especially smart female ones always intrigues me. When combined with the history of the suffrage movement, I felt like this book was made for me. The use of the the rich history of the suffrage movement was fresh and new, and it was clear that Victoria Thompson put quite a bit of research into it. While the book had me hooked from the beginning, there was a part towards the middle where I wasn't sure I liked where the story wa I absolutely loved this book.
While the book had me hooked from the beginning, there was a part towards the middle where I wasn't sure I liked where the story was heading. However, Thompson turned it around and the ending was amazing. This is a great pick for anyone looking for a historical fiction drama, or for anyone who likes stories about sly and smart women.
While I did love the character of Elizabeth, sometimes I got frustrated with the way that she was portrayed. I kept having to remind myself that this book was set in the early 20th century, and that whether she was a con artist or not, she would act more demure than women today. The character was well written though, and I look forward to seeing how her character will develop in future books. I do believe that this is misclassified as a detective mystery, because while there is a slight mystery in how the con is going to be pulled off, there is no crime that is trying to be solved.
I think this book is better classified as a suspense drama, or a historical fiction. I received a free advanced readers copy of this book due to my job as a bookseller. I have not been paid for my opinions, and all of my opinions are my own. City of Lies is more than just an intriguing mystery. It is an exciting, elegantly written historical fiction story about strong women, crime, betrayal, and wit. This one has all the makings of a fun crime novel, with the addition of women fighting for what they believe in, and rising above their times!
For those who love historical fiction with flare and cleverness, this one is for you!
Johnny Depp sued for allegedly punching crew member on the set of City of Lies
I was pleasantly intrigued by this book. Though, the synopsis doesn't quite match the true feel of the story, City of Lies is more than just an intriguing mystery. Though, the synopsis doesn't quite match the true feel of the story, the book itself was an exciting read! I am a little ashamed to admit that I did not remember learning about the women's movement involved in this story, and in history, that ultimately led to our right to vote, but I am most definitely going to be doing more research to learn all that I can.
I felt like that was an amazing addition to the story. The plot of the story was spectacularly written. Elizabeth Miles was on the run from a man named Oscar Thornton because she and her brother, Jake, had cheated him out of a large sum of money. She found an opportunity to escape his sight by joining the Suffragists in a protest in front of the white house, and things quickly spiraled from there.
She became involved in their cause, and emotionally connected with several members, and not only had an amazing character transformation, but also found ways to aid her escape from Thornton's hunt. Elizabeth was so fascinating. She was clever, witty, sneaky, and brave. She was a great con artist, but also had a few hidden morals that showed throughout the story. I loved seeing the emotional changes she faced, and I am excited to see what happens next! The rest of the characters were a little less developed than I would have liked. But, they were still enjoyable nonetheless. Gideon was a fair match to Elizabeth's wit.
Anna was an amazing friend, and strong woman, and Mrs. Vanderslice were both strong characters.
I truly loved how the story mixed a large amount of historical aspects in with the fictional story of Elizabeth and her con-artistry. The history of the Suffragists was used to help shape Elizabeth's character, and to shape the time of the story, which led to a fair amount of enjoy-ability in the world building.
I was able to get a true feel of the time from the description and imagery the author used. I cannot wait to read the next installment in the series! I will be the most interesting woman you've ever met. Sep 02, Melliane rated it really liked it. We discover Elizabeth Miles, a young girl who used to live on the margins of society. With her friends, she usually organizes scams to steal money from dishonest rich men. But while she usually does not have problems after these acts, the latest victim is far from appreciating it.
Determined to find Elizabeth and to 4. Determined to find Elizabeth and to force her to return his money, or even to kill her, he will pursue her without respite. Yet the young woman, full of resources, does not hesitate to place herself in a feminist manifestation that demands the right to vote in order to escape her pursuers. Putting herself as a woman she is not, she gets arrested by the police and she is sent with all the others to jail. And you suspect that she is one of the only girls who absolutely wants to stay there to be safe.
But then, under these conditions, she did not expect to connect so easily to Anna, a young febrile woman or to the matriarch of the group for which she will have great esteem. Elizabeth will help them understand how to act in jail and she will watch over them as best as she can. In parallel, we discover Gabriel, the son of the matriarch who arrives in town determined to save these young women. Thornton, allying himself with him, is also very interested to get them out!
I will not say more because it would be very easy to tell you everything but I can tell you that this novel is a pretty little pearl. I loved to follow Elizabeth, see her change at the touch of these young women and see her regret not to be a better person.
It was also really interesting to have such a big part devoted to the cause that these women fight for! It was fascinating to have such a theme and it is true that we realize what these women have suffered a lot in order to advance their rights. I want to start by pointing out that the Goodreads blurb for this book is not accurate.
First of all this is not a murder mystery, Elizabeth does not scour Washington, DC for a killer. The story does not take place in 's but few years earlier, in Lastly, one of the main character's name is Gideon, not Gabriel. I found the time period very interesting and I enjoyed readi I want to start by pointing out that the Goodreads blurb for this book is not accurate. I found the time period very interesting and I enjoyed reading about the suffragist movement.
The writing is very engaging and the pacing is great. I was never bored, I wanted to keep turning pages and read about Elizabeth's adventures. This book does have a few flaws that in any other book would have caused me to lower my rating, but City of Lies was so entertaining I decided to forgive them. These are the things I didn't love: Insta-love, especially on Gideon's side. I wanted Elizabeth and Gideon's relationship to have more depth and more complexity, I wanted it to grow and develop slowly.
We are constantly told that Elizabeth is this incredible, amazing woman like no other. Gideon, Anna, and Mrs. Bates all rave about how different from anyone else she is, but we are never shown this side of her character. Yes, she is clever, resourceful, and street smart, but to imply that she is so much better than everyone else is a stretch.
The ending is too neat and tidy for my taste. City of Lies is supposed to be the first book in the series and it's hard to imagine how Elizabeth's story will continue when the ending was wrapped up like a pretty package with a bow on top. As I mentioned earlier I still very much enjoyed this book.
I will definitely pick up the second book. Nov 22, Under the Covers Book Blog rated it really liked it. Elizabeth Miles is just like any other woman trying to get by in s New York Only her most recent ploy seems to have gone massively astray and forces her to hide amongst some conveniently located Suffragettes.
She never expected to come to admire the ladies she has been stranded with and she definitely didn't expect to find the one honest man in the whole of New York. However, Elizabeth must pull a massive con on the people she has come to greatly respect Elizabeth Miles is just like any other woman trying to get by in s New York However, Elizabeth must pull a massive con on the people she has come to greatly respect and form real friendships with, if she doesn't her life will be forfeit.
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I picked this one up, despite not having read this author before, as I loved the idea of a grifter heroine, especially set in the s New York. It all sounded very intriguing and I love a book with an unconventional heroine at the centre. I am immensely pleased that I decided to pick it up, it was a tale full of suspense, tension, historical events all with a dash of romance.
Thompson has woven into the story true historical events of the women's suffragist movement, all with added liberties. Aside from being fascinating in of itself, it also added an air of authenticity to the setting that Thompson had created. If you like historical tales full of tension and intrigue, as well as a bit of romance, then you need to pick this up. It was both entertaining, fun and I enjoyed Thompson's inclusion of suffragists. This tale concluded very satisfactorily and I am unsure if it's part of a series or not, if it is I will gladly pick up the next book.
Subscribe to our blog by email! Oct 20, Bridget Vollmer rated it really liked it Shelves: I'd rate this somewhere between 3. The beginning was definitely heavy on the historical info which wasn't bad but I was not expecting the historical info dump. Although, I did find it enlightening once I changed my expectations as I am shamefully lacking in knowledge of the suffragist movement. After I changed my expectations of the book, I really enjoyed the fast paced I'd rate this somewhere between 3.
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After I changed my expectations of the book, I really enjoyed the fast paced, clever story line. The ending was really good and had a bit of a shocker that surprised me. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series although I do think the genre should be changed from mystery to historical fiction. It had more of of a "cozy" historical fiction feel than anything else if that makes sense. May 30, R. Koreto rated it it was amazing. A change of pace for the wonderful Victoria Thompson.
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I've long enjoyed her Gaslight mysteries, and was excited about this new series. Thompson excels at strong women characters, and Elizabeth Miles is something new--a talented con artist. When a con against a vengeful millionaire goes wrong, she has to hide among a groups of suffragists.
Soon she finds her views challenged, as she simultaneously grows to like and respect her new companions, seeks to save her own life, and works to continue her A change of pace for the wonderful Victoria Thompson. Soon she finds her views challenged, as she simultaneously grows to like and respect her new companions, seeks to save her own life, and works to continue her profession. How will it resolve itself? Like all of Thompson's books, this one is well-researched and period details enrich the book without getting in the way of the plot.
Especially vivid are descriptions, drawn from real life, of the tribulations women faced in seeking the vote. Equally interesting are the details of grifters and the their cons, also drawn from real life. There is romance, including same-sex romances, presented with skill and taste. Elizabeth Miles is a complex and fascinating heroine, and I look forward to seeing her further adventures. May 24, Jane rated it it was amazing Shelves: In a departure from her long-running Gaslight Mystery series, Thompson has written a new historical set in the at the height of the Suffrage movement.
Elizabeth last name changeable is working a con with her brother that goes horribly wrong. Now the mark, Oscar Thornton, is out for revenge and Elizabeth ends up throwing in with a group of Suffragists who land in prison to escape Thornton's clutches. But what starts out as one more cover story becomes something else when Elizabeth comes In a departure from her long-running Gaslight Mystery series, Thompson has written a new historical set in the at the height of the Suffrage movement. But what starts out as one more cover story becomes something else when Elizabeth comes to realize the seriousness of the women's goals and just how much there is yet to do.
The question is, how can Rae find proof of life for her mother, come to terms with her feelings for Devon, and manage to save the Princess, all while dressed for tea? When the enigma, the secrets and the skeletons in the closet begin to be exposed, can Rae handle the truth? Book 5 - Under Fire Rae Kerrigan is determined to find her mother. No amount of convincing from Devon, or the Privy Council, is going to make her believe her mother is not alive, and Rae will stop at nothing to find her. Torn between friendship and loyalty, Rae must also choose between Luke and Devon.
The heart wants what the heart wants. Book 6 - End in Sight When life couldn't get anymore confusing, fate steps in and throws a curveball. Read more Read less. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. The Descendants Series Bundle: Kindle Edition File Size: Customers who viewed this item also viewed. When the Power is Gone: A Powerless World - Book 1. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review.
Showing of 4 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Great series with interesting twists.. An exciting interesting read though needed lot of editing and proof reading.

Can wait to read the next book in the series. I loved the way Rae moulds her life and faces each challanges and the way she learns to trust her friends. See all 4 reviews. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Rae loves to snort, chew her lip, bounce her heel, and lust after Devon. Her inner monologue rivals Anna's in 50 Shades. Learn how it all began From best-selling author W. May - each shade is a different genre of the fantasy, paranormal and romance - all from different series!
City of Lies
No, not the vampire-slaying type, or the ever-brooding Winchester brothers from Supernatural. I live a relatively normal life - during the day at least. I go to school, have friends, and try my best to survive Uncle James' horrendous cooking. However, the nights in the city of Calen are not always calm. There's a thin veil between our world and the world of monsters, the good and the bad. I'm one of the few who stands between the two. When Kallie lands a college interview with the city's new hot-shot police officer, she has no idea everything in her life is about to change.
The detective is young, handsome, and seems to have an unnatural ability to stop the increasing local crime rate. Detective Liam's particular interest in Kallie sends her heart and head stumbling over each other. Their attraction is instant, the chemistry undeniable. But sadly, things aren't adding up. Taylor wonders what her "crush" is hiding. When her new friend, Fred tells her his suspicions about Jesse being a paranormal creature, Taylor laughs. But when Fred turns up dead, she believes every warning he ever told her. Nothing is as it seems anymore.
Leery from the horrifying incident at the end of her first year at Guilder Boarding School, Rae Kerrigan is determined to learn more about her new tattoo. Her expectations are high, an easy senior year and a happy reunion with Devon, the boy she's not supposed to date. All hopes of happiness turn into shattered dreams the moment she steps back on campus. Lies and secrets are everywhere, and a betrayal cuts Rae deeply.
Among her conflicts and enemies, it appears as if her father is reaching out from beyond the grave to ruin her life. With no one to trust, Rae doesn't know where or who to turn to for help.