The Reluctant Psychic

She spends a large portion of her life pining for and chasing after a particular man, but what she does after connecting with him felt, to me, completely selfish and hurtful. He e-mailed me over the next year from time to time, but eventually he was too sick to stay in touch, and I never responded. Saxman appears to experience a jumble of abilities. She sees spirits, hears them speaking, has premonitions and precognitive dreams, and can also feel connections with past lives.
None of these abilities do her much good in her personal life, which is mostly a mess. The focus is far more on her chaotic life, with her psychic abilities as perhaps an underlying factor. Some things I felt needed to be explored more, while other parts were expounded on to the point of exhaustion. If you are not a believer in anything supernatural, I doubt there is enough here to convince you otherwise. We think we are the agents of our own destiny, but there are forces at work in our lives that are so much bigger than we can possibly ever understand.
We have forgotten that everything in nature is divine. Prophetically, I had this exact conversation with a friend recently, and we discussed the lack of connection between children and nature. I was also interested to read about Suzan's connection with former child actor Jack Wild, and of the possibility that they may have been siblings. Later in life, she finds a connection with living in Woodstock.
What if more of us took the time to make spiritual connections with the people and places around us? I was also interested to read about the author's decision to be "done with romance": Mar 10, Alicia rated it it was amazing. I recieved this book for free through Goodreads First Reads. When I first got this book I did not know if I would like it. I thought that it would just be about some crazy lady, who thought everyone was good and there were only good spirits. I was surprised when I began reading it. I eventually figured out she has the same beliefs that I do.
I have never fit into a specific religion, seeing that all of them could be related to each other.
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- The Reluctant Psychic - Suzan Fiona Saxman.
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I've also believed in spirits. This helped me realize that I recieved this book for free through Goodreads First Reads. This helped me realize that I most likely have past lives and it fits into how I have always been interested in certain periods of time. I was amazed by all the things that happened to her and around her. We all hope to find our soulmates and we always expect that when we do we will fall in love in a romantic way.
I liked to find out that a soulmate may not be someone you can be romantic with and you may not find in every life, but they will always be waiting at some point. This was a book I really enjoyed and it taught me about myself and my beliefs. Mar 11, Liz rated it it was amazing. I met the author, who comes a cross as a sincere, down to earth person genuinely focused on people, making sense of her life, and having a good laugh while she's at it. Well-written memoir, a page turner - for me the psychological and social challenges her psychic ability created for her were fascinating.
A coming of age and coming in to her own book. My sense is, if there are true psychics, she is one of them. Feb 10, Sarah rated it it was ok Shelves: It was easier to read in the beginning. It was harder later on. This poor gir went through absolute hell.
Playing Look Out for her mom during her affair, to meeting her husband, David and having an affair or two of her own, to crushing on jut about every guy she sees, to meeting Jack Wild, her brother from another life Feb 03, Sheila Englehart rated it it was amazing. Suzan's story so eerily aligns with mine that I almost had to put it down to recover.
Although I'm not as open intuitively as she, we seem to have had very similar lives. What I loved about her story was her willingness to share the dark spots. Most psychic memoirs are all love and light and "nothing can hurt you. I am grateful to see that she had the courage to be so revealing. Apr 22, Holli Krusemark rated it it was amazing. This was truly a great read. It's an open an honest account of an incredible women's journey who just happens to have an extraordinary gift. Her trials and triumphs are relatable Her story is inspiring and empowering.
- Mindful of the Dead | Lessons From a Reluctant Psychic!
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- The Reluctant Psychic.
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- The Reluctant Psychic by Suzan Saxman.
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Fabulous Book, Amazing Woman Having had personal readings by Fiona, I was interested in learning more about her and her remarkable gift. I didn't realize how much I would enjoy the book. I have a whole new respect for her and David. I read this book with an open mind and ended up enjoying it rather a lot! The story is absorbing and well told, there is great rhythm to it unlike some other biographies of this kind and in general I found it quite moving.
Maria Carmo, Lisbon 22 July Well written and fascinating, although I'm a sucker for anything from this Genre. May 13, Tara rated it liked it Shelves: Psychic phenomena has always been interesting to me. If there is a book that focuses on mediums, psychics, or anything related, I want to read it, mainly because the concept of someone being able to connect with another world is attractive to most people.
We want it to be true, because believing is equivalent to hope. This book was entertaining, absolutely. Here's what bothered me about this book: My perception of so-called s Psychic phenomena has always been interesting to me. My perception of so-called spiritual people is that they have an awareness and sensibility that renders them selfless. This book bothered me because the psychic seemed to take advantage of people, and I'm not talking about the people she read for. There seemed to be a dismissiveness to the way she lead her life, primarily with regard to her love life.
The icy relationship between her and her mother was understandable, but the way she handled her personal relationships seemed cold in my view, and not very enlightened. Further to this, the trip to England where the friend she went with seemed to be a means to an end, the leaving of her well-meaning though flaky-sounding husband for the lawyer, and other instances I won't go into, all reeked of opportunism, to an extent.
It felt wrong, to me, and made me feel largely unsympathetic toward her. But, the book was entertaining, and I read it all the way through. Perhaps I'm wrong about her character. After all, I'm not a psychic. The final reveal made the book worth a read it is one of those human nature things that you can reflect on as well as the "rules" of the spirit world. Her story does make you want to meet her, especially since she starts the book with a veiled challenge that she lives her life in a way that you would not be able to make contact in a manor other than showing up at her house. I find it odd that the editor let through so many self-contradicting statements, but maybe that was intentional, to show th The final reveal made the book worth a read it is one of those human nature things that you can reflect on as well as the "rules" of the spirit world.
I find it odd that the editor let through so many self-contradicting statements, but maybe that was intentional, to show the complexity of her personality. While reading this book, you feel sorry for her childhood, and then she paints herself as a hedonist jerk. View all 3 comments. Nov 30, Joanne Hyland rated it liked it. This was an extremely interesting book as I have always had an interest in mediums and the spiritual world they inhabit. I believe in the fey, the feelings that are there even if they are not always understood.
I feel hope in the belief that lives are lived several times over and that there is no need to fear death as it is only a new beginning. It makes sense to my rational brain when we can recognise what we perceive as wisdom in a new born's eyes or say that someone is an old soul who has bee This was an extremely interesting book as I have always had an interest in mediums and the spiritual world they inhabit.
It makes sense to my rational brain when we can recognise what we perceive as wisdom in a new born's eyes or say that someone is an old soul who has been here before. Maybe we all have.
Dec 08, Debbie Turner rated it really liked it. I enjoyed this book very much. It is about the dysfunctional life of Suzan as much as the phychic journey, but it was very well written. I didn't get lost on the journey through Suzan's life. I would love to go to Woodstock and visit her store Sep 16, Claudia Loureiro rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book, and Suzan, came to me right when I needed it.
An addictive read, it pulls you in immediately. It is a wonderful reminder of what we already know but have forgotten. An inspiring story of tremendous hardship overcome, journeys undertaken and what it truly means to come full circle. Great Read I loved reading this book. I feel like I have been given some answers, to questions that I didn't know I had. I have obsessed with animals all of my life. I have always wished I had some kind of inside knowledge, so I could understand them and help them.
Mindful of the Dead | Lessons From a Reluctant Psychic | BEST SELF MAGAZINE
Sep 06, Kayla rated it liked it. This book was overall enjoyable. Honest, open, and sweet. May 08, Despina rated it liked it. I wanted to love this book but the parts I enjoyed the most were the stories of clients she read. Jan 11, Lisa rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
In my opinion this memoir was not only sincere, it was also extraordinary. For those of you whom lack conviction perhaps you should heed Susan's words, I quote: Yet I myself found them to be liberating and authentic. A prime example would be of her concepts and personal experience of and towards Catholicism. We went to Mass every day and we prayed in class, but we weren't supposed to have any of our own thoughts about God.
We were supposed to do what we were told, believe what we were told, and not question anything" and "We didn't read the Bible.
A reluctant psychic conveys the omnipresence of the dead with endearing comfort
They wanted us to repeat back the words they told us but not think about what they meant. It was a Catholic-generating factory, that was all". I was utterly disgusted by some of the Nun's behaviour, especially that of Sister Patricia. If kids chattered, she took a piece of red construction paper she had cut out and colored to look like a tongue and pinned it on to the child's shirt. It was the sixties and plenty of young men were beginning to walk around with long hair and beards and messages of peace and love, but the nuns hated the hippies. I had a feeling the nuns would hate Jesus if he actually showed up.
He'd probably get a red tongue pinned on his chest. I believe strongly that we should all be mindful of the message she gave from the Angels too, I quote: It could happen at any moment. She didn't say how, but she wanted people to know how the Earth had been violated, drilled, abused and raped and that the Earth herself was a living, breathing being that could fight back. I guess my favourite excerpt has to be this, I quote: I am enamoured with those celestial beings!
Susan, I thought that your Father, Steve was absolutely fabulous; I just adored his eccentricity. He was unconventional, totally unique and quirky. He really captured my heart and imagination. I especially liked the photo you included that depicted you both facing one another holding swords. It was truly charming. On the other hand I experienced mixed feelings about your Mother. It saddens me to think of you so desperately seeking her acceptance and approval, you were indeed hungry for it. Your Mother certainly was a tormented soul and unfortunately it seems that you took the brunt of her misery.
Martins , has been communing with the dead her whole life and what she has encountered primarily are not malevolent spirits who want to frighten or haunt the living but souls still reaching out to those they love, eager to lend a hand, albeit an invisible one. She brings her dead cat with her, a big white cat, a Persian. She wants you to know that. I felt the floor, the walls, and the ceiling of my reality disappear. Over the next few months as my daughter journeyed through a medical ordeal that Suzan had also predicted I found myself calling on my beloved dead for help.
But unfortunately in America the unacknowledged dead are everywhere.
Your cities are filled with souls waiting to be remembered and called upon. As I became mindful of the dead, the dead became mindful of me. Each night I recited the names of all the dead: