Shadows Kiss
Yesss I ship it! No I don't know how to write it. But a hot pirate demon? Salem the naughty P Update: Ooh Ooh and that Morior Dragon. View all 79 comments. Jun 08, Mizuki marked it as to-read. I know, I know. I have been using this same banner for various times already Other reviewer suggested it can be about Kosmina and Thaddeus. View all 12 comments. Apr 12, Layla marked it as to-read Shelves: This is worse than I thought.
Sooo, the b EDIT6: Sooo, the blurb is out and surprise, surprise, it's Kosmina! O Ruthless warrior hero? I'm totally blanking on this, I have no idea who it is. I was betting on that Sand Sorcerer for Kosmina, but it doesn't really describe him. View all 61 comments. Aug 20, Esther rated it it was amazing. I will die an old maid waiting for this book to come out View all 3 comments.
Apr 22, Stacia the club marked it as to-read. I'm not complaining, but what happened to the other story? Or was the character mentioned before the guy who was supposed to be Kosmina's HEA, so it really was Kosmina's story and I was too dense to figure it out? Normally, I would prefer that the stories of 2 siblings be split up and not put back-t0-back if there are also other characters in the series who need stories because it would seem way too structured if an entire family got their HEAs set up in order like ducks in a row But when there's a cliffhanger about a certain character, their story should be up next!
View all 13 comments. Apr 05, Scholar marked it as to-read Shelves: Kosmina and The Ruthless Warrior Hero. That means that the hero is a character we have not met previously. If it really is her story then I would love to see her with Thaddeus. View all 10 comments. So, I would like to start by saying that Kresley Cole is my most favorite author for fiction novels. Her writing style is incredible and her creative mind is just freaking beautiful. December 4th is so far away! I've been reading all of her other books to distract myself and keep from commenting on goodreads, but it's not working anymore.
- Closing Chapters!
- Shadow's Kiss (Immortals After Dark, #19) by Kresley Cole;
- The Super Spies and the High School Bomber.
- Building a World of Shadows....
- Daydream Your Way to the Life You Want!
- For the price of a cup of coffee....
I have to make my opinion know So, I would like to start by saying that Kresley Cole is my most favorite author for fiction novels. I have to make my opinion known. Am I the only one who would love for Mina to be paired with Heath!?!? Think about it, the King of Sands vowed to get revenge, they wind up in the same place. I could just imagine Heath being kept there as well and BAM there's his mate. Who reveres sex and all things physical?
I'm not trying to lead your mind into the gutter, but, come on You know that's where your mind belongs right now. Honestly, I don't think it will happen, but I am allowed to dream. I don't have anything against the Sand King, but I would love for her to be paired with one of the loveable scamps that we have already been introduced to.
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Hopefully that bad boy will just keep on getting moved up: View all 9 comments. Oct 10, Tanya Urban Fantasy Freak marked it as to-read. Expected publication date November ?!! Jul 31, Sophia Triad marked it as to-read. The story of Kosmina Daciano aka Mina. There is a huge cliffhunger about Mina since "Shadow's Seduction". So, we now wait to see how this issue about Mina will be resolved and who will be her mate: Aug 09, Michelle Huberdeau marked it as to-read.
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Dec 19th, Okay I'm hearing she may be paired with Brandr I would actually totally not mind that! He isn't thaaaat new to the series I need more lykae in my life! So that to me says an older Lorean. Who better than the "long-dead" lykae who Lachlain described as "hot-headed"? He ventured off on his own to avenge their parents and got himself "killed" by the vamps of Helvita Lothaire might even banish her for good Really hope it's Heath. I been waitin' on him! View all 14 comments. May 05, Whitney marked it as to-read Shelves: July Another update: A year later and it's now scheduled for November And it's some random characters who I don't even know.
Disappointment where you eventually just stop asking and hoping. A slow and painful death where book series go to die. I think this is the official death of this series for me. Well this is awkward. I just don't even know how to keep up with these books anymore. The last several have been off the wall characters. I don't even remember these people! Sep 01, Arvid rated it liked it. These series are getting way longer than I expected! And the next publishing is ?! Let These series are getting way longer than I expected! So for me this the end!
Goodbye immortals after dark! Jun 29, Kaitlin rated it did not like it. Can anyone explain what is happening here? First there were two books coming out in And an actual untitled IAD book. I come back the other IAD book is gone, and suddenly this book was moved back three months. Now this book is moved back to ?! What is happening here?
Tbh it feels like she was supposed to write something else and have this as a side st Can anyone explain what is happening here? Tbh it feels like she was supposed to write something else and have this as a side story, until she got behind and had to make this her next big book.
Bc her news letter says the next book to be released is Munro. I just wish she would publish at least one IAD a year. Is that so much to ask for? Jul 24, AlisonClaire marked it as to-read Shelves: Apr 10, Annabel Mcastillo marked it as to-read. Jul 09, Lynsey A marked it as to-read Shelves: Two years after it's expected release date. Does anyone know why?? View all 23 comments. Aug 08, Namera [The Literary Invertebrate] marked it as to-read. Sep 08, Sharon L marked it as to-read.
I'm in a dire need for some IAD. I'm serious, I'm a heavely addicted gal when it comes to this series thank god, I didn't read the series till ish. I don't I could have handled it. For some reason, the publication date of some of the editions had been pushed to When playing as one of these re-animated slayers, you may choose to follow the agenda of the Necromancers, or break free to find your own path.
Each faction will have a core storyline as well. Adding the Adepts, Revenants, and especially the Loupgarou means hiring new members of the team to do that, and those costs drive the stretch goals. New playable races require art, animations, coding, story, sounds, interface, and design.
A game industry veteran with experience in programming, design, and production, Thomas Sitch has long flirted with becoming a creature of the night, going all the way back to vampire LARP in the 90's. His love of cosplay and things gothic is matched only by his passion for collaborative and competitive online RPGs. Becker is a professional writer with broad-ranging experience in fiction and non-fiction, across multiple print, digital, visual and interactive media. He has also been a gaming storyteller, with particular interest in vampires and other monsters, for many years.
Monique Blaize is an incredibly versatile game developer. While primarily a generalist game designer for both 2D and 3D design she also freelances as a comic artist. Additionally, she is talented in indie game production and marketing. She loves reading manga and anything related to anime.
Instructions to get into the Shadow's Kiss Pre-Alpha
If we exceed our basic Kickstarter goal, we expand our use of funds into improving our art, expanding and improving our animations, voice over and more Midnight Syndicate music, building systems like ritual magic and crafting, and especially our stretch goal playable factions: Revenants, Loupgarou, and Adepts. Visit our Shadow's Kiss Website. Follow us on Facebook. Game design, and moreover, game implementation, is inherently risky, and massively multiplayer games are particularly challenging to scope and create.
We have tackled a lot of this risk in the last two years with deploying servers, reflecting combat and interactions, and building a core client, but challenges always arise when you add more players and more complexity to the system.
- GAME OVERVIEW — Shadow's Kiss.
- Tigers Cafe.
- Jake Harold and Prince on Timor.
There are always risks that third party libraries that we rely on may not scale, may have memory issues, or may need to be replaced for other reasons, resulting in setbacks in time and funds. Games also have to be fun, not just complete, unlike office software.
Shadow's Kiss
Risk derives from the revisions and testing necessary to make a fun and compelling game. Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ. This level gets you the game, including access in alpha, beta, and the final game. This special early bird level also gives you a free werewolf pet that will aid you in battle!
This grants you the Ninja Pet and the Cloud the Minds Eye Power, which lets you become invisible for a short time, in addition to game access, the cave and sewer lairs, the werewolf pet, and the Summon Winter Wolf Power. This grants you the Ninja Pet, in addition to game access, the cave and sewer lairs, and the Summon Wolf power.
Did you miss out on the earlybird levels, or just want all the awesome stuff in one place? This level grants you the Succubus Pet, in addition to all rare pets and powers in the prior earlybird levels! This level gives you a bunch of occult powers to mess with things better, well, not messed with. This level affords you a bunch of Verdilak and Necromancy Abilities, but accessible to all characters on your account, in addition to the demonic powers from Dabbler in the Dark Arts.
This pledge level grants you the Siberian Tiger pet, the Fetish Club Lair, and the Siren Song power for all characters on your account, in addition to all prior rewards. You get to design the name and background of a custom NPC, and give input on his or her appearance with editorial discretion from Clockwork Throne; it must fit the lore and mood of the game. Includes all prior pets, powers, and lairs. You also gain a mummy pet that can be summoned in combat. This quest can involve any supernatural factions you want, and tie into the main storyline.
You also gain the Wings of Night power, allowing you to turn into a swarm of bats and reform elsewhere on the battlefield. Kind of like Cheers, but with black jack and exsanguinations. Do you require refinement and class even if you do not drink…wine? This jackpot gives you all lairs in the game but not with fixed locations , all powers, and all pets, and our team will custom model your unique NPC to look like YOU, and have a strong tie in to the main storyline.
You gain all lairs, powers, and pets in the prior levels. Additionally, we will craft a custom version of any one of those lairs your choice as a fixed landmark in the game with its own background, and our artists will model your likeness for your own story NPC.
Oct 31, - Dec 5, 35 days. Share this project Done. A vampire and supernatural themed massively multiplayer game that lets you compete or cooperate with other players to rule the night! We are looking for people who share that dream , and want to make it happen…. Food for the Immortals. Customize your vampire mode.

The Loupgarou belong to the Lunar Covenant. Necromancers force the dead to walk again. Loa Masters deal in nightmares. A demon summoned by cultists. Evolve your vampiric incarnation. Accept quests or discover them through exploration. Red shirt cast members can be killed.