Quando Renunciar é Preciso (Portuguese Edition)
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Fotografias, documentos e formatos grandes para a empresa e casa. Ver todos os produtos. Russia has already signed a binding commitment to abide by the rules of international trade. Although the preferred way to solve such issues is a bilateral negotiation, if no result can be achieved within a reasonable time period, the Commission will not refrain from using all other means at its disposal including the multilateral dispute settlement mechanism.
However, despite the fact that the EFSA European Food Safety Authority has provided new scientific evidence, the report contained no recommendations on the transport of horses. When will the Commission conduct a thoroughgoing scientific review of standards for horse welfare, including a reassessment of standards for vehicle design and space and water requirements? What form would such a review take? The Commission will not be conducting a scientific review of standards for the transport of horses. The opinion included updated scientific data on the transport of horses and it is up to Member States to ensure the proper enforcement of the requirements provided for in the legislation.
Will the Commission review existing EU legislation on the transport of poultry on the basis of the latest scientific evidence? Problems in the active inclusion of Roma children in the public education system are becoming a topic of increasing public debate. Compulsory education systems are not sufficiently prepared for the cultural differences that Roma display. An increasingly common occurrence is for Roma children to be classified as mentally handicapped.
Sometimes the parents themselves try to have their children classified as handicapped, as it enables them to obtain benefits for their disabled child. Children who are classified in such a way are most often sent to special schools. The Commission is aware of the problem of exclusion of Roma children from mainstream education and in particular the inappropriate classification of some Roma children as mentally handicapped in some Member States.
Therefore, the European Commission does not have the competence to introduce pre-school programmes aimed at Roma children; the Member States concerned have to take the necessary steps.

The communication promotes pre-school and early childhood education as a vital first step towards a more successful educational path and better integration into society. Poland, amongst other Member States, is expected to take the results of this assessment into account. The Commission will report on progress made in spring This programme aims at alleviating linguistic barriers and restoring trust and dialogue between Roma families and local schools by training mediators, most of whom have a Roma background themselves.
Furthermore, the chemicals contained in the toys could be responsible for disrupting male sexual development and stunting growth in babies. There are concerns that such products will be distributed more widely on the European market. The primary objective of the system is to assure the rapid exchange of information between the Member States and the European Commission with regard to products posing a risk and measures taken by a Member State to exclude or limit their placing on the market or use.
However, information on the hazardous toys found in Italy did not make its way to the RAPEX system after checks were carried out in shops in the Macerata city area in central Italy, nor after the toys were confiscated as part of a national operation. Is the European market sufficiently well protected against imports of hazardous toys?
The Commission is aware of the health risks posed by some toys manufactured in China. To facilitate EU customs' border controls on imported products, guidelines on product safety, including for toys, have recently been developed. Furthermore, close cooperation between EU market surveillance and customs authorities is taking place. The Commission is in contact with the Italian authorities regarding the case referred to in the Written Question.
In your answer, you stated that the right to move and reside freely may be restricted on grounds of public policy, but that. Can you confirm unequivocally and without qualification that systematic discrimination and territorial restrictions imposed upon a particular group of EU citizens — in this case, EU citizens of a certain nationality — without any consideration of.
Since the Belgian police stated that they intended to confiscate at the border alcohol in the possession of British tourists but made no such threats against French tourists bringing in wine, German tourists bringing in beer or Dutch tourists bringing in spirits, such intentions were without doubt arbitrary discrimination against a certain group of EU citizens.
Can you confirm that treating one group of EU citizens transporting a certain good across an internal border in a different manner to other EU citizens transporting the same good constitutes arbitrary discrimination? Under Rule of the Rules of Procedure,. Territorial restrictions may be allowed provided they are not based on the grounds of nationality but on public policy or public security considerations. The statement was given to provide advice to travelling supporters and is related to the measures the Belgian Police was envisaging taking to maintain law and order in the vicinity of the Jan Breydel stadium before, during and after the match between Club Brugge and Newcastle United FC.
Concerning the delay in answering the previous question by the Honourable Member, the Commission would be grateful if the Honourable Member could accept its apologies for the delay which was due to the legal complexity of the question. Die Kontrolle der Medien wurde erheblich gelockert.
Zudem wurde ein neues Investitionsgesetz verabschiedet. What proposals made by the interlocutors from Myanmar have been taken into account or implemented as part of support? The great majority of political prisoners are now freed. Control of the media has been substantially relaxed. New labour laws have been introduced and more than trade unions are approved and established. A new investment law has been issued.
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Challenges though remain, particularly with regards to finding durable solutions for the Rohingyas in Rakhine State and with regards to the conflict in Kachin, which has recently escalated. The EU should continue its policy of engagement, advocacy and support to the reform process. Further support to the National Human Rights Commission, the Electoral Commission and to civil society is also underway.
Does the Commission consider the installation of a solar power plant on the site of a disused nuclear power plant as an exemplary model for the use of other disused power plants? Is the Commission aware of any other examples of installations for producing renewable energy on disused power plant sites? Will the Commission promote the installation of solar power plants on disused power station sites? Strategies to promote renewable energy must take many factors into account, including climatic conditions, environmental concerns, grid access, cost effectiveness and of course energy demand.
In conformity with the principle of subsidiarity, the choice on concrete measures to support renewables is left to Member States. Currently, no specific statistical information is available on the production of renewable energy on disused power plant sites.
It is difficult to assess whether disused power plants are in all cases suitable locations for installing solar power plants; assessment is case-specific. Although some elements speak in favour of using such areas for the production of renewable energy, a detailed analysis is necessary to come to a definite conclusion for a specific site. Unpaid months of work, increased work hours, an intensification of work, pressure to complete projects or production work, poor maintenance of equipment and tools, and minimal protection and prevention measures are the real reasons for industrial accidents.
This is the result of capitalist development in Greece, the lack of effective measures to protect workers and the policies of successive Greek governments in the name of competitiveness and ensuring the profitability of capital. The Commission deeply regrets the loss of human life in such tragic circumstances. The Commission attaches great importance to the respect of working conditions by the employers, in particularly as regards health and safety at work.
Projects carried out with support of EU funds have to comply with EU and national law. However, the Commission is not in a position to assess the facts or state whether a private company has or has not complied with the applicable law. It is for the national authorities to ensure that the national legislation is correctly and effectively applied by the employer concerned, having regard to the specific circumstances of each case.
With this threat, it is compelling workers to take unpaid leave and it has announced that 25 employees each month will be affected. At the same time, it is renewing the contracts of fixed-term contract staff. In short, it is increasing scheduled flights and profits, while reducing the number of permanent staff and increasing the number of fixed-term contract staff. This helps Greece to correct the fiscal, financial and external imbalances, modernise the product and labour markets, make the public sector more efficient and more effective, and improve the business environment, with a view to spur growth and employment.
An adjustment of this magnitude inevitably entails a short term spike of unemployment. The Commission does it utmost to help the Greek authorities in overcoming the current difficult situation and alleviating the short term costs, in particular through the European Social Fund. The Human Resources Development operational programme reinforces the ability of firms and workers to adapt to international competition, suppports access to the labour market for under-represented and vulnerable groups, and reduces social exclusion.
The National Contingency Reserve programme supports in a more targeted way people affected by the consequences of unforeseen crises, for example by helping them to set up a business. In parallel, measures are being designed to strengthen social safety nets. Can the Commission state how much of the European Social Fund resources earmarked for addressing youth employment has not so far been used by Member States? How has Greece performed in this area and what amount of ESF resources for the country is still available to address the huge problem of youth unemployment?
Member States have been dedicating significant ESF resources to support young people's skills and employment since the beginning of the current programming period In addition, Member States have the possibility to consider reallocations towards measures against youth unemployment within their national ESF envelopes, under existing rules and in cooperation with the Commission. Member States should have reported by These reports will provide a picture of how the programmes are progressing, their impact and how the crisis is being addressed.
However, according to the Commission, some Member States now appear to harbour reservations about this proposal. Can it provide information about the state of negotiations between itself and national governments as regards achieving an agreement on this Fund? Is it expected that funding will remain at the level originally proposed by the Commission? In accordance with the Treaty, it will be examined under the ordinary legislative procedure, i.
The adoption procedure is at a very early stage and therefore official positions of Member States are not known beyond public statements of their representations. What measures can be taken to ensure that the new Court will have no adverse consequences for SMEs from small and less developed countries? Which countries have prepared their own impact assessment studies of such an enterprise?
The EU will not be a party to the Agreement and the Commission has no authority to interpret its content. Yet the main aim of the Unified Patent Court is to ensure legal certainty and avoid multiple cases before national courts in different Member States concerning the same issue with potentially diverging decisions.
This will in particular benefit SMEs. In addition, on the basis of the current draft, it is clear that, when setting the court fees, the Administrative Committee must respect the principle of fair access to justice, in particular for SMEs. The language of proceedings is not restricted to German, English and French. The criteria for patentability e. They will be interpreted in a uniform way by the new court. Is there any corresponding provision in similar agreements concluded between Switzerland and other EU Member States? The impact of existing or new conventions and protocols on specific investigations would have to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Wide discrepancies exist within the European Union between airports with respect to their accessibility to persons with disabilities, in particular in terms of number of reserved parking places and accessible help points. Are there any European legal requirements for airports to meet minimum standards in terms of accessibility for persons with disabilities? Will the European Accessibility Act, still expected in , include harmonisation measures and minimum infrastructure standards for airports in this respect?
Is any EU funding available for projects at airports improving accessibility for persons with disabilities? If not, why not? In the first half of the Commission will be collecting statistics on complaint handling and enforcement with regard to the regulation. These will be published. The preparatory work for the European Accessibility Act is progressing.
The Commission is carefully examining a range of options in view of both the accessibility requirements of different stakeholders, including businesses, persons with disabilities and public authorities and of the legal instruments at its disposal. The final scope of the proposal is not yet decided.
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Bisher hat Iran keinerlei Bereitschaft erkennen lassen, ernsthaft auf die vordringlichen Bedenken in Bezug auf sein Nuklearprogramm einzugehen. Sanktionen sind kein Selbstzweck und sind auch nicht irreversibel. In caso affermativo, che genere di incentivi? Finora l'Iran non ha mostrato alcuna intenzione di rispondere seriamente alle preoccupazioni pressanti che riguardano il suo programma nucleare. Sta all'Iran comportarsi in modo responsabile e ripristinare la fiducia a livello internazionale nella natura esclusivamente pacifica del suo programma nucleare al fine di portare a una sospensione delle sanzioni.
Le misure restrittive concordate dall'UE mirano a colpire il programma nucleare iraniano e le entrate del regime iraniano utilizzate per finanziarlo e non sono rivolte contro il popolo iraniano. Odgovor visoke predstavnice in podpredsednice Komisije Catherine Ashton v imenu Komisije. Namen prizadevanj je, da EU in Iran okrepita vzajemno zaupanje, ki bo postopoma privedlo do resnih pogajanj o jedrskem programu.
Sankcije niso same sebi namen in se jih da odpraviti.
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As a result, Iran has been able to continue its suspicious enrichment activities. If so, what kind of incentives? The EU is determined to work towards a diplomatic solution on the basis of the double-track approach which combines pressure with dialogue. The objective remains to engage Iran in a serious effort of confidence building, guided by the principles of reciprocity and step by step, leading to meaningful negotiations on the nuclear programme.
A confidence building proposal for negotiations aiming to achieve a long-term comprehensive settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue has been put forward during talks. So far Iran has failed to give any signal that it is ready to seriously address the urgent concerns regarding its nuclear programme. The latest IAEA report confirmed that the Iranian nuclear programme and particularly its enrichment activities are expanding. Sanctions are not an end in itself and they are reversible.
Azione dell'UE in materia di cambiamenti climatici mondiali. Quanto allo sviluppo sostenibile, le conclusioni che essa formula sono preoccupanti: L'UE sta attualmente perseguendo diverse politiche in materia di cambiamenti climatici e ha espresso l'impegno di mantenere l'aumento della temperatura globale a un valore massimo di 2 o C. Dispone l'UE di politiche volte a garantire che gli Stati membri perseguano pratiche commerciali sostenibili e si adoperino per limitare l'impatto ambientale dell'UE?
Dispone l'UE di programmi specifici per assistere i paesi terzi a svilupparsi in maniera sostenibile? E in caso contrario, esistono dei piani volti ad attuare tali programmi? Dispone l'UE di piani a lungo termine per affrontare eventuali crisi umanitariescatenate dai cambiamenti climatici? La Commissione continua a sostenere gli Stati membri in questo processo grazie a svariati interventi: L'UE ha integrato lo sviluppo sostenibile nella sua strategia di sviluppo e rappresenta il donatore principale per quanto riguarda i finanziamenti relativi al clima.
Ad esempio, l'UE ha destinato 7,2 miliardi di euro nel biennio all'adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e al loro contenimento nei paesi in via di sviluppo. L'UE ritiene inoltre necessario integrare l'adattamento e la riduzione del rischio di catastrofi nel suo programma di cooperazione allo sviluppo e all'assistenza umanitaria. Anche i programmi di aiuti umanitari e assistenza allo sviluppo dell'UE forniscono un sostegno finanziario per superare le crisi provocate da catastrofi climatiche, con particolare attenzione alla resilienza.
Basandosi sulla recente comunicazione. Focusing on sustainable development, the conclusions it presents are alarming: However, the OECD report points out that it is not enough for developed countries to express a commitment to slowing climate change. An emerging issue in developing third countries is the rampant disregard for environmentally friendly practices in favour of unrestrained industrial growth, which is having a significant negative impact on the global climate.
Unrestrained climate change, fuelled by current levels of greenhouse gas emissions, will set in motion a damaging chain of events that will ultimately degrade the quality of life. As air pollution and water contamination become more prevalent, particularly in third countries, the level of disease and death associated with these two issues will increase.
Food and water scarcity is expected to rise as well, increasing the risk of malnourishment. If not, are there plans in place to implement such programmes? The EU has mainstreamed sustainable development into its development policy and is the world's most generous donor in climate finance. The EU also identified the need to integrate disaster risk reduction and adaptation into development cooperation and humanitarian response. EU Humanitarian Aid and Development Assistance are also providing financial support to overcoming crises caused by extreme climatic events, with emphasis on resilience.
Based on the recent Communication. Can the Commission confirm that the Dutch Government has been using gas to kill geese on its land since April, with the help of EU subsidies? In the past the Dutch authorities have granted permits on a regular basis for capturing and killing geese in order to prevent serious damages to crops or in the interest of public health and safety.
Measures to control geese populations are not subject to Community co-financing. On the other hand, damage caused to crops or extra costs for the cultivation of specific crops for the winter feeding of geese can be compensated under a specific agri-environmental scheme co-financed under the Dutch rural development programme for the period De Europese interne markt met o.
In de praktijk merken we echter dat nog steeds tal van grenzen en hindernissen bestaan die het dagelijkse leven van o. We kunnen echter constateren dat de oplossing voor tal van problemen wel bijzonder lang uitblijft. Volgens de meest recente informatie finaliseert de Commissie momenteel haar positie en wordt een formele beslissing verwacht begin Voor de naar schatting Voor heel wat grensarbeiders houdt dit een netto maandverlies van enkele honderden euro's in.
De diensten van de Commissie leggen momenteel de laatste hand aan hun beoordeling van de drie gevallen waarnaar het geachte Parlementslid verwijst. Begin dient een formeel besluit te worden genomen inzake verdere maatregelen voor de aanpak ervan. De Commissie wijst erop dat zij bij de beoordeling van situaties die mogelijk niet verenigbaar met de wetgeving van de Europese Unie zouden kunnen zijn, de feitelijke en juridische omstandigheden grondig moet onderzoeken en alle relevante aspecten van de zaak uitvoerig moet evalueren.
The European internal market, with, inter alia , free movement of persons, is undoubtedly one of the foundations of European cooperation. In practice, however, we observe that numerous borders and obstacles still exist which seriously hamper the everyday life of frontier workers, among other people. The most problems relate to pensions, taxation and social security.
However, we observe that solutions to many problems are taking a remarkably long time to materialise. In recent years I have repeatedly tabled questions to the Commission concerning various issues. Now I would particularly like to draw attention to the following three, which have already been causing problems for some time and with regard to which the Commission and the Member States concerned have yet to give answers to the citizens whose interests are suffering.
With regard to the Law on a purchasing power supplement for elderly taxpayers cf. According to the most recent information, the Commission is currently finalising its position and a formal decision is expected at the beginning of With regard to the solidarity contribution cf. For a good many frontier workers, this entails a net loss of several hundred euros per month.
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I would urge the Commission to state in detail, with regard to each of the above three issues, what the state of play is, what measures have been taken, what specific solution will be possible, how soon, and what possible obstacles there are. The Commission services are currently finalising their assessment of the three cases referred to by the Honourable Member. A formal decision on further action to deal with them should be taken in early The Commission would point out that, when it examines situations the compatibility of which with the law of the European Union may be in doubt, it needs to investigate the factual and legal circumstances thoroughly and carry out a comprehensive assessment of all relevant aspects of the case.
Spanje geeft Russen verblijfsvergunning. De Spaanse overheid richt zich voornamelijk op kopers met de Chinese of Russische nationaliteit. Mogen personen met een dergelijke verblijfsvergunning zich ook buiten Spanje vestigen? De lidstaten bepalen de voorwaarden voor binnenkomst en verblijf voor onderdanen van derde landen die willen investeren in het land en er langer dan drie maanden willen verblijven.
Spanje is gerechtigd alleen te beslissen over het aantal toe te kennen nationale verblijfstitels en de voorwaarden voor het toekennen van Spaanse nationale verblijfstitels aan onderdanen van derde landen. Deze EU-verblijfsvergunningen voor langdurig ingezetenen worden enkel toegekend wanneer aan de in de richtlijn vastgestelde voorwaarden is voldaan. Deze voorwaarden bepalen onder andere dat de onderdanen van derde landen minstens vijf jaar wettelijk en doorlopend op het grondgebied van de betreffende lidstaat moeten hebben gewoond. Zij moeten ook beschikken over een ziekteverzekering en voldoende middelen om zichzelf te onderhouden.
In this way, Spain hopes to promote the sale of thousands of unoccupied new homes. The Spanish authorities are mainly hoping that Chinese or Russian nationals will buy them. Member States determine the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals who wish to invest in the country and stay for longer than three months. Spain is entitled to decide alone on the number of national residence permits and on the conditions that apply when granting Spanish national residence permits to third-country nationals.
Those EU long-term residence permits are issued only when these conditions set out in the directive are fulfilled. Turkije heeft de mediawet aangepast. In de serie komt sultan Suleiman de Grote voor, die zich daar vooral met het vrouwelijk schoon bezighoudt. Hoe beoordeelt de Commissie de nieuwe Turkse mediawet die ervoor zorgt dat tv-series verboden worden? Hoe beoordeelt de Commissie deze inperking van de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de persvrijheid? Hoe beoordeelt de Commissie het dat Turkije — vooral wat betreft de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de persvrijheid — almaar verder afglijdt?
De Commissie is op de hoogte van de door het geachte parlementslid vermelde kwestie. De vrijheid van meningsuiting, die volgens de jurisprudentie van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens ook de vrijheid van kunstzinnige expressie omvat, is een grondrecht waarop de Commissie toezicht houdt in het kader van haar beoordeling van de vooruitgang die Turkije boekt bij het voldoen aan de politieke criteria. De Commissie heeft er bij diverse gelegenheden op gewezen dat Turkije tekortkomingen in dit verband moet aanpakken. Daarenboven heeft zij haar bezorgdheid geuit over de bestaande regels in verband met het verbieden van uitzendingen en de sancties die omroeporganisaties kunnen worden opgelegd.
Turkey has amended its Media Law. The characters in this serial include Sultan Suleiman the Great, whose main interest is depicted as being beautiful women. What view does the Commission take of this restriction of freedom of expression and freedom of the press? What view does the Commission take of the fact that Turkey is constantly regressing, particularly as regards freedom of expression and of the press?
Will the Commission speak out loud and clearly against this and conclude that Turkey has no place in the EU? Freedom of expression, which in line with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights includes freedom of artistic expression, is a fundamental right monitored by the Commission in its assessment of Turkey's progress towards meeting the political criteria. The Commission has on various occasions underlined the urgent need for Turkey to address shortcomings in this regard.
Moreover, the Commission has expressed its concern over the existing rules on broadcasting bans and sanctions imposable on broadcasters. Eurostat plays a particularly important role in producing macroeconomic data and statistical information, allowing sound comparisons to be made at regional level of a wide range of indicators;.
How much debt has been incurred by the Portuguese authorities? In response to the questions raised by the Honourable Member of Parliament, it is to be underlined that,. The Commission Eurostat receives from the Portuguese statistical authorities information on the total gross debt of general government sector, which includes central government, regional and local units and Social Security. Eurostat receives also from the Portuguese statistical authorities regular annual information on public-private partnerships classified in the general government sector. However, no information is available on those public-private partnerships, classified off-balance sheet of general government.
The Commission Eurostat has no complete information at present on the debt of public corporations held by central or local government units. While the Commission is aware of the existence of these data and welcomes its publication, such data is not collected nor validated by the Commission for the time being. How will the measures defined in the Annual Growth Survey be aligned with the various economic growth measures announced by the European Commission, such as the industrialisation strategy, restructuring of Community funds and support for young people?
In , the European Commission adopted the Europe strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and jobs. The Commission implements and monitors this comprehensive growth strategy on an annual basis in the context of the European Semester for economic policy coordination. The European Semester begins with the Annual Growth Survey that sets the economic policy priorities at EU and Member States' level to achieve the long-term objectives and targets.
Ongoing sectoral initiatives and new strategies at EU and national level should be aligned with the objectives of Europe and the priorities of the Annual Growth Survey whenever possible with a view to maximising the impact of EU levers for growth and the benefits of economic policy coordination at EU level. Targeted support for research in the public and private sectors, better performing education and training systems to raise overall skill levels, and a simpler legal regime for business start-ups — all of these measures can help to boost competitiveness and therefore growth.
Why is there no integrated and uniform programme to promote growth and employment, but only different announced measures? What reforms do you consider that Portugal still needs to make to stimulate economic growth and employment? The Europe strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and jobs is the European Union's integrated and uniform programme to promote growth and employment.
The European semester for economic policy coordination includes the setting of country specific recommendations, which identify the main reform challenges for the Member States. Raising the growth potential of the economy, improving competitiveness and employment creation remain of crucial importance for the success of the Programme.
In this regard, good progress has been made in implementing the structural reform agenda in a number of areas such as services, regulated professions and judiciary reform. Conversely, the countries hardest hit in terms of levels of unemployment are Spain The fourth highest rate of unemployment was recorded in Portugal How will each of these five priorities contribute to reducing unemployment in the various Member States? Do you believe that these measures are in line with others intended to reduce unemployment? Employment and social priorities remain at the forefront of the Annual Growth Survey Specific key priorities are set out for preparing for a job-rich recovery and improve the employability of workers but all five priorities of the Annual Growth Survey will contribute to reducing unemployment.
The Commission recommends in particular that the fiscal consolidation should be differentiated and future growth potential preserved.
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Member States should prioritize investments to reinforce the coverage and effectiveness of employment services and active labour market policies, such as training for the unemployed and youth guarantee schemes. The Commission presents strong guidance to Member States for their employment and labour market policies by focusing on long term unemployment, on youth unemployment — by insisting on the implementation of the Youth Guarantee — or on internal flexibility. The Commission will scrutinise Member States' policies and ongoing reforms and their potential socioeconomic impact in the context of the Semester.
What are your strategic priorities with regard to the Compact for Growth and Jobs? Will this be the main instrument of economic stimulation or are you also considering others? The Commission has tabled a wide range of proposals as part of the Compact and is working closely with the Council and the European Parliament to secure rapid adoption and implementation so that beneficial results can be felt in the economy soon. Europe is the EU's growth strategy implemented and monitored in the framework of the European semester. A complete and timely implementation of the Country Specific Recommendations will translate into structural reforms to increase competitiveness and capacity to create growth and jobs.
The success of the Compact is also key and the MFF is the main financing instrument to EU economy and the expression of the collective commitment to invest in growth and competitiveness. Given that the economic situation remains challenging and that the reforms initiated are only starting to have an impact, the Commission considers that the priorities from last year remain fully valid and that the focus should be on implementation of ongoing reforms. On the same day the Commission adopted the Blueprint for a deep and genuine economic and monetary union. It provides a vision for a strong institutional framework to ensure the stability and prosperity of the EU's financial system and economy in the future which is key to restore confidence and growth.
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Em junho de , a taxa de desemprego jovem i. This social scourge has worsened in recent months: The highest are Greece This represents a 7. Does the Commission know how many young people are currently working outside their own countries of origin and whether this is a growing trend throughout the Member States?
The Commission welcomes the various measures that Member States have adopted or are about to adopt to boost youth employment. For the age class , the trend is different: Portugal, together with Greece, Ireland, Spain and — most recently — France, is making a huge effort to improve the long-term sustainability of its public finances, and must lower its income tax rates, in line with what the Commission is now proposing;. Income tax rates and social security contributions should be cut, particularly in the case of the lowest wage earners.
At the same time, action should be stepped up on reforms to simplify labour legislation and extend flexible working arrangements, as well as to ensure that wage trends have a positive impact on job creation;. How does it view the fact that the fiscal adjustment programmes introduced with a number of Member States defend tax hikes to compensate for the increase in welfare payments, whereas the Annual Growth Survey advocates cutting income tax rates? Given this change in position, does the Commission intend to review the fiscal adjustment programmes that have been introduced with the Member States?
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Since the Commission is just one of three international bodies overseeing the fiscal adjustment programmes, does it intend to raise the awareness of the other international bodies as to the importance of maintaining current levels of labour income? Cape Verdeans' verdeans' pathways to health: Amsterdam University Press, Saberes e poderes no hospital: Childbirth and authoritative knowledge: University of California Press, The afterlife is where we come from: University of Chicago Press, Birth in four cultures: The woman in the body: A apologia do intercultural.
Personal identity and ethnic ambiguity: Social Anthropology , London,v. Doctor-patient communication, cultural competence and minority health: Journal of Health and Social Behavior , Austin, v. Traditional medicine and culture in a mexican migrant community.