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Directed Have Sold Better on th. Realidad psiquica vincular y social: Paisajes del dolor, senderos de esperanza. Salud mental y derechos humanos en el cono sur. Otra vez en pareja: Actualizaciones en psiconalisis vincular. La infidelidad en la pareja. Violencia familiar y abuso sexual infanto-juvenil. Acto perverso y novela familiar. La novela familiar del perverso. Momentos de turbulencia familiar. El deseo al servicio del orden: El sexo natural del estado: Altamira ; Nordan Comunidad.
El autor estudia el asesinato del padre a manos de las hijas en el caso Vazquez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Terapia familiar para adolescentes con anorexia nerviosa. Crisis y sucesos familiares. La pareja humana, su vida, su muerte, su estructura. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Diversidad de las configuraciones vinculares: La farmacodependencia, un problema en la familia.
Los interrogantes de la terapia familiar. Anorexia nerviosa y bulimia: Desarrollos en psicoterapia de grupo y psicodrama ed. Marti i Tusquets y L. Una historia en blanco y negro. Modalidades del procesamiento de los duelos a lo largo de las generaciones. Libro de Departamentos y Comisiones Crisis en la familia, crisis en la pareja.
La sexualidad en la pareja. El otro en la trama intersubjetiva. Antiguas nuevas formas familiares: Vicisitudes de la familia en la postmodernidad. Violencia familiar y sociedad. Gaudi, arquitecto de la sagrada familia: Violencia de Estado y compromiso contratransferencial. El tratamiento de un adolescente y las restriccion familiares: La lactancia materna en trillizos: La familia y la muerte.
Entre lo individual y lo social, la familia genera los adolescentes posibles. Familia y subjetividad en la cultura de la indiferencia. El adicto y su familia. El terreno familiar de las adicciones. Parentalidad y subjetividad en las nuevas familias. La novela familiar en la obra de Edward Burne-Jones: Lo transgeneracional en la violencia familiar.
Nuevas producciones del deseo: En la familia de origen. La familia a fines del siglo XX. La pareja y el amor: Acerca de la familia en la actualidad. El divorcio y los hijos -enfoque interdisciplinario-. El malestar de la familia y el ideal de igualdad. La vida emocional de la familia: Matriz familiar y subjetividad. Un marco general para comprender y abordar a la familia. Creencia religiosa y sectas: Mito y realidad alrededor de un nacimiento: Entre la historia y el mito. Psicodrama de un matrimonio.
En Psicoterapia de grupo y psicodrama. El infans capturado por el deseo y el discurso materno. Infidelidad o infidelidades en la pareja conyugal. La familia en el tiempo: Impotencia sexual; tratamiento conductual con pareja sustituta. Parejas en situaciones especiales.
Synonyms and antonyms of vejez in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms
Lo transgeneracional entre el mito y el secreto. La violencia en la pareja. La violencia en la pareja, Aloma, 18, , La Folie a deux: Nuevas formas de genitorialidad? Origen y destino de la familia en Occidente. El obsesivo y sus relaciones de pareja. Familia y trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: Crisis en la familia: Diccionario de psicoanalisis de als configuraciones vinculares, Buenos Aires, Del Candil. El hijo de la pareja perversa: Comentario al trabajo de Ricardo C. Trastornos mentales en Nicaragua: Observaciones acerca de la novela familiar: Entrevista con Pichon Riviere acerca de Jacques Lacan.
Tratamiento de la anorexia: La vida familiar, envejecimiento, muerte de los padres: El grupo y sus configuraciones: Las paradojas en la pareja matrimonial. Violencias en pareja y familia: Comentario al trabajo de Carlos E. Relato acerca de dos familias destruidas por la violencia institucional y la impunidad.
La pareja, una perspectiva vincular. De lo individual a lo familiar. Dilemas y complejidades de la violencia familiar. Los afectos del analista en un caso de violencia familiar. Condiciones de violencia y maltrato en familia. Violencia oculta en la familia. El tiempo en los litigios de familia.
El abordaje del paciente adicto y su familia. Los viejos, la sociedad y sus familias. Aspectos psicosociales del adulto mayor: La familia de la mujer adicta. La violencia en la familia: Perspectiva familiar y social. Modalidades actuales en familia. Un caso de histeria masculina desde el encuadre familiar. Los procesos de enfermar y curar en el contexto familiar: El despertar de la vida mental en el encuentro con el mundo externo: Familia busca escena primaria… tolerable.
De la simbiosis a la familia. Consumo de alcohol en adolescentes: Abuso de alcohol en adolescentes: Familia e implante coclear. La capacidad en la discapacidad: Cuidando a un familiar enfermo: La novela familiar…otra historia. Crisis en una familia tradicional de Kosova: El muro narcisista en la pareja y familia. El odio es mas viejo que el amor: El odio mas viejo que el amor: Acerca de las decisiones del analista. La perspectiva intersubjetiva y sus destinos: La utilidad y eficacia de las terapias de pareja: Indicadores de cambio en psicoterapia de pareja: Organizaciones fronterizas y tramas intersubjetivas.
Las familias y la crisis. Las relaciones de pareja en el siglo XXI. Universidad del Salvador, p. El psiquismo ante la prueba de las generaciones. No comer, no crecer. No comer para saber: La violencia en casa. Historias de familias, familias en la historia. Santa Ana y otros dos: El divorcio desde un Juzgado de Familia. Sus cambios y la psicoterapia. Editores de textos mexicanos. Frida Kalho y Diego Rivera. Condiciones actuales del acto instituyente. La familia, la familiaridad y el familiarismo en el abuso sexual en la infancia.
Abuso sexual en la infancia 2: El proceso de curar en familia: La voz de las familias: El vector de lo transferencial en familia: La familia como agente de cambio. Sobre como escuchar lo mudo en la tartamudez de una familia. Lacan y las ciencias sociales: La revuelta de la familia: Buenos Aires, Timerman Editores. Luz en la selva: Acerca de la familia de los creadores resumen. Attachment and Sexuality in Clinical Practice.
Journal of Analytical Psychology 51 1 Abse, S. Questions of technique when working with a borderline couple. Journal of Analytical Psychology 52 4 Abse, S. Sex, Attachment and Couple Psychotherapy: Design for a brain quoted by Simon, F. The language of family therapy. Oedipus and the Couple London: The contribution of insights from the research and clinical literature to understanding what may be happening at an unconscious level in dementia care settings is reviewed, and the implications for our understanding of the psychological needs of people with dementia and their carers are discussed.
Looking Into Later Life. Ed Looking into Later Life. Family therapy after twenty years. American Handbook of Psychiatry 2nd. New York, Basic Books. The study and reduction of the group tension in the family. Separation, anxiety and anger. Object relations therapy with the family. The history of professional marriage and family therapy. Handbook of family therapy, vol. The paper reviews the experience of the groups, reassesses the relevance of crisis theory to the transition to parenthood and considers the meaning of preventive work in this context.
Through case descriptions and research findings the impact of children on marriage is traced through the transition to parenthood. A group approach to preparing couples for parenthood is described and the experience of health visitors monitored in their individual contacts with families. The nature of the threat is examined from a psychodynamic perspective in relation to a case example, and implications are drawn for therapists in managing both presenting symptoms and the transference.
An Inside View Aberdeen: The basic assumptions of psychodynamic marital therapy are identified by exploring questions, thoughts and feelings of two co-therapists as they work conjointly with a couple. The detailed case history is a vehicle for considering practice issudes, including the process of referral and evaluation of therapy through follow-up. Couples and Children London: Family and Social Action Discussion notes which ask questions about the nature of the problems associated with becoming parents, the kind of community which exists for them and areas for change.
British Journal of Psychotherapy 3 2 The paper examines the interrelationship between an unconscious shared phantasy which had produced deadlock in a marriage and two aspects of a brief therapeutic offer of six session, namely its brevity and the decision to see partners separately. The work of a team of specialist divorce court welfare officers and their clients is described in detail, with the experiences of the professionals seen in terms of the experiences of their client parents. The nature of the often intractable problems of parents litigating over their children is examined in connection with unresolved attachments to former partners and the context of welfare work.
Losing Our Illusions Values 3 1 An exploration of the gap between statistics which indicate high levels of divorce and images of married security fostered at public and personal levels. Some illusions associated with married life are discussed, and it is argued that disillusionment is part of the experience of healthy development in marriage.
It is suggested that a lengthy history of divorce-associated litigation, very discrepant accounts of events by the avoidance of communication between parents over a prolonged period of time are predicitve of a very low likelihood of success for efforts at conciliation. National Stepfamily Association The text of an address, the paper considers the emotional environment which sustains, or fails to sustain, second and subsequent marriages, taking account of the part children play in affecting the dynamics of reconstituted families.
Understanding Problems of Intimacy Harmondsworth: An exploration of how disparate public and private expectiations of marriage complicate — and can even cause — many problems commonly experienced by couples. An examination of the psychological ties that bind partners to each other and how they can generate tensions at different stages in life.
Similarities and Differences Family and Conciliation Courts Review 28 1 The paper compares the experience of losing a partner through death and divorce, summarising some of the psychological, social and economic factors that can combine to make recovery from divorce more problematic than from bereavement.
Including contributions from Timothy Renton, Robin Skynner, David Clark and Barbara Dearnley, the book reviews the political, social, personal and therapeutic changes relevant to marriage between and Douglas Woodhouse describes the evolution of thinking and practice in the TIMS during that period in an organisational case study. The report discusses some of the difficulties of measuring the incidence of child sexual abuse and explores why the subject has become a prominent issue at this point in time.
Some reasons for and responses to the problem of child sexual abuse within the family are offered. Some implications for training are considered. The report summarises ways in which violence manifests itself in family life, considering both the nature of violence and the changes affecting families. Four broad areas of conflict in family relations are discussed which may trigger violent responses: Interactive Effects British Journal of Psychotherapy 7 4 The paper describes the nature of some of the stresses on family members of chronic child illness and its uncertain course, paying particular attention to the parental couple.
Stepfamilies in a Changing World London: Marriage, Domestic Life and Social Change. Routledge Taking a psychodynamic approach to couple relationships, this chapter examines the ties that hold people in marriage and the public and personal implications of separation and divorce. Using the image of stepfamilies as a hybrid family form, rooted in loss, and growing in an unfavourable climate, the author examines issues for adults and children following remarriage. A Question of Difference Infant Mental Health Journal 12 3 In a special edition celebrating the life of John Bowlby, the paper considers why marital satisfaction may decline with the roles and responsibilities of parenthood and pays particular attention to the problem of managing difference at personal and public levels when unconscious assumptions and conscious expectations apply pressures to merge.
National Stepfamily Association Compiled by a team of writers, this is a self-help and resource booklet aimed at parents going through the experience of separation and divorce. Public and Private Perspectives London: Karnac Book An exploration of what is meant by healthy marriage, drawing on the work of Winnicott, Maslow and Lewis. From these psychoanalytical, humanistic and systemic perspectives marriage is conceived of as a potentially facilitating environment for human growth and development. Family and Conciliation Courts Review 31 2 Creating an environment in which children can develop with trust and confidence is a key issue for social policy makers, family practitioners and parents.
Although allied by this concern, too often the three groups behave as if their interests are opposed; children can then become casualties. This report describes a model for conceptualising, in the context of divorce, how it is that potential allies can sometimes become implacable foes, and considers some ways forward.
National, Ethnic and Religious Differences in Partnership Sexual and Marital Therapy 8 1 Comprising the report on a conference of the same title, the paper summarises problems of definition, the proposition that cross-cultural marriages are subversive, areas of vulnerability and potential in such partnerships, and considers how they might better be supported. Public and Private Perspectives. The Unconscious at Work London: Routledge Drawing on the experience of a staff supervision course for managers in the Probation Service, this chapter looks at how the supervisory relationship can act as a receiver of unconscious communications which bear upon the nature of work-specific anxieties, and also some of the individual-cum-organisational defenses that are deployed to manage them.
Precisely because of its location and potential that state and quality of provision made for supervision can be taken as a key indicator of organisational health in the human services. The Family Connection Legal Executive Journal May An exploration of anxiety generated by change in the professional world of lawyers and the personal worlds of their clients, and how they interact with each other.
Argues for collaboration between legal and mental health disciplines in managing work-related stress. Women, Men and Marriage London: Sheldon Press A narrative account of the confusions women and men experience at a personal level about whether or not they have a marriage and its replications at a public level. The narrative weaves together themes developed in succeeding chapters. The text of a talk given on the occasion of a jubilee conference organised by the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council in Ireland.
Support and Advice for Health Practitioners London: West London Health Promotion Agency A psychological perspective on some of the pressures facing couples as they become parents, written for health practitioners working in the community. Sheldon Press An examination of four processes which describe and are relevant to understanding contemporary marriage: Some elements of paradox and contradiction are identified arising from these interlocking themes. Implications of Caring Responsibilities for Couples and Families Sexual and Marital Therapy 10 1 Changing patterns of family life, ageing populations, the increasing participation of women in paid employment and economic recession have, along with other factors, highlighted a key question for many countries today: The assumption that women will care as part of the historical segregation of roles in marriage can no longer be taken for granted.
The implications of this, as assessed by an international gathering of professionals working in the field, are reported on in this paper. Women, Men and Marriage. Partners Becoming Parents London: Sheldon In this chapter the relationship between family structure and process is considered. Attention is focused on processes of fusion and differentiation that accompany the parenting cycle and affect adult partnerships. A contemporary view of the Oedipal situation is invoked to answer the question raised by the chapter title, which reverts attention to the relationship between the process raised at the outset.
Sheldon This books examines the interplay between partnering and parenting roles from different professional perspectives. Two fundamental questions are addressed: It is based on a series of public lectures organised by the Tavistock Marital Studies Institute. Edinburgh Marriage Counselling Scotland Published as one of a series of public lectures commissioned by Marriage Counselling Scotland on the occasion of the International Year of the Family, this paper considers the relationship-cum-institution of marriage as situated on the boundary between public and private worlds, and past and present realities, and considers its changing social and personal functions.
A reply to the paper from the Hon Lord Clyde is included in the book. Towards a New Paradigm Sexual and Marital Therapy 11 4 A critical summary of three paradigms commonly used in relation to thinking about strategies for preventing marriage breakdown; the policing, medical and educational models. The consultative model is proposed as a fourth paradigm and an area where there is considerable potential for development.
The dictionary will contain not only definitions but also mini essays of up to one thousand words summarising key issues in relation to the main entries. Christopher Clulow has been commissioned by the SPCK to submit thirteen entries in the field of marriage and couple work.
It considers communication patterns in partnerships as function of gender and as a reflection of attachment styles that transcend gender. It considers communication patterns in partnerships as a function of gender and as a reflection of attachment styles that transcend gender. Blackwell Encyclopaedia entry defining marriage and relationship counselling. No Fault or Flaw: Jordan An examination of how changing judicial procedures might affect interdisciplinary relationships in the family justice system. A critique of the measures in the Family Law Act aimed at supporting marriage, focusing on psychological processes and their potential for affecting how proposed procedures might work out.
Integrity and Brokenness Edinburgh: An overview of changes affecting the public and private faces of marriage, assessing its contemporary purposes and focusing on psychological functions of the couple relationships. Adult Attachment and Couple Psychotherapy London: Brunner-Routledge The dilemmas faced by a couple in dealing with unresolved loss are considered from both an attachment and psychoanalytic perspective. Loss is personal history is reflected in issues surrounding the ending of the therapy itself. Yet traditions of observational and representational research associated with it have much to offer in shedding light on intrapsychic as well as interpersonal phenomena.
This paper explores these traditions and their potential clinical utility for couple psychoanalytic psychotherapy. In particular, attention is drawn to behaviour and representations associated with the experience of reunion in therapy sessions. The Practitioners Guide to Working with Families. Palgrave Macmillan Drawing on clinical practice and action research the authors describe some unconscious processes operating within families and in relation to practitioners during the transitions of separation and divorce.
These are understood within the conceptual frameworks of attachment theory and Klenian object relations theory. Particular attention is paid to the operation of defensive processes against anxiety triggered by the experience of separation and loss, and implications for professional practice are explored.
Meditation und Kinderbegleitung Vienna: Jungian Psychology and the Emergent Mind. Journal of Analytical Psychology 49 3 Clulow, C. Sexual and Relationship Therapy 20 3 Clulow, C. Raynor, E,, Rose, J. Brunner Routledge Clulow, C. Aronson This chapter reviews the place of attachment theory in psychoanalytic work with couples. From the tradition of observing mother-infant interactions, and the representation of states of mind through narrative styles, it considers the nature of emotional truth and the role of mirroring in creating a sense of self.
These perspectives are applied to the adult couple relationship, with a clinical illustration of the significance of reunions for couple psychotherapy. Family Law The assumption underlying this paper is that the key to finding durable solutions to problematic family processes affecting children in the family justice system lies in the relationship between their parents. Different kinds of anxiety accompanying family change are examined and illustrated and some conclusions are drawn for professional practice.
Theoretical and Clinical Studies London: A Problem of Identity in Cross-Cultural Marriages Journal of Family Therapy 4 Discusses the cases of five cross-cultural couples aged years seen in couple therapy. It is argued that marrying out of their own culture provided the partners with a more definite identity, while also giving a valid reason for avoiding difficulties inherent in the process of developing their identity within their original culture.
Aims at identifying how patients alert their doctors to marital problems. Journal of Social Work Practice 4 1 Comments on a series of articles which emerged from a seminar on psychotherapy across cultures held at the Tavistock Centre Cohen, N. Work with two couples illustrates the theme of the unconscious choice of partners based on their shared experience which is linked with feelings of exclusion and rejection. A positive association is found in six areas: A deatiled study of the work of a telephone helpline for parents under stress, including physical and sexual abusers.
It explores the anxieties which underlie all helping relationships as they emerged in the complex interaction between volunteers, their callers and professional workers, and examines the specific shape these anxieties take in relation to child abuse on the one hand and the constraints of telephone work on the other. The author argues that the core of envy is a sense of having insufficient resources to exist as a viable and valuable person and is related to environmental failure.
The sense of lack gives rise to a compensatory fantasy of an all-providing other who is always out of reach, against which destructive spoiling may be instigated as a defense. The paper argues for a positive re-valuation of masculinity, distinguishing its aggressive from its destructive aspects and exploring the roots of male destructiveness in terms of maternal rejection of phallic strivings and the inability to make a positive identification with a creative father and a parental couple in creative intercourse. Karnac Books This paper differentiates between fidelity as a legally imposed requirement of marriage and as a personal guarantee given by each partner of the specialness of the other.
The latter requires psychological struggle to reconcile personal and social needs — a process that is defined as moral work. The conflict and reconcilement between personal and social needs is explored through four well known stories of love, marriage and infidelity: Psychotherapy with Couples London: Although individuation refers to the development of a unique self this can only take place in the context of relationship to something other than self.
Ultimately it refers to the capacity for a psychological union of opposites, symbolised as the internal couple. Various difficulties in establishing the internal marriage are considered in relation to the couple, especially the wish for fusion as an avoidance of separateness and the problem of unequal development in the two partners.
Karnac Books This paper argues that the purpose of marital therapy is to promote the capacity of the marriage to act as a psychological container for the two individuals within it. Distinctions are made between marriage as a therapeutic institution and the institution of therapy and between the task of individual therapy and that of marital therapy. The paper compares and contrasts different forms of containment and examines links with related concepts such as holding and attachment.
Love, Desire and Infatuation Journal of Analytical Psychology 39 4 This paper looks at the experience of falling in love. It shows the universality of the experience and investigates its peculiar mixture of sublime spirituality and intense bodily passion, drawing on Plato and love poetry from the Renaissance to the present. It is a unique experience which, although containing features associated with earlier phases of development such as idealisation and the longing for oneness, cannot be entirely derived from them since it is particularly associated with initiation into adult life.
Their typical interaction constitutes a shared defence against their mutual lack of security about belonging to the gender correlated with their biological sex. Anima and animus are initially mediated by the oedipally loved parent and subsequent manifestations bear the imprint not only of the parent themselves but of the entire complex of object relationships in which Oedipal love is embedded. The clinical material explores the damaging impact of a split parental couple on this process and the positive role of idealisation as a stimulus to psychic development.
Post Adoption Centre Cudmore, L. This paper explores the difficulties couples face when mourning a baby who has never been known in reality. With an ever increasing number of miracle treatments for infertility, couples face difficult decisions about when to stop treatment, face the reality of not having children and begin the mourning process. The absence of a real baby makes mourning particularly difficult. When the paper was written, the research project that focused on this theme was still in its early stages.
The paper looked broadly at the difficulties couples face when both partners are grieving as a result of traumatic loss, and when they mourn in different ways. The ideas were illustrated with two clinical examples. Sexual and Relationship Therapy 20 3 Daniell, D. Complementary Aspects of Personal Identity International Journal of Social Economics 12 2 Clinical material is used to illustrate the complementary nature of love and work. Unconscious as well as conscious motivations in both marital and occupational choice are explored alongside one another.
The personal costs of loss of work are considered. A Psychodynamic Approach In: Marital Therapy in Britain London: Harper and Row This paper provides an introduction to key concepts and contextual considerations in marital psychotherapy. The nature of marital disturbance, choice of partner, shared phantasy, shared defense and therapeutic contract are all illustrated by clinical material.
Psychodynamic Observation and Old Age Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 17 3 Psychodynamic observation has been used successfully as a core component of training for child and adult psychotherapists with the NHS. This paper will describe the use of the psychodynamic observational method in the multidisciplinary training of health professionals working with older adults. In becoming aware of the emotional impact the interplay between the individual and their environment may produce, participants will learn from their own experience about factors, conscious and unconscious, which can support or impede development and adjustment to transitions in the later part of life.
It allows thinking in depth to take place about the experience of the older person as well as the difficulties encountered in the caring role. The second half will describe two observations, one in a more normative setting of an outpatient health clinic for older people, and the other in a nursing home where the older person and staff are confronted with a greater degree of physical and mental deterioration.
The crucial unsaid influences in supervision are understood in the context of transference, the reflection process and the triangular relationship. Wandsworth Social Services Department. An account of ten years work with supervisors, presenting a theorectical model and a consumer evaluation. Clinical studies towards a psycho-analytic theory of interaction. Eichenbaum Luise Between Women: Eiguer Alberto Status of psychic reality in adolescence. Eiguer Alberto The intersubjective links in perversion, International Journal of psychoanalysis, London, 88, Eiguer Alberto Disorientated parenthood.
Journal of the Holland Psychoanalytic Association. Family myths and homeostasis. Karnac Books This paper explores a common dynamic in couples who are caught in a frustrating relationship which can end in hopeless despair and finally separation. It focuses on the experience of not being able to get through to be impenetrable other and explores how this is rooted in a failure to come to terms with the emotions of the three-person Oedipal conflict.
Karnac Books Fisher, J. Patterns of Relating in the Couple Sexual and Marital Therapy 12 3 This paper offers a preliminary description of a model of complex attachment in adult couple relationships that encompasses attachment theory and an object relations approach to couple functioning. The authors draw on the theorectical and empirical bases of the Strange Situation Test, the Adult Attachment Interview and data from a TMSI pilot study to formulate patterns of complex attachment.
A conceptualisation of couple functioning is offered which allows for both the fixed and reciprocal ways in which one partner may act as the attachment figure for the other. This book brings together the insights of psychoanalysis and their application to work with troubled couples with an original and closely argued reading of some classic plays about marriage. The psycho-analytic study of the family. Family psychopathology and child functioning.
Child and family studies, 2: New York, Brunner-Mazel Publishers. The paper focuses on exploring the difference against the pain that ensues from unconsciously facing the primal scene aspect of the Oedipus situation, and how the proposal of dismantling these defences feels catastrophic to certain couples. The paper discusses the theoretical dimension of these cases and of how a clinical understanding of the problems can help some couples work through these problems. They suggest that the dynamics of threesome relationships undermine the thinking capacity of therapists working in this mode.
It is difficult for the single therapist to establish a satisfactory working distance from the client couple because it revives oedipal anxieties. Reflection on Threesomes Bulletin of the Society of Psychoanalytical Marital Psychotherapists 5 Douglas Haldane, who is an honorary member of SPMP, collaborated with Christopher Vincent in writing this paper which seeks to unravel some of the reasons why threesome therapy with couples is relatively under-reported when compared to the literature on co-therapy with couples.
Feelings of exclusion, on the one hand, or being overwhelmed on the other, are commonly encountered. Feelings of shame may also be elicited if the focus on the couple is lost and alliances with one of the clients at the expense of the other are made. This paper seeks to fill a gap in the literature and to explore some aspects of the experience of working in this mode. The paper places current threesome practice in context by locating it within the overall development of couple psychotherapy and counselling in the UK and by referring to important texts in the professional and research literature.
The authors suggest that two major difficulties inherent in threesome couple work explain why professional reflection is absent in this area of practice. First, the emotional power of couple dynamics can result in the therapist feeling either overwhelmed or, alternatively, excluded. In both cases the capacity for professional self-reflection is either minimal or attacked. Second, therapists working on their own may experience shame when their focus on the couple is lost and alliances with one partner at the expense of the other are formed.
The thesis of the paper is that the individuation process is both an intra-psychic experience and inter-psychic one which relies on relationships with external figures to enable development. The adult couple relationship is taken as one of the key areas of emotional life for the individuation process and as an area that cab best show up false starts, successes, or even retreats in psychological development.
Using the poetry of William Blake and the work of Michael Fordham, I show a process of anti-individuation going on in the relationship between the characters of Lester and Carolyn Burnham in the film. Hove, Brunner-Routledge Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 76 1 Hewison, D. The paper describes the approach to the subject and the mix of qualitative and quantitative methods used.
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- libro psicologia del desarrollo adultez y vejez pdf.
- Historica Erotica Volume 20;
As the Tavistock Marital Studies Institute has a history of contact with Jungian analysts from the Society of Analytical Psychology, Jungian concepts are included in the model. I illustrate this with an extended clinical example from a supervision of a couple therapy with a couple who are experiencing striking difficulties in consummating their marriage. I conclude with a reflection on the impact of the imagination on the supervisory relationship as well as on the couple relationship. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists. It was delivered in conjunction with a presentation by the artist and art-critic Mathew Collings.
It focused on two different things: Jung on artistic creation, and secondly, the problems that art faces us with today. These are — how to determine what is art and what is not; how to encourage more of it; and how to understand what it has to say to us. A View from the Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships British Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision Newsletter December This short paper gives an overview of the distinctive tradition of training and thinking in staff supervision and its links to the supervision of clinical work with couples.
It ends with a suggestion about how the supervisor may need to change the way they supervise as the supervisee develops. International Psychoanalytic Association, Journal of Analytical Psychology 53 3 Hewison, D. Learning and Teaching in Social Work London: This is heightened in contemporary conditions of rapid organisational change.
The struggle to identify and understand such interactions may provide the core experience that enables learning to be transferred to the work-setting. Focuses on the interaction between supervisor and supervisee in the agency context and explores the interdependence of task and process in supervision. There are numerous examples from practice, and the book is highly welcome to current staff of the TMSI. Therapy for children and families. Obstacles to this normal process are considered.
This abridged paper was part of a presentation to the British Infertility Counselling Association, and was clearly relevant to the couples facing infertility. This paper was delivered as part of a workshop on the Inner World of the Child given in Dublin in October A Portrait of Family Grief: The paper looks broadly at the difficulties couples face when both partners are grieving as a result of traumatic loss, and when they mourn in different ways. New Haven, Yale Univ. Mistification, confusion and conflict.
Family and Individual structure. The predicament of the family. The politics of the family and other essays. Containment as an Active Process Psychodynamic Counselling 4 4 This paper reviews the use of the concept of containment in social work and counselling, and aims to clarify its original psychoanalytic meaning. Different uses of the term are discussed, and it is argued that the concept has become weakened in its widespread application.
Examples are provided to illustrate the need for active work to make sense of what is presented by clients, as opposed to passover receptivity. This is a detailed textual commentary from a clinical perspective, noting the points at which material could have been taken up in transference, the clues to the transference in the text and the consequences of not thinking about the session in this way. At the same time the assessor needs to explore the question of appropriateness of different possible treatments, which may necessitate explicitly seeking certain kinds of information, relating, for example, to early experience or to risk assessment.
The various points of view can be felt to be in conflict with each other, and I suggest that different parts of this complex enterprise are unfamiliar to, and may be neglected by different professional groups. These instruments tend to be tightly tied to overt verbal sequences of behavior. In particular, an instrument is needed which can pick up the type of changes sought by psychoanalytically orientated therapy, since these may not show a simple correlation with established self-report or observational measures.
A measure is discussed which evaluates the aspects of interaction of which the couple may be unaware, using clinical inference as well as observation. This form of therapy aims to facilitate change in the relationship between the partners. It focuses not simply on partners as individuals and not only on the conscious and rational level, but also on the interaction between partners that operates unconsciously, which, if not engaged with, can interfere powerfully with the possibility of lasting change.
Such assessment requires that the assessor is trained in perceiving unconscious processes, both in themselves and in their patients, and also is accustomed to thinking of couples as a unit in this sense. It presents some theoretical ideas about couple functioning. The relevance of the family to psychoanalytic theory. Divorce terminable and interminable. Journal of Applied Psychoanalytical Studies. Intrapsychic, Interpsychic and Transpsychic Communication.
In New Paradigms for treating relationships; ed. Divorce Terminable and Interminable. Lanham, MD, Janson Aronson, pp. Transgenerational repeating, transgenerational working-through, the shared family unconscious working-through fantasy. Change and Renewal in Psychodynamic Social Work: The problem for any supervisor is in knowing when to intrude and when to be excluded. Medical Progress and Social Implications London: CIBA Foundation This paper draws on the experiences of couples who sought help for their troubled marriages after an abortion had affected their relationships. The Impact of Unemployment London: An exploration of the psychological meanings invested in different kinds of work by individuals and couples, it shows how some jobs like some marriages, may be used to contain emotional conflicts.
The loss of work is considered in this context, and the special difficulties of those employed to help the unemployed are discussed. A teaching video has been based on the book. Tavistock Marital Studies Institute. Child, family and community: Studies on extended metapsychology. The way projective identification is used to create this kind of relationship is explored. Clinical material is presented and technical issues considered.
Karnac Morley R E. London, The Family Welfare Association. Journal of Social Work Practice. Psychoanalytic Studies, 2, 2 Morley, E. The influence of sibling relationships on couple choice and development: London, Karnac Books Muir, R. The family, the group, transpersonal processes and the individual.
Dream and Family, Funzione Gamma Journal, 2, ottobre , www. The introduction of a third party into the transference dynamic of the couple,Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 5 3: New Paradigms for Treating Relationships. The Family and Psychosis: Interpretation in the psychoanalytical psychotherapy of couples, International Review of Psychoanalysis of Couple and Family, 2, www.
The generational roots of violence in youth, International Review of Psychoanalysis of Couple and Family, 1, www. Psychoanalysis of married couples. Counselling the Couple and Collaborating in the Team In: Blackwell Sciences Drawing on joint research with the Royal Free Hospital, this chapter shows how counselling with a couple approach can help partners bear the emotional pain of infertility and sustain the hope of a solution together, instead of these functions becoming destructively split between them.
This throws light on the similar splitting which can occur between counsellor and clinician in the treatment team. This study found that such couples relied on their own partnership as their main resource for managing stress. History and Dialectics, London, Paperback. Sheldon This paper describes how both past and prevailing ideology about stepfamilies needs to be rethought especially in the light of the present increase in numbers of complex family arrangements. There is a tendency to either denigrate stepmothers or else in the recent literature to relieve them of responsibilities and point a finger at the first marriage instead.
This paper focuses on the couple relationship whilst keeping the family in mind; it argues that second marriages when they encounter difficulties can be overloaded with negative feelings, more so than first marriages; some of the reasons for this are discussed. It offers a debate about the dilemma that most couples use their GP as their first port of call and yet services are available primarily in the voluntary sector. In addition more training is needed for this area of work.
By using an example from the Balkans, in which people are no longer able to think, but instead use rigid and meaningless categories to describe themselves and others. A link is made with a couple who defensively stay together in a barren way for fear of being separate but cannot manage any relating. The paper explores some of the possible reasons for this kind of connection — namely an early developmental failure which can leave individuals without a sufficiently developed mental apparatus, described in the literature as a psychic skin.
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The paper argues that a failure to apprehend this level and kind of difficulty, might not only impede the therapeutic work, but even resulting in the couple constructing as more resilient defensive outer layer. The Dilemma of a Fused Couple British Journal of Psychotherapy 23 3 In this paper the writer explores the work with a couple whom she came to think of psychically like Siamese twins, stuck together in order to survive and lacking separate psychic entities with intact coverings.
Such a covering is something that we take for granted and which implies that each of us is a separate individual. However, this paper draws attention to the way that some individuals, who have not developed a robust enough sense of identity, might seek a desperate solution, by partnering with someone who shares their dilemma. The paper investigates how the underlying anxieties are primitive and serious, and the terrors which are being defended against are often in the area of suicide or breakdown so that, although couple therapy can help to loosen this deadly structure, a more containing intensive individual treatment is likely to be necessary to support the process of individuation.
Karnac Ruszczynski, S. One Flesh, Separate Persons British Journal of Psychiatry This essay offers a contemporary review of a text which, when published in , was the first attempt in Britain to outline the theory and practice of family and marital psychotherapy.

The author of the book, Robin Skynner, became a leading figure in marital, family and group psychotherapy. This essay review provides an appreciation and a critique of a now classic text. Particular attention is paid to the couple relationship. The unconscious forces which may attract a couple to each other and influence the nature of their interaction are outlined. The second part of the paper addresses the nature of the clinical work with a patient couple. A hypothesis is offered regarding possible diagnostic criteria for choosing whether to work with a couple presenting for couple psychotherapy employing one psychotherapist or a co-therapist pair.
Karnac Books This chapter offers an introduction to the TMSI by outlining its theoretical and clinical work as it has developed since the inception of the Institute in As well as sketching out some of the theoretical concepts underpinning clinical work with couples, the author also refers to the various research and writing projects undertaken in the Institute. Karnac Books This chapter focuses in some detail at the therapeutic intervention offered to couples seen for psychotherapy in the Institute.
Meaning of "vejez" in the Spanish dictionary
The author shows how psychoanalytic theory is applied to the understanding of, and working with, the intimate adult relationships. Enactments in the transference-countertransference relationship will offer the first clues that, through the unconscious processes of projective and introjective identifications, patters from the inner world of the patient or client are being repeated in the therapeutic encounter. A selection of passages from the text is included to show something of the nature of the book being reviewed. Narcissism and the Couple In: Whurr Publishers This paper explores the thesis that marital relationships are likely to contain within them a constant movement between more mature ways of relating and less mature, more narcissistic interactions.
Whurr Publishers This chapter examines inevitable oscillation between narcissistic and more mature object relating which is likely to take place in all couple relationships. Some couples will, of course, be more rigidly structured by less mature iterations. It is proposed that a committed couple relationship may offer the containment for narcissistic traits to be worked through and intergrated, to the benefit of both partners and their relationship.
Sheldon Press This paper explores the unconscious connections partners make between their earliest love relationships and the choice and nature of their intimate adult relationships. Karnac Books This paper argues that narcissism and narcissistic object relations should not be considered to only delineate more disturbed ways of relating but as likely to inform aspects of all relationships at different times and to a greater or lesser extent.
Ruszczynski restates the centrality of the unconscious and secret bond which draws the partners to each other and organises their subsequent relating. A suggestion is made that the ambivalence which is at the heart of all couple relationships stems from the inevitable ambivalence experienced towards primary parental figures. The two are interwoven with each other; true intimacy rests on the recognition of the separateness of the other; true independence rests on the recognition of the need for the other.
Transference Enactments Psychoanalytic Couple Psychotherapy, Interazioni 2 In this paper it is argued that the couple relationship, created and nurtured by the two marital partners should be considered as a psychic object in its own right which, symbolically constitutes the third element in the marital relationship. The treatment of married couples.
American Handbook of psychiatry, vol. Transference and counter-transference in the analytic treatment of families, 38th International Congress of Psychoanalysis, Amsterdam. Scharff David The Sexual Relationship: The Affective Learning of Psychotherapy. With Jill Savege Scharff. Edited with Jill Scharff. Scharff David The Future of Prejudice. Scharff Jill Savege Scharff Notes: The effort to drive the other person crazy; an element in the etiology and psychotherapy of schizophrenia.
The contributions of family treatment to the psycho-therapy of schizofrenia.
Theoretical and practical aspects. A Psycho-sexual Case Study In: A brief review paper for Current Opinion in Psychiatry focused on the contemporary practice of marital therapy from a wide range of theoretical perspectives as evidenced by English language publications over the past year.